Even so, from early morning to now, Zhang Xiao's muscles and bones were stiff for seven hours. At this moment, a little movement of the body will naturally cause the response of the whole body's muscles and bones.

However, Zhang Xiao has become accustomed to this, and there will be such abnormalities when warming up.

At this time, Zhang Xiao was still in good spirits, but Zhang Xiao knew that all this was just an illusion. After this period of time, he still needed to get enough sleep in order to restore his spirit to the best.

After eating the dumplings on the first day of the new year, Zhang Xiao lay on the sofa in the living room and began to rest. He didn't go out for shopping. In addition, he didn't have any elders in the capital, so he didn't need to pay New Year's greetings today.

And Guo Feng and the others were also a little bored, and started playing poker to pass the time. After all, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and if Zhang Xiao doesn't go out, they have nothing to do. They can only pass the time by playing in the courtyard.

"Do you think it's appropriate for the boss to sleep at home on New Year's Day? Why don't you go out and visit the temple fair?" Lu Huaping pointed to the room and said to everyone.

"For the boss, there is nothing unusual about having seen the prosperity of the world, and the current temple fair has a strong commercial flavor, so the boss may not like it either." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"You know what, the boss didn't sleep all night last night, and now he is making up for sleep." Guo Feng is the person who knows Zhang Xiao's work and rest best, so he couldn't help but say at this moment.

"Did the boss keep watch last night?" Zhao Yu asked in surprise.

"Well, there are customs everywhere, and there are night vigil customs in the north." Guo Feng didn't know why Zhang Xiao didn't rest, so he could only treat it as a night watch.

While Guo Feng and others were chatting while playing poker, Zhang Xiao was sleeping extremely soundly.

It wasn't until almost noon that Zhang Xiao woke up from his sleep.

Since today was the first day of the new year, the lunch was extremely sumptuous, including chicken, duck, fish, delicacies from mountains and seas. Zhang Xiao and all the security personnel sat at the same table.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, when Zhang Xiao was almost done eating, Lu Huaping said with a smile: "Boss, let's go to the temple fair this afternoon."

"Temple fairs, I heard that there are many temple fairs in the capital, but I have never seen them before." Zhang Xiao suddenly became interested. In the capital for the New Year, when Lu Huaping proposed, Zhang Xiao also wanted to visit.

"Then let's go in the afternoon, but where should we go?" Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation. After all, during the Spring Festival, Hongyuan Group's many businesses are in progress, but Zhang Xiao doesn't need to do anything. Li Mingxuan Spring Festival She was also on duty during the period, and Zhang Xiao also had more time to enjoy life.

"Let's go to the temple fair in Ditan Park. I heard that it is a distribution center for traditional culture, and there is also a display of intangible culture. It should be very lively." Zhao Yu immediately suggested.

It has to be said that even if a man is an urban teenager, as long as he has never played before, he will have an extremely strong curiosity.

"Okay, let's go there after dinner." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation. Zhang Xiao had heard about the temple fair in Ditan Park for a long time, and this year it was a chance to see it.

Ditan Temple Fair is the most traditional and oldest temple fair in Beijing. It is held on the first day of the new year every year. The temple fair folk activities and temple fair snacks attract tens of thousands of citizens to visit the garden.

The Ditan Temple Fair was first held in 1985 and has been successfully held for [-] sessions. Each session is better than the last. It is famous both at home and abroad for its high artistic taste and distinctive national characteristics. carnival.

Visiting the Ditan temple fair during the Spring Festival is a custom that the people of the capital have followed for many years. As the earliest temple fair restored in the capital, the Ditan Spring Festival cultural temple fair is famous in the capital for its authentic folk customs and traditional folk features. Each temple fair attracts more than one million tourists.

When Zhang Xiao, Guo Feng and others came to the Ditan Temple Fair, they realized that there were too many people here. It can be said that it was a sea of ​​people, and there were many foreign tourists who spoke various languages, which became a unique scenic spot.

As the most popular temple fair in the capital, the Ditan Temple Fair is a well-deserved existence.

Zhang Xiao, Guo Feng and others walked among the crowd, holding all kinds of snacks in their hands, watching the wonderful folk performances, which had a special flavor.

"These snacks are really good." Zhang Xiao was full of praise for the snacks here.

