"What, do it with you?"

Hearing this, Li Xiangyang was stunned on the spot.

Li Xiangdong's eyelids on the side couldn't help but raise slightly.

Zhao Shanhe, you are not confused, are you?You are just a shaved ice seller now, even if you can earn money, how much can you earn?

Besides, as my cousin said, if someone really copied your shaved ice, would you still make money?

You don't even think about it, how dare you open your mouth and tell Li Xiangyang to leave the ice factory and do business with you.

Do you have the capital?Can it last?

"Xiangyang, I know it's too early to say this now. In this way, I won't force you. Let's talk about it after a while."

"At that time, if you say you think it's okay, we will work together! If you say you don't want to, you can continue to be your logistics supervisor." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang nodded, but didn't say anything about it.

The three continued to eat and drink again.

After finishing the drink, the three of them took their leave and left. Li Xiangdong looked at Zhao Shanhe who got on the tricycle, and couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "Brother Shanhe, can you tell me how much money you can earn selling shaved ice?" ? Do you dare to let Brother Yang follow you?"

"How much do you earn a month?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"In his early [-]s!" Li Xiangdong said quite proudly.

"one hundred?"

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "Well, I earned a lot."

"That's right, the welfare unit of our unit is pretty good!" Li Xiangdong raised the corners of his lips proudly, and then he froze for a second.

"It's worse than me in one night, you still have room to work hard, keep going!"

After speaking, Zhao Shanhe left on a tricycle.

"Brother Yang, did I hear correctly just now? Brother Shanhe said that my salary for a month is less than his one night... almost?" Li Xiangdong asked in astonishment.

"Yeah, you heard that right!"

Li Xiangyang looked at Zhao Shanhe's back, and said with emotion: "No wonder he dares to say that!"

"Fuck!" Li Xiangdong shouted suddenly.

"What's your ghost name? Scare me!"

Li Xiangyang was startled and said angrily.

"Brother, hurry up and tell Brother Shanhe, or I can resign and join him. This business is too profitable!"

"Fuck you! Hurry up and go home with me, before it's too late, be careful that Uncle Er will let you eat feather dusters."

"Brother Yang, I'm serious, just tell Brother Shanhe for me!"

"Fuck off!"


After Zhao Shanhe returned home, Li Qiuya had already made supper.

"Shanhe, wash your face, hurry up and eat, it's your favorite hand-rolled noodles!"

"Well, daughter-in-law, you are so kind!"

Zhao Shanhe chuckled and threw the wallet on the table.

"Daughter-in-law, take it, the meal money!"

Li Qiuya glanced coquettishly, then opened the wallet, and counted carefully one by one.As she counted, her face became a little excited.

"110! Shanhe, why are there so many tonight?"

"How much can this be called? It's still far from my small goal!"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head indifferently, eating hand-rolled noodles heartily in the blowing of the electric fan opposite.

"What's your small goal?" Li Qiuya asked as she packed up the money.

"One hundred million!" Zhao Shanhe opened his mouth and came.

"How much? One hundred million? Are you crazy? Hurry up and eat your noodles!"

After speaking, Li Qiuya stood up and put the money away, then came back to sit down, and said with a smile: "Do you know how much money our family has saved?"

"How much?" Zhao Shanhe asked casually.

"Counting today, it's already 680 yuan! Shanhe, let me tell you that I never thought we could save so much money!"

Li Qiuya said happily.

"680 yuan?"

Zhao Shanhe put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth casually, looked at the happy Li Qiuya, grabbed her white and delicate hand, stared at him, and said seriously.

"Qiuya, this is just the beginning. I promise you that our family's life will get better and better in the future. I will let you live the happiest life. Do you believe me?"

"Well, I believe you!"

Li Qiuya blushed shyly on her cheeks, she lowered her head and murmured.


Seeing Li Qiuya like this, Zhao Shanhe felt a warm current of happiness in his heart.

"Shanhe, I forgot to ask you, how is your wandering around Qingfeng Tower? Is there any suitable place?" Li Qiuya stood up and asked after bringing Zhao Shanhe a glass of boiled water.

"Not yet."

Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly, and said after finishing a glass of water: "If you don't have it, then you don't have it. I push a tricycle over there, and I can still set up a stall. Besides, I can't sell shaved ice for the rest of my life, right. Let's make a living."

"You're right, you can't sell shaved ice for a lifetime, you have to find a formal job."

Li Qiuya nodded and agreed.

Got it!

It's like this again!

It seems that Li Qiuya wants me to have an iron job even in her dreams, but I don't want to!How can an iron rice bowl make money like me.

But Qiuya, don't worry, I will soon save up my first pot of gold, and then I can make a solid job for myself.

"Daughter-in-law, it's getting late, let's go to bed quickly!"

Li Qiuya just wanted to talk cliche, but when she heard the word sleep, her ears blushed, she stood up and walked outside.

"I'm going to wash my face."


A few minutes later, Li Qiuya was lying on the bed, looking at her husband who was undressing in front of her, her face was extremely red.

Just when Zhao Shanhe was about to sleep at the end of the bed, Li Qiuya shyly moved inside, vacated a place, and whispered.

"Shanhe, from today onwards, don't go to sleep there, sleep next to me!"

"Really?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise.

"Love will not come!"

"Come, come, of course I will!"

Zhao Shanhe turned over and lay neatly beside Li Qiuya, looking at her graceful and exquisite body, with a happy smile on his face, subconsciously put his right hand on Li Qiuya's waist.

Li Qiuya trembled instinctively.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Her voice trembled slightly.

"Nothing, Qiu Ya, I just want to sleep with my arms around you!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Zhao Shanhe fell asleep.

Li Qiuya's heart was pounding like a deer, she didn't dare to move, she didn't relax until she heard Zhao Shanhe's snoring, she sighed in her heart and said to herself.

"Shanhe, you are really my enemy!"

This night Zhao Shanhe slept very soundly.

The next day was sunny.

Li Qiuya went out to work as usual, while Zhao Shanhe woke up and started to stock up after breakfast.The inventory at home has bottomed out, and he has to save up.

And today he was going to go to Qingfeng Building to test the water.

After he finished his busy work, he pedaled his tricycle to the front of Mingyue Shopping Center in Qingfeng Building. As soon as he set up the stall, someone came to buy shaved ice.

Then the hand didn't stop.

After all the shaved ice he brought was sold out, Zhao Shanhe had time to straighten his back and let out a sigh of relief. Enduring the faint pain in his waist, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "This business is really at the right time."

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