Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 465 Opportunities and Challenges

While Guo Tianfeng was reporting to Boss Ma, Zhang Xiao, Academician Ni and Hou Shuyan were led by Sun Zhi to a box on the third floor of the Henan Provincial Office in Beijing.

The environment in the box is unpretentious and very low-key, but it is particular about everything, and everything shows its intentions. When the door of the box is closed, the box suddenly becomes very quiet, which shows the super sound insulation effect of the box.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood that this is the Beijing Office of Henan Province after all, and the people who come and go are the leaders of Henan Province who come to the capital to handle affairs. The heart of the staff.

It has to be said that in many cases, the efficiency of government departments is higher than that of enterprises, and their execution is stronger, but this is not enviable.

"Zhang Dong, Academician Ni, I ordered a set meal. You can check to see if it suits your taste. If not, we can order again." After Sun Zhi handed the menu to Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni, he said with a smile.

The reason why Sun Zhi is so polite is because Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni, as the boss and chief engineer of Hongyuan Group, are the decision-makers of Hongyuan Group. Both of them can decide many investments, so he does not have a trace of arrogance. Yes, I also want to use this to build a relationship with the two of them.

As for Hou Shuyan, he didn't dare to say hello, after all, casual actions often easily offend people.

"I think it's very good. I'm from Henan Province. I don't have much particularity about food." Zhang Xiao glanced at the various dishes in the set meal and said with a smile. The dishes are very rich, including chicken, duck and fish, which are very suitable for his taste.

Academician Ni also glanced at it, nodded and said, "I don't care, I'm old and don't eat much, and this set meal is already very good."

After hearing what Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni had said, Sun Zhi didn't say anything more, turned around and went out to arrange for the restaurant to serve food.

After Sun Zhi went out, Academician Ni said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, I feel that senior officials Guo disapproves of us incorporating the R&D center into the university. Isn't this a win-win situation?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head with a wry smile and said: "For people like Guo Gaoguan, grades are very important. If the R&D center is included in the university, then the introduction of the R&D center will seem a bit inconspicuous, so they are all willing to have one. After the project is introduced, it is a project, and it is best not to be involved with other projects.”

"The establishment of a university is bound to be a huge project. Leaving aside the land sale and talent introduction involved in the establishment of a university, the infrastructure construction of a university alone requires billions. Such a huge investment will be a dazzling achievement. No one Willing to give up that achievement."

Academician Ni suddenly understood that, in fact, in his mind, if it was not for the shortage of funds, building a new university was in line with the future development direction of Hongyuan Group, and it was also very important to ensure the independent operation of the R&D center.

However, the lack of funds is an objective problem. This is also a temporary decision after discussion between Academician Ni and Zhang Xiao. Moreover, the sooner the university is completed, the more favorable it will be for the enrollment. After all, the expansion of university enrollment has already begun. Although the current scale is not large, But this is a trend. Once the large-scale expansion of enrollment begins, the problem of student sources will be a huge problem for all universities.

After all, as a new university, it is difficult to compare with institutions that have been established for decades. Even if this university is an undergraduate institution, it still does not necessarily compare with those established universities.

"Then what should we do now?" Academician Ni is very clear that the establishment of a university involves the approval of large-scale land, and it must be confirmed by the main leaders of Henan Province before it can be promoted, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

"Be prepared. The R&D center will continue to be built. If the government agrees, we will incorporate the R&D center into the university, and everything will proceed as we have discussed before."

"If they don't agree to put the R&D center in the university, then we have to build the university around the R&D center as much as possible. At that time, we can use the R&D center as a practical base for students and let them participate in some basic research, so as to cultivate Find talents suitable for our group's needs."

After Zhang Xiao pondered for a while, he said this. He is very clear that no matter what form it is, the establishment of the university must be implemented as soon as possible, and must not be procrastinated. Otherwise, once the time window passes, the development of Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology will inevitably be affected. After all, the role of policies is often time-sensitive.

