Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 226 Why Are You Scared?

The two met Huang Zhizhong just now, but as soon as they mentioned the order, the latter interrupted him without thinking.

Huang Zhizhong said unabashedly: "I'm talking about Lao Lin, we have known each other for not a day or two, and we can be regarded as partners who have cooperated for many years. Then I will not hide some words, and tell you directly."

"There is only one reason why I canceled my cooperation with you, and that is because of Mr. Zhao Shanhe."

"I have heard about how your family treats Mr. Zhao, and I also saw it with my own eyes during the Chinese New Year."

"You want to continue to cooperate with me. It's very simple. As long as Mr. Zhao speaks, I will recover immediately."

"I have a lot of orders here, as long as you can do the work of Mr. Zhao, so what if all these are given to you?"

Huang Zhizhong stated the reason so straightforwardly.

Its purpose is naturally to please Zhao Shanhe.

Now Bao Xiaofang was completely dumbfounded, she had always believed that this matter had nothing to do with Zhao Shanhe, even though Lin Chuntang had explained it to him many times, she still believed so stubbornly.

But I didn't expect that I was really wrong, and Lin Chuntang was right. This matter is directly related to Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe nodded, so his family could continue to have business.

If Zhao Shanhe doesn't speak, his family will never want to cooperate with Baifo Cannery.

"You said, can we find another cannery to cooperate with?"

Walking out of Huang Zhizhong's office, Bao Xiaofang, who was a little lost, suddenly raised his head and asked.

"What do you think?"

Lin Chuntang said helplessly: "If I could really find it, would I not look for it?"

"You should know that there is no cannery in Nanjue County, but as long as it is a cannery in Zhenghe County, there is no one who doesn't know about Zhao Shanhe. Huang Zhizhong won't cooperate with us, do you think others will?"

"And do you know? The predecessor of Hetu Manufacturing was Fengfan Cannery, and this cannery was swallowed up by Zhao Shanhe because it was facing Zhao Shanhe."

"You said that under such circumstances, which cannery would dare to cooperate with us?"

"Then you mean that the only way to go is Zhao Shanhe?" Bao Xiaofang said.

"That's right." Lin Chuntang nodded.

"If you say you don't want to go"

"That's what I said, so it is."

Before Lin Chuntang finished speaking, Bao Xiaofang, who was still disappointed just now, slapped his thigh suddenly, opened his mouth and shouted, and his face was also full of an expression of sudden realization.

"I just said why Lin Chunyu and his wife kept running to Zhaojiazhai in the first month. They wanted to follow Lin Chunyan's path and let Lin Chunyan give orders to Zhao Shanhe. Am I right?"

"You finally figured it out. I said let's go too, but you just don't want to lose face and refuse to go. If you had said to go early, maybe this would have happened long ago." Lin Chuntang complained in a low voice.

Bao Xiaofang stared at Lin Chuntang and said loudly: "What are you talking about, didn't I not think of this before?"

"Now that you know it, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and buy some fruit. Let's go to Zhao Shanhe's house."

Bao Xiaofang took Lin Chuntang's arm and was about to walk forward.

"Do you think Zhao Shanhe will help us?" Lin Chuntang felt guilty.

"Why doesn't he help? After all, you are his uncle, haven't you heard that sentence? Uncle's kiss is a real kiss, breaking bones and connecting tendons."

"Why are we all his elders? How dare he agree to us? Hurry up and go buy two catties of apples."

Bao Xiaofang patted Lin Chuntang on the arm a little impatiently.

"Just buy two catties of apples?"

"Nonsense, if I knew I was going to his house, I would have brought two catties of apples from home, why would I buy them again? Hurry up, and do you remember where his house is?" Bao Xiaofang urged with.

"I've been there once, and I should be able to find it."

"Let's go then."

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Lin Chuntang and Bao Xiaofang finally found Zhao's house, but they didn't call in advance, so when they arrived, the door of the house was locked, and Zhao Shanhe and his wife had already gone to work.

"What should we do now? Are you sure it's here?" Bao Xiaofang pointed to the door and asked.

Lin Chuntang looked around: "Yes, it should be here."

Lin Chuntang had only been here once, and he had almost forgotten about it long ago. It was not easy to find him, so how could he be sure.And just at this moment, a neighbor walked by, Lin Chuntang hurriedly called to stop.

"Sister, I'm asking you for someone."


"Is Zhao Shanhe's home here?" Lin Chuntang asked.

"Are you looking for Director Zhao? Are you his relatives?" The neighbor's elder sister looked at the two of them and asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm his uncle. I'm here in Zhenghe County. I want to come and see the couple." Lin Chuntang explained.

"Then you have found the right one. This is Director Zhao's home." The neighbor's eldest sister laughed.

"Let me tell you, this nephew of yours is really powerful. I really didn't expect him to be so capable before. Now you go all over the street to ask, and there is no one who doesn't know who Zhao Shanhe is."

The elder sister of the neighbor came up and boasted fiercely, so that Zhao Shanhe was about to go to heaven.

Hearing these compliments, Lin Chuntang and Bao Xiaofang looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is my nephew really that powerful?

Didn't he say that he just had some money, and he knew Huang Zhizhong, and Huang Zhizhong stuck us just to vent his anger on him. Could it be that he still has power?

"Thank you, big sister. Let's go to Shanqiu Food to find him." Seeing that the neighbor's big sister wanted to continue talking, Lin Chuntang quickly waved his hand, interrupted her, turned around and took Bao Xiaofang away.

"Are we really going to Shanqiu Food?" Bao Xiaofang asked.

"Of course, if I don't see Zhao Shanhe today, I won't go back." Lin Chuntang said, carrying two catties of apples, pulling his belt.

"There's a phone over there, don't you have his phone number? Call him, and I'll see if he's coming to pick us up." Bao Xiaofang really didn't want to walk anymore, pointing to the newsstand and said.

"Should I say that we should take a taxi there?" Lin Chuntang said.

"I said why are you so spineless, you are his uncle, why are you so guilty and afraid here?"

"No, I'm not leaving today. You go and call him, and I'll see if he'll come to pick you up." Bao Xiaofang sat down on the curb next to her, and after finishing speaking angrily, she turned her head to one side. Look at Lin Chuntang again.

"Okay, I'll call!"

Lin Chuntang, who was born with a strict wife, never dared to talk back to Bao Xiaofang, stomped his feet, ran over in a desperate manner, picked up the phone and dialed out.

At this time, Zhao Shanhe was not in Zhenghe County. He was on his way to Handong City when he suddenly received a call from Lin Chuntang. He asked in surprise, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

"Shanhe, you and I are coming to Zhenghe County, aren't we? I wanted to see you and Qiuya by the way, and I'm at the newsstand outside your alley. If you have time, come and pick us up."

Without panting, Lin Chuntang said it all at once.

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help frowning slightly.

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