Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1044 Replace wine with tea, thanks in advance

in the hotel.

Zhao Shanhe, who had just returned to his room, received a call from Liu Wei'an, the director of Jade Bird Glass Factory, before he had time to drink.

Liu Weian on the other end of the phone seemed a little agitated.

"Director, can you come over these two days?"

"what happened?"

After hearing the excitement in Liu Wei'an's tone, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "Did something happen in the factory?"

"It's like this. Our glass factory received an invitation letter from an aquarium in New York, USA. I think this matter may be a breakthrough for us to open up overseas markets, so I wanted to invite you to come and discuss it. " Liu Wei'an said quickly.

"Invitation letter from the Oceanarium?"

Zhao Shanhe immediately became interested.

"Tell me in detail."

"It's just that an aquarium in New York wants to build a clubhouse made of pure glass. I don't know where they heard the news. They know that our Blue Bird Glass is specially made of tempered glass, so they sent us an invitation letter."

"I suppose it's a good thing. Don't you?"

At this moment, Liu Wei'an was holding the invitation letter, looking at it over and over again, unable to restrain the joy in his heart.

"You're right, it's a good thing, but have you investigated it? Is it true? How could a good aquarium send us an invitation letter?"

"You know it too. With the pride of those old Americans, would you do this? Don't be a scam." Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly and kept calm.

"Factory Manager, I have already contacted over there by phone, and this matter is indeed true." Liu Wei'an said hastily.

"If it's true, you can't miss it."

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Shanhe said: "Well, you wait for me, I will come over tomorrow, let's meet and talk about this matter."

"Good good!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Qiuya looked over curiously and asked, "Shanhe, is our blue bird glass already so famous?"

"I don't know what's going on. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this. Could it be that someone recommended it? Who could it be?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, still puzzled.

However, at this moment, the big brother rang again, and a familiar voice came from the ear after it was connected.
"Tangerton, is that you?"

Zhao Shanhe was quite surprised, but at the same time as the surprise, a bright light flashed in his mind.

"You recommended it, right?"

"Haha, that's right, I knew you would guess it, don't you want to thank me well?" Tang Jiedun's voice sounded a little embarrassed.

"Is it really you?"

"Of course, if it weren't for me, who do you think would send you an invitation letter on the far side of the ocean? Of course, I have to admit that the quality of your blue bird glass is indeed very good!"

"Zhao, this is a great opportunity. If you can seize it, the market in the United States will definitely be open to you. At that time, you may even consider opening a factory in the United States to produce glass."

Tang Jie said wow wow wow in one breath.

"Let me just say, how can I receive the invitation letter if I'm fine. But Tang Jiedun, what's going on? Do you want me to participate in the glass bidding of this aquarium?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"That's right!"

Tang Jiedun said enthusiastically: "Man, let me tell you, if you say you can win this bid, it will be very useful to open up the US market for your tempered glass."

"In the United States, there are many aquariums, a lot of glass walkways that need to be built, and even glass rafting that has been very popular recently. These all require high-quality tempered glass, and the profits are very considerable."

"I said so, do you understand?"

"Okay, I know about this, and I will definitely attend on time. At that time, I will personally lead the team there. But Tangerton, you should not tell me about this for no reason. Tell me, do you want to What do you want?"

Zhao Shanhe asked straight to the point, and a businessman like Tang Jiedun really didn't need to be polite.

For business, it's better to be straightforward.

"Hey, I know I can't hide it from you."

Tang Jie from the other side of the ocean grinned, and said in a calm manner: "That's right, I have something I want to ask you, can you see if you can prioritize me to take charge of this matter?"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Didn't your Hetu Manufacturing develop a tire roller?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and then said, "Do you want to buy tire rollers? Or do you want to be the agent of tire rollers in the United States?"

"not only that."

Tangerton's body leaned forward slightly.

"I heard that you are developing a car mixer, is there such a thing?"

"Tang Jiedun, your news channel is fast enough, or you have been staring at me. I just put this project on the agenda, and you received the news?" Zhao Shanhe pouted, He pretended to be angry and said.

