After the meeting ended, Li Kai was left behind by Tian Zhigang.

"Xiao Kai, Zhang Xiao is about to participate in the competition. You can't relax his training. At least you have to urge him to train every morning to keep him in shape and not to lose the chain at the critical moment of the competition." Tian Zhigang looked dignified, full of enthusiasm. Said with a haggard face.

"I know what to do." Li Kai also understands that this competition is an opportunity. If he achieves results, he can naturally get promoted and make a fortune. Moreover, as Tian Zhigang's confidant, he naturally knows that this competition is of great importance. It can be said that Zhang Xiao The results of this competition determine their future.

"You must pay attention to Zhang Xiao's diet during this period of time, so as to prevent someone from intentionally making trouble!" Tian Zhigang pointed to the doping questionnaire on the table, and said in a heavy tone, "You know, the track and field team is watching you and me. There are a lot of people, and if something goes wrong with Zhang Xiao due to your negligence, you will be the first person responsible, and Director Guo will never tolerate it."

At this time, Li Kai really understood the seriousness of the matter, and couldn't help sweating the back of his clothes for a while. Now it's not just Tian Zhigang's warning, but more because he is afraid that others will make use of the problem.

"I will arrange someone to be responsible for Zhang Xiao's diet. Even his drinking water and meals at school will be taken seriously, and he will never give anyone an opportunity to take advantage of it!" Li Kai immediately looked serious. Guaranteed.

"I trust you, but I don't trust other people, so you should be responsible for this matter yourself. Don't spread the word, and don't let others know what happened today. I hope you don't let me down. Go on." After Tian Zhigang finished speaking, He waved to Li Kai and signaled him to leave.

After Li Kai left, Tian Zhigang felt dizzy and annoyed looking at the doping survey form on the table. He was about to go to the competition, but he found doping in the drinking water of the track and field team in the training center. Fortunately, he found it in time. No one was found to be recruited from today's urine test, but this is undoubtedly a huge hidden danger. As the head of the provincial sports center's track and field team, he naturally has to bear the responsibility, and the greatest pressure comes from Zhang Xiao's upcoming participation in the first results of the competition.

Tian Zhigang knew very well that after Zhang Xiao's previous test results were reported to the Provincial Sports Bureau, no one wanted to reach out to pick peaches, but Director Guo blocked them all and gave him the heavy responsibility of training Zhang Xiao. If he doesn't get a satisfactory result in the competition, he will be completely sidelined. Even Director Guo will not be able to keep him in the future.

The doping incident happened at this time, and it was extremely sensitive. Although the police had called the police, the police could not investigate blatantly and could only conduct it secretly, which undoubtedly added a lot of difficulty.

Li Kai also knew the seriousness of the matter, and found Zhang Xiao as soon as he left Tian Zhigang's office, and said in a solemn tone: "Zhang Xiao, from today onwards, I will be responsible for your diet, and you should be more careful in normal times." , in case someone takes the opportunity to make trouble."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a nonchalant smile, "Mr. Li, it should be all right. The competition is about to start. Does anyone dare to make trouble?"

Li Kai waved his hand and said in a low voice: "Do you know why the group urine test is conducted today? That is because in the daily inspection of drinking water, it was found that the drinking water of our track and field team today contained stimulants, although it has not been detected yet. Who did it, but it also shows that someone deliberately made troubles and wanted to sabotage the upcoming competition that the track and field team will participate in. As for who it is aimed at, I think you know even if I don’t tell you.”

At this moment, Zhang Xiao understood the seriousness of the matter. As for whom to target, of course it was himself, because only he was worthy of being targeted, and the reward would be even greater.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao couldn't help being afraid for a while. He really understood the power of stimulants. If an athlete got hooked on stimulants, his sports career could be said to be ruined completely, and many people would think that other There is a problem with character. For a person, the result must be tragic.

"I understand the seriousness of the matter, but this kind of thing is impossible to prevent. How to prevent it?" Zhang Xiao also had doubts at this time. After all, there are many types of doping, and the damage to athletes is not only physical but also mental. As far as he is concerned, he is just a talented athlete, so how to prevent it.

"I can only pay more attention. I will provide you with food in the future, and you are not allowed to eat or drink what other people give you. In addition, don't spread the matter of doping today. After all, it has not been found out who did it. Don't startle the snake." Li Kai said helplessly, and at the same time reminded himself secretly that he must protect Zhang Xiao's safety.

Accompanied by Li Kai, Zhang Xiao returned to school. After returning to the dormitory, Zhang Xiao always felt that the doping matter was not simple. Someone must have made trouble on purpose, and the target must be herself.

