"Old Lu, you are so courageous, you dare to arrange the boss, it seems that you are going to be put on by the boss." Zhao Yu said gloatingly.

"You guys are really good. The boss didn't tell me when he came, and I made a fool of myself." Lu Huaping looked at everyone's schadenfreude, and couldn't help but said helplessly.

Zhao Yu and the others couldn't help laughing. In fact, it was not too early when they saw Zhang Xiao. Before they reminded Lu Huaping, Zhang Xiao walked in just in time to hear Lu Huaping's choreography.

"Don't worry, the boss is magnanimous, how can he be as knowledgeable as you." Zhao Yu comforted with a smile.

Although Lu Huaping was depressed, he continued to cook. After all, this was his job.

While Lu Huaping and the others were preparing dinner, Zhang Xiao received a call from Hu Wenjing.

"Sister Jing, where have you been?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Hu Wenjing had contacted Zhang Xiao years ago, and she would wait for Zhang Xiao in the provincial capital during the Spring Festival holiday, saying that she had something to discuss with him, but since Zhang Xiao didn't go back to his hometown for the Spring Festival, Hu Wenjing would come after the Spring Festival Beijing is looking for Zhang Xiao.

"I've already got off the highway. I want to ask if you are in a courtyard house or a villa now." Hu Wenjing asked with a smile.

"It's in the courtyard, come here directly." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

Over the past two years, Hu Wenjing occasionally came to the capital to look for Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao also went to the provincial capital to look for Hu Wenjing from time to time. Although they were different in age, they cherished the time they spent together.

When Hu Wenjing came to the courtyard, the food was served. Guo Feng and others were no strangers to Hu Wenjing, but after eating, Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing came to the living room together.

Nestled in Zhang Xiao's arms, Hu Wenjing watched TV, but said in her mouth: "Xiaoxiao, I want to resign."

"Why? Are you uncomfortable in school?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise. He had asked Hu Wenjing what he meant before, but Hu Wenjing refused because she liked school life.

"That's not true, but I want a child. I can't conceive without being married in school. This will arouse everyone's discussion." Hu Wenjing expressed her meaning somewhat euphemistically. She is 32 years old this year She is afraid that in a few years, she will not be able to conceive even if she wants to conceive.

Zhang Xiao's hand stroking Hu Wenjing's beautiful hair couldn't help but pause. He had never thought about such a thing. After all, he was only 20 years old. He always felt that this matter was too far away from him. He didn't know until now that getting married and having children Things are not far from him.

And Hu Wenjing's request is not too much, after all, no one wants to live a lonely life, and having her own child is not only a spiritual sustenance, but also a need of life for Gu Wenjing.

"Don't think too much, I just want my own child, and I don't plan to be with anyone else in my life, so I want to have a child of my own while I am still young, so as not to have a child when I am old. All alone." Hu Wenjing said silently.

"Well, that's fine, but what do you want to do after resigning?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking with some pity.

"Let's talk about what to do later. I plan to give birth to the child first, and then bring him up." Hu Wenjing said without hesitation. She came to the capital this time to discuss this matter with Zhang Xiao. At this moment, Zhang Xiao Agreeing, she has achieved her goal, as for what to do in the future, she really has no idea.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, Zhang Xiao accompanied Hu Wenjing to the temple fair for a day. For Hu Wenjing, she didn't care whether the temple fair was lively or not. As long as she could be with Zhang Xiao, her heart would be satisfied.

"After I resign, I want to travel around the world." Standing on the top of a mountain in Xishan, Hu Wenjing looked at the capital in the distance and couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Xiao has no objection to this. After all, Hu Wenjing must find something to do after resigning. Otherwise, if he stays at home all the time, he will always be trapped in the past memories, especially for people like Hu Wenjing. More cranky.

"Okay, the world is so big, we should all go and see it." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but yearn for it. After all, the beautiful scenery always makes people feel refreshed, and at the same time, he is also happy for Hu Wenjing. After all, people who cherish the world , will always become happier, instead of clinging to some small things and complaining about yourself.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao accompanied Hu Wenjing to visit the scenic spots in the capital, looking at the mountains, waters and scenery, leisurely and leisurely, and the relationship between the two became softer and longer.

When he was with Hu Wenjing, Zhang Xiao always felt very comfortable. After all, his emotions were well taken care of by Hu Wenjing, which is a rare feeling for him when he is with his peers.

On February [-]th, which is also the sixth day of the first lunar month, Hu Wenjing, who had been in the capital for four days, drove away from the capital. After all, he was leading the graduating class of the third year of high school this year, and the seventh day of the new year was about to start.

Even if Hu Wenjing wants to resign, she still plans to wait until the college entrance examination of this class of students is over before leaving.

Looking at the direction in which Hu Wenjing left, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt a little heavy in his heart, because he knew that with the passage of time, people's thoughts are always changing, and Hu Wenjing is no exception.

However, Zhang Xiao doesn't have much time to worry about the spring and autumn. He still has a lot of work to do. Xiao does a lot of work.

Whether it is the allocation of funds or the review of production progress, Zhang Xiao needs to conduct an on-site inspection before making a decision, and this is also the focus of Zhang Xiao's work after the beginning of spring.

On the morning of NO.11, Zhang Xiao came to the chip factory to check the equipment installation of the second production line of the chip factory and the subsequent production and debugging work.

As the person in charge of the chip factory, Li Fu brought Zhang Xiao and his party to the construction site, and reported the situation of the second production line while everyone was watching the construction.

"At present, the main equipment of the second production line has been installed, and more than half of the supporting equipment has been installed. Next, we will start the stand-alone debugging work. For now, the progress is quite gratifying." Li Fu reported while walking, Because he heard that Zhang Xiao invited Zhang Rujin to join Hongyuan Group, this was also a great pressure for him.

