Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 50 Li Yaning's Revenge

"Zhang Xiao, I also want to train with you, is that okay?" Shen Biyu mustered up her courage and said to Zhang Xiao.

"You, it's okay, you can't be tired when the time comes!" Zhang Xiao looked at Shen Biyu's thin figure, and didn't believe that she could persevere.

"Don't worry, I will definitely persevere." Shen Biyu patted her chest and assured Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao smiled wryly in his heart, but still agreed.

But Zhang Xiao didn't see Li Yaning who was not far away, and looked at him full of hatred. If eyes can kill, Zhang Xiao has already been killed by Li Yaning thousands of times.

Time passed quickly, and it was the weekend again in a blink of an eye.

Waking up on Saturday morning, Zhang Xiao saw Li Kai waiting downstairs in the dormitory.

Li Kai was wearing a tracksuit, looked at Zhang Xiao who had changed into a tracksuit and went downstairs, and said with a smile: "The concept of time is good, if you don't come down in another 5 minutes, I will go upstairs and call you."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Mr. Li, don't wait for me downstairs in the future. I will arrive at the playground on time at six o'clock."

Li Kai said with a serious expression: "Although the school playground of the Provincial Experimental Middle School is well-built, it is quite different from the sports center. There are not many facilities. In this way, you have to overcome difficulties by yourself."

"It's not that serious. It may be affected by bad weather. Just overcome it." Zhang Xiao didn't think there was any difference between the school's playground and the provincial sports center. The running track was the same, and the lawn in the middle was the same. I found a place to take a shower, but this is not a big deal, after all, the dormitory can also take a shower.

When the two came to the playground, Zhang Xiao found that Luo Yonghai and Guo Yaxin had already arrived, which surprised him a little. He thought they would be late, but he didn't see Shen Biyu, so he probably forgot.

Li Kai did not reject Luo Yonghai and Guo Yaxin, because Zhang Xiao had told him that there were three students who wanted to train together.

Training starts with warm-up. Luo Yonghai is no stranger to warm-up movements, but Zhang Xiao and Guo Yaxin know nothing about them.

"Warm-up exercises are mainly to increase muscle temperature and body temperature, increase blood flow, accelerate oxygen diffusion, increase muscle oxygen supply, increase the excitability of the nervous system, and improve exercise effects. In addition, it can also adjust the mental state, allowing people to quickly engage in exercise .” Li Kai first explained the necessity of warm-up exercises to Zhang Xiao and others, and then began to explain the main content of warm-up exercises.

After Li Kai's explanation, Zhang Xiao finally figured out that there are so many theories and methods of warm-up exercises.

Zhang Xiao learned very quickly. After Li Kai finished the movements, he basically mastered them completely and started to warm up by himself. Luo Yonghai's situation was a little worse. Let alone Guo Yaxin, he still needed the assistance of the staff. Continue the warm-up exercise.

After half an hour of warming up, Zhang Xiao finally started the formal training. The first was the [-]-meter run, which was the key event that Li Kai asked him to practice, and the other events were ranked behind.

After a whole set of training, Zhang Xiao was covered in sweat all over his body, as if he had been fished out of the water. Zhang Xiao still had to keep moving his body slowly to let his body cool down slowly.

Luo Yonghai collapsed on the ground exhausted before finishing the training, and admired Zhang Xiao even more in his heart for insisting on finishing the training.

Guo Yaxin simply kept doing warm-up exercises and didn't even do formal training.

Li Kai has no idea about this, because his task is to train Zhang Xiao alone. As for the others, it has nothing to do with him whether he likes to be trained or not. He will neither force nor drive them away, just let them stay. It is used as a tool to adjust the atmosphere in the playground.

Continue to train after breakfast, the intensity is not as high as in the morning, but the training time is much longer, Zhang Xiao has to devote himself to it, not only to memorize the essentials of the movements, but also to ensure the rhythm of breathing.

But Zhang Xiao also felt that he had gained a lot. The most intuitive thing was that he had a better understanding of the strength of his whole body, and his physical strength had also improved compared to before. He could feel it.

While Zhang Xiao was training, Shen Biyu was stuck in a corner of the school by Li Yaning during the break.

"Xiaoyu, we grew up together. From kindergarten to elementary school to junior high school, I have always protected you. Don't you really know my feelings for you?" Li Yaning's pale face looked a little hideous at the moment.

"Yaning, we grew up together, but I have always regarded you as an older brother, I told you." Shen Biyu leaned against the wall, her face turned pale, but she still stared stubbornly into Li Yaning's eyes.

"Xiaoyu, you were not like this before. Why did you change when you entered high school? Is it because of Zhang Xiao, a bumpkin from the countryside!" Li Yaning tried his best to keep his voice calm, but at the end, he couldn't help it Big up.

"No, don't mess around, it's just that I don't think we're suitable!" Shen Biyu shook her head again and again, but her words made Li Yaning more and more angry.