"Of course, there has been a long-standing saying of "eating at the Temple of Earth" in the temple fairs of various families in the capital. Every year, the temple fairs at the Temple of the Earth bring together many snacks from all over the north and south, especially the BJ special snacks. And the temple fair at the Temple of the Earth has invited authentic Representatives of "Chinese Time-honored Brand" snacks, such as Donglaishun Restaurant, Baikui Old Shop, Huguosi Snack Bar, Wonton Hou, and Tea Soup Li, etc., emerge in endlessly."

"In addition, the Temple of Earth Temple Fair also prepares one or two hundred kinds of snacks for all tourists. You can taste all kinds of snacks in one day, and now the local snacks have become a big sign of the Temple Fair at the Temple of Earth." Zhao Yu, as an authentic capital People, it is natural to act as a tour guide for everyone.

Going to the temple fair is the most festive activity during the Spring Festival. No matter men, women or children, they have no resistance to it, and Zhang Xiao is no exception.

Zhang Xiao couldn't put it down especially some gadgets, and because he was not short of money, Zhang Xiao immediately started the shopping mode. However, although there were many things, they were not heavy, so it didn't affect everyone's visit to the temple fair.

Someone once said, no matter whether you are an authentic native of the capital or a newcomer, if you don’t go to the temple fair to hang out and have fun during the Chinese New Year in the capital, it’s like cooking gruel on the 30th day—it’s not like a Chinese New Year look.

There are hundreds of temple fairs in the capital. In an era when traditional culture is intensifying, the temple fairs during the Spring Festival are the most lively places for people during the Spring Festival.

After all, many people work for a year, and it is rare to have a Spring Festival holiday. It is a rare enjoyment to come to the temple fair to experience the taste of the Spring Festival during the Chinese New Year.

Zhang Xiao is no exception. In the past three years, he has never had time to enjoy life. He is either worrying about the development of Hongyuan Group or planning for the future of Hongyuan Group. Today is also a rare trip to relax.

Guo Feng watched Zhang Xiao and many security personnel making noise and bustle together, and couldn't help but smile on his face. He was very pleased with Zhang Xiao's actions at the moment.

After all, Zhang Xiao is only 20 years old now, and everyone usually regards him as the boss, but never thought about whether Zhang Xiao can afford everyone's expectations.

Although Zhang Xiao did not disappoint everyone, Guo Feng saw all this and couldn't help but be often moved by Zhang Xiao's efforts. www.cascoo.

Zhang Xiao was really happy at the moment. He let go of his wariness and wandered around the Temple of Earth fair, watching all kinds of performances, but his heart was filled with emotion.

Although everyone is looking at money now, the temple fair shows the authentic traditional culture. Whether it is a performance imitating the Qing Dynasty, the charm of the Bashu, or the unique performance of the Tianqiao Bridge, they are all authentic cultural content of the capital.

However, such as the Northeast Wind Errenzhuan, the auspicious singing and dancing variety show stage, the old bj's folk customs performances and various variety show stages, it has given it a different style.

The folk flower show and the people's drama festival, these programs also opened Zhang Xiao's horizons, especially the on-site exhibition of intangible cultural heritage items, which gave Zhang Xiao an inexplicable shock.

Among them, the city's past city style and the photo exhibition of the inner city's nine gates also allowed Zhang Xiao to see the thousand-year cultural accumulation of the capital in the past.

During the play, the time passed quickly, and it was night before you knew it. Zhang Xiao was still in good spirits, and Zhang Xiao, who had eaten snacks all afternoon, did not feel hungry at all, but felt full of food.

"Boss, it's getting cold, do you want some more clothes?" Guo Feng asked Zhang Xiao.

At night, the cold wind was bitter. Although Zhang Xiao was in good health, the cold wind continued to invade, so Zhang Xiao still felt cold.

"Let's add one more, it's too cold today." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation, while taking the overcoat that Guo Feng handed over, and put it on.

"It's not cold when it's snowing. It's sunny these days, and it's going to be colder when the snow melts." Zhao Yu said vaguely while gnawing on a string of mutton skewers.

"Old Zhao, you can really eat. I didn't expect you to be so thin and weak." Zhang Xiao couldn't help teasing. Ever since he entered the temple fair, he had never seen Zhao Yu's mouth lack something. He doesn't mind trying any kind of snack.

Zhao Yu gnawed off the meat on the skewers in one gulp, swallowed it three times, five times and two times, and said with a smile: "This is a problem with people's physique. Some people can't get fat no matter how much they eat, but some people drink cold water. They all grow meat."

