Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 19 Here Comes the One Who Finds Differences

The lights are on.

The crowded road street night market.

Zhao Ji shaved ice is still the most popular stall here. People who come and go, familiar repeat customers, will definitely buy a cup of shaved ice when they visit the night market. This seems to have become a habit.

People who have never eaten before saw someone eating shaved ice, and couldn't help but want to quench their thirst, so they subconsciously queued up.

As long as you eat it once, the taste will never be forgotten again.

Zhao Shanhe is busy making handmade shaved ice.

Beside him is Li Qiuya who came to help collect the money.

After getting off work early tonight, Li Qiuya specially accompanied Zhao Shanhe out of the stall.

Seeing that the business was so good and the banknotes fell into her pockets, she was also very happy, and she was very happy in her heart.

Just now Zhao Shanhe also said that he set up a stall at Mingyue Shopping Center in the afternoon and sold more than 300 cups in just two hours.

A net profit of 150!

"150! It's 150 during the day and more than 100 at the night market. You can earn almost 300 yuan in just one day!"

Li Qiuya secretly calculated in her heart.

"Boss, bring me a glass of watermelon shaved ice!"

"Okay, I'll be ready soon!"

After Zhao Shanhe handed over a cup of watermelon shaved ice, he looked at Li Qiuya beside him and asked with concern: "Qiuya, how are you? Are you tired? If you are tired, just take a break, I can do it myself."

"You're not tired, I'm tired of collecting money!" Li Qiuya shook her head and said with a smile.

"Okay, rest if you're tired."

"Brother Shanhe!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Xiangdong, why are you here?"

Zhao Shanhe suddenly raised his head and saw Li Xiangdong who was smiling all over his face.

"Brother Shanhe, your business is really booming." Li Xiangdong pointed around and said.

"It's okay, tell me, what can you do with me?" Zhao Shanhe asked, seeing that no one was waiting, and wiped his hands.

"It's something, let's go over there and have a chat." Li Xiangdong said with some embarrassment.

"it is good!"

After all, Zhao Shanhe is a man of two lifetimes. He immediately sensed that Li Xiangdong must have something to say, so he turned to Li Qiuya and said, "I'll go over there and talk to Xiangdong. By the way, I haven't introduced it to you yet."

"Xiangdong, this is your sister-in-law, Qiuya, this is Li Xiangdong, cousin of Xiangyang's second uncle's family."

"Hello, Xiangdong." Li Qiuya smiled.

"Hello, sister-in-law!" Li Xiangdong hurriedly said respectfully.

"You guys go talk, if someone comes, I'll sell these cups first." Li Qiuya said with a smile.

"it is good!"

The two walked to an open space in front of the cinema, and there was a row of bicycles parked on the right.

"Xiangyang, tell me, what do you want from me?" Zhao Shanhe asked straight to the point.

"Brother Shanhe, I'm quite embarrassed to say this." Li Xiangdong smiled awkwardly.

"What's so embarrassing about it, Xiangdong, your brother and I are friends, we are buddies. Although we said we didn't have any relationship before, but we have a relationship like Xiangyang, if you call me brother again, then we have something to say .” Zhao Shanhe said, looking straight at him.

"Then I said it!"

Li Xiangdong gritted his teeth and said slowly: "Brother Shanhe, the thing is like this. I recently dated a girlfriend, her name is Cui Ying. We get along very well. She and I have met our parents and we are about to get married. On the point of marriage."

"But, she has an older sister named Cui Huan, who is divorced, with a four-year-old child, and now lives with her natal family. Because she has never worked before, she has never worked."

"But she can't be like this all the time, she also wants to come out and find a job."

"So I thought, see if you can arrange for her here?"

"You mean you want me to find a job for your sister-in-law?" Zhao Shanhe understood immediately.

"Yes." Li Xiangdong nodded quickly.

"I said Xiangdong, it's not that I don't arrange for you, but you should have connections, right? If I arrange, you can only sell shaved ice, which is definitely not as easy as the job you are looking for." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Selling shaved ice is pretty good, and you can make more money selling shaved ice, which is much better than what I found for her. She wants to make money now, and she can do whatever she can to make money, and she is not afraid of hardship." Li Xiangdong continued.

It turned out to be the case.

This is because Li Xiangdong came to him because he said before that he sold shaved ice to make money.Let me just say, how did I feel that Li Xiangdong's expression was a bit wrong after hearing me say how much money I made that night, and I dare to be emotional because of this.

"If that's the case!"

Zhao Shanhe pondered.

"Brother Shanhe, if you say something embarrassing, just pretend I didn't say it." Li Xiangdong said quickly after noticing Zhao Shanhe's hesitation. He didn't want Zhao Shanhe to misunderstand that the two just met and wanted to use him.

"I said it all, how could I not say that?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly, patted Li Xiangdong on the shoulder and said: "If others say that, I will definitely not care about it, but who are you, you are also my younger brother now, can I not care about your affairs? In this way, you let She will come to the house tomorrow, I will meet with her and have a talk, then you will come too, if you don't know the place, ask Xiangyang to bring you here."

"Thank you Brother Shanhe!" Li Xiangdong was overjoyed.

Originally, there was no hope, but who would have thought that it would be done.

"Thank you, that's your future wife's sister, can I ignore it? If I don't, you can't marry this daughter-in-law, so don't blame me!" Zhao Shanhe teased.


"Ah! What are you going to do?"

Just when Li Xiangdong wanted to chat with Zhao Shanhe, Li Qiuya's exclamation suddenly came from the tricycle, followed by a bang and bang.

"Qiu Ya!"

Zhao Shanhe's expression changed drastically, he turned around and rushed towards the tricycle, taking three steps in parallel, and he came to Li Qiuya's side in the blink of an eye.

"Qiuya, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but they want to push away our tricycle!" Li Qiuya said anxiously.

"It's fine if you're fine, leave it to me here!"

Zhao Shanhe's hanging heart fell to the ground quietly. He raised his head and looked ahead with cold eyes.

When he saw Bi Yuntao and Sun Tianliang who were making trouble together, he frowned and said, "Bi Yuntao, what are you trying to do? Are you openly bullying a defenseless woman under the watchful eyes of everyone? Do you still want face?"

"Zhao Shanhe, keep your mouth clean. Who bullied the girl? Are we bullying her? We received a report that your shaved ice has quality problems, so we want to take it back for investigation." Bi Yuntao said proudly.

"Quality issues?"

"The quality of shit!"

Zhao Shanhe saw through Bi Yuntao's thoughts at a glance, and said sarcastically, "Bi Yuntao, isn't it too shameless for you to find such an excuse?"

"I have set up a stall here for more than ten days, and no one has said that my shaved ice has quality problems. How come you have it?"

"Even if there are, it's only available at your shaved ice stand!"

"I heard that the people who ate your shaved ice yesterday retched on the spot. Why don't you grab yourself and ask about that? You said that with your skill, self-criticism is nothing more than nothing." powerful."

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