"Xiaoyu, you have to know that we will get engaged at the end of the year, and I don't want you to date that country bumpkin!" Li Yaning forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said.

Shen Biyu's expression darkened, and she thought of her family's persuasion, and understood that she should not offend Li Ya-ning because of her father's career, but she thought of what Li Ya-ning had done, and hated Li Ya-ning from the bottom of her heart.

As for Zhang Xiao, originally she just wanted to use it as a shield, but who knew that Li Yaning directly started from her family, and Zhang Xiao also lost the role of a shield, but after more than a month of thinking about it, Zhang Xiao's figure gradually faded away. It was reflected in her heart, which made her a little happy.

Li Yaning looked at Shen Biyu's sad expression, and couldn't help being furious in his heart. He knew at this moment that Shen Biyu must not be thinking about him, but Zhang Xiao, a bumpkin from the countryside!

However, after Li Yaning went through the stinky incident in the toilet, he knew that he was not capable of dealing with Zhang Xiao alone, and after the last incident outside the school, he did not dare to let others do it again, which made him very embarrassed.

Especially after the school sports meeting, Zhang Xiao has completely become the school's favorite, which makes him dare not act rashly, because he knows clearly that if the school chooses, it will definitely choose Zhang Xiao, who has contributed the most to the school, not him. .

Li Yaning stood where he was, his expression kept changing, and he didn't even care about Shen Biyu's sneaking away.

Li Yaning went back to the classroom to continue his self-study. Looking at Zhang Xiao running on the playground outside the window, a plan suddenly came to his mind. To deal with someone, why should he do it himself!

Near noon, Zhang Xiao finally finished the training task in the morning, and walked towards the dormitory a little tiredly.

Suddenly a big fat man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters came towards Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao, who was drinking water, missed him at all, and the two collided like this.

The big fat man didn't move at all, looked at Zhang Xiao who was almost knocked to the ground by him, but cursed: "You idiot don't have eyes, I didn't see me walking here!"

Hearing what the big fat man said, Zhang Xiao immediately became furious. She stood here drinking water without moving at all, but this man would hit him upside down, and couldn't help but said angrily, "It's obvious that you bumped into me, how dare you scold me?"

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The fat man was here to find fault, not to mention that Zhang Xiao dared to fight back, and his anger was full immediately.

The big fat man didn't care about it, and punched Zhang Xiao with one punch.

Zhang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and flashed the big fat man's fist sideways. He could see that the big fat man was here to find fault. As for who was hiding behind the scenes, Zhang Xiao had already guessed, it should be Li Yaning, after all, he was in school He and Li Yaning didn't deal with each other, and there was no need for anyone else to deal with him.

But the big fat man missed his punch, and immediately felt ashamed, and waved his hand again to slap Zhang Xiao in the face.

At this time, there were also students surrounding him. After all, this kind of thing is rare in the Provincial Experimental Middle School.

"Isn't this Fat Tiger, who is the other person?"

"Zhang Xiao, a freshman in the first year of high school, this year's top student in the provincial high school entrance examination."

"Zhang Xiao is going to suffer. Fat Tiger is a fighter that no one can beat. He is not only tall and strong, but also very flexible."

At this time, Zhang Xiao dodged several punches from Fat Tiger, but Fat Tiger still refused to give up, and Zhang Xiao was also angry. Fist, and kicked Fat Tiger's ankle.

The fat tiger who lost his balance suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

"I don't care who you are, go back and tell Li Yaning that if you have the ability to find trouble yourself, don't play these dirty tricks every day, which makes people feel sick." Zhang Xiao squatted down and whispered in Fat Tiger's ear.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao ignored Fat Tiger lying on the ground, turned around and walked towards the dormitory.

But Fat Tiger took a long time to get up from the ground, and walked away disheartened. As for the students who were watching, they immediately spread the news about it.

Zhang Xiao, who came to the cafeteria, had just packed a meal and found an empty seat to sit down, when Luo Yonghai and Liu Lu came running over with lunch boxes.

"What's going on, Zhang Xiao, why did you have a conflict with Liu Dong, are you okay!" Liu Lu asked in disbelief.

"It's okay, Liu Dong should be instigated by Li Yaning to trouble me." Zhang Xiao didn't hide anything from Liu Lu, and said directly.

"So that's the case. Let me tell you why you and Liu Dong clashed for no reason." Liu Lu suddenly understood, "Li Yaning, a villain, likes to do these little tricks."

Luo Yonghai thought for a while and couldn't help but smiled and said: "Zhang Xiao, Li Yaning troubled you because of Shen Biyu, I have to say that you are very charming, not only Shen Biyu is interested in you, but also Guo Yaxin is interested in you, You're almost becoming a public enemy of the school."

Zhang Xiao frowned, he really didn't have the idea of ​​falling in love now, and as for Hu Wenjing, it was just an accident.

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