"Manager Li, do you know what you are talking about?"

Yang Kaifeng took two deep breaths, suppressed the irritability in his heart, fixed his eyes on Li Qiuya, and said in a warning tone: "I hope you can be responsible for what you say."

"Of course, I myself will be responsible for what I said."

Li Qiuya raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said calmly, "Deputy County Magistrate Yang, what do you mean by that? Could it be that Shanqiu Foods cannot move out of Zhenghe County?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that when the chemical plant next door breaks ground, our Shanqiu Foods will start the relocation plan. By then, I hope you won't regret it."

"Li Qiuya, are you threatening me?" Yang Kaifeng said with a gloomy face.


Li Qiuya sneered and said indifferently: "You can think what you want, we are going to do this anyway. As for the problems caused by the relocation, you don't have to look for us here, we are not responsible for such things .”

Yang Kaifeng's face was livid with anger, he really didn't expect Li Qiuya to respond like this.

Originally, she thought that she could help him calm down the incident, but it seemed that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

"Li Qiuya, don't forget that you are just the general manager of Shanqiu Foods, and whether Shanqiu Foods should be relocated is not up to you." Yang Kaifeng said this with some confusion.

"Yes, I am the general manager of Shanqiu Foods, and I have no right to decide on the relocation, but my husband is Zhao Shanhe, and the entire Shanqiu Foods belongs to him. Do you think he will take care of things?"

Li Qiuya raised the corners of her lips and said brightly: "Do you think he will listen to me?"


Yang Kaifeng froze for a moment.

That's right, Li Qiuya has no power, but she can blow pillows.

Yang Kaifeng is not stupid, in the current situation, he can't realize that there should be Zhao Shanhe's acquiescence behind it.Otherwise, how dare Li Qiuya make such a strong statement!

The field suddenly fell into a stalemate.

"Yang County, we can't continue to entangle here. We must quickly solve this matter quickly, or there will be big troubles."

Jiang Pingtao glanced around and said in a low voice.

Yang Kaifeng's face was stern.

Do you think I don't know?Do you think I'm deaf?Can't hear the loud and angry voices around you?

But I can't do it, no, Li Qiuya doesn't cooperate with me, so what can I do?

Yang Kaifeng suddenly fell into a dilemma.

He is in trouble like this, but the people around him are not.

After hearing what Li Qiuya said and seeing her firm expression, they all believed in the news that Shanqiu Foods was definitely going to relocate.

This made them anxious.

"Vice Yang, didn't you say you could solve this problem? Hurry up!"

"Mr. Li, you Shanqiu Foods cannot be relocated."

"It's easy for me to say, just tell that ocean current chemical factory not to do it."

"Yes, that's right, let's go back."

The crowd was so encouraged that they were about to turn around and attack the old brick factory again.

Seeing this scene, Yang Kaifeng hurried to the front, stopped everyone and said loudly: "Comrades, don't be impulsive, and believe that our county government can solve this matter. In this way, you give me some time, and I will do it right now." Contact Zhao Shanhe."

"Major Yang, it's okay, our Yangliu Chemical Factory is not afraid of being besieged."

Who would have thought that at this moment, before the crowd could speak, Feng Yuze came over and spoke.

Those words that came out of nowhere ignited the atmosphere of the scene at once, and everyone looked over with a kind of resentment and anger in their eyes.

Yang Kaifeng was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Feng Yuze, are you a fool?I didn't see that I was solving the problem here, what are you trying to do by standing up and saying this at this time?

Do you feel that the atmosphere of the whole scene is not intense enough, so you still want to add oil and vinegar to the fire?

Yang Kaifeng was angry.

When Li Qiuya saw this scene, she sneered and didn't interrupt.

She wrapped her arms around her chest and watched coldly, not taking the three of Feng Yuze seriously at all.

"Boss Feng, what time is it, so please don't say a few words." Yang Kaifeng waved his hand quickly and said.

"Major Yang, we are solving your troubles for you. How dare they surround you, force you, and let you deal with our Yangliu chemical industry? I am outside I have invested in these years and traveled to so many places, but I have never seen anything like this.”