"This shows that I care about your well-being!"

Tang Jie laughed.

"Seriously, I'd like to get an agency from you for tire rollers and truck mixers, will you?"

The moment these words were said, Zhao Shanhe's eyelids raised slightly.

"Tang Jiedon, are you serious? I remember that your Covenant Group doesn't seem to be doing this kind of business. What do you want this agency for? Or do you mean you don't want to work in Covenant Group anymore? You want to come out as an independent business ?”

"How did you know?"

Tang Jiedun asked in surprise: "Did you also send someone to keep an eye on me? Otherwise, how would you know what I want to do alone?"


Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being speechless for a while, how could he know that he was just saying it casually, and he was right.

But what does Tang Jiedon think, you don't want to do the errands of the covenant group, why do you have to come out and do it yourself?

Do you know what kind of risk you take by doing this?And you should know that Hetu Manufacturing also has a contract with the Covenant Group.

Some of the engine parts produced by Long March are sold to Covenant Group.

You go, although this matter can continue to work, it will be somewhat inconvenient after all.

"Of course it's true. Let's talk about this matter for a while, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words. How about it, since you are going to lead the team to New York, let's meet and talk about it. What do you think?" Tang Jiedun said.


"Then remember to hurry up, the bidding will start this week, you'd better be able to leave tomorrow. At that time, let's make an appointment with my uncle and come out for a sit down."

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He knew that the uncle mentioned by Tang Jiedun was Huofen, the buyer of the Angel Group. If he said that, he really had to prepare for the past.

"Why, are you going to America?" Li Qiuya also heard the content of the call and asked with concern.


Zhao Shanhe put down his brother and said with a smile: "You heard it too, Tang Jiedun said that he wanted me to participate in the tempered glass bidding meeting in the Oceanarium. I think this is indeed a good opportunity for us."

"Really, if we can win this project, our factory's products will be able to open up foreign markets."

"The other thing is that this guy suddenly wants the agency rights of tire rollers and vehicle mixers. I want to go over and see what he thinks. Is it a moment of dizziness and an impulsive decision, or really wants to do this? .If I really want to do it, I will have a good talk with him about the agency."

"Yes, it's time to have a good talk with him. How about this, you go back now, and you will go to Jade Bird Glass tomorrow, such as sample shipment, ticket booking, and team formation. You need to check it out. Anyway, it's like this here , I can handle it myself."

Li Qiuya smiled and said softly.

"Are you sure you can handle it well?" Zhao Shanhe asked while pulling his wife.

"There is nothing to deal with. If the Song family is willing to kill themselves, then let them go. I won't let Qiu Cheng get hurt anyway. As for Song Xiamo, if she agrees to the conditions we proposed, she is willing to take charge of Song If there is a factory, we will help the Song family tide over the difficulties, if you don't want to, just love whoever you are." Li Qiuya said indifferently.

"You're right, let's do it."

Zhao Shanhe stroked Li Qiuya's hair, and said gently: "You can contact me at any time if you have anything to do here. Remember, don't put you and Qiucheng in danger."

"I will."

"Also, I will say hello to Wei Jin. If you have any trouble here, you can keep in touch with him at any time."

"it is good!"

After giving instructions, Zhao Shanhe dialed Wei Jin's number in front of Li Qiuya, and rushed over there after an address was given.He didn't expect such an emergency, so he could only arrange things here before leaving.

As for staying to deal with it, Zhao Shanhe didn't say he couldn't, but felt it was unnecessary.

As far as the virtues of the Song family are concerned, is it worth his energy to treat them?

In the entire Song family, only Song Xiamo was worthy of great use, and only Song Xiamo had a relationship with Zhao Shanhe because of Li Qiucheng, and the rest didn't matter.

A tea house elegant room.

Zhao Shanhe and Wei Jin met, and after a short greeting, he told the whole story.After knowing that Zhao Shanhe came here because of this incident, Wei Jin couldn't help shaking his head speechlessly.

