Looking at the three policemen from the Provincial Public Security Bureau, Zhang Xiao suddenly understood that calling him over was still related to the doping case, but he didn't know the reason.

Tian Zhigang stood up and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Zhang Xiao, this is Director Zhang Weimin of the Provincial Public Security Bureau and the person in charge of this doping case. Cooperate."

"Director Tian, ​​I understand." Zhang Xiao also nodded with a smile, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. You must know that he has no roots in the provincial capital, and his family has been farmers for several generations. It's not easy to solve.

"Comrade Zhang Xiao, please sit down." Zhang Weimin pointed to the chair opposite him and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate and sat down on the chair directly.

A young policeman next to Zhang Weimin opened a file bag and took out a stack of letter papers from it before Zhang Weimin continued: "Comrade Zhang Xiao, I need to ask you some questions about the doping case, I hope you can be realistic. Reply."

"Leader, please don't worry, I will know everything without saying anything." Zhang Xiao nodded solemnly, being extremely cautious in her heart.

"That's good, the first question, do you know Hao Jianguo?" Zhang Weimin picked up a photo, pointed at the person on it and asked Zhang Xiao.

"I don't know him. I haven't met him before." Zhang Xiao carefully looked at the person in the photo, shook his head and said.

"Where were you on the night of November [-]nd?" Zhang Weimin continued to ask.


"Then during this period, who can prove it for you?"

"The whole class can prove it during the evening self-study time, and the two roommates Liu Lu and Sun Peng in my dormitory can prove it to me after class." Zhang Xiao said solemnly after thinking for a while.

Zhang Weimin's expression froze slightly, and after looking at the transcript next to him, his voice suddenly increased, and he asked in a cold voice: "Comrade Zhang Xiao, according to the criminal suspect Hao Jianguo, the person who ordered him is called Zhang Xiao, and the reward is 8000 yuan." Yuanqian, you'd better tell the truth."

Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand why Hao Jianguo said he was the one who instigated it, but he didn't know Hao Jianguo at all, the two had no enmity or grudge, it can be said that they had no intersection at all.

"Director Zhang, I'm sure I don't know Hao Jianguo, and it's even more impossible to instigate it. This is a frame!" Zhang Xiao was a little emotional, because he really couldn't think of the reason why Hao Jianguo framed him.

At this time, Tian Zhigang, who was listening on the sidelines, was also a little surprised and said: "Director Zhang, it is better to investigate this matter clearly. As far as I know, Zhang Xiao has a very high level of physical education, and it is impossible to put medicine in drinking water. Harm yourself, he has no motive for committing the crime!"

"Team Leader Tian, ​​this is our normal inquiry, please forgive me." Zhang Weimin seemed a little unreasonable at this time, and interrupted Tian Zhigang's words without hesitation.

Tian Zhigang pursed his lips and sighed. Knowing that he should not talk anymore, he simply opened the door and walked out of the small meeting room.

Zhang Weimin glanced at Tian Zhigang who was leaving, and continued to speak to Zhang Xiao: "Hao Jianguo has already explained everything, there is a time and a place, I think you should not quibble, you must know the principle of strict resistance!"

Zhang Xiao suppressed the anger in his heart, took a deep breath, calmed down, and then slowly said, "Director Zhang, I want to confront Hao Jianguo face to face. Maybe someone among them deliberately framed him."

Zhang Weimin was slightly taken aback, and then said: "This is just your guess, and you cannot be cleared of your own suspicions. We will continue to investigate. During the investigation, you are not allowed to leave the provincial capital."

Then the young policeman handed the interrogation record to Zhang Xiao, asking him to sign and fingerprint the interrogation record.

Zhang Xiao read the interrogation record, and after seeing that it was the same as what he said, he signed the record and put his handprint on it.

The young policeman put away the interrogation records. Zhang Weimin stood up and was about to take the man away. Tian Zhigang returned to the meeting room and shook hands with Zhang Weimin. After all, he didn't dare to stop the police from handling the case, so he could only watch him leave.

"Captain Zhang, please wait a moment." Zhang Xiao stood up and said.

"Student Zhang Xiao, is there anything else you can do?" Zhang Weimin asked with a slight frown.

"Director Zhang, let me take a step forward. I think there is one thing I need to tell you." Zhang Xiao felt that he should talk about the conflict between himself and Li Yaning. Now that he is at a disadvantage, he can only gamble. Gambling that Zhang Weimin has nothing to do with Li Yaning's family, but this hope is extremely slim.

Zhang Weimin waved his hand and told the two policemen to leave first.

"Director Zhang, I'm about to participate in the competition in the North China Division, so I hope you can solve the case in a short time and remove your suspicions about me. I guarantee my personality that I have never dealt with Hao Jianguo!" Zhang Xiao said Said while looking into Zhang Weimin's eyes, "And I suspect that someone specially framed it. This person is likely to be my classmate Li Yaning or his family."

Zhang Weimin opened his eyes slightly, fixed his eyes on Zhang Xiao's, and said with a serious expression: "Comrade Zhang Xiao, why do you say that? Do you have any evidence?"

