The reason why Zhang Xiao accelerated the pace of university construction was not only because of Guo Tianfeng, but also because of the interests of Hongyuan Group itself.

You know, Guo Tianfeng is still in office, and he can stand for Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology to a large extent. After all, this is a project he has brought over, and no matter how much he supports it, no one will hinder it. After all, many times Everyone is hello or me, and Guo Tianfeng is about to resign, everyone will give Guo Tianfeng this face.

At that time, Guo Tianfeng can give Hongyuan Group the greatest convenience in terms of land approval and construction progress. In this way, Zhang Xiao will be more worry-free and labor-saving, which will undoubtedly be much less of a hindrance than Guo Tianfeng's promotion after leaving.

"It's good that you can understand. As for me, you don't have to worry about it. I should be promoted by half a grade this time, which can be regarded as compensation." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile, but the bitterness between his words was beyond words.

After all, watching the fruit tree I planted and being taken into the bag when it is about to bear fruit, the kind of sadness is not comfortable anyway.

"Uncle Guo, then I'll toast you with tea instead of wine, and wish you great success in your new position." Zhang Xiao raised the teacup and said solemnly. This was not only a thank you, but also a promise.

Guo Tianfeng smiled slightly, but didn't say anything else. Looking at Zhang Xiao's confident face, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. He never thought that Zhang Xiao would grow to this level in just three years. .

From Zhang Xiao's high school days to the present, Guo Tianfeng felt more and more that his daughter was naive and ridiculous back then, but everything has become the past, and it is useless to talk about it. He only hopes that Zhang Xiao can live up to his expectations.

At this moment, Lu Huaping's voice came from outside the door: "Boss, the roast whole lamb is ready."

Now that the roasted whole lamb has been roasted, Guo Tianfeng and Zhang Xiao did not stay in the house any longer, but came to the yard together, sat by the campfire, and watched Lu Huaping take out the roasted whole lamb from the oven.

At this time, Guo Tianfeng was not polite at all, holding the lamb chops in one hand and the wine in the other, he ate with great pleasure, without the restraint of the past at all.

Zhang Xiao saw it in his eyes, but he was a little worried. After all, Guo Tianfeng's current situation seemed incomparably chic, and it was not a kind of self-indulgence, which was actually not a good thing.

"The craftsmanship is good. This is the best roasted whole lamb I've ever eaten." Guo Tianfeng said to Lu Huaping with a smile after finishing his glass of wine.

"The leader praised it, I just used better materials." Lu Huaping said very modestly.

"Haha, you are really humble." Guo Tianfeng couldn't help pointing at Lu Huaping, and said in a somewhat unrestrained manner.

"Uncle Guo, eat more if you like it." Zhang Xiao took the knife from Lu Huaping's hand, cut a large piece of mutton chop and put it in front of Guo Tianfeng, then said with a smile. He knew Guo Tianfeng's habit of eating meat Drinking heavily, of course, is also the favorite thing of many northern men.

Guo Tianfeng looked at the lamb chops in front of him, and after eating a piece, he couldn't help but stop what he was doing, and said helplessly: "I have more energy than energy, after all, I am getting old, eating too much will inevitably lead to indigestion .”

"Uncle Guo, you are too modest. You are in the prime of life now, and you are in the prime of life. There is still a bright future waiting for you." Zhang Xiao could not help but smile to comfort him when he heard Guo Tianfeng's dismay. road.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Guo Tianfeng couldn't help laughing, but he didn't say much, but his eyes were obviously more energetic than before, revealing a trace of sharpness.

Guo Tianfeng was completely relieved at this moment, and a little bit of flame was born in his heart, which was the desire for the future. After all, he is not yet 50 years old, and he still has the opportunity to improve to a higher level.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as Guo Tianfeng can maintain his current state, he will have a promising future. At worst, he can be promoted to a higher rank when he retires.Fun Court

Man is a very strange creature. Although desire is invisible and colorless, it has an astonishing influence. Under the domination of desire, people will always burst out with astonishing power.

