Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 1016 Two Different Identities

On the site of the ocean current chemical factory.

Yang Kaifeng glanced at the activity scene where the pennant was flying, and asked with a serious face: "Jiang Pingtao, have you contacted Mr. Feng? Are you sure there will be no problem?"

"Certainly not."

Jiang Pingtao said confidently: "I have already contacted Mr. Feng, and he assured me again and again that nothing will happen. He said that there are reporters invited by them at the scene, and he will speak for them."

"As long as no one deliberately provokes troubles, this ground-breaking ceremony can proceed smoothly. He asks you to rest assured."

"That's good!"

Yang Kaifeng fell to the ground quietly with a hanging heart, and said with a little emotion: "Old Jiang, it is not easy for us to bring Mr. Feng's project to our county. Although this matter is a bit difficult, as long as we can do it , they all have enough achievements.”

"So, do you understand?"

"I know."

Jiang Pingtao immediately said solemnly: "Yang County, I know the meaning of this matter very well, so don't worry, I will do my best to fight for nothing."

"By the way, did Zhao Shanhe send someone to watch?" Yang Kaifeng pouted and asked.


Jiang Pingtao nodded, and then said with some hesitation: "Actually, Zhao Shanhe has already sent an invitation letter, but he rejected it. I think he refused, so he will definitely not cause trouble again, you Say yes?"

"I hope so."

Yang Kaifeng took a deep breath and strode forward.

"Let's go, Du County has come over there, and we just happened to go there together."


Du Jingming did attend. In fact, he didn't want to come, but he couldn't hold back his identity. If he didn't come to such a big event, it would be unreasonable.

And his intuition told him that there would definitely be some commotion at today's groundbreaking meeting, and it would be inappropriate for him not to come.

After they all met, they began to greet each other, and then, under Feng Yuze's guidance, Du Jingming and the others came to the temporary event site.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Du Jingming said lightly: "I am here today to represent the county to attend your groundbreaking ceremony. As for the specific matters, Deputy County Yang is in charge. So, Mr. Feng, do you have any questions?" You can contact Deputy Yang County for any situation."


Feng Yuze looked at Yang Kaifeng and smiled and said, "Vice Yang, let's start now?"

"it is good!"

Yang Kaifeng nodded, and Feng Yuze signaled to preside over the opening ceremony.

After a brief opening speech, it was Yang Kaifeng's turn to speak.

Originally, Du Jingming should have given this speech, but he refused.Yang Kaifeng was in charge of this matter, so it was only natural for him to take it for granted.

Yang Kaifeng praised Yangliu Chemicals with hype.

According to what he said, the future and destiny of Zhenghe County depended on Yangliu Chemicals. Without Yangliu Chemicals, the economy of Zhenghe County would not be able to develop.

"So, on behalf of our entire Zhenghe County, I warmly welcome Yangliu Chemical to invest and build a factory."

After speaking, Yang Kaifeng took the lead in applauding.

Scattered people below also began to applaud.

And amidst this kind of applause, Feng Yuze stepped forward, stood beside Yang Kaifeng, and said humbly with a smile: "Yang Fuxian, what you said just now made me a little ashamed, the reason why we Yangliu Chemicals came to you The investment and construction of Zhenghe County is the environment you have created to attract investment."

"Don't worry, with what you said just now, we will definitely seize the time to build a factory and put it into production."

"well said."

The two sang together on the podium.

In this extremely harmonious atmosphere, a person suddenly stood out from the reporter circle. She looked forward calmly, and a sonorous and powerful voice came out of the microphone in her hand.

"Vice Yang, I have something to ask, can I ask?"


Everyone's eyes were projected over, and when they saw who stood up to ask a question, they all showed surprise expressions on their faces.

Immediately, they thought of what Dong Siyuan said before, each of them suddenly realized, and then looked at it impatiently.

"you are?"

Yang Kaifeng asked a little strangely.

"I'm Xia Wan, a reporter from Zhongzhou Daily." Xia Wan introduced herself.

Zhongzhou Daily?