Zhang Xiao's heart trembled slightly. From Zhang Weimin's expression, it could be seen that he knew Li Yaning, and he should even be very familiar with him. Boy, on the one hand, I have no background, and on the other hand, I have never offended anyone else, except for the conflict between Li Yaning and me, I can't think of anyone else who would frame me like this!"

"Besides, Hao Jianguo never met me face to face. He probably just heard about me, so I hope Director Zhang can find someone who is about my age and build for him to identify and see if he is lying."

Zhang Weimin smiled slightly, nodded Zhang Xiao with his hand and said, "You surprised me, but it's okay, now we can take you to confront Hao Jianguo face-to-face, and we also accept your suggestion, I want to see it." Let's see who dares to play tricks in front of me!"

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but immediately understood what Zhang Weimin meant. Since he wanted to do it, he had to do it flawlessly, so now is the right time to cut through the mess quickly. It is best to find out the truth today, otherwise the time will be longer more trouble.

But Zhang Xiao knew that after leaving the Provincial Sports Center, his situation would be decided by Zhang Weimin, and he could only bet that Zhang Weimin was an upright and selfless person, and he had nothing to do with Li Yaning's family, otherwise his situation would probably be unsatisfactory .

Zhang Xiao sighed slightly. She never thought that even if she was reborn, she would still not be able to control her own destiny. It seems that what the book said was right, weakness is the greatest original sin.

Just when Zhang Xiao was taken away from the conference room by Zhang Weimin, Guo Tianfeng walked over from the corridor with his secretary Xue Peilong.

"Director Zhang, long time no see, rare visitor." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile when he saw Zhang Weimin.

"Director Guo, you're too polite. I'm here to report the case." Zhang Weimin stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hands to hold Guo Tianfeng's, and spoke respectfully.

"Really? How did I hear that this case also involves student Zhang Xiao, an athlete from our Sports Bureau? It seems that some people don't want to see the results of our Sports Bureau!" Although Guo Tianfeng was smiling, the words that came out of his mouth were Let Zhang Weimin have a bad interface.

"What did Director Guo say? Everything is still under investigation. Zhang Xiao was indeed confessed by the criminal suspect Hao Jianguo, but it was just Hao Jianguo's one-sided statement. We still need to investigate this in detail." Zhang Weimin couldn't help cursing secretly at this moment. , These news are classified as confidential information, but he didn't expect Guo Tianfeng to know it in a blink of an eye, and he found this place directly.

Zhang Xiao was also taken aback at this time, but he was very grateful to Guo Tianfeng at this time. He knew that if he left with Zhang Weimin at this moment, then he would be slaughtered on the cutting board, but when Guo Tianfeng intervened, the matter would be over It's different, at least Zhang Weimin dare not do whatever he wants blatantly.

After Guo Tianfeng nodded to Zhang Weimin, he smiled and cursed at Zhang Xiao: "You brat, last time I asked Yaxin to invite you to my house for dinner, but you didn't come, not only let me waste a big river carp, but also let me go pigeons!"

"Uncle Guo, look at what you said. I still need to train. I really don't have time. Director Tian is going to train me to death." Zhang Xiao knew that it was intentional when he saw Guo Tianfeng's words, because Guo Yaxin He was never invited to dinner at her house.

"Director Tian, ​​training should be done in a moderate manner. One piece and one relaxation is the most important thing. You can't train all the athletes to exhaustion, so how can you achieve results!"

"Guo Ju, you're right, it's because I'm short-sighted." Tian Zhigang had to admit that Guo Zhengfeng was far-sighted, and what he said was right.

"Director Zhang, is there anything else, why don't you have a meal together?" Guo Tianfeng smiled and invited Zhang Weimin again.

"Director Guo, the business is important. Since you are here, I will not hide it from you. The criminal suspect Hao Jianguo said that the person who instigated him to commit the crime was Zhang Xiao, a first-year student at the Provincial Experimental Middle School, and gave him 8000 yuan. The remuneration." Zhang Weimin is also a little frustrated at the moment, he knows that this case should be settled quickly, otherwise the longer the time, the more people may be involved, and he, the little deputy director, may be even more involved. Difficult.

Zhang Weimin paused for a while when he said this, and after seeing Guo Tianfeng's face unchanged, he continued: "But Zhang Xiao said that he and Hao Jianguo have never met face to face, let alone know each other, so I think we should go to the Public Security Bureau first. If the truth of this matter is found out, it will be better to return Zhang Xiao's innocence earlier, and the criminals will be brought to justice earlier. Director Guo, what do you think?"

"That's fine, okay, I'll listen to you, let's settle this case quickly, and then go to dinner before it's too late!" Guo Tianfeng smiled slightly, and he also hoped that this case would end as soon as possible. family ugly.

Afterwards, Zhang Weimin and the two policemen walked ahead in a police car, while Guo Tianfeng pulled Zhang Xiao into his own car and headed towards the Provincial Public Security Bureau together.

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