After eating the roasted whole lamb, Guo Tianfeng drank another bowl of hangover soup before leaving in the car. Zhang Xiao arranged for Guo Feng to take Guo Tianfeng back in person.

After Guo Tianfeng left, Zhang Xiao still didn't feel sleepy at all, but was thinking about the steps of university construction and future university planning. These are things Zhang Xiao must consider clearly now.

Zhang Xiao knows very well that Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology must be a blockbuster in the first year of enrollment, and do things that attract the attention of everyone, so that the name of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology can be completely resounded throughout the country.

Only in this way can Hongyuan University of Science and Technology receive good students in the coming time, otherwise it will undoubtedly be more difficult for Hongyuan University of Science and Technology to obtain good students as time goes by.

To achieve a blockbuster success, Hongyuan University of Science and Technology must take new measures. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think of self-enrollment.

Self-enrollment, also known as self-selection, is an important link in the reform of college selection and admission work.After passing the self-enrollment written examination and interview of the college entrance examination, you can enjoy the corresponding policy of reducing the score of the college entrance examination.

Hongyuan University of Science and Technology has the qualification to recruit students independently, which is also part of the education reform. As a pilot institution, Hongyuan University of Science and Technology must make a fuss about this aspect.

This is also the current advantage of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, and how to make good use of self-enrollment will be the top priority of the first-year enrollment.

But before that, the infrastructure of the university must be built well. This is the most basic prerequisite, otherwise all plans will be nothing more than castles in the air.

And now it is mid-February, and there are only six months left before the start of the general university. To build a university, the time is very tight, and the progress needs to be accelerated. This is undoubtedly another problem.

After all, speeding up the construction progress undoubtedly requires more funds, and funds are currently the biggest problem encountered by Hongyuan Group.

And on the other hand, the current Hongyuan University of Science and Technology has not even selected a school site, and talking about construction is undoubtedly just talking on paper, which makes Zhang Xiao feel a little worried.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao called Academician Ni to his office as soon as he came to the office.

After Academician Ni sat down on the sofa, Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni in a serious tone: "Academician Ni, how is the design progress? We need to confirm the site of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology first, and then start construction, even if it is The most basic three links and one leveling will also take time."

"Boss, are you in such a hurry? The current design plan is just a framework, and the current design plan is not usable at all." Academician Ni's eyes were red, obviously staying up all night, and he couldn't help being a little surprised after hearing Zhang Xiao's words asked.

"It doesn't matter, we must start as soon as possible. I have to fly to Greentown today to communicate with the leaders of the province and try to find a way to settle the school site. Only in this way can we not delay this year's enrollment." Zhang Xiao looked serious. He said that he is very clear that the speed of university construction must be accelerated, and he cannot wait for all the design plans to come out.

"Okay, then I'll ask the staff to bring over the framework of the design plan." Academician Ni could only agree, and he also knew that the sooner the matter, the better. Only in this way would it be possible to start recruiting students this year, otherwise everything would be empty talk.

Thinking of this, Academician Ni called the person in charge of the design department and asked him to bring the framework of the design plan.

During the waiting time, Zhang Xiao also asked Hou Shuyan to start booking plane tickets, but after a while, the private jet customized last year will be delivered, and travel will be more convenient and faster then.

"Boss, I thought about it all night yesterday. I still think that it is the most important thing to do to separate the R&D center. We can't incorporate the R&D center into the university's organizational structure." Seeing Zhang Xiao put down the phone, Academician Ni couldn't help but speak. Said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, and understood Academician Ni's concerns. After all, once the R&D center is incorporated into the university's organization, its authority will be greatly reduced. When the time comes, who will own the scientific research results developed by the R&D center? will be a problem.

"You're right. We were too hasty before." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nod to admit his mistake. After all, it's not ashamed, and Zhang Xiao is not someone who wants to save face.

Before Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni only considered the problem of the rapid establishment of the university, but ignored the problem of scientific research results. At this time, both of them realized this problem. If this is the case, they must correct their mistakes and put things on the original track. .

