"Feng Yuze, Li Mengxing, Liang Kaishan, you three listen to me clearly, my Shanqiu Food and Zhao Xiaobai Distillery will not choose to relocate easily, but if you say that you deceive people too much, then I will definitely not stay here Zhenghe County."

"But before I move out, I will definitely make the three of you pay the due price. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see."

Zhao Shanhe's words changed Feng Yuze's expression.

"Are you threatening us?"

Feng Yuze's eyes were narrowed, and the cold light flickered.

"I never threaten people, I just state the facts."

Zhao Shanhe clasped his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "There are you three, are your butts really clean? Don't think that I don't know why you came to Zhenghe County. I won't tell you. It's just to save you some face. Don't be serious. Treat yourself as a dish."


When Feng Yuze heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that Zhao Shanhe really heard something wrong?

It shouldn't be, he should know nothing, yes, he must be bluffing.

I can't be bluffed by him!


Just when Feng Yuze was about to speak, who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would turn around, look directly at the worker's family in front of him, wave his hands and say.

"Everyone, I'm Zhao Shanhe. I know the purpose of your visit today. I can't make any promises to you, but what I can say is that I will not move unless I am cornered."

"Now, please leave all of you and go home quickly."

If Yang Kaifeng said this, it would be irrelevant.

If Du Jingming said this, it wouldn't have much effect.

But the moment these words came out of Zhao Shanhe's mouth, they who were still besieging the factory gate, all sighed and turned away amidst the exchange of looking at you.

Continue to make trouble?

Give me a break!

Standing in front of them was Zhao Shanhe. Their sons, husbands, younger brothers, etc. all worked in other people's factories.

The tense situation just now disappeared immediately.

Seeing this scene, Yang Kaifeng really felt bad.It's fine if you say Du Jingming is better than him, but now Zhao Shanhe's words are better than his.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

After everyone left, Yang Kaifeng stepped forward quickly, stared at Zhao Shanhe, and said in a slightly aggressive tone: "Zhao Shanhe, do you know that what you just said is very problematic?"

"You can clearly promise, why not promise? What do you mean when you are forced to a dead end and you will relocate? You should make it clear in front of Du County today."

"say clearly?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Yang Kaifeng, and said mockingly: "Deputy Magistrate Yang, why should I speak clearly? Didn't I speak clearly enough?"

"You have to know that I'm doing this to help you. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to solve the problem just now. You can't say that I helped you. Now you have to turn your face and deny anyone?"

"Who are you talking about turning their faces and denying people?"

Yang Kaifeng said with some embarrassment.

"Comrade Kaifeng, Director Zhao didn't mean that, and you don't have to worry about it here. Let's go, let's go to the county committee now, there is a meeting to be held!" Du Jingming raised his hand to interrupt the quarrel between the two.

"I see!"

Yang Kaifeng left angrily.

The three Feng Yuze also disappeared.

When only the person from Shanqiu Foods and Du Jingming were left here, Du Jingming said pointedly: "Shanhe, what you just said was angry, right? You don't really want to move out, do you?"

"Move away?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said lightly: "Du County, don't worry, I will never move away. Even if someone wants to leave, it's not me!"

"Okay, I'm relieved when you say that." A stone in Du Jingming's heart fell to the ground quietly.


Who would have thought that at this moment, Zhao Shanhe followed up with the word "but", which immediately made Du Jingming nervous.

He looked over intently, and asked in a somewhat hasty tone: "But what? You must not make any fools of me."

"Duxian, I can promise you not to move out, but if I mess up something, you have to give me a hand."

"Of course, don't worry, I won't make too much noise, I just teach Feng Yuze and the others a little lesson, let them know what to do and what not to do!" Zhao Shanhe said with a slight smile.

"A little lesson is fine."

Du Jingming waved his hand disapprovingly.

"Feng Yuze, Li Mengxing, and Liang Kaishan are three people I don't want to see. There is nothing wrong with you giving a little lesson. But you have to remember that if the three of them can come to invest in our county, they are also supported by someone."