Yang Kaifeng subconsciously glanced at Feng Yuze, thinking in his heart that Feng Yuze is indeed a rich man, and the weight of the reporters invited here is different.

The only ones I can invite are those from Handong City, but I can see that the ones they invite are all from the Provincial Capital Daily.

And this Xia Wan seems to be a well-known reporter.

After thinking about this, Yang Kaifeng smiled and said, "Of course, you can ask."

"Okay, what I want to ask is that your county just said that it warmly welcomes Yangliu Chemicals to invest and build, so do you know that Yangliu Chemicals is a polluting enterprise?"

Xia Wan's expression remained unchanged.


Yang Kaifeng nodded. Everyone knows about this matter. Chemical plants are all polluting enterprises. There is nothing to say about this.He also didn't think there was anything to hide about such a problem.

"If you know, then you should be very clear that it is best not to introduce such a company. Even if it is introduced, the so-called factory address should be far away from the county. But what I have seen is that you have not Is it appropriate to build a factory in the middle of the county town with great fanfare?"

Xia Wan's words became sharper.

"Why would this reporter ask such a question? Could it be that she was not arranged by Feng Yuze? She came here to find trouble?" Yang Kaifeng looked at Feng Yuze thoughtfully after a look of confusion appeared between his brows.

Feng Yuze shook his head slightly.

Just such an inadvertent action is enough to explain the problem.The meaning is very simple, that is, I don't know who this person is, and she was not invited by me.

Is that so?

Yang Kaifeng was relieved at once, and when he looked at Xia Wan again, he no longer had the initial enthusiasm, and his tone became formulaic.

"Reporter Xia, what you said is a bit biased. Who stipulated that chemical plants must be built outside the city? Besides, what happened to our chemical plant?"

"We are all equipped with environmental protection equipment. All of our environmental protection processes have rules to follow and will be reviewed and approved by the relevant departments of our country. Even if you don't believe us, don't you even believe the functional departments of the state? ?"

Feng Yuze was a little moved when he saw Xia Wan at first, but when he saw that she was targeting him like this, the pity and pity that he didn't care about, came up with a burst of unceremonious hard-nosedness.

"Feng Yuze, don't change the concept here. When did I say that I don't trust the functional departments of the state, but even with the review and supervision of the functional departments, everything will be fine? I can't see it."

Xia Wan raised the corners of her eyebrows, and after scanning the audience, her tone suddenly became high.

"Yangliu Chemical, Tianxing Paper Mill, and Dihuo Printing and Dyeing Factory are all like dogs. They are unconscionable enterprises that are merciless and profit-seeking. You don't even think about protecting the environment. What you pursue is money and profit. As long as you have If you earn money, you won’t care even if it’s a flood.”

"Am I wrong?"

The moment these words landed, the audience erupted.

Everyone was in an uproar.

no?real or fake?How could Xia Wan blatantly accuse Yangliu Chemical in this way? This is no longer a simple humiliation, but a face-to-face declaration of war, which is firing at Yangliu Chemical.

It may not carry too much weight when these words come from other people's mouths, but this person is Xia Wan, the most famous and upholding justice reporter in the province.

Do you think this can be fake?

Does Xia Wan dare to lie?

When Xia Wan blurted out these words, Du Jingming sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, not at all surprised.

Yang Kaifeng's face darkened.

The three of Feng Yuze were even more surprised.

"Reporter Xia, you are a reporter, you must know the truth of speaking with facts." Yang Kaifeng took a deep breath and said calmly.

"Of course I know."

Xia Wan smiled casually, and said without a trace: "Since I dare to say it, I dare to take responsibility for what I said, but Yang Fuxian, I want to ask you, if what I said is true, what do you say?" ? Do you still insist on introducing the three of them and supporting the three polluting companies with criminal records?"

"This one……"

Yang Kaifeng hesitated.

He really can't grasp Xia Wan's meaning now, could it be that she really has some evidence in her hand?That's not right, this matter is clearly on the surface, what could be tricky?

"President Feng, please explain."

Yang Kaifeng, who started to guess in his heart, didn't say he was as supportive as he was at the beginning, but left the matter to Feng Yuze again.

