Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 51 Conflict Escalation

Liu Lu also took the opportunity to shout: "Zhang Xiao, why don't you take Shen Biyu away, and then you can definitely piss Li Yaning to death!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are students now, and our only task is to study hard!" Zhang Xiao said angrily.

"Okay, just pretend, I don't believe that you don't have the slightest interest in a beauty like Shen Biyu." Liu Lu rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao simply ignored him, because Liu Lu was definitely a guy who didn't think too much about the excitement, as long as he said one more word, he would definitely be spread all over the sky by Liu Lu.

At this moment, Shen Biyu ran in from outside the cafeteria, and after sweeping around the cafeteria, ran towards Zhang Xiao's position.

"Zhang Xiao, are you not injured?" Shen Biyu ran up to Zhang Xiao and asked out of breath.

"I'm fine, why are you here?" Zhang Xiao was speechless at this time, he didn't expect Shen Biyu to run over at this time, which made him a little unclear about his explanation.

"I..." Shen Biyu suddenly didn't know what to say, and her face turned red.

"Have you eaten yet?" Zhang Xiao quickly asked again, knowing that what he said before was somewhat ambiguous.

"Not yet, I'm going to cook." Shen Biyu blushed, turned around and left.

"It's okay to say it's okay, it's not okay to see Shen Biyu's expression!" Liu Lu moved his head closer and joked in a low voice.

"You know what a fart, forget it, I don't bother to talk to you." Zhang Xiao said angrily, then lowered her head to eat.

Liu Lu sneered, and said with a smile to Luo Yonghai: "Zhang Xiao is so mean. He eats what's in the bowl and looks at what's in the pot. There are beauties around him, and he will be beaten to death sooner or later."

Although Luo Yonghai didn't answer the conversation, he looked at Zhang Xiao in a wrong way, as if saying that Zhang Xiao was not interesting enough.

"I'm done, have you two finished?" Zhang Xiao pulled the food in the lunch box into his mouth, stood up and said.

"You go first, I just started eating!" Liu Lu looked at most of the food in the lunch box, waved his hand and said.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, ignored the big-mouthed roommate, and walked towards the sink with the lunch box.

Zhang Xiao put the lunch box into the sink and was about to go out when she saw Li Yaning walking over with Liu Dong and another tall boy.

Zhang Xiao ignored Li Yaning, turned a blind eye to him, and was too lazy to talk to him.

"Zhang Xiao, stay away from Shen Biyu from now on, or be careful that I will be rude to you." Li Yaning walked quickly to Zhang Xiao's side and said viciously.

Zhang Xiao paused, looked at Li Ya-ning's pale face, patted him on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Li Ya-ning, I have time to see your illness, it's not serious."

Li Yaning was stunned for a moment before waking up. Zhang Xiao said that he was sick, so she couldn't help chasing Zhang Xiao, pointing at Zhang Xiao and yelling: "You bumpkin, who are you saying is sick!"

Zhang Xiao stopped, turned around, sighed, stretched out his hand to push Li Yaning's finger away from him, and said to Li Yaning: "Li Yaning, counting up three generations, everyone is from a peasant background, don't feel that you How noble."

"And when I said you were sick, I didn't lie to you. You were really sick. You should go to the hospital for a check-up to avoid delay. Finally, I want to say that you don't target me again, or I will let you I know you are not as powerful as you think!"

Li Yaning was suppressed by Zhang Xiao's momentum, and subconsciously took a step back, but this made him even more annoyed. He couldn't help but took two steps forward, and stretched out his hand to hit Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Ya-ning's arm, and kicked Li Ya-ning directly, flying upside down for two or three meters before falling to the ground.

Zhang Xiao's kick shocked the students around. When had they seen such a violent scene, kicking people away, isn't this a scene only seen on TV?

However, Liu Dong and the tall boy who were following Li Ya-ning didn't dare to make a move, but turned around and mixed Li Ya-ning from the ground.

Li Yaning was extremely embarrassed at this time, his whole body was covered with water stains, but his eyes were a little red, and his eyes looking at Zhang Xiao became more and more unfriendly.

Zhang Xiao took two steps forward, walked in front of Li Yaning, looked down at him and said, "Li Yaning, I, Zhang Xiao, don't cause trouble, but I'm never afraid of trouble. If I have the ability, I will let the horse come here, and I will take it."

Li Yaning hunched over, resisting the pain in his body, and said viciously: "Zhang Xiao, you wait for me, you will regret it."

"Cut!" Zhang Xiao sneered, turned and left.

The students around quickly made way for Zhang Xiao to let him pass.

"Amazing, is this still a human? One kick can send people flying several meters away!"

"He is Zhang Xiao, so handsome and powerful!"

"Not only is he good at studies, but also sports, he fights better, and the most important thing is that he looks good and loves him."


