Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 280 You're welcome?

"Zhao Shanhe, I heard that after you and Li Qiuya got married, you have been idle all day long, and your good life has been ruined by you."

"So when you talk about eating and drinking, you should be talking about eating, drinking and having fun, right?"

Dong Li raised the corners of her eyebrows with a sarcastic tone.

"Dong Li, what nonsense are you talking about?" Yang E looked at Dong Li with displeasure, and said in a cold voice.

Dong Lixing's eyes widened: "Yang E, who said I was talking nonsense?"

"I'm telling the truth, and it's not that I don't know about him."

"Let me tell you, I don't know what he told you, but I know that everything he said to you is false, and it's all to fool you and deceive you. Don't be deceived by him."

"If you're looking for a partner, you have to find someone as stable and promising as Qian Zhong."

Dong Li's chatterbox seemed to be opened at once, she glanced at Zhao Shanhe contemptuously, and then introduced Ren Qianzhong to Yang E.

"Do you know what Qian Zhong is doing now?"

"Let me tell you, Qianzhong's family is in the cloth business, and the business is very big. Many garment factories use their cloth."

"He is now the general manager of the factory, with great power in his hands and a bright future."

"By the way, Yang E, didn't you say that you are still single? If that's the case, you might as well have a relationship with Qian Zhong."

After all, Dong Lichong waved to the side: "Qianzhong, you like Yang E anyway, right?"

"Since this is the case, you don't have to be shy and embarrassed."

"We are all classmates, if you speak out, we will only congratulate you, don't you think so?"

Dong Li said cracklingly, messing up the mandarin ducks.

Yang E's face gradually turned cold.

Instead, Ren Qianzhong smiled and waved his hands.

"Dong Li, what you said is a bit too straightforward."

"Let me tell you, yes, I admit that I like Yang E, but Yang E must agree to this matter."

"She is a girl anyway, she will be shy."

After saying this, Ren Qianzhong looked at Yang E.

"Yang E, don't worry about it. We are all classmates. Dong Li was just joking."


Yang E looked over with cold eyes.

"Is there such a joke? I don't think it's funny at all."

"Dong Li, if something like this happens in the future, you'd better stop talking about it. I will decide my own affairs."

"My dad doesn't even urge me, so you probably don't have the qualifications to urge me."

"Me!" Dong Li was at a loss for words.

"You speak a word!"

Dong Li kicked Shao Zhigang fiercely, and Shao Zhigang who was kicked like this laughed and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Zhao Shanhe, we are all classmates, we can also see that Yang E and you have a good relationship. "

"But, since you already have Li Qiuya, don't provoke Yang E anymore, or we won't be able to meet each other in the future, right?"


"and also!"

Just as Zhao Shanhe wanted to speak, he was forcibly interrupted by Shao Zhigang. He said arrogantly: "We are all classmates, who doesn't know who?"

"You're just an idle bastard, and you fooled Yang E with sweet words. How can you compare with Boss Ren?"

"If you want wealth and background, you don't have wealth background, and if you want social status, you don't have social status."

"Nothing, why do you say you pester Yang E like this?"

"If I were you, I'd be ashamed and smash myself against a wall."

"So for the sake of everyone being classmates, if you say that if you still have a little self-knowledge, you should leave Yang E quickly and swear that you will never pester her again."

"In this case, we can still be classmates. Otherwise, don't even think about being a classmate. If I know that you still dare to pester Yang E, don't blame me for being rude!"

You're welcome?

Zhao Shanhe was speechless, he was really helpless by this bastard couple.

Shao Zhigang, a fat man weighing two hundred catties.

Dong Li, a skinny black stick.

The two of you, fat and thin, complement each other perfectly, but it's your business if you want to please Ren Qianzhong, why do you have to drag me into it?

Do you think that by stepping on my shoulders, you can make Ren Qian think highly of you?

And you are too heavy.

I can see it, maybe you didn't think about targeting me at first.

But after you saw that Yang E and I were so close, you began to show the intention of looking for trouble everywhere.

As soon as you do this, the few people present want to flatter your stinky feet, and they all start to speak according to you, and start to do things according to your ideas.

Such a classmate meeting is really nonsense.

"Shao Zhigang, I remember you fell into a latrine before, right?"

"I didn't expect to fall into it at that time. Up to now, your mouth is still so stinky, it's unbearable."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking slowly, he frowned deliberately, raised his hand and slapped his nose twice, making a look of disgust.


Shao Zhigang, who was originally arrogant, changed his expression the moment he heard these words.

That incident was his shame, an embarrassing incident that he never wanted to mention in his life, but who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would poke his sore spot as soon as he opened his mouth, and the anger in his heart burst out.

He pointed at Zhao Shanhe and roared angrily: "Zhao Shanhe, what's so awesome about you, you're a bastard, what right do you have to show off your power in front of me?"

"Showing off your might?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said disdainfully: "I really don't mean to show off my power, but if you insist on thinking so, I have nothing to say."

"Yang E, I don't think the food here tastes very good, what do you think?"

"I think so too." Yang E nodded.

"In that case, let's go."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he stood up.

"Zhao Shanhe, it's fine if you look down on me, Mr. Ren is still sitting here, why don't you give him face?" Shao Zhigang shouted harshly.

"Yang E, where are you going?" Dong Li hurried over and grabbed her arm.

Although Ren Qianzhong said he was still sitting, his eyes turned a little cold and stern, and he said to Zhao Shanhe unhurriedly: "Shanhe, we are all classmates, there is no need to make a fuss like this?"

Zhao Shanhe snorted coldly: "Ren Qianzhong, you still know that we are classmates."

"I thought you had forgotten all about it, but it doesn't matter. You can continue to eat this meal, and I won't accompany you."

Zhao Shanhe ignored the coldness in Qianzhong's eyes, turned around and walked towards the door.

Yang E followed closely behind.

"Yang E, what are you doing?"

"Ren Qianzhong managed to organize a bureau to invite you to dinner. Look at what you have become." Dong Li said and wanted to pull Yang E's arm again.

Who would have thought that Yang E would easily dodge, and then look over with cold eyes.

"Dong Li, if you want to flatter Ren Qianzhong, go for it, don't drag me, I'm not interested in him."

After speaking, Yang E turned her head and left.

Seeing the two walking out like this, Shao Zhigang said angrily, "What the hell, you really treat yourself like a green onion."

"Mr. Ren, don't be as knowledgeable as they are. They just haven't seen the world."

"Come on, let's continue drinking."


Just when Shao Zhigang's words had just landed, Ren Qianzhong suddenly stood up, and chased after him in three steps at a time, bypassing Zhao Shanhe and the two, and facing the few people who had just walked in from the opposite side.

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