Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

460 The one who messes with my heart

In fact, what Zhang Xiao didn't know was that the reason why Wang's family was so quiet during this time was because they were too preoccupied now.

Before Zhang Xiao sent a large number of reports against the Wang family. Although there was no real evidence in them, some of the conjectures hit the bull's-eye and became real evidence.

Under such circumstances, many members of the Wang family were interviewed or taken away directly, and even two core members of the Wang family were taken away. This really surprised everyone in the Wang family and rushed to rescue the clansmen.

At this time, Wang Qingfeng and Wang Xiangyu of the Wang family naturally couldn't care about trouble with Zhang Xiao. Even if they knew that Zhang Xiao ordered Yuan Min to do these reports, they had no good solution now.

After all, Zhang Xiao himself is clean, and Hongyuan Group pays taxes on time and operates according to the law. There is nothing to investigate at all. Even the joint investigation team can only find out some trivial matters, and they are all internal problems of Hongyuan Group .

The most important thing is that Zhang Xiao is currently staying in the capital, and has no intention of leaving at all. Even when the Spring Festival comes, she will stay in the capital.

And after all, this is the capital city, which belongs to the world, no one dares to do anything wrong, and the Wang family is powerless.

The most important thing is that although the Wang family is a thousand-year-old family, there are not only the Wang family in this world, there are also some thousand-year-old families who are the deadly enemies of the Wang family and are waiting for the Wang family to make mistakes.

And the reason why Zhang Xiao's report letter can play a role this time is because other aristocratic families took action, otherwise things would not have developed so fast. From a certain point of view, the Wang family didn't know much about Hongyuan Group and Zhang Xiao.

At present, Hongyuan Group not only owns the personal brand computer with the highest market share in the country, but also has the most advanced chip factory in the country. I hope that these people are not only scientific researchers headed by Academician Ni, but also some scientific research practitioners who have transferred from the scientific research field to administration.

Although they have left their scientific research posts now, the thinking of science students has kept them paying attention to the progress of scientific research, especially the sudden rise of Hongyuan Group, which has become the focus of their attention.

Naturally, they also saw the battle between the Hongyuan Group and the Wang family. Although they didn't say anything, they were still acting silently. A banner in the field of domestic scientific research.

What Zhang Xiao did surprised them even more. After all, facing the bank's loan draw, Zhang Xiao immediately repaid it without the slightest hesitation. Such confidence and courage made them feel inferior. m. cascoo.

In the face of the joint investigation of relevant departments, Hongyuan Group cooperated in all aspects, prepared all the materials, and all personnel were interviewed.

Many things seem inconspicuous, but the accumulation of these one after another gives Zhang Xiao and Hongyuan Group a special feeling. Even more admiration.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiao was sitting alone in the office, watching the fireworks rising outside the window, illuminating the world, but it couldn't illuminate the haze in Zhang Xiao's heart.

In Zhang Xiao's heart, darkness shrouded his heart like a dark cloud. From the Li family in the past to the Wang family now, they are always looking for trouble for Zhang Xiao, which makes Zhang Xiao very speechless.

"Whoever abandons me, can't keep yesterday's day; whoever disturbs my heart, today's day is so worrying." Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered this poem by Li Bai, and he couldn't help but chanted.

This simple sentence expresses Zhang Xiao's current state of mind.

Since his rebirth, Zhang Xiao has always been cautious, but all kinds of enemies have emerged one after another, some of which Zhang Xiao has a way to deal with, and some of which Zhang Xiao can't do anything about.

Just like the millennium-old family like the Wang family, their strength does not lie in wealth, but in the population that has multiplied for thousands of years and the heritage that has been passed down for thousands of years.

This is not something that Zhang Xiao can shake. Even now, although the Wang family seems to have suffered heavy losses, it is actually not a big deal for the Wang family, it just affects the layout of the Wang family.