At this moment, the number of people in the temple fair is obviously much less. After all, everyone is tired after a day of shopping, but there are still a steady stream of newcomers pouring in at this moment, and it is lively.

After strolling around for a while, Zhang Xiao said to Lu Huaping who had been devoting himself to exploring the recipes of various snacks: "Let's go back, how is your research going?"

"Fortunately, I'll give it a try when I go back." Lu Huaping said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back then."

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Everyone was tired and started to return by car.

After returning to the courtyard, Lu Huaping cooked a pot of Xiaoshi soup for everyone.

It has to be said that Lu Huaping is completely worthy of his salary, which is comparable to Guo Feng's. After all, he is in charge of Zhang Xiao's diet, and he has researched all kinds of authentic delicacies, and he has introduced new ones to make them more suitable for Zhang Xiao's taste.

Zhang Xiao drank the Xiaoshi soup, which was sweet and sour, and said with a smile, "Everyone, make a plan, we still have two days to rest, so decide where to go in advance."

"I went to the temple fair today, let's go hiking tomorrow, and there is a temple fair in sjs, we can also go to sjs to see it." Zhao Yu obviously had a plan in mind, and said without hesitation at this moment.

"Okay, everyone can discuss it. Rest early today, and we will set off early tomorrow morning." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After playing for a day, Zhang Xiao felt very relaxed, so he also hopes to visit more places in the next two days, and the temple fair of sjs is a foreign temple fair, which can be an eye-opener.

According to Zhao Yu, the "foreign temple fair" held by sjs amusement park is not simply a "Western scene" where "listen to foreign operas, sing foreign operas, and sell foreign goods".

The sjs temple fair is more like a "Grand View Garden" of classic and fashionable cultural activities in Europe and America that integrates knowledge, fun, entertainment and participation.

The "sjs foreign temple fair" takes the traditional folk festivals and temple fairs in my country as the main form, and presents the highly interactive theatrical performances and unique cultural landscapes in different regions at home and abroad, especially in Europe and the United States. The food is grilled and fried The convenient western food, which is the main food, is integrated into the temple fair activities, forming a unique landscape where foreign things are used for Chinese purposes and Chinese and Western are combined.

Both domestic people and foreign friends like to hear and see. Such mass cultural activities not only allow Chinese people to appreciate the exotic scenery, customs, and flavors without going abroad, but also allow foreigners to feel local while celebrating the Chinese Festival in the capital. love for hometown.

Of course, you need to experience all these before you can determine whether they are worthy of the name, but just after listening to Zhao Yu's introduction, Zhang Xiao can look forward to it.

The next morning, everyone had breakfast at dawn and headed for the SJS foreign temple fair.

Even so, it was past eight o'clock when we arrived at the SJS Foreign Temple Fair. At this time, there were already many people waiting in line to enter the park.

After entering the park, Zhang Xiao found that there are indeed many foreigners here, accounting for almost one-tenth of the tourists, which can be said to be very shocking.

With the passage of time, more and more programs have been presented.

Visiting foreign scenery, listening to foreign music, and tasting foreign tastes are the core of the SJS foreign temple fair. In it, Zhang Xiao saw a mobile stage--floats with Wuzhou style performances, European royal bands, South American mulberry Ba dance, cartoon street dance in North America, Cleopatra in Africa, belly dance in Asia and India, etc. are constantly advancing on the sjs, and Zhang Xiao watches it with gusto.

Especially the belly dance, where beautiful women in traditional Indian costumes showed off their graceful waists, feasting Zhang Xiao's eyes.

"Boss, it's almost done, and the saliva is about to flow out." Zhao Yu couldn't help but teased Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Single dogs don't understand the charm." Guo Feng laughed and mocked.

But Guo Feng got everyone's eyes. After all, except for Guo Feng, no one else has a family yet, and some don't even have a partner.

"Boss, don't bring such bullies. I'm proud of being single, and I haven't eaten your rice." Zhao Yu took the lead and yelled without hesitation.

"That's right, we won't give up the whole forest just because of one tree." Lu Huaping was also a little bit aggrieved.

"The problem is that the forest belongs to other people, and you don't even have one." Guo Feng said without hesitation. Guo Feng was worried about these brothers' life-long events, but these people, like Yuan Min, would rather fool around Not far from getting married, it really made him helpless and full of anger.

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