Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1043 Give Her a Chance


At this moment, Li Qiucheng only wanted to vent his anger, and never thought of stopping.

You must know that although Li Qiucheng has restrained himself in recent years, he was still a thorn in the back anyway, with a lonesome courage and passion.

He doesn't care about Song Xiawu doing other things, but he can't do molesting Li Qiuya, he will die to the end.

Li Qiuya watched coldly.

She didn't intend to call it a stop, she had already been insulted like this, could she still bear it?

What about Zhao Shanhe?

He would not stop it, even Li Qiucheng made the first move, otherwise he would be the one who beat someone up.

To flirt with his wife blatantly in front of his face, do he really think he is a mud bodhisattva?

People dare to do this, if it is said behind the scenes, maybe what will happen.

So lessons are a must.

Zhao Shanhe will also take all the responsibilities brought about by this lesson.


After Li Qiucheng gave Song Xiawu two more punches, he stood up under Song Xiamo's tugging. That's not counting, he kicked out again, and when he kicked Song Xiawu's thigh, he groaned in pain. screams.

"Sister-in-law, help me!"

"Song Xiamo, you have disappointed me so much. Xia Wu is your cousin no matter what. You dare to help outsiders beat him like this. Do you still have any rules in your eyes? Do you still have any family affection in your eyes? "

After Song Jiangdi helped Song Xiawu up, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, he scolded angrily.

At this moment, the security guards also rushed over, and Song Jiangdi's confidence was enough at once. She put her hands on her hips, pointed at Li Qiucheng, and said angrily: "I tell you, one counts as one today, and no one wants to leave. Call the police! Arrest people!"

"Sister-in-law, don't rush to call the police, I want to have fun with them."

Song Xiawu resisted the pain coming from his body, and raised his arm with a ferocious expression.

"Catch him, I'm going to kill him!"

A few security guards were about to arrest people while they were talking.

Li Qiucheng is ready to fight.

However, at this moment, Zhao Shanhe sneered, walked forward slowly, stared at Song Jiangdi, and said disdainfully: "You know? You treat your place as a treasure and think that everyone is close to your Song family. It's all about your money."

"So in your eyes, the love between Qiu Cheng and Xia Mo has deteriorated."

"Qiu Cheng is greedy for your Song family's money."

"It's ridiculous that you people who are frogs in a well don't know what you are doing at all, and how narrow your vision is. Even when you tell you the truth about liquidated damages, you deliberately pretend to be stupid, like ostriches. Bury your head in the sand."

"The Song family like this is really hopeless."

"What are you talking about?" Song Jiangdi was so angry that his face was covered with frost.

"I said I won't save your Song family. If your Song family wants to kill yourself, it's your own business." After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he said to Li Qiucheng: "Qiucheng, since he doesn't want to accept your favor, Then let them go."


Li Qiucheng nodded heavily.

Song Xiamo's expression changed.

"Xia Mo, it's not that we don't help you, it's that your Song family doesn't want to live! You've seen it too, the truth has been told, but they still turn a blind eye to it, so let's leave it as it is."

Zhao Shanhe looked over calmly.


Song Xiamo was speechless.

Say what?Is what Zhao Shanhe said wrong?No, Song Jiang was told the truth, but he didn't take it seriously.Song Jiangdi knew about this, but he still targeted Zhao Shanhe so arrogantly.

What else can you say?

"Let's go."

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya's hand and was about to walk out.


Seeing this scene, Song Jiangdi's nose was almost crooked.In our Song family's territory, you flaunted a lot of nonsense like this, and even beat up Song Xiawu, but now you have to leave as if nothing happened.

Do you think it is possible?

"Call the police and arrest people!"

Song Jiangdi scolded harshly.

"Sister, this matter is Song Xiawu's fault, he should pay the price. If you dare to call the police, I will make you regret it! I will never marry Tian Jiaxiang!"

Seeing the security guard who was about to move again, Song Xiamo seemed to be crazy, and suddenly shouted hoarsely.

At this moment, her eyes are firm.

If she can't achieve her goal, she would rather die.