"I understand, but we'd better have an in-depth exchange with Boss Ma, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Academician Ni suggested very seriously.

"Yeah, time doesn't wait for me, we have to make arrangements as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little bit, there are many projects this year, and each project is very important, but the pressure of funds is always there, which makes Zhang Xiao helpless and stressed increase.

After all, the current Hongyuan Group's funds are only struggling to maintain, and the use of funds is also saved as much as possible, but the establishment of a university requires at least 30 billion funds, which is a challenge for Hongyuan Group, which is already short of funds. Very stressful.

Academician Ni has no good solution at the moment. After all, Hongyuan Group is different from other enterprise groups. In the case that almost all the equity is in the hands of Zhang Xiao, the financing channels are relatively simple. In many cases, Zhang Xiao is required to inject funds to ensure the stability of Hongyuan Group. The advancement of the project, although it guaranteed Zhang Xiao's right to speak and made the development direction of Hongyuan Group consistent, it also restricted the expansion of Hongyuan Group.

The pros and cons of this are difficult to measure. After all, there are good and bad, and no one can tell what is right until the end.

However, Academician Ni is clear that anyone who dares to covet Zhang Xiao's equity will become Zhang Xiao's target. Even the Wang family, a thousand-year-old family, has failed in its previous actions against Hongyuan Group. Xiao's determination to control the equity of Hongyuan Group.

At the end of the discussion between Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni, Sun Zhi came back, and Guo Tianfeng was with him.

When Guo Tianfeng and Sun Zhi walked into the box, the staff also brought up the food and drinks. Obviously, this was arranged by Sun Zhi, so that Zhang Xiao and others would not be kept waiting for a long time, and the food could be served after Guo Tianfeng entered the box. , showing Sun Zhi's ability to arrange.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but be amazed, this kind of ability to control the field must have undergone strict time calculations. I didn't expect Sun Zhi to have such an ability. I have to say that no one who can stand out is simple.

Before the luncheon, Guo Tianfeng exchanged some pleasantries, and after the luncheon started, he had a drink with everyone and then put down his glass.

Obviously Guo Tianfeng didn't intend to drink too much. Seeing such a scene, Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni respectively toasted Guo Tianfeng a glass of wine and then put down their glasses.

The banquet without wine went on very quickly, and soon everyone ate almost to the same extent. Among them, Zhang Xiao had the largest appetite, but he also ate the fastest.

"The university's qualifications for running a university have been approved, and the next step is the issue of construction. Mr. Zhang, you and Academician Ni have a good discussion to see how this university should be built. In addition, you should carry out the undergraduate majors and junior college majors as soon as possible. Planning, after all, what we have approved is a precious undergraduate college, and the opportunity is very rare, and you should grasp this time window well." After putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Guo Tianfeng said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said seriously: "Leader, don't worry, our Hongyuan Group will definitely plan the major as soon as possible, and then we need the leader to help in the establishment of the university."

"This is what I should do. After all, the higher education in Yu Province is in the hearts of all of us. I also hope that I can make my own contribution to the cause of higher education in Yu Province." Guo Tianfeng's words were not lies. Benefiting one party in one term is the ultimate pursuit of many officials, and Guo Tianfeng is no exception.

"Then let's say goodbye first. After we plan our majors, I will go to Yu Province with people from the group to visit, and then we will discuss in detail." Zhang Xiao is also planning to leave at this time. He can see that Guo Tianfeng He had some reservations about what he said, but what Guo Tianfeng said was true.

Whether it is the construction of the university or the professional planning, it needs to be researched and demonstrated. Zhang Xiao also needs to go back with Academician Ni to convene the senior management of the group to conduct research. After all, this involves the future development of the university after its establishment.

Moreover, the communication with Guo Tianfeng had to be done in private, after all, Guo Tianfeng would not disclose key information in public.

"Okay, the establishment of the university must be promoted as soon as possible. After all, time does not wait." When Guo Tianfeng sent Zhang Xiao to the door of the box, he patted Zhang Xiao on the shoulder and solemnly reminded him.

