"Ha ha!"

Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, all the people around burst out laughing, everyone looked at Bi Yuntao with a look of contempt, and some laughed unscrupulously.

"That's right, after eating the shaved ice he sold yesterday, my stomach hurts until now."

"I didn't wipe my own shit clean, and I still care about others!"

"Hurry up and go somewhere to cool off and rest!"

Everyone around was laughing and watching Bi Yuntao's jokes.

Bi Yuntao, who was ridiculed like this, felt a surge of anger in his heart. In shame and anger, he stepped forward to push the handlebar of the tricycle, and shouted fiercely.

"I said that your shaved ice has quality problems. You must go back with me to accept the investigation now! Sun Tianliang, why are you still standing there, hurry up and push the cart!"

"it is good!"

Sun Tianliang, who was also full of embarrassment and anger, reached out to push the cart.

"What are you doing, you can't push carts!"

After seeing this scene, Li Qiuya hurried to drag Bi Yuntao.

Who would have thought that Bi Yuntao had a strong hand, so he threw it out without even thinking about it, and with such a swing, Li Qiuya was pushed to the ground on the spot, and Li Qiuya, who was caught off guard, fell firmly and let out a cry of surprise.

His face also turned pale.

There was also a voice of accusation in the crowd.

"You actually hit a woman with your hands!"

"What the hell, do you still want face?"

"Where can such a thing be done?"

"Qiuya, how are you?"

Seeing Li Qiuya being pushed to the ground, Zhao Shanhe rushed up, helped her up and asked anxiously, "Have you touched anything? Let's go to the hospital immediately!"

"Shanhe, I'm fine!" Li Qiuya endured the pain and stood up.

After seeing the beads of sweat on Li Qiuya's forehead, Zhao Shanhe's mind exploded, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"You are looking for death!"

He turned around suddenly, roared and rushed towards Bi Yuntao, without even thinking about it, he swung his fist and smashed it.


Unprepared Bi Yuntao was thrown to the ground by Zhao Shanhe at once, and then Zhao Shanhe's fists rained down on him.

He lay on the wet ground, grinning and screaming.

He is afraid!

He didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to dare to beat him!

He didn't even expect that the current Zhao Shanhe is like a beast that chooses to eat people, his eyes are blood red, and he throws his fists recklessly. Looking at his posture, he clearly wants to beat himself to death.

Is he not afraid?

"stop fighting!"

"Oh, you're fucking serious!"

"Sun Tianliang, are you stupid? Save me now!"

Bi Yuntao, who was beaten continuously, screamed fiercely and rolled on the ground continuously, his clothes were already dirty.

But none of the people around wanted to go up and help.


Seeing this, Sun Tianliang took two steps forward to drag Zhao Shanhe, who would have thought that just getting closer, he would be greeted by Zhao Shanhe's bloodshot eyes, these eyes have no emotion at all, as indifferent as ice.

Seeing these eyes, Sun Tianliang trembled with fright, and staggered back a few steps.

Zhao Shanhe ignored the frightened Sun Tianliang, turned around and continued punching.

"Paralyzed woman who dares to bully me, see if I don't beat you to death!"

True temperament!Responsible!Enough courage!

Unexpectedly, Zhao Shanhe turned out to be such a decisive figure.

Li Xiangdong looked at Zhao Shanhe who was throwing his fists, and admired secretly in his heart, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed that Zhao Shanhe, who was still polite and talking and laughing just now, would suddenly become so fierce and domineering.

But such ferocity is what Li Xiangdong likes and admires the most.

A man, if he can't even keep his own woman, what kind of man is he? He should die as soon as possible!

Zhao Shanhe never thought that this would impress Li Xiangdong, and he has no other thoughts now, just to vent his anger on Li Qiuya.If you dare to touch my daughter-in-law, I will kill you.

"Shanhe, stop fighting!"

Li Qiuya also woke up from the surprise at this moment, seeing that Bi Yuntao's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, she hurried forward to grab Zhao Shanhe, pulled him hard, and shouted anxiously.

"Shanhe, stop now!"

"Qiu Ya!"

Hearing Li Qiuya's voice, the anger in Zhao Shanhe's heart slowly subsided, and the bloodshot eyes gradually disappeared. He stood up, took Li Qiuya's hand and walked to the side.

"Brother Tao!"

Sun Tianliang, who was so frightened that he fell to the ground, saw Zhao Shanhe leave, so he hurriedly staggered forward, helped Bi Yuntao up from the ground, and asked anxiously.

"Brother Tao, how are you? Are you all right?"

"What are you talking about? Get out!"

Bi Yuntao pushed Sun Tianliang away, stared at Zhao Shanhe ferociously, and shouted fiercely: "Zhao Shanhe, you bastard, dare to hit me! You are dead! Call the police! Call the police and arrest him!"

"Call the police?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at him coldly, and said unmoved: "Okay, you can call the police now, whoever doesn't call the police is the grandson, when the police come, I want to see who will be arrested, me or you. People who know how to bully women!"

"You!" Bi Yuntao paused.

"What me, Bi Yuntao, listen to me, what you just said is just a lesson, if you dare to touch my wife again, believe it or not, I will make you regret coming to this world!" Zhao Shanhe's tone was cold, his eyes were cold .


When Bi Yuntao met Zhao Shanhe's eyes, he was frightened for no reason and walked away guiltily.

"Boss Zhao is right. It is obvious that you are here to find trouble. Now you dare to sue the wicked first. Do you really pretend that we can't see it?"

"Boss Zhao, I support you!"

"He just has pink eyes, and he's just jealous that Boss Zhao's shaved ice business is more prosperous than him!"


The surrounding crowd began to accuse them angrily.

That's the beauty of this age.

In this era, there are many people who draw their swords to help when they see injustice. Each of them is an aspiring young man who grew up under the red flag and bathed in the sun.

Not like the afterlife.

The old man fell to the ground and dared not help him.

"A bunch of mud legs, you know who you are!"

Hearing the shouts and accusations from the people around him, Bi Yuntao was a little distracted at first, but he soon calmed down, despised in his heart, and didn't take it seriously at all.

If they want to call out, they call out, and when they really get into the game, are they still afraid of being an old man?Does it matter what you say?

"Sun Tianliang, call the police, call the police quickly!" Bi Yuntao gritted his teeth and shouted.

"it is good!"

Sun Tianliang turned his head and was about to run out to call the police, but who would have thought that a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way while looking at Bi Yuntao with an indifferent tone.

"Let's leave it at that!"

"You say forget it? Who do you think you are?" Sun Tianliang looked up and shouted fiercely.

He didn't dare to deal with Zhao Shanhe, but he was not afraid of this kind of nosy person.

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