"Zhao Shanhe, are you still a man?"

In the small living room, a young woman with disheveled hair was crying hoarsely towards the bedroom with tears all over her face.

Her fair face was full of a deep helplessness.

There were shattered pieces of glass everywhere.

"Who is calling me?"

Lying on the wooden bed in the bedroom was a man reeking of alcohol and with a shaggy beard.

He opened his sleepy eyes, only felt his mouth was dry, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, he suddenly sat up from the bed, and then his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, panting heavily.

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe felt that the bones all over his body were falling apart, his scalp was numb, and his brain was as heavy as if it was filled with paste.

"This... is this place?"

Looking at the dilapidated house in front of him, Zhao Shanhe rubbed his eyes vigorously, full of disbelief.

Why are you so familiar?

Isn't this the house of my hometown 20 years ago?

Am I not dreaming?

"Zhao Shanhe, are you really going to break up this family?"

At this moment, a young woman came in and said sadly.

She was wearing a clean blue shirt, her fair and tender face was covered with tears, and her delicate facial features were so pitiful against the backdrop of the tears, I felt pity for her.

The woman is tall and sexy, with a natural clothes rack, and short ear-length hair, just like Guan Zhilin in her peak beauty period.

It's just that she was in the most brilliant age, and she should be shining brightly, but now she is biting her lips tightly, and her eyes are full of disappointment and frustration when looking at Zhao Shanhe.


After Zhao Shanhe saw clearly who the woman in front of him was, he shouted like a lightning strike.

He never dreamed that he would see his dead wife Li Qiuya again.

Zhao Shanhe's heart was surging, and he subconsciously wanted to grab the opponent. Who would have thought that his arm would feel sore, and his arm would fall down again, hitting a bowl beside the bed.


The white porcelain bowl broke into pieces.

Each piece seemed to reflect Li Qiuya's desperate expression.

She looked at the debris on the ground with dull eyes, and said with a desolate expression: "Zhao Shanhe, you still want to hit me, don't you? Okay, I'll stand in front of you, hit it, hit it hard, hit it I'm going to die."

Zhao Shanhe stared blankly at Li Qiuya, his lips trembling.

"Qiuya, you're still alive!"

When Li Qiuya heard this, her body stiffened slightly, then she turned around and walked out.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are looking forward to my death, right? If I die, no one will care about you, right? Okay, since you want to be free so much, then let's be free to the end!"

Zhao Shanhe watched Li Qiuya rush out of the room just like that, and disappeared in front of him without looking back.

He wanted to chase after him, but found that his body was so sore that he couldn't move.

"Qiuya... don't go, don't go!"

Zhao Shanhe desperately called out the name that haunted him.

Li Qiuya is Zhao Shanhe's wife, and the only woman he has ever had and loved in his life.

When he was the poorest, she didn't leave, she chose to never leave.

For this family, Li Qiuya worked in the factory day and night, just to make money to support the family.

At that time, in order to maintain her life, she even sold blood secretly behind everyone's back.Every time she came back from selling blood, she would be seriously ill.

Even so, she never told anyone about this bitterness.

It's a pity that Zhao Shanhe didn't know what his wife had done.

In the end, Li Qiuya passed out on the way home from selling blood. She was sent to the hospital for examination and found out that she was seriously ill.

Because she had no money to see a doctor, she finally left this world full of despair and pain.

It was from the moment when Li Qiuya was buried that Zhao Shanhe woke up and realized what he had lost.

After learning from the painful experience, he was finally able to calm down and work hard, make money steadily, and change his life step by step.

But what is lost is lost, and there is no way to get it back.

Countless late nights, when Zhao Shanhe recalled Li Qiuya, his heart ached, and he regretted what he did back then. .

Even if he became famous later in his life, he never remarried, because his heart was already occupied by Li Qiuya, and no one else could break in.

"This must be a dream, right? I knew that Qiu Ya would never forgive me if she was alive. I have committed a crime of my own accord, and I deserve what I deserve!"

A self-deprecating wry smile appeared on Zhao Shanhe's face, and he raised his hand and thumped the head of the bed.


The moment his right hand hit the head of the bed, a heart-piercing pain suddenly came, and Zhao Shanhe's entire face began to deform in pain. He quickly retracted his right hand, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Isn't this a dream?"

"Could it be true that all this is true?"

With an expression of disbelief, Zhao Shanhe slowly got off the bed.

He began to look around seriously.

Apart from tables, chairs and benches, there are only two black wooden boxes placed in the corner of the simple house. Zhao Shanhe clearly remembers that when they got married, their parents entrusted the village carpenter Zhao to make it.

Apart from these, the whole house is empty.

There are several yellowed old newspapers on the wall.

Hanging next to the newspaper is a slightly yellowed calendar, and the dates on the calendar are particularly eye-catching.

October 1990, 6!

This year, 24-year-old Zhao Shanhe just married Li Qiuya.

And two years later, Li Qiuya passed away unfortunately.

Counting the time, Li Qiuya is already preparing to sell blood, thinking of Zhao Shanhe makes her heart ache to death.

He rubbed his face vigorously, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar face in the mirror, he secretly clenched his fists.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are so fucking an asshole!"

"Qiuya, I don't want to divorce you, I still want this family, I still want you to live!"

"Li Qiuya, I have recognized you for the rest of my life. You are my woman and will be mine for the rest of my life! I will not let you suffer anymore, and I will not let you sell blood. I want to grow old with you forever! "

In the mirror, Zhao Shanhe's eyes were bloodshot, but his expression was extremely firm and persistent.


At this moment, Zhao Shanhe's stomach let out a disappointing sound.

He walked out of the room, looking for something to eat.

The small courtyard in front of me is also dilapidated, the floor is paved with stones, a dirty tricycle stands in the corner, and directly in front of it is a small kitchen made of asbestos tiles. There are only two tiles in the kitchen except for pots and pans. cylinder.

One of them was still broken.

It is not too much to describe it as a house with bare walls.


Zhao Shanhe's stomach was screaming with hunger. He saw two boiled yams in a porcelain bowl on the kitchen chopping board. He picked them up and stuffed them into his mouth. Feel better in stomach.

"Qiuya, don't worry, I won't let you sell blood again! I won't let you have an accident! I want you to live the happiest life! I will make a villain like Huang Hu disappear from your side completely! "

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe pushed open the gate of the courtyard, walked to the street, looked around, and suddenly froze.

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