"Zhao Shanhe, is that you?"

The person who spoke was a man wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses. He had long flowing hair that seemed to be very flowing and was tied in a ponytail casually. Anyone who saw it would feel a little different.

When Zhao Shanhe turned around, the man looked at Zhao Shanhe's face and shouted happily: "It's really you, I just said it looks like you."

"you are?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little dazed.

If it wasn't for the voice of a man, he would have thought that some elder sister was accosting him.

"Me! Don't you even know me?"

"We are classmates, and I was sitting in the back of the classroom all the time!"

The man took off his sunglasses as he spoke, and asked with a smile, "Do you recognize it?"

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe didn't call out his name immediately, the man pointed to his nose in displeasure and said, "Ren Qian is heavy!"

"Ren Qian is heavy!"

Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized, and matched up with the image of a person in his mind.

That's right, this person named Ren Qianzhong is indeed his high school classmate, and everyone is in the same class.

It's just that Zhao Shanhe was always sitting in the front at that time, while Ren Qianzhong was sitting in the back.

Although the two knew each other, they didn't have much interaction.

"Remember?" Seeing the change in Zhao Shanhe's expression, Ren Qianzhong smiled again.

"Yes, I remembered, Ren Qianzhong, why are you at the train station? This is where you are?" Zhao Shanhe glanced at Ren Qianzhong who was carrying a leather bag and asked casually.

"I just went out to do some errands and collected a debt."

Ren Qian Chongman said indifferently: "How is it? I heard that you have been doing well recently?"

"So-so." Zhao Shanhe said.

"What's so-so, a good one is a good one, and a bad one is a bad one. This matter can be so-so."

"Look at your clothes, at least you are a millionaire, right?"

"Let me tell you, if you're a million-dollar household these days, it's really good enough."

"Of course what I'm talking about can be in the county seat. If it's in the city, it's almost meaningless."

Ren Qianzhong patted his purse as he spoke.

"See? Didn't I just tell you to go out to collect debts? This is called so-so, but it's not a big deal if you collect tens of thousands of dollars."

"Well, since we met, there is nothing to say, let's make it on the hour at night."

"It just so happened that I made an appointment with Shao Zhigang and Dong Li, who also hang out in Handong City, and a few other classmates, to get together."

Ren Qianzhong was very enthusiastic.

Tens of thousands of dollars is still called so-so?

Ren Qianzhong, are you playing Versailles tricks in front of me?

But Zhao Shanhe was unmoved, but asked with a smile: "What? Are there many people in our class in the city?"

"Of course not a lot."

Ren Qian nodded emphatically, and said as a matter of course: "Everyone knows that the county town is worthless, so they all come out and work in the city."

"Let's just talk about Dong Li and Shao Zhigang. Even if they just set up a fruit stand, they can earn a lot of money in a month. It's no better than what they do in the county."

"That's it."

Zhao Shanhe was thoughtful.

"Master Ren, I'm here to pick you up."

At this moment, a man with the appearance of a driver came over and said respectfully to Ren Qian: "The car is parked outside, Young Master Ren, I'll carry the purse, let's go."

"it is good!"

Ren Qianzhong nodded slightly and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Shanhe, that's the deal. Let's meet at the Moulin Rouge in Handong City at 06:30 in the evening. I'll book a box. See you soon."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe originally wanted to refuse, he had no interest in such a classmate reunion at all.

But seeing Ren Qianzhong's enthusiastic organization, and thinking that they are all classmates, it would not be good if he acted too indifferently and rejected people thousands of miles away.

Forget it, just go.

After Ren Qianzhong disappeared from sight, Zhao Shanhe returned to the car, and after thinking about it, he called Yang E.

Yang E is also quite busy during this time, it's time to rest.

"The factory manager."

"Yang E, if you have nothing to do now, come to the city." Zhao Shanhe said.

"What are you going to do in the city?" Yang E was a little puzzled.

"I'm at the train station now. I just sent Qiuya away. Guess who I just ran into?"


"Ren Qian is heavy!"

"What? Ren Qianzhong? Just Ren Qianzhong with a little money in his family?" Yang E said lightly.

There is nothing wrong with saying this. When they were in school, Zhao Shanhe and Yang E all ate in the big canteen, but Ren Qian focused on eating in the small canteen.Whoever let that time, people have money at home.

But Yang E has always been unimpressed with Ren Qianzhong.

A self-righteous person who acts absurdly, what is worthy of Yang E's attention.

"Yes, it's him."

"I don't know what he's doing now, anyway, he's doing well anyway, and I didn't even say a word, so he arranged for me to attend the class reunion tonight."

"I heard from him that Shao Zhigang and Dong Li are also going. Yang E, I remember that you and Dong Li have a good relationship, don't you? Since she's here, you should come too and take a vacation."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and said casually: "This person, you can't say that you have to work with one string all the time, and you have to relax when it's time to relax, don't you think?"

"Dong Li is going too? All right, then I'll pack up and go." Yang E readily agreed.

"Okay, at 06:30 in the evening, Moulin Rouge, Handong City, I will wait for you at the gate, let's go in together."

"it is good!"

The time came to 06:30 in a flash.

Zhao Shanhe waited for Yang E at the door, and the moment he saw Yang E, his eyes couldn't help straightening, he glanced up and down, and said full of praise: "I said Yang E, you want to show off ?"

"Look at your clothes, and look at your makeup. If this appears in front of them, it must not surprise them."

"By the way, I remember that Ren Qianzhong chased after you, right? I guess he won't be able to walk again after seeing you?" Zhao Shanhe said jokingly.

Not to mention, Zhao Shanhe is really not talking nonsense.

Yang E's figure was originally a bumpy type, and she specially dressed up tonight.

She was wearing a purple dress that showed her figure, coupled with her experienced and mature femininity, standing there was a beautiful landscape.

Didn't you see that as long as people passing by here, they can't help but look at her more?

"I said factory manager, are you kidding me? I'm the only one who still gets the limelight."

"That means your Qiu Ya didn't come. If she came, she would really overwhelm the audience." Yang E said, curling her lips.

Zhao Shanhe chuckled: "You want to say that"

He put on a straight face, nodded solemnly and said, "I won't argue with you, I think what you said is quite right."


Yang E glared at Zhao Shanhe coquettishly, then stepped forward and said, "Mr. Factory Director, can we go in now?"

"Well, let's go, don't keep your old classmates waiting for too long!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded and walked in.

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