Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1042 It's Unreasonable


Song Xiamo restrained her numb emotions and asked calmly.

The door opened, and there was a person standing outside. Looking at Song Xiamo, he said calmly, "Song Xiamo, someone is looking for you outside."

"Anyone looking for me?"

Song Xiamo was a little surprised.

"who is it?"

"Who else can it be? Who do you think is the person who came to you at this time? He said that if you don't go out to see him, he won't leave. So you should go to see him as soon as possible and make your words clear , Let him give up, and never come to harass you again."

Song Xiawu raised his lips with a haughty expression.

"It's Qiu Cheng."

Song Xiamo knew who it was right away. She started to walk out, and just as she reached the door, she suddenly stopped and said to Song Xiawu: "Song Xiawu, don't forget, no matter what, I am your cousin. If you dare to talk to me in such a tone, I will make you unable to eat, if you don't believe me, let's try."


Song Xiawu looked at Song Xiamo who walked out, his eyes suddenly became fierce.

"Hmph, Song Xiamo, do you think you are still the high-ranking Miss Song family? Fuck you. As long as you get married, the entire Song family will be mine. You still dare to shout at me and threaten me Me, aren't you making yourself uncomfortable? Just wait, the day you get married is the day when I, Song Xiawu, will take over the power of the Song family."

At this moment, Song Xiawu was ecstatic.

The entrance of the toiletry factory.

Li Qiucheng and the others were waiting here. After seeing Song Xiamo coming out, he hurried forward, grabbed her arms, and said anxiously: "Xia Mo, what you said on the phone is false Right? You don't really want to break up with me, do you?"

"it is true."

Song Xiamo inadvertently broke free from Li Qiucheng's hands, and said indifferently: "Li Qiucheng, there is no future between us, so let's just get together and break up."

"Good to get together and good to go?"

Li Qiucheng was emotional.

"Xia Mo, you and I haven't just met. How can I not know what kind of person you are? You should also be very clear about what kind of person I am. Do you think I can believe the reason you broke up with?" ?”

"I know that you did this for the liquidated damages of your family."

"But let me tell you, the issue of liquidated damages is not a problem. I can solve it. Isn't it just 50? I'll give it to you, and you can take back what you said about breaking up, okay?"

"50? Where did you get this money? Did your sister and brother-in-law loan you it? But it's so much money, how will you pay it back in the future?" Song Xiamo's cold expression was moved.

But she still didn't spit out.


"Xia Mo, right? Can you listen to me? If after I finish speaking, you still insist on breaking up with Qiu, we promise to turn around and leave without saying a word."

Zhao Shanhe raised his hand to interrupt Li Qiucheng's words, and looked at Song Xiamo brightly.

"Tell me." Song Xiamo's tone was a little relaxed.

She can be indifferent to Li Qiucheng, but she can't be like this to Zhao Shanhe.

"Do you really think that the breach of contract incident that your Song family encountered was an accident? Do you really think it's normal for the Tian family to ask you to pay the advance payment when they place such a large order for you? Do you really want to marry To that Tian Jiaxiang? Are you really not afraid that you will regret it after knowing the truth, and that you will be heartbroken after breaking up with Qiu like this?"

Zhao Shanhe's several questions intertwined, instantly broke Song Xiamo's cold face.

She widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean by these words?"

"What I mean is very simple, that is, your Song family was designed by someone."

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back, and said in a flat tone: "As for how it was designed, I will let Qiu Cheng tell you. I hope you will make the most sensible choice after knowing the truth."

"Qiu Cheng."


Li Qiucheng pulled Song Xiamo to the side, and told the whole story with a single brain.When she heard that the whole thing was planned by the Tian family, and that Tian Qinuo wanted to swallow their Song family's factory, Song Xiamo was stunned.

"How could this be?"

"Why can't it be like this? You don't naively think that after you marry Tian Jiaxiang, this trouble will be solved? Impossible. Let me tell you, if you marry her, not only will you be miserable, but your Song family will also be punished." The Tian family swallowed it up. At that time, the Song family will really be in vain, losing their wife and losing their soldiers."

Li Qiucheng's words were a bit harsh.

