Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 225 This Is What I Want

All along, Li Qiuya's role in this kind of meeting is very special, whoever makes her identity is very special.

Everyone knew that she was the proprietress. Although she was only pretending to be an assistant, no one dared to ignore her words.

"Qiuya, what do you want to say?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"What I want to talk about is not about the two new factories, what I want to talk about is our advertisement on CCTV."

"Mr. Zhao, our advertisement is about to expire, you have to remember to renew the contract." Li Qiuya said.

"Yeah, almost forgot about it."

Zhao Shanhe slapped his forehead suddenly, Li Qiuya's reminder was too timely.

Yile Chewing Gum signed a half-year contract with CCTV at the beginning. Calculating the time, it will expire at the end of May. trouble.

"I'll make a note of this, and I'll talk about it later when I think about it."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the venue, seeing that no one else had any intention of speaking, he immediately announced: "If there is nothing to do, the meeting will end."

Everyone has something to do right now, so as soon as the meeting is over, everyone gets busy.

This is what Zhao Shanhe wants to see the most, after all, he has no skills at all, and it is impossible to say that he can do everything by himself.

The day ends in such a busy way.


Zhao Shanhe rejected invitations from many people, and accompanied Li Qiuya back home.While he was looking at the materials, Li Qiuya started to get busy, and quickly made four dishes and one soup.

Stir-fried bacon with dried tofu, braised chicken nuggets, sliced ​​beef in sauce, fried vegetables, mustard egg soup.

"Shanhe, let's eat first, and read the information after eating."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe put down the documents, sat down to eat after washing his hands, and looked at the simple four dishes and one soup in front of him, with a happy smile on his face.

"Qiuya, you reminded me very well at the meeting today, and you should talk more about things like this in the future."

"Also at Shanqiu Food, you don't need to learn anything, you can start to contact management."

"In the future, the entire Shanqiu Food will be handed over to you to manage. You can't just watch and not do it all the time, can you?"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"I see."

Li Qiuya nodded, and said gently: "There is one more thing you should keep in mind."

"What's the matter?"

"We are running out of money in our books." Li Qiuya said.

"So soon?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised, but quickly said with a smile: "Yes, no matter how favorable the policy is in Nanjue County, the minimum investment is still required."

"Jiuquan Hardware also owes a lot of money in wages and debts, as well as the CCTV advertising fees you mentioned today. If you calculate it piecemeal, it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of liquid funds left in the book."

"Until the remaining payment for the order comes in, the money will only be less or more."

"So I said that there was almost no money on the books, and I thought, why don't we wait for the decoration of our home." Li Qiuya said.

"can not wait."

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe immediately said: "There is little money on the books, but it's not that there is no money."

"Besides, the rest of the payment will come in soon, and we will have money by then."

"So the renovation work must not stop, not only cannot stop, but must speed up."

"Well, you call your parents these two days and ask them to come over and help keep an eye on it."

Hearing this, Li Qiuya replied straightforwardly: "Okay, I'll talk to my parents about it, and it's just a matter of time for them to come and stay at home for a few days."

"In the past, our place was small, but now it's such a big place, so many people can live here."

Li Qiuya felt indescribably excited when she thought that all the back and forth houses belonged to her now.

"Our dad used to be an engineer, and he knows a lot about decoration. I can rest assured that he will keep an eye on him."

"That's it, Qiuya, let's talk about your affairs." Zhao Shanhe said.

"My business? What is it?" Li Qiuya was a little puzzled.

"I'm going to let you be in charge of the CCTV advertisement in the future, and you have to keep an eye on it next time." Zhao Shanhe said directly.

"Me?" Li Qiuya pointed at her nose in surprise.

"Yeah, it's not that complicated. I'll find Zhang Jing to shoot this time. I'll talk to him about the idea. You just need to check the whole thing and pay the money." Zhao Shanhe smiled. said.

"Okay, let me do it." Li Qiuya nodded vigorously.

Seeing her expression, Zhao Shanhe smiled happily.

This kind of Li Qiuya is what I want, sunny, full of vitality, and extremely confident.

In the next few days, Zhao Shanhe entered into a continuous working state.

Although he said that he had arranged everything, he couldn't really ignore everything, and he still had to control the overall situation.

Shanqiu Food is to further increase the production of Yile chewing gum and strive to expand its market share.

Hetu Manufacturing here is also trying to speed up the rectification and integration of Jiuquan Manufacturing. At present, there are too many orders for special welding materials, which can be said to be in short supply.

Everything is going on in full swing.

It's nine o'clock this morning.

Suddenly, two people appeared outside the Baifo Cannery. They looked at the cannery in front of them with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

"How about we go back?" Lin Chuntang whispered timidly.

"Go back? Where to go?"

Hearing this, Bao Xiaofang, Zhao Shanhe's eldest aunt, immediately went crazy.

She put her hips on her hips, pointed at Lin Chuntang's nose and said, "Tell me about you, can you still be promising?"

"What did we say when we came out? Didn't it sound good? No matter what happens when we come out this time, we must discuss the matter of fruit supply. If we can't talk about it, we won't go back."

"You have retreated before talking about that. Are you still a man?"

"I was really blind to find a man like you."

"I'm not saying back down, I just don't think we need to talk to Huang Zhizhong."

"You also know that this matter is related to Zhao Shanhe. As long as we do the work of connecting Zhao Shanhe, Huang Zhizhong dare not refuse." Lin Chuntang explained in embarrassment.


It was good that Bao Xiaofang didn't listen to this, but when he heard this, he bluffed like a cat whose tail was stepped on, pointed at Lin Chuntang and shouted loudly: "Lin Chuntang, do you really think I'm easy to deceive?"

"Zhao Shanhe is the boss now, and he's doing well."

"But what does he do? He makes hardware. What does Boss Huang do? He makes canned food."

"A piece of hardware, a can of food, eight poles can't hit the edge."

"You still lied to me that Huang Zhizhong didn't do business with us because of Zhao Shanhe, is it possible?"

"It's clear that you offended Boss Huang, that's why he did this."

"Let me tell you, no matter what this time, you have to apologize to Boss Huang. If you can't get his order, don't go back."


Bao Xiaofang walked towards the cannery with strides.

Li Chuntang followed behind dejectedly, thinking helplessly, why did he marry such a stupid daughter-in-law? Who said that irrelevant businesses can't influence each other?

You just expect to be disappointed!

After half an hour.

When the two of them came out of the Baifo Cannery, Bao Xiaofang, who was upright just now, suddenly looked like a frost-beaten eggplant, his face was a little pale, and he muttered to himself.

"Is it really because of Zhao Shanhe?"

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