"You're stupid enough."

"Could it be that County Magistrate Yang didn't solve the problem for you? No, it's Shanqiu Food, okay? They insist on relocating. If you want to vent your anger on them, what's the use of asking County Magistrate Yang to find me? "

"Besides, after my chemical plant is successfully built, I need to recruit workers. You say, so what if Shanqiu Foods moves away? Aren't you still able to come to my place to work and get paid?"

Feng Yuze scanned the audience arrogantly, without any intention of giving face to the group of people, and the tone of his words clearly carried a superior attitude.

This made the group of people angry.

"Who do you think you are, whoever wants to work in your chemical plant, we will work in Shanqiu Foods."

"Damn it, is this here to make a fire?"

"What is this guy pulling!"

"Okay, since you said that, I want to see if your chemical plant can be built? If you can build it, I will take your surname!"


Everyone shouted and cursed.

Yang Kaifeng hurried forward, stopped the three of Feng Yuze, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Feng, leave this matter to me. Don't talk from now on."

"Yang County, I'm not trying to steal your limelight, I just think this matter, they deceive people too much, where do they do things like this, it's obvious that they are forcing the palace."

Feng Yuze made a gesture that I was thinking of you, turned his head and pouted at Li Qiuya, and shouted disdainfully: "I said Mr. Li, you are the general manager of Shanqiu Foods after all, are you so talented? Don't you know who Yang County is? You dare to talk to him like this, it's really embarrassing for Shanqiu Food. "

"And what about Zhao Shanhe? A man of his age, who doesn't come out when encountering things, let you, a woman and child, stand up. Isn't it too unmanly?"

"Zhao Shanhe, come out, and I want to hear from you that you don't want Yangliu Chemical to be your neighbor! I want to hear from you that Zhenghe County shouldn't attract investment! If you dare to say that, we will slap your ass immediately. leave."

Fan the fire!

pour oil on the flame!

Yang Kaifeng understood Feng Yuze's thoughts at once. He didn't come here to help him make things right, it was clearly to cause trouble on purpose.

If he continues to talk about this, I will never try to settle this matter again.

So he didn't give Li Qiuya a chance to speak at all, so he interrupted directly, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "President Feng, as I said just now, I'll settle this matter, you guys go first."

"Go? Who let them go?"

"Come here to spray dung indiscriminately, and now I want to leave after talking, how can there be such a good thing in this world!"

"It's just right that you are here, get the hell out of Zhenghe County!"


"Get out of Zhenghe County?"

Feng Yuze scanned the audience arrogantly, and said calmly, "What are you guys? How dare you let us get out of Zhenghe County?"

"We signed an agreement with your county government. If you want to let us go, your county government will pay liquidated damages. Do you know how much the liquidated damages are? If you don't know, just shut up."

The crowd instantly boiled.

They didn't expect Feng Yuze to dare to be so arrogant.

A sense of humiliation of being deeply ravaged made the anger in their hearts no longer controllable and burned on the spot.

The crowd began to stir.

"Yang County, we can't let them continue talking. The situation is not good, and disasters are prone to happen." Jiang Pingtao said hastily, sweating profusely.

"Did I tell them to say that?"

Yang Kaifeng was also very flustered, and he had already scolded Feng Yuze in his heart.

You three bastards are clearly here to cause trouble for me. If you don’t come here, it’s fine. If you come here, there will be a mass incident, and you are the culprit.

But he had to deal with it.

If a crisis happened, he would be the first to take responsibility.

"Everyone, don't worry, just be quiet and listen to me!"

Yang Kaifeng hurriedly waved his arms and shouted, but now everyone's emotions were already boiling, no one cared what he was talking about, everyone stepped forward one after another, and rushed towards Feng Yuze three times.

Seeing this posture, the three of Feng Yuze were also dumbfounded.

They just wanted to add fuel to the fire, but they didn't want to be beaten by gangs.If it's about being beaten, the nose, bruises and face swelling are mild, and maybe they will become disabled if they are serious.

"Yang County, stop them quickly!"