"If we don't need to consider the R&D center, then our choice of school site will be much larger, and even if the R&D center is used as a future training base in the future, there is no need to build a university next to the R&D center. Come on, we will need more funds." Academician Ni couldn't help frowning when he said this, he knew very well that the current situation of the group is the biggest suffering at present.

"I will find a way to solve the problem of funds. In addition, I will try my best to get more favorable conditions when I go to Greentown, so as to ensure the progress of the construction of the university." Zhang Xiao waved his hand and said, since he decided to promote the construction of the university at all costs, in terms of funds Zhang Xiao put it on the back burner.

Academician Ni couldn't help but nodded. He really didn't have any good suggestions in terms of funds. After all, the establishment of a university requires too much funds, and he can't do anything about it. He can only rely on Zhang Xiao himself.

At this moment, Song Minghao, the director of the design department, hurried in, put the frame of the design plan on the table under the direction of Academician Ni, and said: "According to the preliminary plan of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, we Ten colleges will be established, namely the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, the School of Computer Engineering and Information, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, and the School of Applied Mathematics and Information Science..."

Following Song Minghao's introduction, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but listen with gusto. After all, although this is a framework, it is also the future plan of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology. This is a very important content. Zhang Xiao can't help but admire Song Minghao, after all To be able to complete the framework of a design proposal overnight is a remarkable achievement.

"That's right, it's very thoughtful." After Song Minghao's introduction, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but praise with a smile.

Song Minghao couldn't help but smile a little. It must be something to be proud of to be able to get Zhang Xiao, but he immediately opened the draft plan of the university on the computer, and continued to introduce: "Boss, Mr. Ni, this is the university Although the sketch of the campus is not yet complete, the area of ​​the campus has been initially calculated.”

"According to the current basic needs of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, we need at least [-] acres of land. Considering the problem of enrolling students in the future, I think it is more realistic to increase the land budget by [-]%."

"That's two thousand acres, which is shown on the floor plan."

Song Minghao introduced it very seriously. He knew very well that this was his chance to express himself in front of Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni, and he must do his best to impress Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni.

After listening to Song Minghao's words, Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Very well, everyone has worked hard, but due to time constraints and heavy tasks, we still have to make persistent efforts and strive to make the design plan as soon as possible."

"After this busy period, I will organize everyone to go on a trip, and then everyone can play with pay."

"Thank you, boss." Song Minghao's heart suddenly warmed up. Although it might be Zhang Xiao's painting, it should be nothing more than an accident.

Afterwards, Song Minghao left Zhang Xiao's office, and Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni began to discuss the framework of the design scheme again.

It wasn't until Hou Shuyan reminded Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni that the discussion was over.

"Boss, there is still an hour and a half before the plane takes off, and we have to rush to the airport." Hou Shuyan reminded.

"Okay, you go downstairs first, and I'll go down later." Zhang Xiao waved to Hou Shuyan and said.

After Hou Shuyan left, Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni: "What I said just now must be added to the design plan and sent to me after completion. This is the key for us to win government support."

"Don't worry, I will let people join in as soon as possible, and I will send it to you when it is finished." Academician Ni nodded and said, he also admired Zhang Xiao's opinion very much.

And Zhang Xiao didn't stay in the office for long. After putting on his coat, he went directly downstairs.

When Zhang Xiao came downstairs, Guo Feng and Hou Shuyan were already waiting in the car.

After Zhang Xiao got into the car, the car drove out smoothly under Guo Feng's driving, heading towards the airport.

Zhang Xiao was still thinking about his inner thoughts in his heart. After all, he had already made an appointment with Boss Ma to meet at seven o'clock in the evening, and Boss Ma had half an hour.

How to convince Boss Ma within half an hour and get Boss Ma's approval or support is what Zhang Xiao must consider now.

After all, the opportunity is rare. Once the approval and support of Boss Ma is obtained, no matter the site selection or construction approval of Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, it will receive the greatest support. This is of great significance to Hongyuan Group.

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