"Boss, please rest assured. I will arrange all the affairs of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology with Yang Lei, and strive to complete the construction of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology as planned before mid-August this year." Academician Ni promised solemnly, he is very clear about this matter The importance of , must not have the slightest surprise.

"I believe you can do it. Don't worry about the funding. I will arrange all the funds needed for the construction of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology." Zhang Xiao solemnly promised.

Academician Ni nodded, and was immediately relieved, because he knew that Zhang Xiao would do what he said, and he would not joke about the construction of the university.

After leaving Academician Ni's office, Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan while walking, "How is the handover of the private jet going?"

"The handover has been successful, and we are going through the procedures for connecting to domestic airlines, and it will take some time." Hou Shuyan immediately replied.

Hou Shuyan has been dealing with private jets these days, so she knows the private jets best.

The private jet that Zhang Xiao bought this time is a medium-sized passenger plane that can carry 48 people. It can also carry three cars in the cargo compartment. It is relatively large among private jets. Zhang Xiao is registered in Hong Kong Island. There are many, and the number of private jets is currently the largest in the country.

Not only that, Zhang Xiao formed a flight team as early as the beginning of the private jet purchase, with a total of 12 people, including pilots and stewardesses.

However, Zhang Xiao entrusted the maintenance of private jets to the airport. After all, this is the most common and practical way of maintenance, and it is also the most economical.

"Can it be done before March 3?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning and asked.

"It should be possible. If you follow the normal procedure, you can enter the mainland on the 7th, but you still need to apply for the route in advance." Hou Shuyan said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao nodded, as long as it does not affect the need to go to Myanmar, everything is not a problem.

The reason why Zhang Xiao bought a private jet was not only for the convenience of traveling, but more importantly, Zhang Xiao considered his own safety, especially after the conflict with the Wang family, the safety issue became the focus.

"You go to Hong Kong Island to deal with the matter of the private jet. After the matter is settled, you can take the private jet to the provincial capital to wait for me. I need to go back to my hometown in a few days." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

Hou Shuyan nodded and said, "Okay, then I will come back as soon as possible, so as not to delay your trip to Myanmar."

"Just do your best. If you can't do it, don't force it. In addition, when you get to Hong Kong Island, you can meet Long Zhiyun. He has something for you to bring back." Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan before getting into the car.

"Okay, boss." Hou Shuyan immediately agreed, because she knew very well how much Zhang Xiao attached importance to safety.

Seeing that Hou Shuyan agreed to come down, Zhang Xiao didn't stay any longer, but went directly to his hometown in Xinglin County by car.

It is early spring now, the weather is cold and warm, and the temperature has risen to [-] degrees. The beautiful men and women who have covered up the winter can't wait to change into light clothes, and ride bicycles on both sides of the road.

Zhang Xiao, who was sitting in the car, looked at the boys and girls beside the road, but his mood suddenly became a little melancholy.

From the figures of these boys and girls, Zhang Xiao vaguely saw himself in the previous life, who was equally high-spirited, never looked back at everything he did, and never knew what fear was.

But Zhang Xiao, who has been resurrected for the rest of his life, can never go back to those youthful years. Although he is in his youth, his heart has already matured, and it is difficult to be as vigorous as before.

Now Zhang Xiao is carrying a lot of responsibilities and moving forward. Sometimes Zhang Xiao wants to let go of everything, but thinking of the more than 20 families behind Hongyuan Group and the ardent hopes of all employees of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao could only move on.

As for being tired, who can live without being tired?

Some people say that people are born to suffer, otherwise why do we have to cry after birth.

But the meaning of life is not in this, to bear the responsibilities that one should bear and move forward bravely, this kind of life is meaningful.

The words of Roman Rolland suddenly appeared in Zhang Xiao's mind: "There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life."

Since ancient times, people have never stopped pursuing the meaning of life. They think about everything in life.

About human existence and nothingness, about human existence and death, about human waiting for redemption and self-awakening, and even all traces of human existence have been deeply interpreted by people.

From love and friendship to war and peace, from slavery and equality to betrayal and loyalty, from loving and being loved to self-defeating and self-lost...

There are many thoughts about the meaning of life in Zhang Xiao's mind, but Zhang Xiao is still willing to believe in the philosophical saying that existence is truth.

And Zhang Xiao is very clear that this world has too many secrets, and what he has to do now is to find the answers to these secrets. Maybe he will only see the tip of the iceberg after spending his whole life, but this is enough.

At this moment, various legends about the nature of this world began to constantly appear in Zhang Xiao's mind, and these made Zhang Xiao a little bit unable to stop, after all, behind these legends is probably the truth of this world.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of the book on existential philosophy that he had read. The book once said: "Existence is reasonable. Focusing on existence and studying existence is the meaning of all people's existence."

There may be many people who will say that no matter how valuable the meaning of existence is, it is not as real as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

But Zhang Xiao knows that these ideas of focusing on existence and life are true existentialism.

Moreover, the core idea of ​​existentialism is: "Humans live in a meaningless universe, and human existence itself is meaningless, but human beings can shape themselves, achieve themselves, live wonderfully on the basis of their original existence, and thus have meaning. "

Existentialism seems too obscure to many people. They know all the words, but they feel that they cannot grasp the true meaning of existentialism.

And Zhang Xiao is very clear that his rebirth is not a kind of existence, but it is too rare to be known by people.

Some people say that we are always on the way to death, the way of the dead, but few people really realize this until death quietly comes and takes life.

And it's this horrific precision that we all hate, and it's always pessimistic when results can be seen at a glance.

