Both Zhang Kai and Zhang Ping went back to school. Before going back to school, Zhang Xiao gave them 100 yuan each for their usual pocket money. After all, now that he has made money, he naturally does not want his younger siblings to suffer as before.

"Xiaoxiao, I feel uneasy about keeping this gold medal at home. After all, the security is not very good now. Someone lost something at home yesterday." Yang Lan looked at the gold medal on the table with some concern.

"Yeah, sometimes there is no one at home. Once it is stolen, it is hard to get it back." Zhang Hongjun is also a little worried. After all, gold medals are valuables, and they always feel uneasy at home.

"Why don't you let my grandparents go home, grandparents are always at home." Zhang Xiao suggested.

"This is a way." Yang Lan and Zhang Hongjun looked at each other and agreed.

The next two days were relatively leisurely. Most of the time I spent at home reading materials on physics and chemistry. I only went to the foundry once. Looking at the bustling workshop, Zhang Xiao was also very happy. After all, the former foundry But it closed down soon after.

In the past two days, Zhang Xiao once persuaded his father to buy a TV, but his father refused without hesitation. Instead, he bought a washing machine. After all, the winter in the north is very cold, and washing clothes by hand is even colder.

That night, Zhang Xiao received a call from his master Mo Wenxin, telling him to go back to the provincial capital tomorrow and ask him to pack his things.

In fact, Zhang Xiao didn't want to take anything. Instead, his mother, Yang Lan, filled the suitcase for him. There were not only cotton-padded clothes for winter, but also some newly bought replacement clothes. She also packed a new bedding for him. Although Zhang Xiao was helpless about this, she was more moved. She could only rely on her mother to prepare things for herself.

The son travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried. This is an old saying of people since ancient times, but it is absolutely true.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Zhang Xiao got into Mo Wenxin's car, said goodbye to his parents, left home, and headed for the provincial capital.

"What are your plans next? You won't just stay in school and study." Mo Wenxin also has ideas about Zhang Xiao's next schedule. After all, antique appreciation needs to be well-informed before he can finally become a teacher.

"I will be at school most of the time during the day. I will discuss it with the teacher. I will not go to the evening self-study every day. I will learn about antiques from you." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, but it's best for you to come to my place every Sunday afternoon. After all, there will be some small exchange meetings every Sunday afternoon. You can take the opportunity to learn a lot." Mo Wenxin was a little satisfied with Zhang Xiao's answer, after all he I don't want Zhang Xiao to devote all his attention to studying cultural lessons, but instead have no time to study with him.

"That's no problem. We usually have a day off on Sunday. I will try my best to arrange the time." Zhang Xiao took a deep breath and agreed.

Along the way, Mo Wenxin talked very much, and passed on some basic antique appreciation knowledge to Zhang Xiao, even Du Debiao, who was driving, benefited a lot.

"Master, you are really eccentric. You didn't have such patience when I was studying." Du Debiao complained when he was approaching the provincial capital.

"Xiao Dezi, you are really shameless. When I was teaching you at that time, you were full of resentment. You didn't study hard. Now you know that you don't have enough knowledge, but you can listen to Zhang Xiao's lectures in the future, but you can't do it casually." Talk, I'm afraid you'll mislead him." Mo Wenxin slapped Du Debiao's head angrily, and said angrily.

"Thank you, master. I will work hard." The appearance of Zhang Xiao gave Du Debiao a sense of urgency. If Zhang Xiao overtook him, he would be ashamed.

Zhang Xiao watched Du Debiao playing tricks and laughed. He liked the atmosphere, which was relaxed and happy.

When we arrived in the provincial capital, it was past eleven o'clock. Mo Wenxin said with a smile: "Don't rush to school, go to my house for dinner, and check the door by the way, don't even know where my house is by then."

Zhang Xiao nodded and agreed.

Mo Wenxin's home is in Wenjing Garden in the provincial capital. He lives in the villa area at the back of the community. It has just been built not too long ago. The decoration of the home is full of ancient style, preventing many antiques, which suits Mo Wenxin. identity.

The teacher's wife Xing Yulan is 65 years old, but she is well maintained. She looks at most 50 years old.

"Master, I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao said with a smile after paying respects to her.

"Zhang Xiao, right? I heard what your master said. Don't be too polite. Your master has many rules. Don't be angry with him in the future." accent.

Zhang Xiao no longer used Mandarin, but changed it to Xinglin dialect and said: "Master, what do you say, since you have worshiped the master, you must respect the teacher, and the master's strict requirements are also for our own good."

"It's better for you kid to think like this. Don't be like Xiao Dezi, who just complains every day and doesn't know what to do. At such an age, the bottle is still full and half the bottle is dangling." He changed out of his suit and put on a short coat, which seemed more in line with his identity.

"Master, I've become a negative teaching material in your mouth, save me some face in front of my junior brother." Du Debiao had a bitter face, not knowing why he became a negative teaching material.

