Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 256 What You Said Is Wrong!

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhao from Shanqiu Foods? What brought you to my place? What? Do you want me to do something?"

Luo Qian'an, who was sitting still, glanced at him contemptuously, and said arrogantly.

Zhong Qianxi and the others are all senior executives of Honest Food, and they are also in the office at the moment, and they looked over with mocking expressions.

No one here welcomes Zhao Shanhe.

Facing this kind of battle, Zhao Shanhe took his time, pulled a chair over at random, and sat down as if nothing had happened.

He pretended not to see the contemptuous light in Zhong Qianxi's and the others' eyes, and said calmly, "Luo Qian'an, you should know why I came here."

"Ah? I don't know." Luo Qian'an widened his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and spread his hands, pretending to be ignorant.

Zhao Shanhe snorted coldly, and said seriously: "I don't know? Then I'll tell you to let you know that I'm here for the Yile chewing gum you produced."

"I think you should stop producing this pirated chewing gum immediately. Even if you really want to produce it, I suggest you change the name."


Luo Qian'an raised his head and laughed wildly, laughing so hard that tears were about to fall.

Zhong Qianxi and the others also laughed.

"Zhao Shanhe, I said you're okay? You came to our honest food just to say that?"

"Which onion are you? If you say you want us to change the name, then change the name. Who do you think you are?"

"Piracy? Who told you that we are pirated? We are the regular original!"

In such sarcastic remarks, Zhong Qianxi said indifferently: "Zhao Shanhe, you are also the director of two factories after all, how can you say such unlevel words."

"That's right. After all, your two factories are very small. One was converted from an ice factory and the other from a cannery. It's really difficult for you to say how good you are."

"Ha ha!"

Several people laughed along.

"Laugh? Why do you still have the nerve to laugh? If I were you, I would have crawled into a crack in the ground in shame." Zhao Shanhe sneered.

"What are you talking about?" Zhong Qianxi's face suddenly changed.

"What did I say? I'm talking about you, and I'm talking about you Honest Food. I didn't expect such a big company to be full of a bunch of scumbags!"

"Luo Qian'an, you pat your chest and ask yourself, is this Yile chewing gum you tinkered with just trying to rub off on our enthusiasm for Yile?"

"Although you try to change the taste in every possible way, as long as people who often eat chewing gum can still tell the difference, you are covering up on our basis."

"Also, for your own selfishness, you even encouraged those sellers to suspend cooperation with our Shanqiu Foods. Don't you think it's unprofessional to do so?"

Zhao Shanhe crossed his hands in front of his chest, shouting angrily with a stern expression.

"Professional ethics?"

Luo Qian'an suddenly shot up at the case, pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose and shouted: "Zhao Shanhe, stop talking nonsense to me here!"

"Our Honest Food is an excellent company in Handong City, and we cannot allow you to frame and slander here."

"If you dare to do this again, be careful I will sue you for defamation."


Zhao Shanhe ridiculed again and again.

"Are you aware of the slander, Luo Qian'an, let me ask you a very serious last question, will you remove Yile chewing gum?"

"No withdrawal! Not only will I not withdraw, I will tell you Zhao Shanhe, just wait for me."

"My Yile chewing gum will occupy the market of Handong City, the market of Eastern Province, and the market of the whole country."

"As long as there is your Yile chewing gum, I will occupy it and destroy you!"

Luo Qian'an's eyes were cold and his tone was arrogant.

"If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

"Okay, let's wait and see."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and got up and took Yang E out of the office after speaking.

After the two left, Zhong Qianxi stepped forward and said dismissively, "Mr. Luo, is this Zhao Shanhe stupid?"

"How could he come to our factory, just to say these words."

"He also threatened us to withdraw the chewing gum production line. Is he sick?"

"We had a hard time installing the production line that went into production. How could it be possible that he would take it down just by saying a word?"

Luo Qian'an narrowed his eyes and sneered: "He is used to going smoothly, that's why he became so blind and arrogant, and felt that everything he said was right, and others should obey orders. .”

"But I don't know, in my place, his method doesn't work at all."

"No one can change what I have decided. My Yile chewing gum will definitely defeat and annex his Yile."

"Shanqiu food will be in my pocket sooner or later!"

Speaking of this, Luo Qian'an raised one hand and clenched it into a fist, his eyes were fiery.

"Mr. Luo, shall we continue to increase production?"

"Of course!"

Luo Qian'an waved his hand, and said proudly: "Give me more, unlimited increase, and increase overtime."

"I'm going to hoard the most gum in the shortest amount of time."

"Don't be afraid that you won't be able to sell it. As long as we can produce it, some buyers will come to your door."

"Who made us so cheap!"


And what happened here spread quickly.

This is not the government. There are still taboos and scruples when doing things there. People here don't care about it.

For them, Zhao Shanhe came to threaten aggressively, and finally returned without success, that was their victory, they should publicize it with great fanfare, and they should step on his shoulders to take the throne.

"Do you know? That Zhao Shanhe dared to come to our factory and threaten Mr. Luo!"

"He really has eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard. We, Mr. Luo, are afraid of him?"

"What I'm saying is, no, I left in despair. Let me tell you, Mr. Luo said that we worked hard to produce chewing gum. The more the better, the more the better!"

On the way back to Zhenghe County.

Yang E slapped her forehead suddenly, and suddenly realized: "Director, I know why you must go to Honest Food, I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of this."

"Have you really figured it out?" Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Yes, I figured it out." Yang E blinked and nodded.

"Then say it."

"Okay, factory manager, if you put it bluntly, you want to occupy a moral high ground."

"This is to let everyone know that any subsequent actions we take against Honest Food are the ones who took the initiative to provoke them first, and they were the ones who broke the rules first. This is what we call a famous example."

"In this case, no matter what we do later, it is justifiable." Yang E said with a smile.

"Am I right?"

"you said"

Zhao Shanhe said in a long voice, "No!"

"No?" Yang E frowned puzzled.

"Well, it's just wrong, I just want to scold Luo Qian'an."

"No matter what happens next, let's get rid of the bad breath first!" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

Yang E also laughed speechlessly.

I believe in you.

"Factory Manager, the preparatory work is over, shouldn't we get down to something serious?" Yang E said seriously.

"Yes, it's time to get down to business."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, his eyes were stern.

"Go back and fire the first shot."

"What's the first shot?" Yang E suddenly became excited and asked impatiently.


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