"To shut up!"

Who would have thought that Bi Yuntao yelled suddenly, then ran over, bowed his head and said, "Captain Li, why are you here?"

"I said, Old Bi, I have seen what happened tonight. You did this unkindly. Even if you really called the police, you would have ignored it."

"If you want me to say, since both of you have made a move, let's forget about it. Don't continue to make trouble, okay?" Li Xiangdong said lightly.

"All right, all right, since your Captain Li has already spoken, can you please? Then let's forget about it! Let's go!" After finishing speaking, Bi Yuntao turned around and left, without any intention of procrastinating.

Sun Tianliang followed behind in a daze.

"Okay, it's all right, let's go." Li Xiangdong said, scanning the audience.

The crowd watching the excitement, seeing that the matter was settled in this way, they all dispersed in a loud bang.

"Xiangdong, thank you for this!" Zhao Shanhe stepped forward to thank you.

Even if Li Xiangdong didn't come forward, Zhao Shanhe would have a way to solve this matter, but that would be troublesome after all.

If someone helped, I must be grateful.

"Tell me thank you and see you. You are my brother anyway. Can I just watch my sister-in-law being bullied and remain indifferent? Okay, Brother Shanhe, hurry up and take your sister-in-law to the hospital. Don't worry about it." .”

Li Xiangdong waved his hand and said.

"Good!" Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"And brother Shanhe, don't blame me for letting Bi Yuntao leave like this. It's really not right here today. You beat him up to vent your anger. If you continue to make trouble, it will be of no benefit to you."

"But since he dared to do something to his sister-in-law, then we can't let it go so easily. Just wait, let's find a place to clean him up some other day." Li Xiangdong said in a low voice.


Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangdong and suddenly felt that this guy was much more interesting than Li Xiangyang.Li Xiangyang is too upright in his bones, and he is too principled in doing things. How can Li Xiangdong be so pleasing to the eye.

It's not that you don't do it, it's that the occasion is wrong.

This statement is interesting.

"Well, we'll talk about that later."

Zhao Shanhe said pointedly: "I will take your sister-in-law away first."

"Okay, Bi Yuntao, I guarantee that he will never dare to trouble you again." Li Xiangdong nodded and said.

"I don't worry about your work."

Zhao Shanhe turned around and supported Li Qiuya, "Qiuya, let's go to the clinic."

"Shanhe, I'm not that delicate, I'm really fine." Li Qiuya evaded.

"I have to go and have a look. This matter is not negotiable. You have to listen to me. If you don't take a look, I won't be at ease." Zhao Shanhe said, helping Li Qiuya onto the tricycle, and then disappeared into the night market.

In a dark alley not far away.

"Brother Tao, who was that man just now? Why didn't you let me call the police?" Sun Tianliang looked at Bi Yuntao, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and asked in confusion.

"Also call the police? Believe it or not, if we really call the police, and the police come and see that person is there, we will be the ones who will be unlucky in the end." Bi Yuntao grinned and said.

"Is he so powerful?" Sun Tianliang was a little surprised.

"As long as you know that he is in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, no one dares to provoke him. That's fine, just consider yourself unlucky, and stay away from Zhao Shanhe in the future."

"Paralyzed, if I had known that he had something to do with Li Xiangdong, I would have troubled him if I was full." Bi Yuntao said distractedly, and started walking outside.

"It hurts me to death, hurry to the hospital with me."

"it is good!"

Sun Tianliang followed behind.

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya to the clinic to have a look, and after confirming that he was not injured, he was relieved, and the two returned home on a tricycle.At this time, Li Qiuya looked at Zhao Shanhe with tender eyes.

In the past, like what happened tonight, Zhao Shanhe must have stayed as far away as possible, not to mention helping her, he was afraid of getting blood on himself.

But now?

Now Zhao Shanhe is going crazy for her, how can Li Qiuya not be moved by this?

In this life, don't women just want to find such a safe and bloody man?

"Shanhe, do you think that Bi Yuntao will come to trouble us again? Why do I feel that he will come again." Li Qiuya asked while sitting on a chair, drinking saliva.

"Not as if, but sure!"

Zhao Shanhe picked up the teapot and poured water, and said calmly: "A person like him, how can he give up casually? You must know that our shaved ice is a piece of fat, even if it is for this, he will not give up .”

"Then what should we do?" Li Qiuya asked worriedly.

"It's okay. Didn't Xiangdong say that he would solve it? Then let's let him solve it first. If he says he can do it, he will do it. If he can't, I will do it." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Don't be impulsive anymore. Fortunately, Xiangdong is here tonight. You may not have such a good thing next time." Li Qiuya persuaded worriedly.

"I know it well." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

After the two chatted for a while, Li Qiuya went to sleep on the bed.

Although Zhao Shanhe was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

He thought of what happened tonight, and the submissive scene of Bi Yuntao after Li Xiangdong appeared, and secretly clenched his fists.

"It seems that status determines status at all times. If I were Li Xiangdong today, would he, Bi Yuntao, dare to challenge me like this? He wouldn't even have the courage to do so."

"So in order to protect Qiuya, and for me to be able to stand up straight and speak and do things in the future, I must quickly implement the next plan and gain a firm foothold in the shortest possible time."

the next day.

After Zhao Shanhe woke up, he saw that Li Qiuya hadn't gone to work, so he asked in surprise, "Qiuya, don't you have to go to work today?"

"No, I'm off today."

Li Qiuya brought over two bowls of millet porridge with a smile, placed the bowls and chopsticks and said, "Hurry up and wash your face, come and eat."

"Rest and rest."

After Zhao Shanhe simply washed up, he sat down and began to eat.

"Qiuya, I forgot to tell you something last night, it's like this, look for me in the east..."

After Zhao Shanhe finished talking about this, Li Qiuya put her hands on the table and said jokingly, "Then how are you going to arrange it? Is it possible that we still need to hand over our shaved ice business to that Cui Huan?"

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and then said a word.

After saying this, Li Qiuya, who was still smiling just now, changed face on the spot.

"Qiuya, you are right, that's what I think."

Zhao Shanhe sipped the rice porridge, and said this sentence unhurriedly.

It was these words that made Li Qiuya's face change immediately, she stood up quickly, stared at Zhao Shanhe, and said hurriedly: "Shanhe, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly, please say it again!"

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