1991 4 Month 5 Day.

This day is a very important day on Zhao Shanhe's commercial road, and it is a day worthy of celebration and permanent commemoration.

Because on this day, both Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing have successfully taken a breakthrough step: building a branch factory.

Shanqiu Food is located in Nanjue County.

Hetu Manufacturing won Jiuquan Hardware.

Both factories have begun to expand their scale and increase their production capacity.

And on this day, Zhao Shanhe's reputation began to spread in the business circles of Zhenghe County, and everyone in business knew that Zhao Shanhe's rise was unstoppable.

If they want to look at and evaluate Zhao Shanhe with the old eyes in the future, it is far from enough, and they are not qualified.

county government.

As the signing ceremony ended, Xie Nanfang said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, it's up to you. I hope you can turn Jiuquan Hardware into profit as soon as possible."

"I will." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"That's it. You can talk to County Magistrate Du about anything you have."

"it is good!"

After Xie Nanan left, Zhao Shanhe followed Du Jingming to his office. After sitting down, Du Jingming pointed to the tea in front of him and said, "Try the Biluochun I just bought."

"I definitely want to drink County Magistrate Du's tea." Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup with a smile and began to taste it carefully.

He already knew what happened before from Chen Jiguo, and knew Du Jingming's support for him at the last moment.

Now that someone has already thrown out an olive branch, of course I want to catch it.

"Mr. Zhao, now that Jiuquan Hardware has been given to you, I want to ask, what are you going to do?" Du Jingming asked.

"County Du, I have a detailed plan for the turnaround of Jiuquan Hardware."

"But for now, the top priority is to resume production as soon as possible."

"You know how urgent the order for non-ferrous metal solder is. I will ask Jiuquan Hardware to do this first."

"To be honest, the existing orders alone are enough for Jiuquan Hardware to be busy for a while." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"That's fine."

Du Jingming thought to himself, he did not choose the wrong person, if Jiuquan Hardware was handed over to Sifang Industry, what would happen.But now if it is handed over to Zhao Shanhe, he will be able to make the factory run immediately.

"One more thing."

Du Jingming pretended to be casual and asked, "I heard you went to Nanjue County?"

Seeing Du Jingming clearly caring, but pretending not to care, Zhao Shanhe felt amused: "Yes, I just came back from Nanjue County, this time I went there to sign a contract with County Mayor Liang. "

"Do you really want to move Shanqiu Foods away?"

Du Jingming couldn't hold back anymore after hearing this, and said in a hurried tone: "You have to know that our Zhenghe County has always supported the development of Shanqiu Food."

"Whatever policy you want, as long as it is within the scope of the rules, I will give it."

"And you should also know that if you move the factory rashly, there will be a lot of impact"

Du Jingming began to speak eloquently.

By the end, he was a little emotional.

"Mr. Zhao, I know that you have an opinion on our county's hesitation between Hetu Manufacturing and Sifang Industry, but no matter how much you have an opinion, you can't act recklessly, right?"

"I think you should think twice about something as big as moving the factory."

"As long as you get rid of this idea, then everything is negotiable, what do you say?"

"County Du, I will listen to you." Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Listen to me?"

Du Jingming was stunned. I said so much just now, and you just said this?An understatement and dismissed me?

"Yes, I just listen to you, I will not move Shanqiu Food! I have never thought about moving away."

"As for your opinion on what you said, you are overthinking. I don't think that way. I still trust our county and you." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"But didn't you go to Nanjue County to sign the contract?" Du Jingming couldn't understand.

"Yes, the signing is a contract, but it is a contract for a new factory building."

"You also know that if Shanqiu Foods wants to develop and grow, we can't always guard our corner of Zhenghe County. Sooner or later we have to go out."

"That's why we will cooperate with Nanjue County to build a new factory there, so that we can use the geographical advantages of Nanjue County to sell products to Linshi and Linzhou."

Zhao Shanhe explained with a smile.

It turned out to be the case.

The stone hanging in Du Jingming's heart fell to the ground quietly, and he looked at Zhao Shanhe with eyes full of appreciation.

It is worthy of being the one that I value especially, and I am really particular about doing things.

"You are right. If Shanqiu Foods wants to grow, it must expand its scale. Nanjue County is also a good choice."

Du Jingming began to chat with Zhao Shanhe at ease.

After about ten minutes, Zhao Shanhe got up, took his leave and left.

When he returned to Hetu Manufacturing, all [-] workers had signed employment contracts, and they all reported back to Jiuquan Hardware, etc., ready to accept new work arrangements at any time.


Zhao Shanhe immediately called Li Xiangyang and the others over.

You must know that this period of time will be very busy, and it is impossible for everyone to say rest and move.Otherwise, such a large stall could not be easily erected.

"As you all know, Hetu Manufacturing has successfully acquired Jiuquan Hardware and opened a new factory in Nanjue County."

"The entire month of April is going to be very important for everyone here, and it cannot be taken lightly."

"I hope that each of you will be able to adjust your time and try to get these two things resolved by the end of April."

Zhao Shanhe was not polite, and after sweeping the audience, he began to arrange work.

"Deputy Factory Manager Li, I will leave the affairs of Nanjue County to you."

"You have selected someone to go with you in the past two days. The things to be discussed have already been discussed with Nanjue County, so there is only one thing you have to do, which is to build the new factory in the shortest possible time. Is there any problem? ?”

Zhao Shanhe asked sideways.

"No!" Li Xiangyang replied loudly immediately.

"Okay then, I'll leave this to you."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he looked at Yang E.

"Yang E, you are from Jiuquan Hardware, and our new factory Jiuquan Manufacturing will be entrusted to you."

"I will give you three days to sort out all personnel relations, including workers' wages, benefits after signing the contract, etc., as well as all foreign debts owed by Jiuquan Hardware. You should also sort out and solve them as soon as possible."

"If you need to approve the money, you sort it out and report it to me, and I will approve it."

"My request to you is: sort out all relationships within three days, complete the training of [-] workers within a week, assemble the production line within ten days, and Jiuquan Manufacturing must be officially put into production within half a month."

"Are there any questions? If you have any questions, bring them up now."

Facing Zhao Shanhe's questioning, Yang E replied decisively without any hesitation: "No problem!"

"Okay, that's it!"

Zhao Shanhe then asked a few more questions, and when he finished speaking, he scanned the audience.

"Do the rest of you have anything to say? If not, just follow what you said just now, everyone get moving!"

"I have something to say."

Who would have thought that at this moment, Li Qiuya spoke suddenly.

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