When Zhang Xiao returned to the classroom, she immediately took back the paper that was covered with chalk dust on the podium. After all, although it was cool to keep it there for the teacher to show, it was also too disgusting.

The first class in the afternoon was English. When Hu Wenjing saw that Zhang Xiao had come to class, she immediately felt at ease, and even spoke a lot more gently in class.

Zhang Xiao noticed Hu Wenjing's abnormality, but he still had Guo Yaxin by his side, so he didn't dare to express anything.

Guo Yaxin had a torment these two days, and she felt a little worried about gain and loss, and when Zhang Xiao came back, she was a little inexplicably irritable.

Looking at the empty seat on the right, Zhang Xiao also knew that it would be some time before Shen Biyu came to class, so she couldn't help but sigh.

Zhang Xiao didn't care what Hu Wenjing said above, but opened the physics textbook and started to study physics courses.

High school physics is mainly the content of mechanics and electricity, and light waves are also included in it. There is a lot of content, and many things need to be understood in a deeper level. However, this is not difficult for Zhang Xiao, so he flipped through the books and study materials. , while constantly writing notes in the lesson plan, completely forgetting that I am currently in English class.

Hu Wenjing was a little speechless to Zhang Xiao, and she just studied other subjects in class, and made a big show known to everyone.

"Zhang Xiao!" Hu Wenjing couldn't help shouting to Zhang Xiao.

Guo Yaxin pushed Zhang Xiao with her hand, and said in a low voice, "The teacher asked you to answer the question."

Zhang Xiao quickly stood up, waiting for Hu Wenjing to speak.

"Student Zhang Xiao, come and read the text for everyone." Hu Wenjing made things difficult on purpose.

Zhang Xiao glanced at the text Guo Yaxin was pointing at, and quickly picked up Guo Yaxin's textbook and began to read it, but fortunately, he had already memorized it, and his reading was very fluent, and his pronunciation was very standard, which was better than when the school started. Several times, but the students have long been accustomed to his behavior.

"Sit down, and listen carefully in class. Don't relax because you think you have done well." Hu Wenjing glanced at Zhang Xiao and continued the class.

After Zhang Xiao sat down, she didn't continue to study physics. Instead, she opened the English textbook and listened to Hu Wenjing's lecture. After all, Hu Wenjing's face should be scrupled.

After the first get out of class, Hu Wenjing called Zhang Xiao to the office without closing the door.

"Why don't you listen to the English class now? Have you learned all the English?" Hu Wenjing asked with an ugly face.

"It's almost the same. The English college entrance examination mock papers are basically scored above 140 points every time, and there are times when they are all correct, but the composition will inevitably be deducted in the real college entrance examination." Zhang Xiao replied casually.

Hu Wenjing was taken aback for a moment. She didn't expect Zhang Xiao to have learned English to this extent, and her complexion became much better: "Then what about your other subjects? How are you doing?"

"There are no problems with Chinese and mathematics. Only physics and chemistry have not been finished. It will be almost a month or two." Zhang Xiao replied.

"I'm really surprised that you learned so fast. It seems that you are not talking about taking the college entrance examination next year." Hu Wenjing said in surprise, but Zhang Xiao didn't know how to face the bitterness in his words.

After all, Zhang Xiao's college entrance examination meant that they were about to separate, which made her a little afraid to face it. Although the separation was within her expectation, she did not expect it to be so soon.

Then Zhang Xiao left Hu Wenjing's office with a complicated expression and returned to the classroom.

"Teacher Hu didn't make things difficult for you, did he?" Guo Yaxin asked with some uncertainty.

"It's okay, the teacher just wants to understand my study situation." Zhang Xiao shook her head and replied.

"Yeah." Guo Yaxin wanted to say something, but when the class bell rang, the teacher had already entered the classroom, so she could only keep silent.

Zhang Xiao still spent the next two classes studying physics.

After the third class ended, Zhang Xiao packed up her books and went to the office of the class teacher Guo Zhihao.

Guo Zhihao was sorting out the lesson plans at the moment, when he saw Zhang Xiao coming in, he smiled and said, "That's right, winning four gold medals is really a credit to the school, is it something to do here now?"

After Zhang Xiao smiled, he said, "Mr. Guo, can I not attend evening self-study?"

Guo Zhihao raised his head and asked in surprise, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"It's like this. I just hired a master to learn antique appreciation. I have to have classes during the day, so I can only learn antique appreciation until evening." Zhang Xiao didn't hide it either. After all, a lie needs more lies to prove it. I'm afraid it will be exposed in the end.

"Aren't you going to take the college entrance examination next year? Why do you think that you are learning antique appreciation now? I know you study well, but it's not advisable to be distracted too much. You'd better learn antique appreciation after the college entrance examination." Guo Zhihao somewhat He said admonishingly that he didn't want Zhang Xiao to be too distracted, which would affect his grades.

