On the way to the airport, the atmosphere in the car was a bit dull. No one spoke when Zhang Xiao was thinking. After all, Zhang Xiao was thinking about something and no one spoke to disturb him. They knew that Zhang Xiao was planning for the construction of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology.

There was no words all the way, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao's passenger plane landed at Greentown International Airport, and Zhang Guoqiang came to pick him up in person.

The weather in Greentown is still wet and cold, and there is still a little snow on the side of the road, but there is no snow on the road.

Zhang Xiao can clearly see the gap between Greentown and the capital. Whether it is high-rise buildings that symbolize urbanization or industrial parks that symbolize industrialization, they cannot compare with the capital.

On the way to Greentown, Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking Zhang Guoqiang about the progress of the electronics industry base project. This is also a key project that Zhang Xiao is very concerned about. After all, the electronics industry base project is a key project and has extraordinary significance for Hongyuan Group: "How is the progress of the electronics industry base project?"

"The construction of the first phase has basically been completed, and equipment installation and commissioning are currently underway. It is expected that trial production will be implemented in another month."

"And the second phase has completed the basic plant construction, but the equipment installation and commissioning have not yet started, we have to wait for the trial production of the first phase, but I don't think there is a big problem."

Zhang Guoqiang introduced the construction progress of the electronics industry base project in detail. He did not exaggerate, but said it realistically, but he still expressed his meaning clearly in his words. .

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, satisfied with the progress of the electronics industry base project: "The first phase should be completed and put into operation as soon as possible. dividends to strengthen itself.”

"The faster the progress of the electronics industry base, the better. We don't have much time to waste. The earlier we start production, the earlier we can get orders and profits. This is of great significance to our group."

"I understand." Zhang Guoqiang is well aware of the current situation of Hongyuan Group, and the financial pressure is extremely high. If the first phase of the electronics industry base project can be put into production, it can effectively relieve the current financial pressure of Hongyuan Group.

"If you need support from the headquarters, you must bring it up, don't try to solve it yourself." Zhang Xiao said to Zhang Guoqiang with a serious expression.

Zhang Guoqiang couldn't help but shudder slightly. To be honest, with the completion of the first phase of construction, he really needed the support of technicians. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiao already knew about it and was waiting for his report.

"With the installation and commissioning of equipment, there is a serious shortage of technical personnel here in the electronics industry base. I hope to get strong support from the headquarters." Zhang Guoqiang did not push back, and said with a smile.

"Make a talent demand plan based on the current demand and future situation, and then submit the application to the headquarters. I will ask people to come up with a solution as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

But Zhang Xiao is very clear that this matter looks simple, but it is not easy to realize. After all, most of the technicians are in the capital, and it is not easy to get them to come to Greentown willingly. Greentown is the capital of Yu Province, and it is not easy.

"Okay, I will make a plan and submit it as soon as possible." Zhang Guoqiang agreed immediately. He knew very well that it would be difficult to recruit technical personnel if only relying on Greentown's electronics industry base area, otherwise he would not Wait until Zhang Xiao asks before exporting.

During this period of time, Zhang Guoqiang has made a lot of efforts, but the recruitment of technical personnel has been slow, and the quality of the technicians is also uneven. Such a result makes him feel very helpless.

Today's college graduates are not as ubiquitous as they are after the expansion of university enrollment in later generations. None of them are the pride of heaven. Hongyuan Group can recruit a large number of talents by virtue of its position in the industry, but the electronics industry base does not have such conditions. , this is the real situation in the current society.

Zhang Xiao also told Zhang Guoqiang about the demand for technical personnel because he knew this situation. He is very clear that this is the current situation in the country, and no one can be an exception. Even multinational companies that can be comparable to civil servants in future generations have no such situation now appeal. cascoo.

What's more, it is only an electronic industry base that has been initially established. It is natural to have a scale in the hearts of the people.

Arriving at the hotel that had already been booked, Zhang Xiao took a shower and absorbed all the fatigue before starting to prepare the items needed to meet Boss Ma.