"it is good!"

Feng Yuze took a step forward confidently, and said in a stern voice: "Vice Yang, since we dare to invest in your Zhenghe County, we have the confidence and will not be easily manipulated by others. Xia Wan, you If you have anything to say, say it in front of the big guys, and let us listen too."

"You can show the evidence, we have nothing to say."

"But if you say that you can't provide evidence, we will sue you for defamation, and we will suspect that you are framed with ulterior motives. Are you being instructed by others to deliberately tarnish our image and humiliate our reputation? Are you going to legally responsible!"

"Feng Yuze, you don't need to scare me with alarmist words here. When it comes to the law, I know better than you."

Xia Wan glanced at it mockingly, then faced everyone, calmly took out a thick stack of documents from her pocket, and at the same time, said mockingly: "Feng Yuze, Liang Kaishan, Li Mengxing, you three are really You are a nest of scum and scum, are you doing investment under the guise of investors?"


"You have no funds at all! Your so-called investment is nothing more than taking preferential policies for attracting investment from various places. After you get the land, you will borrow money from the bank for your personal gain. You are purely empty-handed white wolves, you This is typical fraud and you should all go to jail!"

"What? And what else?"

"Isn't it? Doesn't Zhenghe County say they won't review their qualifications? Just pull in investment casually?"

"This is what Xia Wan said. Take a look at the evidence she presented. Can it be faked? One by one, you can find out if it is true or not with a little investigation. And as long as one of them is false, Feng Yuze and the three of them are scammers."

"Fraudster? My God, this is simply a humiliation to Zhenghe County."

"Is anyone cooperating with this kind of scammer?"


The whole place is boiling.

Everyone started whispering about it.

Du Jingming glanced at the documents in his hand, looked to the side with a gloomy face, and said indifferently: "Vice County Yang, should you give the county an explanation on this matter?"


Yang Kaifeng was also dumbfounded.

He didn't want to believe that this was true, but the evidence in front of him was so straightforward, and it recorded in detail all the places where he had cooperated with Feng Yuze and the others.

The piles are shocking.

How can you let him question it?

The faces of the three of Feng Yuze flickered uncertainly.

How could this be?Haven't you been mentally prepared for this?Why can such an accident happen?There are others who don't know, but they know it well. These things are true.

But the question is, how could Xia Wan find out these real things?

"Feng Yuze, before your Yangliu Chemical came to Zhenghe County, you invested in Oasis, Taihe, and Yangding counties in other provinces. But how did you invest? You invested in this empty-handed white wolf form Yes, the factory was not built in the end, you left with a sum of cash, and directly cheated many people in these three counties."

"The same is true of Dihuo Printing and Dyeing Factory."

"And Li Mengxing, your Tianxing Paper Mill is even more sinful. You borrowed money from many people through private equity funds, and then what? You just declared the paper mill bankrupt and left with the funds. Until now, There are still many people who are collecting debts from you, and you are all being chased like dogs who lost their homes."

"I'm wondering, how dare you come to Zhenghe County to cheat?"

"It's ridiculous that this kind of fraud of yours was passed in Zhenghe County. Then I want to know whether you are too smart, or that the Merchants Bureau of Zhenghe County is too stupid to even the most basic review. Don’t do it? Could it be that the people from the China Merchants Bureau don’t know that if you do this, the consequences will be unimaginable?”

Xia Wan's powdery face was covered with frost, and her words were sharp.

The audience was shocked.


These two identities are very different. If it is the former, even if the investment fails, it is justifiable.

But if it is the latter, then the problem will be big.

Not only was Feng Yuze and the others to be sentenced for their crimes, but Jiang Pingtao of the China Merchants Bureau was to be held accountable, and he had to be asked why this happened.

"Investors? Fraudsters?"

Jiang Pingtao was also confused at the moment.He sat dumbfounded on the chair under the rostrum, looking at Xia Wan in disbelief, as if looking at an extremely hot flame that could burn him to ashes at any time.

"It can't be true, it's definitely false."

Jiang Pingtao violently tore the documents in his hand into pieces, and got up suddenly.

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