When thinking of this, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt extreme pain all over his body, especially Zhang Xiao who was tormented by the pain that seemed to be breaking his head, couldn't help but clenched his teeth, but couldn't make a sound.

Only the sweat oozing from all over his body can prove what kind of pain Zhang Xiao is enduring.

But Zhang Xiao's thinking is extremely clear at this moment, he knows that this is the third attack, he doesn't know whether it is the tree of life in his mind absorbing nutrients, or some other reason, but Zhang Xiao is very clear, There are only three things, maybe everything will change after this time.

Zhang Xiao originally thought that going back to the past this time, the meaning of life lies in the continuous accumulation of wealth and knowledge, to make up for the regrets of her previous life, and to contribute her strength to the construction of the country.

But now it seems that he was completely wrong, neither wealth nor knowledge will help him in any way.

Although as time goes by, wealth will become more and knowledge will become more profound.

But Zhang Xiao himself has never been satisfied. He will keep learning new things to make himself wiser and more insightful.

Zhang Xiao will also continue to develop new projects and businesses of Hongyuan Group, and continue to promote the technological progress of Hongyuan Group, thus leading the technology industry to develop in the future.

But now Zhang Xiao is clear that her life should not be like this, but should have the only pursuit - to live.

When Zhang Xiao regained consciousness again, she found that the vehicle had already stopped, and Guo Feng and the security personnel were guarding her side.

"Boss? What's going on?" Guo Feng asked nervously. Apparently, Guo Feng noticed something was wrong with Zhang Xiao, so he stopped at the service area.

"I had a nightmare, everyone don't need to think about it." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, but found that her voice was a little hoarse. Zhang Xiao rubbed her face helplessly, only to find that her face was covered with sweat stains after drying up.

Guo Feng obviously didn't believe Zhang Xiao's words, but since Zhang Xiao didn't want to say more, he didn't ask any more, but said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, there is a place to rest in the service area, I think you'd better go to the hotel to take a rest before starting the journey." Not too late."

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao said, "Alright, I'll take a shower and change clothes before we start."

There were not many people in the service area, and no one noticed Zhang Xiao's abnormality, and Zhang Xiao came to his room soon.

The room is only a single room, which is already the best room in the service area. After all, it is not necessary to be too luxurious as a resting place for drivers or passengers. This is just a temporary resting place.

Zhang Xiao didn't wait to check the current status of the tree of life, but turned on the hot water to take a bath.

Just after taking off her clothes, Zhang Xiao found that her body seemed to be different. The muscles all over her body were tighter, and there were still a lot of black stains on her skin, emitting an unpleasant stench.

After washing her body three times in a row, Zhang Xiao was finally cleaned. After drying her body, she went to the bed. After putting on her clothes, she silently looked at the tree of life sticking out of her mind.

Sure enough, the tree of life has undergone great changes. The originally transparent roots are now like entities, rooted in Zhang Xiao's body and connected with Zhang Xiao's flesh and blood. The small sapling with only two branches is now also It has grown into a real small tree more than one meter high, with dense green leaves.

But what surprised Zhang Xiao the most was that the information about the tree of life was very different.

Symbiotic Tree of Life: Zhang Xiao.

Yuan energy: /.

Cultivation method: Na Yuan Jue (not started)

Skills: Xuanwu boxing (beginner practice), Xuanwu sword (already started).

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being taken aback, he really didn't know what Na Yuan Jue was, and what the hell was Xuan Wuquan and Xuan Wu sword, and what did beginners and beginners mean?

Although Zhang Xiao had thousands of questions, no one gave him answers, and the tree of life in his mind was still arrogant, it only showed these basic information, but there was no other reminder.

But while Zhang Xiao was puzzled, he also understood the reason for this headache.

The reason is very simple, that is, the tree of life has finally grown from a seedling to a small tree after absorbing the energy for more than a year, and the speed at which he absorbs the energy is faster, from the original sixty o'clock per hour, that is, one point per minute It became sixty points per minute, which is one point per second.

From this point of view, after the tree of life grows into a small tree, it needs 800 times more energy than before, [-] points in an hour, and [-] points in a day, and what he has now If more than [-] million yuan can be ordered, it can only last for [-] days.Fun Court

One hundred days later, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but tremble when he thought about what the tree of life would do without the energy it absorbed.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel that everything needs to be paid for. Rebirth is an opportunity given by the tree of life, but as a symbiotic, the growth of the tree of life needs to absorb energy all the time.

But now there are only two channels for Zhang Xiao to obtain Yuan Neng, one is jadeite or jade, and there will be varying amounts of Yuan Energy in it.

Another channel is in antiques. The older the item, the more energy it contains, and it is directly related to the size of the item.

But whether it's jadeite or antiques, the price is extremely high, and Zhang Xiao also discovered some special things during this time.

For all the jadeite or antiques that Zhang Xiao has absorbed the energy of, the "god" that existed on it disappeared and became very ordinary, as if they had lost their energy, and the damage to these items was permanent.

Although no one has discovered the abnormality yet, once someone discovers the difference, they will definitely suspect Zhang Xiao.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao knew very well that the planning function that wanted to absorb Yuan Energy secretly died, and looking at the urine of the Tree of Life, even weirder things would inevitably happen to the Tree of Life without Yuan Energy absorption.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing, he knew that the direction of his previous efforts was still wrong.

Whether it is the advancement of technology or the growth of wealth, it does not have much effect on Zhang Xiao. On the contrary, the title of antique appreciation and jadeite king has extraordinary significance to Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao can use this identity to secretly Absorb energy to supplement the consumption of the tree of life.

And Zhang Xiao is also very clear that he must have amazing gains in this trip to Myanmar, at least he must have enough energy to supply the tree of life.

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