So when reporting the work progress of the chip factory, Li Fu took care of everyone present as much as possible, and replaced many professional terms with easy-to-understand words, which opened Zhang Xiao's eyes.

After all, Zhang Xiao knows Li Fu quite well. After all, Li Fu has always been in charge of the chip factory, and Academician Ni is more in charge of the general direction of the chip factory. The specific production work is done by Li Fu himself. Arranged.

"Director Li, how long will it take before the second production line is put into production?" Zhang Xiao asked straight to the point. After all, this matter is the focus of Zhang Xiao's attention.

After all, as the R&D department gradually develops various chips, Zhang Xiao knows very well that the restriction of future chip development may not lie in the design, but in the production capacity of chips.

The construction of the second production line adopts the most advanced equipment in the world, which is the most important guarantee for Hongyuan Group's chip production.

"It takes about a week to complete the commissioning of a single machine, and all the supporting equipment will be installed by then, but the commissioning of the entire production line will take longer, and if the yield rate is involved, the time will only be longer. Long. I expect it will take about half a year.” Li Fu said with a serious expression, he was very clear about Zhang Xiao’s expectations for the second production line, but in many cases, worrying can’t solve the problem. Objective laws need to be followed.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, it was about the same as he expected, but he still said: "If possible, try to advance as much as possible, after all, now we have more and more orders, and the first production line alone can't meet the demand at all. Coupled with the chips of our microelectronics technology company, increasing productivity and improving production efficiency must be accelerated."

Of course Li Fu wants to improve production efficiency, but the performance of the equipment has already determined the upper limit of production efficiency, so Li Fu couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Boss, at present, the first production line has been utilized to the extreme, and it is difficult to guarantee it if it is faster. Yield, so it is unrealistic to speed up production.”

"So we need to speed up the construction of the second production line and improve the progress as much as possible. This is the top priority of our chip factory this year." Zhang Xiao patted Li Fu on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

Faced with Zhang Xiao's encouragement, Li Fu could only nod his head in agreement, but he knew very well that in order to speed up the progress, all the staff must join the ranks of working overtime, which was also a great pressure for him.

As the process went through one by one, Zhang Xiao couldn't help observing the working environment of the entire chip factory. Since the second production line was in the installation stage, Zhang Xiao still saw a lot of potential safety hazards, although no safety accidents have occurred so far. , but Zhang Xiao still opened his mouth and said to Li Fu: "In the process of equipment installation, you still have to pay attention to safety, not only the safety of the staff, but also the safety of the equipment. This must be implemented seriously."

Li Fu nodded and said: "We usually organize safety training frequently. Next, I will set up a safety working group to conduct unified statistics and screening of hidden safety hazards in production, and strive for successful rectification as soon as possible."

"Safety work is a major issue for our production enterprises. Work without safety guarantee is undoubtedly irresponsible to employees. In serious cases, it will affect the normal production. Next, the group will be established The Safety Department will investigate and report all hidden safety hazards under the group, but before that, I hope that all subsidiaries will conduct self-examination and self-correction of safety work." Zhang Xiao still emphasized safety work again, although it is a cliché, but Zhang Xiao still will not let go of any opportunity to emphasize safety work.

Zhang Xiao is very clear that safety issues are unavoidable in the development of an enterprise. Therefore, increasing safety training, raising employees' safety awareness, and making everyone pay attention to it will be possible to avoid safety accidents to the greatest extent.

"I will pay more attention to safety work." Li Fu agreed without hesitation. After all, safety accidents are one of the factors that destroy a production company. Only when safety is guaranteed can we talk about subsequent development.

After coming out of the construction site of the second production line of the chip factory, Zhang Xiao didn't stop at the chip factory, and took all the personnel directly to the microelectronics technology company.

After all, there are many projects that need to be carried out in the spring of this year. Zhang Xiao needs to go through all the projects as soon as possible. After checking, he can better formulate the project schedule according to the progress of the site, instead of just relying on the paper of each project leader report.

The current project under construction of Microelectronics Technology Company is the trial production of products, mainly for the purpose of supporting the R&D center. This is also the focus of the development of Microelectronics Technology Company this year. Finally, trial production must be carried out, and mass production must be placed in the electronics factory in Xinglin County and the electronics industry base in Greentown. www.cascoo.

And Zhang Xiao is very clear that this will also be the future development direction of the microelectronics technology company. After all, it is difficult to approve land in the capital, and it is a waste of resources to put production in the capital.

Moreover, with the commissioning of the Xinglin County Electronics Factory and the gradual completion of the Greentown Electronics Industry Base, the productivity of Hongyuan Group's electronic products will be improved by leaps and bounds, and the functions of the Microelectronics Technology Company will also undergo major changes. Definitely a trend.

Even in the end, the entire R&D center will be relocated from Hongyuan Building. Combining R&D and production is also an inevitable trend in the electronics industry in the future.

Academician Ni, who had already been waiting at the microelectronics technology company, took Zhang Xiao and his party to visit and report to the microelectronics technology company.

"For now, the microelectronics technology company has started to upgrade the equipment, which will take about three months. At that time, the microelectronics technology company will become the transformation base of the research and development results of the research and development center, and do process testing for mass production. .” Academician Ni said to Zhang Xiao as he walked.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Very well done, only in this way can we make better use of talents in all aspects, combine research and development with production, and form a model that belongs exclusively to our Hongyuan Group. From research and development to production, they are linked together to form a closed industrial loop and complete the upgrading of the electronic information industry."

"There is still a long way to go, but I believe that as long as we are in the right direction, the group's development in the electronic information industry will be more stable and more advanced." Academician Ni said proudly, This is also the result of his deliberation, and it is also his confidence to promote the development of the electronic information industry.

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