"The Song family is really lucky to have a girl like Song Xiamo. Otherwise, the Song family's demise will only happen sooner or later. And I dare say that if Tian Qinuo is ruthless, Song can be killed in two or three days." The family is desperate and can only sell the factory."

"But now, Director Zhao, if you say you are in charge of this matter, you will have nothing to do with it."

"No, I didn't think about it."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head.

"in spite of?"

Wei Jin froze for a moment.

"Yes, this matter is really optional to me. There is only one reason why I came here, and that is my brother-in-law Li Qiucheng. If he hadn't insisted on falling in love with Song Xiamo, the life and death of the Song family What have you got to do with me?"

"Even so, as I said, I won't take care of this matter."

"If you really want me to take care of it, there is only one condition, and that is that Song Xiamo is in charge of the Song family. For the sake of my brother-in-law, I might take care of the Song family. Otherwise, Mr. Wei, you will pretend that I have never been here before." Huashi will do.”


Wei Jin suddenly realized.

"What do you need me to do?"

"I have some business to leave Xianhua City temporarily, but my wife will stay. I have already told her what to do, but this is Xianhua City after all, and it is your territory, so if she encounters troubles there If so, I hope you can stand up and help her."

Zhao Shanhe raised the teacup in his hand and said with a smile, "I will replace wine with tea, thank you in advance."

"Director Zhao, it's a big deal. Don't worry, as long as Mr. Li gives an order, I will never say anything." Wei Jin also raised his teacup.

"Thank you."


After everything was settled, Zhao Shanhe set off to go back.

Watching Zhao Shanhe's back leave, Li Qiucheng asked worriedly: "Sister, should we just sit like this? Do you want me to tell Xia Mo to listen to the movement over there?"

"Need not!"

Li Qiuya waved her hand.

"You have to know that the Song family is in a mess right now. All we have to do now is wait. Wait for the Song family's final decision, and what the Tian family will do. We will take action when the situation becomes clear. "

"Don't worry, no matter what happens in the end, Xia Mo will not marry Tian Jiaxiang."

"it is good!"


into the night.

At the reception held by the Tian family.

As the host, Tian Qinuo ignored all the guests who came to participate, and was concentrating on accompanying a person, and if this person Zhao Shanhe was present, he would be able to recognize him at a glance.

He turned out to be Gong Jiaquan.

Tian Qinuo's so-called big shot from Qingshan City turned out to be Gong Jiaquan, and the one he wanted to cling to turned out to be the Gong Group.

"Young Master Gong, I prepared these for you. I hope you will have a good time in Xianhua City." Tian Qinuo pointed at the scene in front of him and said with a smile.

He was considered a figure in Xianhua City, but at this moment he was as humble as a servant.

"Mr. Tian, ​​you are really being polite. I just came to your Xianhua City casually, and you have made such a big production schedule. There is no need!" Gong Jiaquan said so, but the smile on his face betrayed broke his heart.

He is a person who likes to talk about pomp in his bones, so how could he be unhappy?

"Should be."

Tian Qinuo is worthy of being a well-rounded character, even facing this man of his son's generation, he can not stand coldly.Of course, in this hot chat, he also put forward his appeal in a timely manner.

If there is no appeal, why do you think he would be so flattering?

After hearing Tian Qinuo's words, Gong Jiaquan said calmly, "Isn't this the project you're talking about? It's ok. There's no problem on my side, and I can completely leave it to you to do it."

"Then thank you, Young Master Gong, for your support. Young Master Gong, I'll toast you again."

"Good talk!"

At this time Song Jiangdu came.

He originally had doubts about Tian Qinuo's plan to entertain the big shots in Qingshan City, but now that he saw Gong Jiaquan, especially after knowing Gong Jiaquan's identity, all his doubts disappeared instantly.

He knew that the Tian family was really about to rise.

At this time, all he can do is marry or marry.

"Xia Mo, my good girl, the future and destiny of the Song family rests on you, you have to fight for me!"

Speaking of Song Jiangdu, he raised his glass.

"Mr. Tian, ​​after drinking this glass of wine, let's go to the side and talk about something."

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