Song Jiangdi, who was intimidated by Song Xiamo's aura, did not dare to call the police.In fact, she was also somewhat apprehensive, for fear that Song Xiamo would be cruel and do something that would hurt both sides. If that was the case, the Song family would be in vain.

"Sister, brother-in-law, Qiu Cheng, let's go!"

Song Xiamo took Li Qiucheng's hand and walked out after speaking.

"No, you can't go!"

"To shut up!"

Just as Song Xiawu wanted to stop him, Song Jiangdi sternly stopped him. In the end, he could only helplessly watch Zhao Shanhe and the others walk out of the office.When their backs completely disappeared into the corner, he shouted angrily.

"Sister, that bastard Li Qiucheng beat me, didn't you see? How could you let them go? No, I want revenge, I want to kill him!"

"Shut up, how many times have I told you that you need to use your brain to do things in the future, but how did you do it? Are you crazy just now? How dare you molested someone in front of his brother and husband."

"If it's you, can you bear it?"

Song Jiangdi drank angrily.


"Nothing but."

Song Jiangdi directly interrupted the unwilling Song Xiawu, and said in a cold voice: "You know how serious the situation of our Song family is now. Let me tell you, don't provoke Song Xiamo at this juncture."

"If she really pats her butt and leaves, who will marry Tian Jiaxiang? If she doesn't marry, how can the Tian family help us tide over the difficulties?"


Song Xiawu was speechless for a while.

"I know you feel wronged, but no matter how wronged you are, you have to wait until the matter is resolved. As long as Song Xiamo marries Tian Jiaxiang, you can take revenge as you like, understand?" Song Jiangdi said with a serious expression.


Knowing that his beating was for nothing, Song Xiawu could only say dejectedly: "Sister-in-law, I will wait, I will make Li Qiucheng pay the price sooner or later!"

Plant entrance.

Looking at Song Xiamo's helpless expression, Zhao Shanhe suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "Xia Mo, have you been working in your factory since you graduated from university?"


Song Xiamo resisted the helplessness in her heart, and replied: "I have always worked in the factory at home, and I like my factory very much, because it was left by my grandfather."

"I just didn't expect it to become like this now."

"But brother-in-law, let's leave it as it is. You are right. Maybe our Song family's fate has come."

"Xia Mo!"

Li Qiucheng took her hand with some distress, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said, "Brother-in-law, are you really not going to borrow money?"

"Borrow money?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, looked at the factory behind him, and said disappointedly: "You have also seen, what is going on with the Song family now, even if I really lend you money, do you think it is useful? Even if the liquidated damages of 50 Take them all out, can the Song family withstand the Tian family's attack?"

"This!" Li Qiucheng hesitated.

Song Xiamo's eyes were dim.

"Of course, this does not mean that there is no way to break the situation. It depends on you two."

Zhao Shanhe looked at the two and suddenly smiled.

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean?" Li Qiucheng raised his head in surprise.

"What I mean is very simple. Since the Song family opposes you and Xia Mo, won't the matter be resolved by letting Xia Mo rule the Song family? Xia Mo, don't you think so?" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Master the Song family?" Song Xiamo was stunned on the spot.

"Yes, it is to dominate the Song family."

Zhao Shanhe didn't look sideways, and said calmly: "You just said that you like the factory left by your grandfather very much, and you like the feeling of working here. And you have also seen that the virtues of you Song family, they He only has money in his eyes, so he doesn't know how to manage it at all. Otherwise, he wouldn't say that he was being tricked by the Tian family."

"Since this is the case, things will be simple."

"Isn't it all right for you to be the master of the house? As long as you become the boss of this bathing factory, don't you have the right to speak in the Song family? At that time, who would dare to confront you because of the virtues of your Song family? Is it possible? Then, you can fall in love with Qiucheng freely, don't you think?"


Song Xiamo was a little dazed.

Her intuition told her that what Zhao Shanhe said was right, if she could really control the fate of the Song family, no one would object to her and Li Qiucheng's matter of the virtues of the Song family.

The problem is, she never thought about it that way.

"You don't need to answer me in a hurry, you can think it through before you say it. But I hope you can make a decision quickly, because it is impossible for us to say that we will stay in Xianhua City forever."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he looked at Li Qiucheng.

