Both Zhang Xiao and Du Debiao nodded to express their understanding.

In fact, the most important thing in the antique market is the ability to appreciate antiques. If you don't have the ability to rely on luck to pick up the leaks, don't be too naive.

On the subsequent journey, Mo Wenxin began to explain the rules of the antique market to Zhang Xiao. After all, these things will not appear in the books. Everything is a rule that has been agreed upon by antique connoisseurs for many years. However, it is still followed by practitioners.

Since ancient times, people who don't follow the rules have never had a good end, so Zhang Xiao silently kept these in mind.

At noon, the three of them didn't eat at the roadside stall, but turned into Yincheng City to have a meal before continuing on their way.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao rushed home. Her mother, Yang Lan, watched Zhang Xiao come back, followed by two people, and hurriedly called Mo Wenxin and Du Debiao into the house, and sat down on the sofa.

"Mom, this is my master Mo Wenxin, and this is my senior brother Du Debiao." Zhang Xiao introduced to Yang Lan.

"Master Mo, hello, Zhang Xiao has been careless since he was a child, and you have to discipline him more in the future." Yang Lan said to Mo Wenxin with a smile.

"You don't have to be polite, since I have accepted Zhang Xiao as an apprentice, we are considered a family, so we don't need to treat others like this." Mo Wenxin also said in his native dialect.

"You are also from Xinglin County." Yang Lan said with some surprise, she thought they were all from other places.

"I'm from Xingdian Village. It's not far from here. I happened to be going home this time, so I brought Zhang Xiao back with me." Mo Wenxing said with a smile.

"That's not far away. Have you eaten yet? I'll cook for you." Yang Lan said and was about to go to the kitchen to cook.

"No need, we've already eaten on the way, we'll leave after a while." Mo Wenxin hurriedly stopped him.

Zhang Xiao also made tea at this time, put it on the tea table, and said, "Master, brother, drink tea."

Mo Wenxin nodded.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly went to the house to call his father. After all, Mo Wenxin came to the house mainly to meet his parents, and it was always unsatisfactory if his father didn't come back.

After making the phone call, Zhang Hongjun came back in a short while.

"Master Mo." Zhang Hongjun shook hands with Mo Wenxin and said, "I'm sorry for your trouble, but I asked you to make this special trip."

"By the way, I had to come back to visit the grave." Mo Wenxin waved his hands and said with a smile.

"Master Mo, what are you doing? How could you think of accepting Zhang Xiao as an apprentice?" Zhang Hongjun carefully probed. He was afraid that Mo Wenxin might have other intentions. After all, some ghosts and snakes have come out now. Yes, it's all a lie.

Mo Wenxin is an old man, and he could see the distrust in Zhang Hongjun's heart at a glance, so he said with a smile: "I am the boss of Xinglin Zhai, and I am in the antique business. Zhang Xiao is very talented in antique appreciation, so I Just accept him as an apprentice, I don’t know if you have any opinions.”

"Xinglinzhai? Is it Xinglinzhai that sells antiques?" Zhang Hongjun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the old man in front of him turned out to be the owner of Xinglinzhai. He had heard of this famous antique shop in the country. If this is the case, then this Things are fine.

"Yes, it's Xinglinzhai that sells antiques." Mo Wenxin smiled and said, Zhang Hongjun would have heard about it, otherwise he would have to explain for a long time.

"Then there's no problem. It's his good fortune that you can see him." After Zhang Hongjun confirmed, he had no reason to refuse. After all, he is not overwhelmed with art, and antique appreciation is now considered a legitimate profession. Many scholars are engaged in this kind of work. career.

"Since you agree, then Zhang Xiao is my closed disciple, and our two families are destined." Mo Wenxin said with a smile.

Zhang Hongjun also nodded with a smile, and Zhang Xiao naturally didn't say much.

Mo Wenxin sat for a while, and then left with Du Debiao. Zhang Xiao's family sent them to the car.

After returning home, Zhang Hongjun said: "Since Master Mo accepts you as an apprentice, I have no objection, but you must know that our family is not a wealthy family, and we don't have much capital to make you trouble. You still have to use your studies The most important thing is not to waste your studies because of antiques."

Zhang Xiao nodded, understood what his father meant, and said with a smile: "No problem, and now I have finished high school mathematics courses, Chinese and English are almost the same, only physics and chemistry are left to be mastered. By the end of this year, I should have almost mastered it."

"Okay, you can plan your studies yourself, but aren't you participating in the competition in Quancheng this time? Why are you back now?" Zhang Hongjun still had some doubts.

"My competitions are all over, so I just took this opportunity to go home, and I might not be back before the winter vacation." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"I know you have won four gold medals, where are you?" Zhang Hongjun has also admired gold medals for a long time, and wants to see them very much. After all, to win gold medals is a great event for his ancestors.

Zhang Xiao took out four gold medals from his schoolbag, put them on the table, and said with a smile, "Four gold medals, that's great!"