"If you make a big fuss, you will get into trouble, so you have to be careful!"

"I know."

"That's it."

Du Jingming turned around and took Gu Changbei away.

"Shanhe, you see that Du County's attitude is still somewhat conservative, are you sure we want to do things like that?" Li Qiuya was a little worried when thinking about tomorrow's plan.

"Of course!"

Zhao Shanhe turned his head and said with a smile: "We have been planning for these days, how can we give up halfway? Besides, even if this matter is done, who knows that we did it? So, don't worry, it's okay. question."

"Okay, listen to you."

"Let's go, just take this opportunity to hold a meeting for everyone."


"Yes, everyone!"

Zhao Shanhe said firmly: "In 15 minutes, an all-staff meeting will be held in the small auditorium, and everyone will be present. I will speak to them."

"it is good!"


On the way back to the old brick factory.

Feng Yuze stopped the furious Yang Kaifeng, and asked with a smile, "Yang County, we are going to hold a groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow, and you have to come to participate no matter what."

"Of course!"

Yang Kaifeng nodded in response.

"Can I be absent from the ground-breaking ceremony of your Yangliu Chemical Industry? Not only will I come, but the leadership team of our Zhenghe County will also come. You can rest assured about this."

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

"That's it."

After Yang Kaifeng finished speaking, he waited for Du Jingming to come forward, and the two walked forward together. Seeing their backs getting farther and farther away, Li Mengxing frowned and asked, "You said what Zhao Shanhe just said was unintentional. Did you say it on purpose?"

"It must have been unintentional."

Feng Yuze said calmly: "Can Zhao Shanhe know the purpose of our coming to Zhenghe County? He just thinks we are persecuting him, so he is just guessing."

"You don't have to be afraid, come to me tomorrow. After we finish my ceremony, tomorrow will be yours for the next two days. This time, the three of us will work together to stir up Zhenghe County!"

"it is good!"


Small auditorium of Shanqiu food.

The workers who had been notified all came to the meeting. Their hearts were already tugging, thinking about what decision Zhao Shanhe would make in the end, so when they heard that there was going to be a meeting, they all rushed over without hesitation.

"Do you know? My second uncle was listening outside just now."

"It's quite civilized. Is that called listening? That's causing trouble. But fortunately, it's on our side of Shanqiu Foods. Even if there is trouble, our factory manager can take care of it."

"Do you think we want to move?"

Everyone is whispering and talking, and no one has a clue.

Well, this matter is different from the previous few times. You said that there are polluting enterprises nearby. It is reasonable for Zhao Shanhe to say that he should move away.Your county doesn't support us, so do you still have to tie us up and stay?

Amidst such chatter, Zhao Shanhe walked in from the outside.

The moment he appeared, all the noise stopped abruptly.Everyone looked over with burning eyes. Although they said they had no idea, this did not prevent them from admiring Zhao Shanhe.

Because they all know that no matter what the outcome of this matter is, Zhao Shanhe will definitely give them an explanation.

Zhao Shanhe walked to the rostrum with his head held high.

When he stood in front of the microphone, applause rang out in unison.Hearing such applause, Zhao Shanhe lowered his hands slightly, and said in a sonorous and forceful voice: "Everyone, be quiet, I have a few words to tell you today."

The whole place was silent.

"I know that what you are most curious about now is whether Shanqiu Foods should move or not. Okay, before I say this, I want to hear your opinions. Do you want to move?"

"In no mood!"

"Why should we relocate? We're doing well here. We came from Yangliu Chemical. When they come, they're going to force us out. How can there be such an unreasonable thing in this world?"

"Director, we want to stay!"

There were scorching and firm rays of light in the eyes, and they all felt that they were the masters of this place.

How can there be any reason why the owner was forced away by evil guests?If you really say that you are driving them into a hurry, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken, so everyone should stop doing it.