After all, in the millennium, the Wang family suffered a lot in every time of war, but the foundation of the millennium still allowed their family to continue and become stronger in the prosperous age.

For example, now, the Wang family is powerful in the fields of energy and finance, which is the main reason why the Wang family regards Hongyuan Group as their possession, but they did not expect that Zhang Xiao would choose to fight hard with the Wang family, which was beyond their expectations. expected.

What everyone in the Wang family didn't expect was that Zhang Xiao not only took the target of the Wang family, but also made indiscriminate reports on almost all the members of the Wang family who worked in government departments, and many of them were based on real evidence.

At this time, the clock struck midnight, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head, got up and left the office, and walked downstairs.

At this time, in Hongyuan Building, except for the security personnel who were on duty, the rest of the staff had already gone home for the New Year, and it seemed particularly quiet.

When Zhang Xiao walked downstairs to the hall, he saw Guo Feng chatting with several staff on duty. The table was full of various snacks, obviously made by Lu Huaping.

Seeing Zhang Xiao come down, everyone stood up.

"Boss, why don't you go back after eating something?" Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao.

"Okay, everyone sit down, you're welcome." Zhang Xiao said with a smile and waved to everyone.

Zhang Xiao also sat down on a seat, and started to eat snacks with chopsticks.

"Everyone has worked hard, and you have to be on duty at the company during the Chinese New Year." Zhang Xiao said while eating.

"This is what we should do, where our job responsibilities lie." An officer on duty said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao chuckled, thanking you for such words, after all, it was the Spring Festival, and no one wanted to stay in the company to work.

"The wages of staff on duty during statutory holidays are three times that of normal work, and the subsidy for night shifts is double. What do you think about this?" Since Zhang Xiao sat down, he also wanted to know the thoughts of the employees, especially the security personnel. The salary is relatively low, so Zhang Xiao is more concerned.

"That's very good. It's a good deal to earn four days' worth of night shift." The staff on duty said with a smile.

"Whether everyone is satisfied with the usual wages, you can raise any opinions." Zhang Xiao nodded and asked with a smile. Although the current salary of Hongyuan Group is relatively high, Zhang Xiao still wants to know the employees' thoughts .

The staff on duty looked at each other in dismay at the moment, not knowing how to answer this question. After all, as an ordinary employee, the number of times he met Zhang Xiao was very limited, let alone offering opinions face to face.

"Boss, I think the wages of our company's employees are good, 50.00% higher than the wages of other companies' employees. Of course, if the boss wants to raise everyone's wages, we will definitely support it." Seeing the cold scene, Guo Feng quickly interjected.

"That's right. The wages of employees must be adjusted. After all, the current consumption level is higher than that of the previous two years, and the wage level must be increased accordingly. This is an inevitable thing." Zhang Xiao nodded and pondered for a while said later.

The current Hongyuan Group relies not only on the surplus value of employees’ work, but also on the progress of scientific research. After all, the current Hongyuan Group has used all the technologies that can be used. .

Just like the retail system and invoicing system of the People's Supermarket have greatly reduced the workload of employees. This is unprecedented progress. Like the large supermarkets of later generations, it can precisely control the circulation of each commodity. This is very important for retail. system is positive.

Not only that, many high-tech products are used in various fields of Hongyuan Group, which also greatly improves work efficiency, and the dividends are the biggest source of Hongyuan Group's profits.

Of course, earning the surplus value of employees is the basis of all capital, which is beyond doubt, and Hongyuan Group is no exception.

It's just that compared with other companies, the wages of Hongyuan Group's employees are higher.

Moreover, in Zhang Xiao's plan, increasing employees' wages can effectively increase employees' enthusiasm for work, retain talents, and attract more talents to join.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Xiao is not stingy when it comes to employee salaries. After all, Zhang Xiao knows very well that the purpose of employees' work is to make money, and talking about dreams and futures is just hooligan means. If they don't get a reasonable salary, no employee will It can be kept, there is no doubt about it.

