Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 462 Cultural Invasion

Listening to their bickering, Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking: "I don't know why you guys don't get married, you're already 27, isn't it fun not to get married?"

"Boss, what's so good about getting married? After getting married, there are so many things to do. Even love will become dull after marriage. So I think getting married is a waste of my time and life." Zhao Yu shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao felt funny and saddened by Zhao Yu's words. After all, in Zhang Xiao's view, marriage is of great significance, so he said with a smile: "Life has never been so easy. For this huge world, every time we Individuals are nothing but tiny existences."

"In this life, we face everything alone. Many times, we feel powerless. We feel so helpless. We have worked very hard, but we are still unable to bear many things."

"If we say that on the way forward, we can meet a good partner, the other party will work hard with us, bear everything together, solve various pressures of life together, and bear the ups and downs of life. Much bigger than a person.

"Meet a good lover, two people forge ahead, one plus one, it will really be greater than or equal to two."

"As for getting married, it's justified. Let us become a whole with another person, sharing benefits and burdens. You have me in you, and you in me. Two people make money to support the family together, and overcome all the waves together. .”

"And whether we are married or not, we will all experience a lot of suffering in this world, but if we experience it alone or with two people, our own feelings will be completely different."

Zhang Xiao said a lot of reasoning, but no one interrupted him. After all, he was the boss, and the security personnel would not interrupt at will, but let Zhang Xiao finish the sentence completely.

"For people like us, it's actually right not to get married. After experiencing life and death, many things are taken lightly. On the contrary, I feel more comfortable when we are together." Lu Huaping shook his head and said, his eyes were full of indifference .

"This sentence is even more wrong. People have to bear their own responsibilities throughout their lives. Defending the family is the responsibility, and getting married and having children is also the responsibility. At every stage of life, we have to face the responsibilities that belong to this stage alone. "Zhang Xiao's tone at the moment is a little serious. After all, Zhang Xiao knows very well that marriage may not be important when you are young, but when you are old, there will always be many people who regret it.

What Zhang Xiao said made Zhao Yu and the others feel a little silent. As they have experienced life and death, they rarely think about their future life. The words still touched them a lot. After all, their desire for marriage must be far greater than their fear.

"Brothers, since we have retired, we have to completely separate from our past life, start our new life again, adapt to this society, and adapt to this era. This is what we should do most now." Guo Feng said in a heavy tone at the moment. Said.

"Okay, boss, we will seriously consider it." Zhao Yu said to Guo Feng on behalf of the others.

Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng looked at each other and shook their heads when they heard the perfunctory in Zhao Yu's words.

But then Zhang Xiao changed the topic. After all, everyone came here to have fun, not to discuss life.

"The performance here is very different from the Ditan Temple Fair. It deserves to be called the 'Foreign Temple Fair'." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"That's true, but I think this is a way of cultural invasion, but it has become more hidden." Zhao Yu is really sober at the moment, and one sentence changed everyone from the state of play to the stage of criticism.

"It's not a cultural invasion, it's a cultural exchange at most. After all, these are entertainment items, just a form of entertainment for people. There's no need to go online." Lu Huaping didn't take it seriously. Other than people being happy, it doesn't have much impact.

"It's because everyone thinks it's just an entertainment project, so this kind of cultural invasion is even more terrifying. After all, the fastest way for people to accept a thing is always entertainment, and now various foreign programs emerge in endlessly. It will affect the young people who grow up in the present age." Zhao Yu looked very serious. In his opinion, the cultural invasion of entertainment projects is the most terrifying. He is subtly affecting people's thinking, which is a subtle and subtle way intrusion.

"Old Zhao, don't think too much. There is an essential difference between cultural invasion and cultural export. And these entertainment projects can be regarded as cultural export at most." Zhang Xiao has actually studied the difference between cultural invasion and cultural export. The establishment of an investment company originally just wanted to invest in a few companies with potential, and he would devote more time to research and development.

But with the establishment of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiaocai changed his mind. He may be one of the many scientific researchers, but the significance of sticking to the road of scientific research is much more than that of him becoming a scientific researcher. www.cascoo.

In Zhang Xiao's understanding, there is an essential difference between cultural invasion and cultural export.

Cultural invasion is mandatory, and it is not agreed by the country and people. This kind of privately spread culture is cultural invasion.

But other cultural exports are approved by the country and the people, just like Hollywood movies are cultural exports, after all, they are imported after the approval of the country.

Moreover, artistic performances such as acrobatics are themselves part of cultural output.

But in reality, cultural invasion and cultural export are always entangled, and the relationship between the two is always complex and changeable. The core is always people's wishes, and this kind of subjectivity is always the most difficult to divide. of.

People's subjectivity determines the ambiguity of the boundary between cultural invasion and cultural output, which makes many people always involuntarily imagine the nature of this matter when facing foreign cultures.

Zhao Yu shook his head, but he didn't say much. After all, this is an insignificant argument, so why bother arguing.

Just like today’s weights and measures, traditional domestic units of weights and measures are used less and less, but international units are used more and more. This cannot be regarded as a cultural invasion, but at most it is a kind of cultural exchange. After all, globalization is The trend of future development.

But soon, everyone entered the ocean of joy, wandering in the joy of people, after all, everyone came to play.

It wasn't until the evening that Zhang Xiao and the others returned by car. After all, everyone was very tired after playing for a day.

After returning to the courtyard, Lu Huaping took Zhao Yu and others to prepare ingredients, while Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng were in the living room chatting about the future life of security company personnel.