For the next week or so, Zhang Xiao became more and more careful. He only used Li Kai to prepare meals and drinking water for him, and he didn't dare to eat and drink recklessly. This made him a little uncomfortable, but he also knew that, I can only try my best to be careful, if I get caught, everything will be over.

Sunday, November [-]th at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Xiao, who had just finished training, took a shower in the provincial sports center, and was notified by the staff to have a meeting in the large conference room. This was the first time Zhang Xiao participated in the meeting of the provincial sports center.

After coming to the meeting room, Zhang Xiao found that not only he had been notified, but all the athletes and staff in the provincial sports center had been called to the meeting room, not only the track and field team, but also other training teams. of all personnel.

The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit dignified, everyone sat quietly in their respective positions, no one talked, let alone made loud noises, which made Zhang Xiao nervous.

Zhang Xiao came to the track and field team, sat down beside Li Kai, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Li, what's going on today? It's such a big deal?"

Li Kai shook his head, and said in a low voice: "I don't know what it is. There was no rumor about it beforehand. It may be related to the game in a few days."

Zhang Xiao nodded and did not speak any more. Instead, he observed the leader's seat on the rostrum in the conference room. From the nameplate, it could be seen that Tian Zhigang's position was near the middle. It seemed that his status was not low in the Provincial Sports Center.

After a while, several leaders of the training team of the Provincial Sports Center came to sit down on the rostrum, and then Sun Zizai, the director of the Provincial Sports Center, also came. To everyone's surprise, there were three policemen who came with Sun Zi meeting room.

Sun Zizai, director of the Provincial Sports Center, began to speak after everyone's applause stopped.

"Comrades, everyone has worked hard. Next, we will go to Quancheng to participate in the competition in the Beihua Division. This involves the qualifications for the championship and next year's National Games. You must take part in the competition seriously. In addition, the main purpose of calling everyone today is to let Everyone maintains good living habits, trains hard, and achieves great results in the competition."

"Before the meeting, let's let the comrades from the Provincial Public Security Bureau report an important content. Everyone is welcome."

Amid the applause, a middle-aged policeman in police uniform stepped onto the podium, saluted below and then said: "On November [-]rd, the Provincial Public Security Bureau received a report from the sports center. During the daily inspection, A staff member found that the drinking water contained stimulants. After a week of investigation and secret investigation, our Provincial Public Security Bureau finally locked the suspect and arrested him. The suspect is either someone else, or has been in the Provincial Sports Center Hao Jianguo, who stayed behind, is still under further investigation as to his motive for committing the crime, and we will notify you of the follow-up progress as soon as possible!"

Just after the policeman finished speaking, the entire conference room suddenly became noisy. Everyone couldn't help wondering whether they had swallowed drinking water containing stimulants by mistake. You must know that this was related to their future, and the voice gradually became louder. .

Sun Zizai patted the microphone on the table and said, "Comrades, please be quiet."

After everyone quieted down, Sun Zizai continued: "This incident tells us one thing, that is, some people will always take the opportunity to make trouble before a big game is about to be held, and it also rings the alarm for us. In life, we must strictly discipline ourselves, develop good living habits, and avoid accidentally drinking or eating items containing stimulants. This is not only responsible for ourselves, but also responsible for the country and the people.”

The meeting ended quickly, but it also dealt a severe blow to the athletes who were about to participate, making them all realize the seriousness of the matter. Fortunately, no one was recruited, and even this made them feel scared.

Zhang Xiao was also a little bit embarrassed. Although he didn't know why Hao Jianguo put drugs containing stimulants in the drinking water, this incident did teach him a profound lesson.

It also let Zhang Xiao clearly know that even if he is reborn, he can know the development process of many industries in the future, but there will still be countless risks in it. If he thinks he can do whatever he wants, then he is not far from failure .

Just when Zhang Xiao took a shower and was about to leave, Li Kai called to him: "Zhang Xiao, wait a moment, the leader of the Provincial Public Security Bureau has something to ask you!"

"Do you know what's going on?" Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, not knowing what the people from the Provincial Public Security Bureau wanted him to do.

"I don't know, I guess it has something to do with doping! But don't be nervous, just tell the truth." Li Kai's expression was a little dignified. After all, this case has attracted much attention, and Zhang Xiao even more. The guarantee of his future, of course he doesn't want Zhang Xiao to make any mistakes now.

Zhang Xiao also felt the seriousness of the situation at the moment, but he wasn't too worried. Some things couldn't be true, and the truth couldn't be true.

Guided by Li Kai, Zhang Xiao went to the living room and met Tian Zhigang and the police from the Provincial Public Security Department.

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