"The face is not given by others, it is earned by yourself. When you have fully mastered the knowledge of antiques and can stand on your own, I will naturally not take care of you anymore. You think I am willing to take care of you." Mo Wenxin was angry Said.

Du Debiao licked his lips and stopped talking, because he knew that he would still be scolded.

After eating, Zhang Xiao planned to leave, and Mo Wenxin didn't keep him anymore, but asked Du Debiao to send him back to school.

After Du Debiao took Zhang Xiao away, Xing Yulan said to Mo Wenxin: "This kid is your apprentice, how old is he, and what does he do?"

Mo Wenxin lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said with a smile: "He is sixteen years old, and now he is studying in the Provincial Experimental Middle School. His academic performance is excellent, and he will take the college entrance examination tomorrow."

Xing Yulan was slightly taken aback and said, "Seventeen is about to take the college entrance examination, which means he has good academic ability, but why do I feel that his name is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere."

"On TV, there have been a lot of reports about him in the past two days, and the news has been reporting for two consecutive days." Mo Wenxin said indifferently.

"Oh, I see. He's the kid who won four gold medals in the Beihua Division. He's really amazing, and he's also very handsome." Xing Yulan understood it immediately, and couldn't help but smile happily. said.

"Has Boqi come back? I haven't answered the phone for the past two days, so nothing will happen?" Mo Wenxin said worriedly.

"I'm back. I must be tired. I went there twice and slept at home. I didn't even eat. It's true that Xiao Lian works as an ordinary employee in the Education Bureau and doesn't know the Gu family every day." Xing Yulan felt distressed. Said.

"You don't care about their husband and wife's affairs. If you care too much, you will be suspected. I will go upstairs to have a rest. I will call him after three o'clock in the afternoon and ask him to come over. I don't know if he has gained anything from this trip. , Is it enough to use before this year's festival?" Mo Wenxin looked a little tired and went upstairs to rest.

After returning to school, Zhang Xiao first went back to the dormitory. As soon as he entered the dormitory, he found both Liu Lu and Sun Peng in the dormitory.

"Hey, the champion is back with a gold medal, let us envy you." Liu Lu sat up from the bed and shouted.

"What the hell, I left it at home, why are you guys back now and didn't go to eat?" Zhang Xiao cursed with a smile.

"Don't mention it, there is definitely something wrong with the soy milk that boy Sun Peng gave me this morning. I still have a stomachache." Liu Lu said helplessly.

"Fart, I drank too. Why am I okay? You don't know what's going on. Don't eat my food in the future." Sun Peng said angrily.

"Stop arguing, Liu Lu, have you seen a doctor?" Zhang Xiao said angrily.

"Look, the doctor said it was indigestion and prescribed medicine." Liu Lu lay back on the bed and said weakly again.

"Then it didn't hurt my stomach, I was shocked. By the way, have the papers for the midterm exam been handed out?" Zhang Xiao then thought that the papers should have been handed out after the midterm exam.

"Fuck it, you are really not human, you are trying to kill us, I am eighty points lower than you, I don't want to live anymore." Sun Peng said at this time, "There is your You can read the report card by yourself, your paper is on the podium in the classroom, take it back as soon as you come back, or the teacher will show you your paper every time in class.”

"You are only 90 points lower, and I am more than [-] points lower. Alas, Lao Guo almost scolded me to death." Liu Lu said weakly.

Zhang Xiao didn't expect the teachers to do this, so she couldn't help laughing, picked up the report card on the table and looked at it.

Chinese 144, Mathematics 150, English 147, Physics 98, Chemistry 97, Politics 95, History 96, Geography 94, total score 921.

The full score of this exam was only 950, and Zhang Xiao's total score was 921, obviously only 29 points were deducted.

No ranking was written on the report card, but Zhang Xiao was already very satisfied. After all, most of the deducted points should be subjective questions, and this kind of loss of points is inevitable.

"Zhang Xiao, Ji Chaoyang from the second class scored 910 in the test this time, which is only 11 points lower than you. You have to work hard, don't let him pass you." Sun Peng said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was slightly startled, and couldn't help thinking to himself: "This is really a great person, no wonder people say that the Provincial Experimental Middle School is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. If it wasn't for him, then Ji Chaoyang would definitely be the No.1 in the school."

"Don't worry, he has no chance. I will try to do better in the final exam next time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, which was also his confidence.

"You're awesome, alas, time flies so fast, it's time to go to class again before I go to sleep." Liu Lu glanced at his watch, and said while getting up helplessly.

"It's winter, and you only have [-] minutes to eat at noon, just squint a little." Zhang Xiao also hurriedly packed her things, put the unused things into the cabinet, and replaced the bedding with the thick bedding she just brought.

After tidying up, Zhang Xiao, Liu Lu and Sun Peng walked towards the classroom together.

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