"Have you heard? It seems that Zhao Shanhe went to look for County Magistrate Du, but in the end, County Magistrate Du didn't care about his affairs."

"If I were County Magistrate Du, I wouldn't care about it. I can't care about it. You can't tell people Honest Food, stop selling chewing gum. There is no such thing."

"This time, it's probably enough for Zhao Shanhe to drink a pot."

"If you want me to say that this is the red eye disease of honest food, I think Shanqiu food's chewing gum is selling well, so I want to share a piece of it."

"You say that a factory as big as theirs does this kind of thing like giving birth to children without an asshole."

"Who will have trouble with money these days?"

"Zhao Shanhe is going to the city now, and I guess he's good enough to get things done."

Such comments can be heard everywhere in Zhenghe County. Everyone is not optimistic about Zhao Shanhe, and they all think that Zhao Shanhe is doomed this time.

They also know that the most popular product of Zhao Shanhe's Shanqiu Foods is chewing gum. If this field is captured by Honest Foods, they will no longer be able to make money like they used to.

Is that really the case?

City Hall.

Zhao Shanhe came here soon and met the deputy mayor Yang Shoucheng as he wished.

However, when he said that Honest Foods faked Yile and produced Yile chewing gum, Yang Shoucheng did not show any righteous indignation.

"Mr. Zhao, that's it. I really can't mediate for you."

"How do you ask me to mediate? Could it be that you are producing chewing gum, so you can't produce honest food? There is no such thing in the world, isn't it?"

"Furthermore, Honesty Foods is a mature company. If the chewing gum they produce can be as popular as your Yile, that's a good thing, and it will stimulate the economic development of our Handong City."

"What do you think will happen if our Handong City becomes a chewing gum capital?"

Yang Shoucheng smiled gently and spoke unhurriedly.

The gum capital?

Zhao Shanhe pouted secretly, you really dare to think.

Do you think chewing gum is another product?Also want to scale.

If it is really scale, it will slow down the development speed of this industry.

However, he also heard from Yang Shoucheng's voice that the deputy mayor didn't want to take care of this matter.

The reason is similar to Du Jingming's.

Under the wave of reform and opening up, the state encourages economic development, and the government is gradually letting go. As for normal commercial competition, it is a matter between your companies, and we will not say that it will interfere indiscriminately.

"Mayor Yang, so the attitude of our city is to ignore this matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly.

"It's not that I don't care about it, it's that I haven't reached the point where I have to ask."

"After all, honest food's chewing gum is also sold legally. The municipal government is going to level the bowl of water, don't you think so?" Yang Shoucheng said with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Mayor Yang, if this is the case, then I will leave first, and then I will use commercial means to resolve this matter."

"Mr. Zhao, you still have to pay attention to unity. No matter what, you are all enterprises in Handong City. I don't want to see which company suffers losses." Yang Shoucheng laughed.


Zhao Shanhe stood up and said goodbye.

"Director Zhao, the attitude in the city is obviously favoring honest food." Yang E said a little angrily.

"That's right, but Honest Food is an enterprise in Handong City. Our Shanqiu Food has not opened a branch factory in the city, and secondly, it is under the management of Zhenghe County."

"Under such circumstances, it is understandable that the city does not support us." Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.

"But if this is the case, aren't we running in vain? The city doesn't care, the county doesn't care, so what should we do next?" Yang E asked anxiously.

"Run for nothing?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and said mysteriously: "Who told you that we ran away for nothing?"

"As you said just now, the city and the county don't care about this matter, and let us solve this matter through commercial means. This is our biggest gain."

"The biggest gain?"

Yang E froze for a moment, pondered for a while, and suddenly realized.

"You mean that in this way, Honest Food can't use the official level to deal with us?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Compared with Honest Food, what is our biggest shortcoming? It is nothing more than connections."

"I have to admit this. After all, Luo Qian'an has not been a fool in the city these years. He must know a lot of people."

"If he says he wants to play some tricks through those people, I can't guard against him."

"But now that we've made these two trips, all of his backhands will be useless."

"Next, it's time to fight us openly."

"And if the competition is really so fair, do you think I will be afraid of Luo Qian'an?"

"As far as the food produced by his honest food, you have seen what it is."

"If he really has a structure and courage, can he manage Honest Food like this? It won't change for several years?"

A kind of contempt appeared between Zhao Shanhe's brows.

"You are right. The development of Honest Food has been slow in the past two years, and there is a downward trend."

"So, I'm still very confident in facing someone like Luo Qian'an!"

"Come on, let's go now."

"where to?"

“Honest Food!”


Yang E was dumbfounded and couldn't believe her ears.

"You mean Honest Foods? What are we doing there?"

"Of course I went to Honest Food to meet Luo Qian'an, otherwise what would I do there?"

Zhao Shanhe slowly raised the corners of his lips.

"He, Luo Qian'an, doesn't pay much attention to his work, but we at Shanqiu Foods have to abide by the rules. I call it the courtesy before the soldiers."

"He Luo Qian'an doesn't accept my courtesy, then don't blame me for fighting him."


Yang E was still a little confused until she got into the car, and couldn't figure out why Zhao Shanhe did this.

You said that you went to the city government and county government to snipe Luo Qian'an's network, I can understand this.

But now why do you have to go to Honest Foods?

Could it be that when you meet him, if you give courtesy first and then fight, will he, Luo Qian'an, be subdued?

Impossible, a piece of cake as big as chewing gum is in front of him, and he has already started to eat it, so how can he spit it out again?

"Can't you figure it out? Then think about it slowly, and when you figure it out, you will understand what I mean by doing this."

Zhao Shanhe looked out the window calmly.

Fifteen minutes later, the Crown saloon pulls through the doors of Honest Foods.

Under the curious eyes of many workers in the food factory, Zhao Shanhe walked into the office building with steady and firm steps.

In the office, Zhao Shanhe met Luo Qian'an who was sitting proudly on the leather sofa and greeted him without saying a word.

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