Zhang Xiao is very clear that it is basically impossible to persuade Boss Ma to help him without substantive suggestions. Even if Hongyuan University of Science and Technology is launched under his promotion, Zhang Xiao must have insights beyond the current situation, otherwise Why does Boss Ma support you?

While Zhang Xiao was preparing everything, Boss Ma was looking at the approval documents of Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, thinking about the significance of this incident to Yu Province and the significance of this incident to the reform of higher education.

Boss Ma is very aware of his situation. Under the current situation, he will stay in Yu Province for another year at most. After one year, he will retire to the second line. You can step down steadily and hand over your contacts to those who come after you.

As for Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, he will not come forward to support or hinder it. He wants to see the quality of Hongyuan Group.

Before seven o'clock in the evening, Zhang Xiao came to Boss Ma's office and waited outside. Although there was still about an hour before the agreed time, Zhang Xiao would rather wait by herself than be late.

Zhang Xiao knew very well that the cards were important, but facing Boss Ma, he didn't have much confidence and could only wait for Boss Ma to summon him.

"Boss, Mr. Zhang from Hongyuan Group has arrived and is waiting outside." As Boss Ma's secretary, Li Shuxiang reported to Boss Ma as soon as Zhang Xiao arrived.

"It's a good attitude to come so early." Boss Ma said with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

Li Shuxiang said with a smile: "Boss, no matter who it is, they must arrive early to see you."

"Let him in, and you stay here to listen to his opinion." Boss Ma didn't care about Li Shuxiang's compliments. After all, he received a lot of such flattery every day, but he was very interested in Zhang Xiao. .

After all, Boss Ma is very aware of the current scale of Hongyuan Group, and he also wants to see what is so special about Zhang Xiao, who can build such a giant as Hongyuan Group in just three years.

Li Shuxiang nodded, pushed away and walked out, and said politely to Zhang Xiao who was sitting on the bench waiting for Boss Ma to summon him: "Dong Zhang, the boss invites you in."

Boss Ma can be arrogant in the face of Zhang Xiao, but Li Shuxiang does not have such confidence and strength.

"Thank you Li Chu, I will treat you to dinner another day." Zhang Xiao also said to Li Shuxiang very politely.

Li Shuxiang smiled and did not speak, but led Zhang Xiao into Boss Ma's office.

"Boss Ma, hello." Zhang Xiao said to Boss Ma respectfully.

"You're welcome, just sit whatever you want." Boss Ma was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's respect, and waved his hand and said.

Zhang Xiao was not restrained, and after Boss Ma sat down on the sofa, he took advantage of the situation and pushed the design framework of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology to Boss Ma.

"Boss Ma, this is the framework for our Hongyuan Group to build Hongyuan University of Science and Technology. I hope you will give me some pointers." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Boss Ma nodded, picked up the design plan of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology from the table, and read each page very carefully, as if he wanted to see Zhang Xiao's intentions from it.

Zhang Xiao waited quietly, even when Li Shuxiang brought the tea to him, he didn't reach out to take it.

After a long time, Boss Ma looked at the design plan in detail, put it on the table, and said: "The design plan is good. It basically marks the key points of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology's upcoming construction, which is very important for Hongyuan University of Science and Technology. The one-step tender has a positive meaning."

Zhang Xiao quickly understood the meaning of Boss Ma's words, skipped the question of the site selection of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, and directly talked about the project bidding, which shows that Boss Ma is bound to win the project bidding, and in exchange, the school site The problem is not considered a huge one.

"After confirming the site of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, we will call for bids immediately. After all, we hope to start the first round of enrollment this summer." Zhang Xiao said with certainty, this is not a reminder.

That means that Zhang Xiao agreed to the exchange, but the school site must be determined first, and then the bidding will be carried out immediately.

Boss Ma immediately pointed at Zhang Xiao and scolded with a smile: "You boy, you are really interesting, but I like energetic young people."

"Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology is a pioneer in the reform of universities in our province, and our government departments will do our best to support it. After all, this will greatly promote the development of universities in our province, and I also hope that there will be a university in our province that focuses on scientific research. colleges."

Boss Ma's words at the moment are high-sounding, and can be said on any occasion, and no one can find fault.

"Thank you for the support of the leader." Zhang Xiao said gratefully.

Boss Ma has brought his words to this point. If Zhang Xiao doesn't understand, then he is really too stupid. This is not just an exchange, but also an exchange of positions.

"Don't be polite to me. I'm in my position to seek my own government. As the leader of Yu Province, I also hope that Yu Province can establish a university under my tenure. I only hope that the construction of the university will be reasonable, legal and compliant." Boss Ma smiled slightly said later.

"Leaders, please rest assured that our Hongyuan Group has always been law-abiding and can ensure that the construction of the university is reasonable and legal while ensuring the progress." Zhang Xiao solemnly promised, which is also a guarantee to Boss Ma.

"That's good. You should make a decision on the location of the university as soon as possible, and I will continue to pay attention." Boss Ma said without hesitation, which is also a promise in disguise.

Coming out of Boss Ma's office, Zhang Xiao immediately asked Hou Shuyan to communicate with the government department with the site selection plan of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology. With Boss Ma's attention and approval, Zhang Xiao was more confident, but Zhang Xiao knew very well that He must complete the construction of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology before Boss Ma resigns, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao started running around, constantly entertaining the leaders of various departments, and making continuous efforts for the establishment of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology.

However, with Boss Ma's attention and approval, the site selection of Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology has become extremely smooth. Not only has it obtained nearly [-] acres of land from the government for the construction of the university, but also obtained land transfer. The batch payment of gold is very beneficial to the Hongyuan Group, which is short of funds.

Moreover, the address of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology hangs in the north of the R&D center, not far from the R&D center, which is also a surprise.

However, in the bidding for the Hongyuan Group University of Science and Technology, Zhang Xiao tried his best to take care of a construction company. After all, this is the company that Boss Ma had hinted at before.

However, after the bidding ended, the winning bidder was a private company, which fully contracted the future construction of Hongyuan Group, which belongs to the nature of general contracting.

However, with the passage of time, it became clear to everyone that the specific construction was still being carried out by Hongyuan Construction led by Yang Lei, but at this time the aftermath of the bidding had passed, and no one went back to pay attention to these matters.

This is the so-called transaction. Under such circumstances, the construction of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology has become extremely smooth, and many procedures have been approved at the first time. In the eyes of outsiders, all these are taken for granted, but School Zhang It is clear that this is based on the common interests of everyone.

And when Zhang Xiao was busy, Academician Ni also took the detailed design plan of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology to Zhang Xiao's office in Yu Province for final confirmation.

Looking at the detailed design plan, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded and said to Academician Ni with a smile, "That's right, it's very detailed. This can be used as the final template for implementation."

"That's good. I will communicate with Yang Lei and strive to start construction as soon as possible according to this construction plan." Academician Ni couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the quality of the design plan determines the future industrial development of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology. Layout, this is crucial.

"Well, I will go to Myanmar in a few days. I will leave the construction of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology to you and Yang Lei. Be sure to pay attention to safety. After all, this is a huge project. While pursuing the progress, we must also ensure that The quality of the project." Zhang Xiao said solemnly.

After all, it is already the beginning of March, and it is not far away from the jadeite fair in Myanmar this year. Zhang Xiao also has to consider going to Myanmar. The reason why the trip has not yet taken place is because Zhang Xiao's private jet is currently being handed over. Xiao intends to travel to Myanmar this time by private jet.

After all, Zhang Xiao now has a large number of entourages every time he travels. If he still relies on technology to travel, this will not only affect the itinerary, but also be detrimental to Zhang Xiao's own safety.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that even now, private jets are still a rarity, especially Zhang Xiao's private jet is already equivalent to a small passenger plane.

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