Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 254 It's Not Ignoring, But I Can't Do It

"If you keep an eye on us, that's our enemy."

"Coincidentally, I am the same as Luo Qian'an, and I have never been soft-hearted when dealing with enemies."

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. It seems that we are going to play with this Luo Qian'an."

This is Zhao Shanhe's attitude, and it is also the highest decision of Shanqiu Foods.

Facing this decision, neither Li Xiangyang nor Yang E had any objections, because they felt that what Zhao Shanhe said was right.

Honest Food is already like this. If they keep silent, they will not only lose the market in Handong City, but also lose more markets in the near future, and even threaten the survival of Shanqiu Food.

"Factory Manager, what shall we do? Do we have a price war with Honest Food?" Yang E asked.

"Price war?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head.

"Price war is indeed a tactic, but it may not work well in this matter."

"After all, we don't have much liquidity now. If we really fight a price war, I'm afraid that we will hurt the enemy by one thousand and ourselves by eight hundred."

"And don't forget, there is a Green Arrow company out there lurking around. If they say they know about this, do you think they will stand by and do nothing?"

"Then what should we do?" Yang E looked anxious.

She is good at sales, but when it comes to this kind of thing, Yang E really has no idea.

"Don't worry, sometimes a price war may not be the only way. Let's just do it, I already know it."

"Well, Xiangyang, you stay and take command. Yang E, you and I go to the county government, and we go to see the county magistrate Du." Zhao Shanhe stood up and said.

"Meet County Magistrate Du? Do you want to ask County Magistrate Du to come forward to resolve this matter? Impossible."

Yang E said decisively: "Don't say that County Magistrate Du probably won't take care of this matter, even if he wants to take care of it, can he take care of it? After all, Honest Food is an enterprise of Handong City, not our Zhenghe County. "

"Besides, this matter involves commercial competition. I don't think the government will interfere too much."

"Because since the reform and opening up, the government seems to have gradually begun to let go of the economy. Even a large factory like Jiuquan Hardware has been restructured, so I will make this judgment."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Yang E with an admiring expression: "Yes, I know what you said, but whoever said that I asked him to interfere."

"Then don't let him interfere, what are we going to see him for?" Yang E was puzzled.

"If you have difficulties, of course you have to go to the leader."

Zhao Shanhe gave Yang E a mysterious smile, and walked out of the office laughing.

Yang E was still at a loss.

On the contrary, Li Xiangyang showed a thoughtful expression.

county government.

Zhao Shanhe soon saw Du Jingming, and after sitting down on the sofa, without any intention of hiding anything, he went straight to the point and said, "Mayor Du, I'm here today for the pirated chewing gum from Honest Foods."

"Pirate gum?"

Du Jingming suddenly realized.

"You mean Yile?"

"Yes, it's Yile. Since County Magistrate Du knows about it, it's easy to handle."

"You can also see that this Yile chewing gum is just trying to catch the enthusiasm of our Yile."

"Our name is Yile, and they are called Yile. This is clearly in our favor."

"And that's not counting, Yile has also played a price war, encroaching on many of our markets."

"Who made Yile chewing gum? It's Luo Qian'an from Honest Food. He is really despicable and shameless in his actions. He dares to do anything."

"Didn't I just not agree to sell him the formula of Yile chewing gum? He actually came up with such a trick."

"Major Du, I'm not saying I'm afraid of honest food, I just think they're doing it wrong."

"If everyone does the same thing and starts to take the piracy route, how can our country's economy develop and grow?"

"So on this matter, I hope the county government can stand up and issue a statement."

Zhao Shanhe said indignantly.

"What statement?"

"Condemn the shameless behavior of honest food, order Luo Qian'an to shut down the production line of Yile chewing gum, support genuine products, and crack down on copycats." Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

"Is that so?"

After Du Jingming pondered for a while, he raised his head and stared at Zhao Shanhe and said slowly: "Mr. Zhao, in fact, I told County Magistrate Xie about this before you came here."

"We also know that Yile chewing gum is wrong. They are just playing around the corner and want to eat up the market for your Yile chewing gum through price wars."

"But the problem is that you need to know that it is legal for people to produce chewing gum."

"As long as it is legal, we must admit it. We have no reason to accuse others, let alone order Luo Qian'an to shut down the production line."

"After all, the tide of reform and opening up is sweeping across the country, and the country is encouraging economic development."

"It doesn't make sense to say that you are the manufacturer of chewing gum. Other companies can't even touch this field. They can't produce other chewing gums, right?"

"Does that mean our county government doesn't care about this?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's not that I don't care, it's that I can't manage it."

"You'd better solve this matter through commercial means, and only by doing so, will it not come true." Du Jingming said seriously.

"In that case!"

Zhao Shanhe stood up slowly, and said calmly: "Major Du, I will use my method to solve this matter, but I hope that since our county government has not taken care of this matter now, I hope it will not take care of it in the future. Stay neutral for now."

"Don't worry about this, it will definitely happen!"

After Du Jingming finished speaking, he also stood up and said, "Actually, there is still a solution to this matter. Although there is nothing wrong in our county, you can go to the city."

"No matter what, Honest Foods is a city-owned enterprise. If the city government comes forward to coordinate, Luo Qian'an should give it face."

"Luo Qian'an to save face?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help laughing, and said disdainfully: "Do I need his face to solve this matter?"

"Major Du, since you choose not to ignore it, then I will take care of the rest."

"I'm leaving for the city right now, so I'll take my leave first."

"it is good!"

After Du Jingming watched Zhao Shanhe's back disappear from his eyes, he shook his head helplessly.

"Honesty Foods, that is a veteran company, Zhao Shanhe, it's a good thing that you have self-confidence, but don't be too self-confident and become conceited."

"And you Luo Qian'an, you really can't change eating shit, you can go where you can make money."

"I just don't know if you can still have the last laugh like before."

After walking out of the county government, Yang E asked, "Director, where are we going now? Are we really going to the city?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"We all said that if we have difficulties, we need to find the leader. Since the county leader can't solve it, then let's go to the city leader."

"Chen Ju, go directly to the city hall, I'm going to see Mayor Yang."


After a neat turn, the Crown sedan drove towards Handong City.

At the same time, the news that Zhao Shanhe had run into a wall in the county government also spread quietly.

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