Looking at the golden medal, Zhang Hongjun couldn't help his eyes getting wet: "The training must be very hard, otherwise how would I get the gold medal?"

"That's it, it's extracurricular time training, mainly because of my talent!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Hongjun didn't believe what Zhang Xiao said, because Zhang Xiao's sports scores in the high school entrance examination were not full marks at all, and three points were deducted. It was obviously impossible to say that he had good talent, and it was obviously reassuring to say so.

Zhang Hongjun's eyes were slightly red at the moment. He didn't know how much Zhang Xiao had suffered and suffered in order to get these four gold medals. This was the most uncomfortable part for him.

Zhang Xiao didn't know that Zhang Hongjun had made up so much in his brain, and said with a smile: "After that, there will be no major competitions until next year's college entrance examination. I can just study with peace of mind and try to get into Huaqing University next year's college entrance examination."

"Since you have set a goal, then study hard and don't waste your learning talent." Zhang Hongjun could only say so.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao took the four gold medals and went to grandpa's house. After all, this matter cannot be hidden from anyone, so it's better to tell grandpa and grandma first.

Zhang Weilin looked at the four gold medals on the table and said excitedly: "You did a good job, you are indeed my grandson."

Grandma Hou Ruiying also said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, you have grown up after all, and you don't want to be so mischievous as before."

Zhang Xiao didn't expect that in grandma's heart she still looked like a bear child, so she couldn't help laughing a little embarrassingly.

"How many days have you been home this time?" Zhang Weilin asked with a smile.

"Two or three days, my master will just take me to school when my master leaves." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

"That's good. I know Mo Wenxin. He is an expert in the antique industry, but his father is even more powerful. He was a well-known antique dealer in the whole province. It's a pity that he didn't survive one illness and died at that time." Zhang Weilin said with a sigh.

"Grandpa, you know my master." Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"Of course we know each other. We are classmates." Zhang Weilin's eyes were full of memories, "His family should be in Xingdian Village. He came back this time to visit the grave."

Zhang Xiao looked at his grandfather in shock, but he didn't expect that Mo Wenxin and his grandfather were still classmates: "Yes, my master said that he came back to visit the grave."

"He is a good person and very knowledgeable. It can be said that he has a family background, but he will be very strict with his apprentices. You have to study hard, and you must grasp the skills you can learn. There are only a few opportunities in a lifetime. Once If you miss it, you will never have it again, and you must cherish every opportunity." Zhang Weilin said in a deep tone.

"I understand." Zhang Xiao also has a deep understanding of this. In his previous life, he had several opportunities to change his destiny, but he wasted them for nothing. In the end, he failed to achieve anything and became a regret. The unforgettable pain made him reborn. Don't dare to slack off in the slightest, and try your best to seize all the opportunities that can be seized.

Zhang Xiao is not afraid of suffering, not afraid of being tired, but only wants to achieve something in this life, to live up to the expectations of her parents, and to let those who have helped them live a better life in this life.

Zhang Xiao stayed with his grandparents until dinner time in the evening, because he knew that the number of times and time he would go home in the future would become less and less, so he could only visit them as much as possible and accompany them .

As for the illness of grandparents, there is no sign yet, so we can only ask them to have more physical examinations in the future, maybe they can be found and treated early.

When they got home, the younger brothers and sisters were eating at home, and their clothes had changed a lot, so Zhang Xiao was a little relieved, after all, money was earned for spending, food and clothing didn't cost too much money.

"How was the midterm exam?" Zhang Xiao asked while eating.

"Brother, I have improved by more than a dozen places, and I am No. 10 in the class." Zhang Kai said happily.

"That's right, work harder, and we'll get to the top five in the final exam." Zhang Xiao encouraged his younger brother. After all, his foundation is poor, and he has to make up extra lessons during the winter vacation to straighten out some learning ideas, and maybe he will be better. effective.

"Brother, I am the third in the school in this exam, which is much better than my second brother's exam." Zhang Ping said proudly.

Zhang Xiao suddenly smiled and said, "My younger sister is the best. Next time, she will get the first place in the school, which will make everyone envious!"

"Don't worry, brother, I will continue to work hard." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao found that her younger sister's body had improved a lot, and her pale face turned red. It seemed that a good diet would also be of great benefit to her body.

Everything at home is changing for the better, which makes Zhang Xiao feel relieved. Some hard work and hard work are worthwhile, but all this is just the beginning, and it will get better and better in the future.

"Brother, the teacher at school also mentioned you, saying that you not only studied well, but also won four gold medals in track and field competitions, is that true?" Zhang Ping asked mysteriously after finishing his meal.

"It's true, the gold medal is in the cabinet, do you want to see it?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile, unexpectedly, the school also started to publicize it.

"Of course it depends. I haven't seen what a gold medal looks like." Zhang Ping was a little excited. After all, many people have never seen a gold medal.

Zhang Xiao took out the small box containing the gold medals from the cabinet, opened the wooden cover, and the four gold medals looked dazzling under the light.

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