Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 52 Handling Decisions

Zhang Xiao didn't hide anything at the moment either, and told the whole story of what happened without embellishing it, nor deliberately concealing it.

"This is how it happened. Li Yaning first asked Li Dong, who was a senior in high school, to trouble me, and then brought someone to the cafeteria to trouble me. It was he who hit me first, and I fought back."

At this moment, Guo Zhihao understood the details of the incident. He was not worried that Zhang Xiao would lie. After all, many people must have seen the incident, and they could figure it out just by asking.

"Li Ya-ning's parents, look at how the matter is resolved, it should be like this." Guo Zhihao looked at Li Ya-ning's parents and said.

"Who knows if what he said is true or not, whether he's lying or not, and I don't believe my son would lead someone into a fight." Dong Minghua snorted coldly, obviously unwilling to believe this was the truth.

At this moment, Li Jianhong walked in and said with a smile: "District Chief Li, Mr. Dong, I heard that Yaning is hospitalized again?"

Li Xianming and Dong Minghua stood up when they saw Li Jianhong walking in. Li Xianming forced a smile on his face and said to Li Jianhong: "Principal Li, what happened, we parents are really worried. So coming to school is to understand the situation and solve the matter by the way.”

Li Jianhong nodded, looked at Li Yaning's parents and Zhang Xiao, and said with a serious expression: "It's best for you to think this way. Both Li Yaning and Zhang Xiao are in the special class of the school. They are all very good, but the fight between the two of them today is beyond my expectation. After all, the school is a place for students to study, not a place for cliques to fight and fight. Behavior is disappointing."

"However, since something has happened, we must deal with it accordingly. First of all, the school is responsible for the medical expenses of Li Yaning, which can be regarded as the price paid by the school for its own mistakes."

"Second point, student fights are not a student's fault. As for what happened and why, the school will implement the situation. In addition, the school will give the two people a school-wide notice of criticism and stay for probation. If a similar situation occurs next time, directly Do resignation."

"The third point is that the two students must do a written inspection and make a review at the flag-raising ceremony of the whole school."

The more Li Xianming and Dong Minghua listened to it, the more unpleasant it became. Although the school had dealt with it, they were unwilling to accept the result, because if Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, Li Yaning would have to punish him. Future development will have a great impact.

"Principal Li, do you think it's not necessary to deal with such a trivial matter as a child fighting? After all, the child is still young. Once this punishment is taken, it will definitely be recorded in the file. This will have an impact on the child's future development. " Li Xianming glanced at Dong Minghua, then said to Li Jianhong with a smile.

"District Chief Li, what you said is biased. Although both of them are still in school, they are both over 16 years old, they are considered adults, and the discipline of the school also needs to be maintained. Fighting The atmosphere must not spread in the school, so we must deal with it seriously to correct the school spirit!" Li Jianhong actually didn't want to deal with Zhang Xiao like this, but the consequences of not dealing with it may be more serious, so he can only deal with it strictly, which can be regarded as killing chickens and monkeys.

Seeing Li Jianhong's clear attitude, both Li Xianming and Dong Minghua couldn't tell. They obviously came to the school to find trouble, but not only did they not take advantage of it, but Li Yaning was punished, which made it hard for them to accept. .

And Zhang Xiao was even more depressed, not to mention being punished for no reason, and it would be even more troublesome to be hated by Li Yaning and his parents in the future.

Guo Zhihao wanted to die at this moment. The result of these two students' handling is certain, so his idea of ​​striving for an excellent class teacher will be completely shattered, and it will even affect his promotion of professional titles. resentment.

Li Jianhong also knew that the result of this kind of handling would definitely make people dissatisfied, but he was not going to change it. He wanted these students who thought they were the pride of heaven to understand that if they did something wrong, they would have to bear the consequences.

In the end, Li Xianming and Dong Minghua left feeling a little depressed. Even though they were district chiefs and well-known entrepreneurs, they were really not good at the school.

And what can Zhang Xiao do, he can only return to the playground in despair and continue training.

During the evening self-study, Guo Zhihao announced the decision to deal with Zhang Xiao and Li Yaning as soon as he entered the classroom.

"Students, don't think that if you study well in school, you can do whatever you want. Although grades are very important, they are not everything. Fighting and fighting are absolutely not allowed in school. If you find out, investigate and deal with it once. I hope everyone will learn from it!"

After the evening self-study get out of class, Zhang Xiao was surrounded by people, but Li Yaning, who had already returned to school, was ignored, which made him hate Zhang Xiao even more.

"Zhang Xiao, you are a victim. Why are you being punished? The school is too unkind." Liu Lu started to fan the flames again.

"This is decided by the principal. If you can change the principal's mind, how about I treat you to seafood!" Zhang Xiao said angrily.

As soon as Liu Lu heard this, he knew that the matter had been decided. In the Provincial Experimental Middle School, the headmaster was the biggest, and his words were golden words, and they would not change.