"Your sister and I are going back to the hotel first, you can come back later."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya left like this, and after getting into the car, Li Qiuya asked, "Are you serious just now?"

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said calmly: "Don't you think this is the only way to solve this matter? Otherwise, with the virtue of the Song family, they would definitely not say yes to Qiu Cheng and Xia Mo."

"And I think this is done once and for all. I don't want them to be entangled by the Song family all the time if they get married in the future."

"Yeah, you're right, maybe doing this is the best way. Otherwise, we can't just watch Xia Mo marry the Tian family! Watch the Tian family destroy the Song family! Watch Qiu Cheng fall into pain! "

The last words were what Li Qiuya was most worried about.

"Yes, the solution has been told to them. As for whether they want to do it or not, it depends on their choice. They are not children, so we can't just keep watching them." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Yes, let's wait for Qiu Cheng to come back and hear their choices."

When Li Qiuya said this, her eyes suddenly rolled, and she said with a smile: "Shanhe, you said that if Xia Mo hadn't threatened like that, would Song Jiangdi really dare to call the police?"

"Call the police?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled disapprovingly.

"You said if we revealed our identities, would she still call the police?"

"Identify themselves?"

After Li Qiuya was taken aback, she giggled. She knew that if that was the case, Song Jiangdi would never call the police.They can treat a Tian family submissively, let alone Zhao Shanhe!

"This Song family is really worthless. It's rare for Xia Mo to grow up like this in such a family."

"It's quite rare, so I will give her a chance, and it depends on whether she can grasp it." Zhao Shanhe said slowly looking at the scenery passing by outside the window.

"I hope I can grasp it."


It was still the entrance of the bathroom supplies factory, and it was still Song Xiamo and Li Qiucheng.It's just that compared with the helplessness and helplessness before, there is a look of expectation on the faces of both of them now.

"What do you think of what my brother-in-law said?" Li Qiucheng stared and asked.


Song Xiamo shook her head, and said with a gloomy expression: "I never thought about this, you know me, I never said that I want to occupy the factory, I think as long as Dad and the others can manage the factory well."

"You are wrong, this is not occupation, this is salvation."

Li Qiucheng grabbed Song Xiamo's shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Xia Mo, you have also seen that your factory has become like this, do you think it can be saved?"

"Of course, you may say that there is salvation, as long as you can get the liquidated damages. But the problem is that you and I both know that the liquidated damages are just the beginning. If the Tian family doesn't take over your Song family's factory, they won't let it go. .”

"As for the Tian family's conspiracy, your father and the others simply can't handle it. They all want to marry you off and solve the problem through marriage. Do you think they still have a play?"


Song Xiamo had a complicated expression.

Her heart was a little confused, and she said hesitantly: "Qiu Cheng, don't force me, okay?"

"I didn't force you, and I won't force you. I just told you what you should do now. Of course, you don't have to agree, but I suggest you wait until your father and the others come back, and then talk to them. Said, look at what they will do after all the evidence is presented to prove that this is a plot by the Tian family."

Li Qiucheng said solemnly: "If they continue to force you to marry Tian Jiaxiang, I hope you can make the most sensible choice then."

"Xia Mo, I'm waiting for your answer."

After speaking, Li Qiucheng patted Song Xiamo on the shoulder, turned and left.

Song Xiamo watched Li Qiucheng disappear from sight, bit her lips tightly and remained silent.

After half an hour.

Song Jiangdu and Song Jiangqi came back from the outside, and the first time they returned to the office, Song Jiangdi brought Song Xiawu over, emphatically described what happened just now, and then Song Xiawu complained full of grievances.

"Master, Dad, look, this is all done by Xia Mo's boyfriend. He really doesn't take our Song family seriously. He dared to beat me like this in our Song family's territory. If you say that If you really get married in the future, what's the deal?"


Song Jiang started to shoot the case, burning with anger.

Song Xiawu was his son, how could he let it go when he was beaten like this?

"Call Song Xiamo over here."

"Don't shout, I'm coming!"

Song Xiamo appeared at the door with clear eyes.

"I have something to tell you."

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