Yang Kaifeng is also very anxious. If I could stop it, I would have stopped it a long time ago. Can I let them attack you like this?Am I helpless?None of them listened to me.

The situation is imminent.

At this critical moment, two sonorous and powerful voices suddenly sounded.

The moment the sound sounded, as if it had been rehearsed many times, all the noise stopped abruptly, and everyone turned to look behind.

"I'm Du Jingming from Zhenghe County, I ask everyone to keep quiet!"

"I'm Zhao Shanhe from Shanqiu Foods, I have something to tell everyone!"

A Du Jingming.

A Zhao Shanhe.

The appearance of the two of them immediately took control of the audience.

No one knows how the two of them came together, but this issue is not important anymore, they only know that the person who really talks and manages has arrived.

What the two of them said is definitely better than Yang Kaifeng's, and can determine the world.

"It's finally here."

Yang Kaifeng's hanging heart also fell to the ground quietly. It was only at this time that he realized that his prestige was so fragile. He was talking here for a long time, and his mouth was about to be worn out. This group of people insisted on not giving face.

But what about Du Jingming?

With just one sentence, he controlled the audience.

His own morality is still a little far behind.

"How did they come?"

Feng Yuze was also a little surprised, but he was not intimidated. After turning his eyes, he opened his mouth and started to complain in such a quiet atmosphere, which was reasonable.

"Du County, have you seen it? People in your county actually want to besiege us. What is this? We are here to invest in your county, not to be your enemy. This means that you came early, if you say later If it comes later, we will be beaten by them. I don't care, you must give us an explanation on this matter."

"That's right, if you don't give an explanation, we'll expose it and let everyone see how your Zhenghe County attracts investment!" Liang Kaishan shouted furiously.

"It's simply lawless!"

Li Mengxing was also pale with anger, he was a little scared now.

If this group of people rushed over to do something, the consequences would be unimaginable.

It's good that they didn't talk, with such a mouth opening, the atmosphere that had just calmed down was ignited again. Everyone turned around and looked over, raised their arms and pointed at their noses, and began to curse.

The scolding can be described as one piece.

"It's really self-inflicted."

Li Qiuya smiled contemptuously when she saw this.

"Duxian, have you seen that? What did I say, they are just a bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. The better you treat them, the more they will take it for granted and not say anything, and want to bite back at any time." Zhao Shanhe Amidst the uproar, whispered.

"I see."

Du Jingming's expression did not change, and after striding over, he took a deep look at Yang Kaifeng, and said calmly: "Comrade Kaifeng, the county asked you to come here to solve the problem, not to intensify the conflict, you Look what this is all about? Are you really going to spark a mass incident here if I don't come?"


Yang Kaifeng wanted to explain, but Du Jingming stared back with a stern look.

"I'll talk to you about your matter later."

Yang Kaifeng immediately felt wronged.

"Du County..."

Feng Yuze just opened his mouth to file another complaint, but was interrupted by Du Jingming raising his hand. After a cold voice, he said in a sarcastic tone: "Mr. Feng, what did I tell you before? Did I tell you that? Stay in your factory, don't come out to hang out casually, you are fine. Not only come out to hang out, but also ran here to fan the flames."

"What? Do you think the people in our Zhenghe County are all elm bumps and easy to bully?"

"No, no, I definitely don't think so. Du County, there is a misunderstanding about this matter. We didn't come here to make trouble, but we just wanted to ask Shanqiu Food why we had to relocate."

Feng Yuze waved his hands quickly, and followed his gaze to Zhao Shanhe.

"Zhao Shanhe, it happens that you are here, so tell me, why do you insist on moving away? Look, if it wasn't because you wanted to move away, how could there be such a big trouble."

"Feng Yuze, don't change the subject for me. Is this the reason you came here to stir up trouble? Don't think that everyone is stupid, you are smart people, and everyone knows your purpose." Du Jingming scolded with a straight face.

"Du County, let me answer him!"

Zhao Shanhe took a step forward tepidly, staring straight at Feng Yuze, and after sweeping past Li Mengxing and Liang Kaishan, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then what he said made Feng Yuze and the three of them change their expressions on the spot.

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