"I'm sorry, Zhang Xiao, I didn't know that things would turn out like this." Shen Biyu apologized with red eyes.

"Shen Biyu, stay away from Xiaoxiao in the future, if it weren't for you, Xiaoxiao wouldn't have been troubled, let alone punished, you are a beauty!" Guo Yaxin was fully fired at this time, extremely dissatisfied with Shen Biyu, "I don't even bother to say what relationship you have with Li Yaning, but what's wrong with Zhang Xiaoxiao, is it interesting that you use him as a shield?"

Shen Biyu's eyes were red, tears were about to come down, and her heart was full of grievances, but when she thought of her relationship with Li Yaning, she felt suffocated and sad.

"It's obviously Wang Xifeng, why are you pretending to be Lin Daiyu!" Guo Yaxin curled her lips, showing disdain for Shen Biyu.

The boys and girls around couldn't help but look at each other. It turned out that this was the case, and the fire of gossip suddenly ignited.

Zhang Xiao was a little helpless. This kind of thing couldn't be explained clearly, and the more he explained, the more troublesome it would be.

As expected, the next day, Zhang Xiao heard that the duel between him and Li Yaning because of Shen Biyu had spread throughout the school, and people would point and point him as he walked on the road. This made Zhang Xiao very depressed, but he didn't Any way, can only ignore it.

This is high school, everyone is restless, it has nothing to do with academic performance, it is just because they are all in adolescence, and they all have hazy feelings for the opposite sex, and as a star in the first grade, Zhang Xiao will naturally be followed by more people.

"Zhang Xiao is so handsome, Shen Biyu is really shameless, she already has a relationship with Li Yaning and still seduces my Xiaoxiao." Many girls would feel this way.

And Shen Biyu was already very beautiful, and she was one of the best in the first year of high school. Countless boys regarded her as a goddess. Only Guo Yaxin, a girl with a good figure, could compete with her. Naturally, many boys complained about her.

"Both Zhang Xiao and Li Yaning are not good enough. If they can be matched with a goddess like Shen Biyu, I think they are just toads who want to eat swan meat." There are also many boys who are full of malice towards Zhang Xiao and Li Yaning.

Time passed like this, except for Zhang Xiao and Li Yaning's self-criticism at the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, nothing major happened in the school.

Zhang Xiao attends school from Monday to Friday, and Li Kai will bring her back to the provincial sports center for training on Saturday and Sunday.

The main reason why he didn't train on the school playground was because Li Kai was severely criticized by Tian Zhigang after the last fight, so Zhang Xiao's training location was changed to the provincial sports center, but Luo Yonghai also Zhang Xiao had no objection to following her cheekily every weekend, and Li Kai naturally wouldn't say anything.

After training that day, Zhang Xiao was called to the office by Tian Zhigang.

"Zhang Xiao, today is November 100rd, and there are still ten days before the invitational competition in the Beihua Division. I have already signed up for you. There are four competition events: long jump, 400 meters, 1500 meters, and [-] meters. I hope you If you can go all out and strive to win the championship, only in this way can you participate in the track and field championships in March and April next year and the National Games in September." Tian Zhigang pointed to the log on the wall and said to Zhang Xiao.

"I have no problem. When will we start?" Zhang Xiao knew that this year's competitions in the Beihua Division will be held in Quancheng, Lu Province, and they need to start early.

"We need to start early on NO.14 in November, familiarize ourselves with the venue after we get there, and then rest for a day, and then directly participate in the competition." Tian Zhigang said.

"No.14 is about to leave, I still have a midterm exam!" Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, "The time for the midterm exam is from No.12 to No.14 in the morning!"

Tian Zhigang couldn't help but sighed and said: "Then after your exam is over, NO.14 will set off in the afternoon, and NO.15 will be familiar with the venue!"

Zhang Xiao immediately agreed. He knew that because of him, Tian Zhigang had already made a lot of exceptions, which would never have happened before.

After Zhang Xiao left, Tian Zhigang summoned the staff and coaches and announced the competition arrangement and registration status of the North China Division.

"Team Tian, ​​don't you start in the morning every time? Why is it in the afternoon this time?" A coach asked.

"Is there a difference? Don't everyone rest the same when they get there, why do you have an opinion?" Tian Zhigang said angrily.

"Don't dare, I just ask, ask." The coach said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Tian Zhigang sighed, and said helplessly: "That brat Zhang Xiao still has to take the mid-term exam, and NO.14 has two exams in the morning!"

Immediately, everyone in the conference room burst into laughter, and the coach immediately said, "I'll just say, it turned out to be Zhang Xiao's fault."

"Don't talk nonsense when you go out. Although Zhang Xiao has strength, he still needs to prevent others from playing tricks. There are not a few talented athletes who have accidents every year." Tian Zhigang said solemnly after everyone calmed down.

"Don't worry, Tian Zhi, we all know what to do." Everyone said solemnly.

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