In Song Xiamo's ears, these words undoubtedly sounded like thunder, waking her up from the astonishment on the spot.

She was instantly stunned.

That's right, it's clear that the authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and I have been in the middle of the situation all along, so I can't see through it.After being woken up by Li Qiucheng, Song Xiamo of course knew the truth of the matter.

"Xia Mo, do you still want to break up with Qiucheng now?" Li Qiuya stepped forward and asked.


Song Xiamo glanced at Li Qiucheng, shook her head and said, "Sister, I never thought of breaking up with Qiucheng. Believe it or not, I really like Qiucheng, and I like being with him."

"But because this matter involved our family, and then my parents forced me, so I just broke up."

"But now I won't be naive."

"Since the truth of the matter is like this, I will go to my parents and clarify the matter, so that they can understand the vicious intentions of the Tian family. I believe that after they know the truth, they will not force me to marry Tian Jiaxiang again."

"It's just the liquidated damages..."

"You don't need to worry about the liquidated damages. We will borrow if we say we can. You don't have to worry that we won't be able to get it out. In fact, I can lend you the money at any time. But you know this, I If you want to borrow it, you will also lend it to your father, and I will sign a loan agreement with him." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"It should, it is necessary."

Song Xiamo, who knew that his father Song Jiang was virtuous, agreed [-]% with Zhao Shanhe's approach.Even if Zhao Shanhe didn't say that, she was ready to remind her.

"Then go talk to your dad about it now." Zhao Shanhe said.

"He's not in the factory, he went out to talk with my uncle, I can contact him now!" Song Xiamo said urgently.

"Then let's get in touch!"

"Brother-in-law, sister, let's go in with me. Let's wait in the office for my parents to come back." Song Xiamo got out of the way and led the way.

"it is good!"

After several people walked into the office, Song Xiamo started to contact Song Jiangdu.However, what she didn't expect was that she contacted Song Jiangdu and said that the Tian family was behind the incident, but Song Jiangdu ignored it.


"Do you think I haven't thought about this? I have thought about it very carefully and deduced it, but let me tell you, let me tell you, don't care if it was done by the Tian family or not. This is the end of the matter, and you must marry the Tian family. auspicious."

"That's it, you hurry up and let those people go, I'm busy now."

After Song Jiang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Song Xiamo was stunned on the spot.

She was dumbfounded.

She never thought that Song Jiang would have such an attitude after knowing the truth of this matter?what is this?Does this mean that you know there is a fire pit in front of you, but you want to push me into it?

Dad, are you trying to kill me?

Song Xiamo's face was ashen.

Zhao Shanhe and the others also heard what the two said just now.When they heard that Song Jiangdu had such an attitude, the three of them were quite surprised. They were all speechless by Song Jiangdu.

"Is it still possible?"

Li Qiuya looked over in a daze.

"Did I hear you right? Is this really what a father should say to his daughter?"

"It's simply unreasonable." Li Qiucheng's face was livid.


Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and looked playfully.

Regardless of the truth of this matter, just because of Song Jiangdu's actions, Zhao Shanhe can see that this person is not simple.

Either he was scared out of his wits by the Tian family, even though he knew it was a conspiracy and he was being tricked, he still jumped into it willingly, in order to keep his one-acre three-point land.

Either Song Jiangdu has his own ambitions, and he wants to annex the Tian family through this kind of marriage.

Whatever Tian Qinuo wanted to do, Song Jiang wanted to do too.After all, they have their own factory, and if they can have a complete set of sales channels, then the rise of the Song family is just around the corner.

"What should we do now?"

Song Xiamo looked sideways at Li Qiucheng, her eyes were rosy.


"What are you, who let you in? Now, please get out of here immediately, I don't want to see you in our factory." At this moment, an arrogant and domineering voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Song Jiangdi's figure appeared.

She looked over domineeringly, raised her hand and shouted unceremoniously at Li Qiucheng.

"Li Qiucheng, you are really good. This has all caught up in our factory. It seems that you have ignored the words I told you before, and you didn't listen to them, did you?"

"I said you poor boy, do you really have to climb the high branches of our family?"

"Let me tell you one last time, you and Xia Mo are not suitable, you are not from the same world. Xia Mo is going to marry the Tian family, you are not worthy of her!"