"Boss, I think we should pay attention to the marriage of the security personnel. We can't let them fool around like this. Such a life may destroy their enthusiasm for life." Guo Feng said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but burst out laughing. After all, in his opinion, marriage was a personal issue for these employees, and there was no need to go online. However, facing Guo Feng's serious expression, Zhang Xiao couldn't say that.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking, but he wanted to hear Guo Feng's thoughts.

"Arrange a blind date for them, so that they can feel the meaning of life." Guo Feng was slightly taken aback, then said thoughtfully.

"This is a meaningless thing. Do you think Zhao Yu and the others are short of women? No, they are surrounded by more women than me, but they always have a playful mentality, even if they arrange a blind date It's hard to change their attitude towards life." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, in Zhang Xiao's view, Zhao Yu and the others are not lacking women, but lacking enthusiasm for life and lacking love for life.

Guo Feng's face was a little ugly, and he couldn't help falling into silence.In fact, he doesn't know this. Even if he gets married, it's not a compromise of life. But after marriage, he understands the meaning and responsibility of life, but people who have not experienced this kind of thinking change are absolutely unable to do it.

Zhang Xiao patted Guo Feng on the shoulder and said: "Everyone has their own life, everyone is an adult, and they have to be responsible for their own future, we can't do everything, what I can give them is good This is what I can do to make them more financially well-off.”

"It's the same for you. Although they call you the boss, it's just a kind of respect, not a reason for you to turn it into pressure, and I think they will understand one day."

Guo Feng nodded, but now he is really worried about these brothers who were born and died together. He knows how difficult it is to change his mind, and it cannot be done with a few words.

It will take time, maybe as time goes by, after Zhao Yu and the others fully integrate into this society, there will be more changes in their thinking, thus changing their way of life.

While Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng were chatting, Lu Huaping and the others in the kitchen were also discussing marriage matters.

"Brother Zhao, are you really not going to get married? I heard that Wang Shaofen at the front desk of the company has taken a fancy to you and has been chasing you for a long time." Lu Huaping said to Zhao Yu with a smile.

"We are not suitable, she is just a simple little girl, I can't harm her." Zhao Yu said without hesitation, his tone was very firm.

"Since you don't like her, then I'll go after her. Don't blame me for being quick." Lu Huaping laughed, but his expression was full of teasing.

"Don't you dare, let me tell you, Wang Shaofen is too naive, you scumbag, you should provoke her." The kitchen knife in Zhao Yu's hand chopped open a piece of ribs fiercely, his mouth full of threats.

"Che, you think I'm afraid of you, my fair lady, a gentleman is so good, why don't I dare." Lu Huaping didn't care about Zhao Yu's threats. Yu can feel the sense of urgency and thus accept Wang Shaofen's affection.

For those who have been through life and death, it is very rare to be able to reap their own feelings. Lu Huaping also hopes that Zhao Yu can live happily.

Zhao Yu couldn't help feeling a little depressed, but he couldn't say anything at the moment, so he could only chop the ribs one by one to vent his dissatisfaction.

Lu Huaping couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth slightly. He was amusing about Zhao Yu's disagreement, but also felt sad.

After serving in the army for seven or eight years, once they were discharged, they felt that they were out of place in this society. Even after working in Hongyuan Group for three years, it was still difficult for them to fully integrate into this society.

Seeing that Zhao Yu was silent, Lu Huaping pointed the finger at Li Haibing again, and said to him with a smile: "Bingge, I heard that Li Na, who is in sales, is very good and treats you very well. Have you guys had sex together?"

Although Li Haibing is one year older than Lu Huaping, he usually spends more time as Guo Feng's follower and rarely participates in Lu Huaping's fooling around. Hearing Lu Huaping talk about Li Na at this moment, he couldn't help but say: "Li Na is a good girl. I was thinking about when I would propose to her, after all, I think marriage is still very important."

Lu Huaping and the others couldn't help but focus on Li Haibing. After all, Li Haibing was relatively the dullest of the group, but he didn't expect him to be the first to propose marriage.

"Okay, you boy, it seems that Li Na is still taken down by you, tell us what you think." Lu Huaping was the most jumpy at the moment, and couldn't help but pull Li Haibing to ask.

"It's actually very simple. I saw that after the eldest brother got married, his sister-in-law greeted him, but I was envious. And I think there are three kinds of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the biggest. That's why I tried to date Li Na." Li Haibing compared his mouth. Stupid, but in the face of everyone's inquiries, he still honestly expressed his thoughts.

"Congratulations, when are you going to propose, let's all go and cheer for you." Zhao Yu's eyes were also different at the moment, and he couldn't help but look at Li Haibing and said.

"That's right. When the time comes, we will pull the boss over. Don't look at the boss who is usually serious. He is the king of the sea among us." Lu Huaping arranged Zhang Xiao indifferently. At this moment, he does not have the slightest pressure. In his opinion , it is impossible for Zhang Xiao to hear.

"What Neptune? Lu Huaping, tell me clearly?" Zhang Xiao's voice suddenly sounded at this moment, which startled Lu Huaping so much that the spoon in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"I didn't say anything about Neptune. I said the king shark in the sea. Didn't there be shark meat today?" Lu Huaping quickly defended. After all, Zhang Xiao heard Zhang Xiao's bad words behind the arrangement, which made Lu Huaping a little helpless.

"Okay, just lie like this, I'll clean up later." Zhang Xiao came to the kitchen to get sugar, after all, he and Guo Feng made coffee just now, and it would be difficult to drink without sugar.

After Zhang Xiao took the candy and left, Lu Huaping breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing the expressions of everyone looking at him, he couldn't help being a little depressed.

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