Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 464 Founding a University

At noon, Zhang Xiao and his party ate in the cafeteria of the microelectronics technology company. It was not for Zhang Xiao to save money, but to save time. After all, time is the most precious thing for Zhang Xiao.

I have to say that the canteen of Microelectronics Technology Company is still very good. Although it is not as rich and varied as the food in the canteen of Hongyuan Group headquarters, it can still be regarded as delicious in color, flavor and taste, and the food is large and full, which is very suitable for employees of Microelectronics Technology Company. Edible needs.

After leaving the microelectronics technology company, Zhang Xiao returned to the group headquarters and began to review the project payment for the project progress that he checked today. After all, only Zhang Xiao can decide on the payment approval.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao continued to carry out such project inspection and review, mainly to prevent the situation that the project progress did not match the facts.

With the passage of time, Hongyuan Group's projects this year have also begun to be fully promoted. Thanks to the substantial profits of the People's Supermarket, this year's projects have not received much impact.

However, in the process of project review, Zhang Xiao still cut off many projects, especially the projects of the R&D center. Zhang Xiao was even more merciless. It is impossible for Zhang Xiao to waste funds on these projects with little prospect.

In the final analysis, the funds are still not sufficient. If the funds are sufficient, Zhang Xiao will also provide funds for these projects. After all, many times, some seemingly useless research, the things developed will be used in many fields.

If sufficient funds are to cast a wide net, then the current Hongyuan Group can only conduct precise research and development, and it is possible to restart these projects after sufficient funds.

This morning, Zhang Xiao was checking documents in the office when the phone rang. Zhang Xiao saw that it was Guo Tianfeng's call and quickly connected it.

"Uncle Guo, what are you calling for?" Zhang Xiao asked on the phone. He knew very well that Guo Tianfeng seldom called him if there was nothing wrong.

"The university matter has been approved. Are you in the capital? Let's meet and discuss in detail?" Guo Tianfeng said with a smile, obviously in a good mood. After all, he has been busy with this matter for half a year, and now it finally has a result .

"I'm in the capital, let's meet and talk, I'll go find you." Zhang Xiao said immediately, he knew that this matter could not be explained clearly on the phone, and the details could only be understood through a detailed discussion in person.

"Then come to the Beijing Office of Henan Province. I'll wait for you to come." Guo Tianfeng said, and gave Zhang Xiao a detailed address.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao immediately sorted out the documents in his hand, handed them over to the secretary office for distribution, and called Academician Ni before taking Hou Shuyan downstairs.

When Zhang Xiao came to the hall downstairs, Academician Ni had already arrived, greeted Zhang Xiao and said, "Boss, what's the rush?"

"The establishment of the university has been approved. Now let's go to Gaoguan Guo to find out the details." Zhang Xiao said as he walked.

"It's really approved. It seems that Yu Province is very optimistic about you." Academician Ni said excitedly. He knew that a university needs a lot of review, and Guo Tianfeng can get this matter done. It does not represent Yuxing's attitude.

"It's expected, but I didn't expect it so soon." Zhang Xiao didn't think there were too many surprises about this. After all, Yu Province lacks higher education resources, and Hongyuan Group has the strength and conditions, which will naturally cause attention of the local government.

"We must plan carefully for this matter. After all, this matter is the foundation of our Hongyuan Group in the future." Academician Ni is very clear about the significance of the establishment of the university to Hongyuan Group, so he also attaches great importance to the establishment of the university.

"Let's ask Gaoguan Guo to find out the specific situation first, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Zhang Xiao nodded and said, he is actually full of expectations for this matter. Effectively supplementing the current shortcomings of Hongyuan Group is of great significance for attracting and retaining talents.

Academician Ni nodded, and began to think about the specific operation of establishing a university.

After all, the establishment of a university is a big project, no less than the electronics industry base project. Although Hongyuan Group's funds are currently tight, no matter how tight the funds are, the establishment of the university is an urgent matter.