"Leader, don't worry, I understand the priority of the matter." Although Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, she agreed.

After Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni left the Beijing Office of Henan Province by car, Zhang Xiao thought about Guo Tianfeng's words carefully, and vaguely understood the meaning of Guo Tianfeng's words.

"I think we should conduct research on university construction and professional planning as soon as possible, and establish a specific implementation plan as soon as possible, so as to avoid long nights and dreams." Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni with a serious expression.

"It should be the peach pickers, otherwise Leader Guo wouldn't be in such a hurry. I can hear the meaning in his words." Academician Ni said also with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being silent. He knew very well how strict the approval of undergraduate colleges was. The reason why he was able to get the approval this time was not only because of the name of Hongyuan Group, but also because of the efforts of the leaders of Henan Province. Now The examination and approval of the undergraduate colleges and universities has been completed, but the next step must go through the acceptance before it can be fully formed.

In this process, there are too many variables, so whether it is the university's infrastructure, the university's professional planning, and the faculty, it needs to be formed as soon as possible, otherwise variables will easily appear.

After all, Guo Tianfeng is currently the main person in charge of science, education, culture, health and sports, but who can guarantee that Guo Tianfeng will always be in charge of this area.

But after Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni left, Guo Tianfeng returned to his room frowning.

Guo Tianfeng looked at the approval documents on the table, but felt so remarked, couldn't help rubbing his brows, and felt very depressed, because he got a piece of news from Boss Ma, which was about his next job jurisdiction. range adjustment problem.

Now Guo Tianfeng is in charge of science, education, culture, health and sports, and they are all departments that seem to be important but have little water. However, with the approval results of Greentown Hongyuan University of Science and Technology, they have suddenly become hot. After all, the department of an undergraduate college Construction involves a lot of interests and achievements, especially the achievements are even more touching.

Guo Tianfeng was very helpless. He knew very well that this matter was basically a foregone conclusion, so he was so anxious to urge Zhang Xiao to submit the construction plan as soon as possible. Once the construction plan submitted by Zhang Xiao was approved by the Henan Provincial Government, then he As the leader in charge of science, education, culture, health and sports, he naturally has his share of credit.

Guo Tianfeng will never give up this credit and achievement. After all, this time for the university's approval, he has spent countless energy and relationships, and even gained a lot of favors.

On the way back to the headquarters of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao asked Hou Shuyan to call all the senior management of Hongyuan Group to the small conference room of the headquarters for a meeting. After all, the importance of establishing a university surpasses all projects, even if some research and development projects are stopped. The establishment of the university should also be started as soon as possible, which is related to the century-old plan of Hongyuan Group.

Even from a certain point of view, as long as this university can be established, Zhang Xiao, as the founder, will be remembered in history. This not only represents honor, but also a huge improvement in social status. For Zhang Xiao, it is even more important.

So Zhang Xiao knows very well that no matter how much money is needed to establish the university, he must build it as soon as possible, even if it means giving up some industries under the Hongyuan Group.

For Zhang Xiao, this is both an opportunity and a challenge, but Zhang Xiao is more aware of the significance of the completion of the university.

This is not only a manifestation of Zhang Xiao's own value, but also represents that the development of the private economy has been truly recognized by the state. After all, education is the foundation, and being able to open up the private economy also represents the state's attitude. www.cascoo.

When Zhang Xiao brought Academician Ni to the meeting room, Ye Shijiang, Li Mingxuan, and Yang Lei had already arrived. Besides them, Sun Ting from the Finance Department and Tian Xiaodan, assistant to the chairman, also came to the meeting room. announcement of.

After Zhang Xiao sat down in her seat, she first asked Hou Shuyan to distribute the documents, and then said: "This is a copy of the document approved by the Ministry of Education. You can take a look at it first. The next thing we are going to discuss is this matter."

Everyone couldn't help picking up the document and looking at it. After all, Zhang Xiao paid so much attention to the content of the document.

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