"Teacher, don't worry, I guarantee that it won't affect my studies. Besides, I have already finished Chinese, Mathematics and English in the subjects of the college entrance examination. Only physics and chemistry are left, but I think I will be able to learn them all by the end of the year." It's over." Zhang Xiao had to tell the actual situation of her study in order to get Guo Zhihao's approval.

"Okay, since you have already made a decision, I have no objection, but you have to make sure that you go to class on time every day, and ask for leave in advance if you have something to do." Guo Zhihao agreed after thinking about it, after all Zhang Xiao had said so much, It seemed that he had already made up his mind, so he stopped persuading him.

"Thank you teacher, then I'll go first." Seeing Guo Zhihao's approval, Zhang Xiao stopped staying and returned to the classroom.

The fourth class is a self-study class. Zhang Xiao continues to study physics. He plans to finish physics first, and then focus on chemistry. According to the progress of the study, it only takes more than one month.

After school, Zhang Xiao ate in the cafeteria, went back to the dormitory to change her school uniform, and left the school with her newly issued pass.

Zhang Xiao went directly to Xinglinzhai, and as soon as he entered, he saw Du Debiao cleaning the antiques on the shelves, but his master Mo Wenxin was not there.

"Brother Du, where's the master?" Zhang Xiao asked Du Debiao.

"The master is drinking tea with the eldest brother inside, you go in." Du Debiao put down the porcelain bottle in his hand, and said to Zhang Xiao enviously.

"Okay, you're busy." Zhang Xiao said casually, and walked towards the back room in the direction indicated by Du De.

Zhang Xiao knocked on the door, waiting for the master inside to respond.

The door opened from the inside, and a middle-aged man in his 40s appeared in front of Zhang Xiao wearing a well-fitting suit, and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Little brother, come in."

"Brother, hello." Zhang Xiao shouted before walking inside.

"Sit down, have you taken your leave?" Mo Wenxin pointed to the chair beside him and asked with a smile.

"I've discussed it with the teacher in charge. From now on, I can come out every night. I need to ask for leave on Sunday afternoon." Zhang Xiao said truthfully.

"That's fine. From now on, you come over every afternoon after school. I will explain the theoretical knowledge to you every day, and I will also assign you exam questions. You have to study hard and try to get out of the teacher early." Mo Wenxin obviously has high hopes for Zhang Xiao , even said the words of being a teacher, which surprised Mo Boqi who was sitting on the side.

After all, Mo Wenxin is famous for his strictness. If he can’t learn antique connoisseurship, he will never let him go. Du Debiao is a living example. He has been studying for several years, but Mo Wenxin would rather raise 1000 yuan a month. He is not allowed to be a teacher, and the reason is of course that he can't learn well.

"Okay, master, I will study hard." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation.

"This is your elder brother Mo Boqi, who is also my son. He is an expert in jade appreciation, but he knows very little about other aspects, so you can listen to your jade appreciation knowledge in the future, and forget about other aspects. Not necessarily better than you." Mo Wenxin said with a smile without giving Mo Boqi any face.

"Dad, I'm not as unbearable as you said. Although I'm not as good as you in other aspects, I'm still an expert!" Moboqi was a little depressed, and couldn't help but retort.

"You're over 40 this year, and you haven't surpassed me yet, so it's not that you can't learn. What is it? The blue is better than the blue, this is the ancestral motto of my Mo family." Said without mercy.

Mo Boqi sighed, and didn't say anything more, because it was useless to talk too much, and Mo Wenxin would definitely embarrass him even more if he talked too much.

At this time, Mo Wenxin also ignored Mo Boqi, pushed a somewhat yellowish book to Zhang Xiao, and said: "This is a book on jade appreciation. It is the foundation. You should read it first." , after reading it, we will add others."

Zhang Xiao took the book, opened it, and found that it was not an ancient book, but a book written in vernacular. It also had some history, so it should be from the period of the Republic of China.

The name is also very simple, Jade Appreciation Theory, the author is Mo Xiangyun.

"You should study this book carefully. It was my father and your teacher who planned to print it in his later years. Unfortunately, although some were printed back then, they were all burned. This book was preserved with great difficulty. It should be regarded as a rare copy." Mo Wen Xin said with some regret.

Zhang Xiao nodded and began to read seriously.

Because it is written in vernacular, Zhang Xiao read it very quickly, because there are only some black and white pictures in this book, and because it is so old, I can only look at the text to make up my own brain, and then combine it with the pictures.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiao read it again, but Zhang Xiao did not put down the book, but continued to read it a second time. For some unclear parts of the picture, he needs to confirm it again in order to achieve the most accurate understanding .

Mo Wenxin looked at Zhang Xiao reading, and couldn't help but nodded, because he knew that Zhang Xiao had a good memory, but he was able to read it a second time, not because he didn't remember it, but because he needed to sort out those blurred words. Restoring and comparing pictures requires not only a good memory, but also a strong logical thinking ability.

Mo Boqi is also a little curious about Zhang Xiao at the moment, because he finds that Zhang Xiao can concentrate on reading books, which is an extremely rare quality.

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