"Little sister!"

Hearing this, Song Xiamo hurried forward to hold Song Jiangdi's hand, and said anxiously: "Don't say any more, I will tell you that there is a conspiracy in this matter, the whole thing is caused by the Tian family, they want to To swallow our Song family."

"Swallow the Song family?"

Song Jiangdi didn't mean to be surprised when he heard this. Instead, he sneered and said repeatedly: "Who told you? Is it him? Or are they?"

Song Jiangdi pointed at Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya.

"who are you?"

"Is it Li Qiucheng's person? But forget it, it doesn't matter, who you are is not important to me at all. The important thing is, don't you think this is ridiculous?"

"The purpose of telling such lies and fabricating such lies is to sow discord, to destroy Xia Mo and Tian Jiaxiang's marriage, right? Let me tell you, it won't work."

"I can see through your schemes and tricks at a glance, you should hurry up and go somewhere to cool off and rest."

"You are not allowed to say that about my sister and brother-in-law!" Li Qiucheng shouted angrily.

"Sister? Brother-in-law?"

Song Jiangdi chuckled.

"Let me just say, it must be your person. I didn't expect it to be your sister and brother-in-law. What? You asked them to come here for support? Or do you want to propose a marriage? Li Qiucheng, you don't really think that you will bring me Letting them come over will scare us, right?"

"Look at their appearance, just like you, are they all poor ghosts?"

"Hurry up, let's go, don't dirty our place."

The corners of Song Jiangdi's eyes slanted up in mockery.

"Why do you talk like that?" Li Qiuya was so angry that she stood up on the spot and glared.

"How should I speak?"

Song Jiangdi glanced at Li Qiuya disdainfully, and said in a cold voice: "I'm in my territory, and I can talk as much as I want, and I didn't invite you over. If you don't want to listen, you can go!"

"Song Xiawu, what are you still doing stupidly? Seeing off the guests!"

"Remember to tell the gatekeeper clearly in the future, don't let people like this in again. We are a factory after all, not all cats and dogs can come in."


Song Xiawu chuckled, and after glancing greedily across Li Qiuya's mature body, he said with a playful smile: "Beauty, did you hear what my sister-in-law said? You are not welcome here, so you should go quickly. But ah, I'm quite happy." I don't care about you, why don't you think about it, divorce him, a poor man, and follow me!"


Song Xiawu had a smirk all over his face.

When Song Xiawu flirted with Li Qiuya nakedly, Zhao Shanhe's eyes suddenly burst into anger, and he looked at Song Xiawu with cold and piercing eyes.

"Song Xiawu, you bastard!"

Just when Zhao Shanhe was about to get angry, Li Qiucheng who had been watching all the time lost his temper.

Li Qiuya is his older sister, and although Zhao Shanhe is taking care of her now, she is also Li Qiucheng's Ni Lin.

Now that Song Xiawu dared to flirt openly in front of him, do you think he can bear it?

Although Zhao Shanhe couldn't do it, he could.

As for Song Xiawu being Song Xiamo's cousin, whether this is the Song family's factory is not in Li Qiucheng's consideration, he exploded without thinking.


Song Xiawu, who was so close at hand, never expected that Li Qiucheng would make a sudden attack, and he was caught off guard, and he was caught immediately.After being kicked hard in the chest by Li Qiucheng, his body staggered backwards and fell to the ground.

But that's not all.

Li Qiuxiang rushed forward madly, riding on him, grabbed his collar, and slapped him fiercely.You can see that Song Xiawu's face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ah! Killed someone, help me!"

Song Jiangdi, who has never seen such a battle, didn't wake up until Song Xiawu was beaten for a while, and then he shouted, and wanted to push Li Qiucheng away, but he was afraid that he would be beaten, so he could only stand At the door, yelling out loud.

"Come on, hurry up and save people!"

"Song Xiamo, are you stupid? Hurry up and pull them away!"

No need for Song Jiangdi to say, Song Xiamo also rushed over, stopped Li Qiucheng's arms, and shouted anxiously at him: "Qiucheng, what are you doing? Stop!"

The scene was instantly chaotic.

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