After all, if the university is completed one day earlier, it can recruit students earlier, which is very important for Hongyuan Group's subsequent talent training. After all, the talents cultivated by itself are more in line with the needs of Hongyuan Group.

When Zhang Xiao came to the Beijing Office of Henan Province, it was almost noon. Guo Tianfeng's secretary, Sun Zhi, saw Zhang Xiao and said with a smile, "The leader is waiting for you upstairs. I have already arranged a luncheon."

"Sun Zhi, thank you for coming to pick us up." Zhang Xiao was very polite to Sun Zhi. Although he was very familiar with Guo Tianfeng, Sun Zhi was the director after all, even if he was the deputy director. With a bright future.

"Mr. Zhang is polite. This is what I should do." Sun Zhi greeted Zhang Xiao while leading the way upstairs. emotional intelligence.

Zhang Xiao saw all this in his eyes, and knew very well that Sun Zhi was able to be promoted to the deputy department at the age of 32, and also served as Guo Tianfeng's secretary, so there must be something special about him.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao, led by Sun Zhi, went to Guo Tianfeng's room. It was a suite. Although it was not as luxurious as the presidential suite, it was more refined, and many places were carefully designed.

"Zhang Dong, Academician Ni, you are here, sit down wherever you want." Guo Tianfeng, who was originally sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, saw Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni leading someone in, stood up and said.

"Leader, as soon as I received your call, I dragged Academician Ni to come here. You have to treat me at noon today." Zhang Xiao smiled and said to Guo Tianfeng. Given the relationship between the two of them, there was no need for such greetings. But after all, there are other government personnel here, so Zhang Xiao can only exchange pleasantries like this.

"It's all arranged, and we'll be there in a while. But before that, let's talk about the establishment of the university." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile, obviously in a good mood.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Okay, I need your advice."

At this time, Sun Zhi gave the documents he had already prepared to Zhang Xiao, Academician Ni, and Hou Shuyan who came with Zhang Xiao, obviously well prepared.

While Zhang Xiao was looking at the information, Guo Tianfeng said: "The reason why the university can be approved this time is due to the liberalization of policies. As far as I know, private colleges and universities will exist as an effective supplement to national education, so Although the university has been approved, in my opinion, only by completing it as soon as possible can we enjoy the dividends of education reform.”

Zhang Xiao also finished reading the information at this time, and couldn't help but said: "The leader is right, if the campus cannot be built as soon as possible to start recruiting students, once the enrollment is at the same time as the private colleges behind, the advantage will no longer exist. Facing more intense competition.” m.cascoo.

"But I want to ask, in terms of enrollment, can our university participate in the national unified enrollment?" Zhang Xiao asked the question in his heart, after all, he did not see this aspect in the information.

"Theoretically, it is possible. Not only that, after the establishment of the university, it can also recruit suitable students through independent enrollment. This is a condition that many universities do not currently have." Guo Tianfeng couldn't help explaining that this is what he strived for for this university to the conditions.

"Is the graduation certificate recognized by the country?" Zhang Xiao asked afterward.

"Of course, we are legally compliant and approved by the education department, not those unlicensed pheasant universities." Guo Tianfeng said with some dissatisfaction, and was dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao raising this question.

"Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, why does the name sound so strange?" Zhang Xiao teased with a smile, but she was flattered in her heart. After all, after the establishment of the university, it is of great significance to Hongyuan Group. beautiful.

"Don't be shy, there is still a long way to go before the completion of the university. You just have the name now, but you need to build the site and the school building yourself." Guo Tianfeng couldn't understand Zhang Xiao's shy face, so he couldn't help but speak Strike Road.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help restraining the smile on his face, and said, "Leader, you still need your help in this matter. After all, the area required for the university's venue must be quite large, and Hongyuan Group is currently short of funds. To build a university as soon as possible, we still need your help."