They are willing to fight for the factory!

"That's right, why do we have to leave? Even if we have to leave, it's Feng Yuze, Li Mengxing, and Liang Kaishan who are to blame! They want to come here to make trouble here, so they should get out of here! Right?"

Zhao Shanhe's calm voice suddenly sounded.


The crowd was excited.

"How Shanqiu Food came about, I believe most of the people present know that, because you are all from our Zhenghe County, the old people of our Shanqiu Food."

"Our Shanqiu Foods has come from the ice factory back then to today's step by step. It is not easy for us to achieve the current results. Since we are all over the top, why should he Feng Yuze come over, say a few words, and want to build one next to us? For the chemical plant, we have to surrender, compromise, and move.”

"He, Feng Yuze, is not qualified enough!"

Zhao Shanhe walked back and forth on the rostrum, scanning everyone with his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm here to give you a reassurance, that is, no matter what, Shanqiu Foods will not move away. We used to be from Zhenghe County, and we are now, and we will be in the future."


The applause sounded like thunder.

Everyone stood up involuntarily, and they looked at Zhao Shanhe with hot and excited eyes.

When these words came from Zhao Shanhe's mouth, they knew that they must be true, and they must not fake it.

"Director, but the Yangliu Chemical Factory will break ground tomorrow. If it is really built by them, it will definitely affect the image of our Shanqiu Foods. What should we do?"

Someone raised his hand in this excited atmosphere and asked sincerely.

The rest of the people also looked over.

This is the reality before everyone, and it is impossible for them to deny it even if they want to.Zhao Shanhe said not to relocate, and Shanqiu Foods did not need to relocate.

But what about the result?The result is that their image will be ruined, and they will lose their current jobs. If they really want to get to that point, they might as well relocate.

So they all want to know what Zhao Shanhe thinks about this problem.

"Break ground?"

After Zhao Shanhe heard this, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I believe that there is justice in this world. People are doing it, and the sky is watching. If the sky does evil, you can still live, but if people do evil, you will never be forgiven. Who can say what will happen tomorrow?"

"You say yes?"


Everyone was shocked by Zhao Shanhe's two words.

This is very domineering, but the question is, what do you mean by this?

Could it be that you can count and know what will happen tomorrow?But it’s not right, isn’t this a superstition?


Without giving the workers a chance to think, Zhao Shanhe raised his arms.

"Today's meeting is for you to set the morale of the army. Now that the morale of the army has been set, all you have to do is to work hard after I go back. You don't need to take care of the rest, you know?"



this day.

The entire Zhenghe County is discussing this matter, and everyone wants to know what Zhao Shanhe will do tomorrow.

If it is true that Yangliu Chemical successfully breaks ground, Shanqiu Foods will be in danger.

The food factory next to the chemical factory, can there be a good one?

But can Zhao Shanhe stop it?

Many people are waiting.

In this kind of waiting, the night passed quietly.

the next day.

Those who are interested get up early, and they can't wait to rush to the old brick factory.

There will definitely be many people coming here today, and they will be surrounded.All they have to do is to find a good place quickly and stand first.

There are many journalists here.

As the group with the sharpest sense of smell, of course they have long been aware of the contradiction between Shanqiu Food and Yangliu Chemicals. If there is nothing to do here today, everyone will be happy, but as long as something happens, it will be a big event and big news.

How could they not come?

"Do you think Zhao Shanhe will come to make trouble today?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Is Director Zhao an ordinary person? How could he just come here and make trouble? You're thinking too much."

"I said, Dong Siyuan, you seem to know a lot, so give us some inside information."

"The inside story?"

As the most popular chief reporter of Zhenghe Evening News today, Dong Siyuan scanned the audience, and in the eyes of his colleagues, he said slowly: "You guys, just wait quietly, there will be big news today, I guarantee you are worth it This line."

When these words fell to the ground, all the reporters immediately became extremely excited.

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