A bunch of students were chattering in the cafeteria, but Li Yaning, a loser, was ignored at all and became Zhang Xiao's background board.

Li Yaning became more and more resentful towards Zhang Xiao in his heart, but at this moment he no longer dared to catch up with him and beat him up. Enduring the pain in his body, with the help of Liu Dong and the tall boy, he quickly left the cafeteria.

Zhang Xiao has already returned to the dormitory at this moment, and after taking a shower, he lies on the bed and waits for Li Yaning to come back. He thinks that Li Yaning will definitely come back to change clothes, and he will explain the matter clearly at that time.

Both Liu Lu and Sun Peng came back, but Li Yaning still didn't see him, which made Zhang Xiao feel unbelievable. He didn't believe that Li Yaning went to class wearing that stained clothes.

It was almost time for class in the afternoon, but Li Yaning hadn't come back yet, which made Zhang Xiao a little uneasy, feeling that something was about to happen.

Sure enough, when Zhang Xiao came to the playground, he found Guo Zhihao, the class teacher, was already talking with coach Li Kai on the playground. When he saw him coming, he said, "Zhang Xiao, come with me to the office."

"Teacher Guo, let's talk about something here, I'm going to start training soon." Zhang Xiao scratched her head, feeling a little bad.

"Li Yaning's parents have come to the school. According to his parents, Li Yaning is currently in the hospital with serious injuries. According to what I know, you and Li Yaning had a conflict in the school cafeteria." Guo Zhihao looked a little serious. After all, this matter Say big or small but not small.

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Li Yaning to let his parents come to school, which made him feel troublesome and troublesome.

Zhang Xiao sighed, talked to Li Kai, and followed Guo Zhihao to his office.

As soon as Zhang Xiao entered Guo Zhihao's office, Zhang Xiao saw Li Ya-Ning's parents sitting on a chair with frost on their faces. As soon as Zhang Xiao came in, he stared at him with murderous eyes.

Li Yaning's father, Li Xianming, is about 1.7 meters tall. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face in Chinese characters.

Li Yaning's mother, Dong Minghua, looks like a strong woman. Wearing a small suit that is rare in this era, and a purple gauze scarf tied around her white neck, she looks shrewd and capable. With the frost, people instinctively have a little fear.

"You are Zhang Xiao? You were the one who hit my son Li Yaning?" Dong Minghua stood up, pressing towards Zhang Xiao with a powerful momentum.

Zhang Xiao didn't answer Dong Minghua's question, but looked at Guo Zhihao with a slight frown.

At this time, Guo Zhihao had no choice but to take two steps forward, and opened his mouth to ease the atmosphere: "This is Zhang Xiao, and they are Li Yaning's parents. If you have anything to say, everyone sit down and talk about it. Things always have to be resolved."

Dong Minghua snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Guo, you don't have to worry about this matter. No matter who it is, if it is someone who dares to beat my son, I think it's because of impatience."

Guo Zhihao suddenly had a bad feeling, it seemed that this matter was difficult to deal with by himself, so he had to go to the principal, otherwise, if things got serious, he, the head teacher, would inevitably be held responsible.

"Wen Jing, go find the principal and ask the principal to come over." Guo Zhihao said to Hu Wenjing who was watching the excitement.

Hu Wenjing glanced at Zhang Xiao, seeing that he was fine, she hurried towards the administration building, her high heels making a crisp sound.

Guo Zhihao said to Dong Minghua again: "Ms. Dong, this is a school after all, and conflicts between students are not a big deal, and things have to be resolved."

"My son is lying in the hospital now. Is this the attitude of your school? Do you still want to get along with me? Let me tell you, you must give me an explanation today. How will the person who beat my son be dealt with?" Dong Minghua said unforgivingly. People, said confidently.

"Auntie, don't you ask what happened? Don't you ask whether it's right or wrong? If you lose a fight, it's justified to go to the hospital?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but asked immediately.

"What do you mean, it's reasonable for you to hit someone, isn't it? I know my son's personality, and he doesn't even know how to quarrel!" Dong Minghua caught Zhang Xiao with a theory, calling Zhang Xiao a heinous bastard, He praised Li Yaning as a little Bai Yang.

Zhang Xiao was speechless for a while, it seemed that Li Yaning was really following his mother, not to mention arrogant and domineering, and his ability to turn right and wrong was not bad at all.

Guo Zhihao shook his head helplessly and said: "Mother Li Yaning, let's find out what happened first, so that we can discuss right and wrong and further solve the problem."

Dong Minghua was tired after talking for a while, took off a chair and sat down, grabbed the water glass on the table and drank two sips of water.

"Zhang Xiao, tell me what happened." Seeing Dong Minghua sitting down, Guo Zhihao breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Zhang Xiao.

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