"You should talk to Boss Ma about this matter. After all, I can't decide, and Boss Ma will be honored if the university is completed this time. You'd better contact him." Guo Tianfeng rejected it without hesitation. Well, it's not that he really can't help, but that he knows very well that the most important thing is to share interests, and eating alone will be hated by others.

After all, after the establishment of the university, as a senior official in charge of education, he naturally gained the most political achievements, but he must bring in other people, otherwise he will eat everything by himself, and he will definitely be disgusted by others. How can he go back? To do this kind of thing that is self-defeating from the people.

Zhang Xiao was also woken up by Guo Tianfeng, and couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay, I'll contact Boss Ma later, hoping that the university can be completed as soon as possible, so that this year's enrollment will not be delayed."

"Are you dreaming, can you build a school in six months?" Guo Tianfeng looked at Zhang Xiao in disbelief. He didn't know where Zhang Xiao got his confidence.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Leader, do you still remember the land in the R&D center?"

"Of course I remember, a total of four hundred acres of land." Guo Tianfeng said immediately.

But then Guo Tianfeng came to his senses, and couldn't help but ask again: "You don't want to incorporate the R&D center into the university, do you? In that case, although there are some lands around, it's not easy to get approval."

Zhang Xiao chuckled and said, "It's human-made, and the main body of the six experimental buildings of the R&D center has been built. As long as the decoration is properly designed, they can be used as classrooms, and I think that using it as a university site will not only It can save money and allow researchers to teach in universities, which kills two birds with one stone.”

This is the result of Zhang Xiao's discussion with Academician Ni on the way here, and it is also in line with the current situation of Hongyuan Group. Moreover, bringing the R&D center into the management of the university is more conducive to the cultivation of talents, which has a positive effect on the establishment of the university. significance.

"It's also feasible, but since you have thought about this matter clearly, you have to make a detailed plan, and then communicate and negotiate with the leaders of the province to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings." Guo Tianfeng is very clear. Many people also reported the establishment as political achievements. Now that the R&D center is included in the university, it will inevitably compromise the political achievements, and it is not a very easy to negotiate.

"This is also a last resort. After all, Hongyuan Group's funds are tight now. If it builds a new campus, it will be a heavy burden for Hongyuan Group, and it will also delay this year's enrollment." Zhang Xiao said very seriously. Zhang Xiao has also made up his mind about this matter, so he treats it so seriously.

Guo Tianfeng lit a cigarette, pondered for a while, and then said: "I support it in principle, but you have to think carefully, this kind of operation is not so easy, it involves all aspects, and it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble .”

"I will think about it. In addition, I will negotiate with other leaders in the province to gain their support." Zhang Xiao said seriously. He knew very well that there would be resistance, but there would not be too much of an obstacle. After all, the performance of the R&D center has already been reported, and after the university and the R&D center are combined, the performance will be even greater.

The only thing that may hinder is everyone's expectations. After all, the establishment of a university is another achievement, and it is bound to be greatly discounted after being combined with the R&D center. However, considering the current situation of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao thinks this is the most suitable solution.

After the matter came to this point, Guo Tianfeng didn't say much, but asked Sun Zhi to take Zhang Xiao and others to the private room for dinner, but he was going to arrive later.

After Zhang Xiao and others left, Guo Tianfeng called Boss Ma and reported the discussion between him and Zhang Xiao. After all, Boss Ma spent a lot of energy and found a lot of talents for the establishment of the university. Get this done.

"I have had people investigate the situation of Hongyuan Group. They are indeed a little short of funds, but this is not the main reason. The biggest possibility is that Zhang Xiao had a plan to incorporate the R&D center into the university at the beginning of its establishment. , otherwise it doesn’t make any sense.” After listening to Guo Tianfeng’s report, Boss Ma said after a little thought.

"Then how should I answer here?" Guo Tianfeng asked cautiously.

"There's no need to answer. We'll talk about it when he comes to me." Boss Ma said without hesitation.

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