As the largest private enterprise group in China at present, Zhang Xiao's purpose of developing the enterprise is not only for profit, but also Zhang Xiao's pursuit of driving employees to achieve common prosperity, which gives him a sense of accomplishment.

After chatting with the staff on duty for a while, Zhang Xiao drove to the courtyard.

On the way back to the courtyard, Guo Feng smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, the wages of our company's employees are already the best in the industry. If there is a further increase, I'm afraid that people from other companies will have opinions."

"The core of an enterprise is not only the core technology, but the talent is the foundation of everything. The high wages of employees can better retain talents, and the current form of the company seems to be booming, but the biggest hidden danger is the bottom line of the group. Insufficient, so retaining employees and retaining talents will be the top priority of this year's work." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone.

This is not Zhang Xiao's alarmist talk, but the fact that with the development of Hongyuan Group, more and more talents are joining. At this time, the personnel system and employee salary system must be re-established, and the increase in wages is the key to retaining talents. One of the most effective means.

In Zhang Xiao's vision, the initiative to launch internal entrepreneurship should also be put on the agenda, because Zhang Xiao is very clear that at the beginning of this century, too many excellent companies were established, and many of them are famous company owners Currently working in the group.

How to encourage their internal entrepreneurship will be the focus of Zhang Xiao's next work. After all, internal entrepreneurship can not only enrich the talent training system of Hongyuan Group, but also attract more entrepreneurs to join the company.

The most important thing is that Zhang Xiao can invest in the shares of these entrepreneurs at the beginning of their business. The cost will undoubtedly be many times lower, and it can even be said to be a huge profit.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Guo Feng couldn't help but nodded and said, "Boss, you are really far-sighted. Every change of the company is on the pulse of the times, which is simply amazing."

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, but didn't say anything more. In fact, only Zhang Xiao knew that he was not far-sighted, but just possessed the insight of future generations.

In addition, Zhang Xiao has passed the stage of capital accumulation now, so he can naturally use the knowledge of later generations to invest. Whether it is investing in stock futures or investing in start-up companies, Zhang Xiao has unparalleled advantages.

Under such circumstances, if you still fail, you are really an out-and-out idiot.

Zhang Xiao thinks that he is not stupid, and he said that sometimes he will waste some opportunities and waste some opportunities, but in general, Zhang Xiao still grasps most of the opportunities, especially the establishment of Hongyuan Group, which can completely take advantage of this era The development dividend of the country has developed a high-tech industry with its own core technology.

In fact, Zhang Xiao is very clear that making money is not so important to him now, how to make more contributions to society and improve his social status while keeping his own wealth is what he should consider most.

After all, it is not easy to start a business, and it is even more difficult to keep a business. How many people live a brilliant half life, but live a miserable life in their later years, Zhang Xiao needs to pay attention to this.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao did not take a rest immediately, but went to the study to write the next development outline of Hongyuan Group. This was the first time Zhang Xiao did such a thing.

It can also be seen from this aspect that Zhang Xiao has really matured. She no longer lives in a chaotic life, but has started her own life plan and truly utilized her own advantages.

The battle with the Wang family is bound to continue, and even intensify. Zhang Xiao must also grasp the development process of Hongyuan Group to prevent the shortage of funds due to over-expansion.

After the bank drew a loan, Zhang Xiao was insensitive to debts.

In Zhang Xiao's plan, making good use of his own funds will be the key point, and Zhang Xiao will not consider the loan unless it is a last resort.

With the writing of the Hongyuan Group's development outline, Zhang Xiao's memory became clearer and clearer, and many previously vague memories became clearly visible at this moment, which made Zhang Xiao unable to stop at all.

It wasn't until early in the morning, when the sun came out, that Zhang Xiao stopped the pen in his hand. Looking at the results of the night, Zhang Xiao was very excited, because he knew that this would be the basic policy for the development of Hongyuan Group in the future, if there were no accidents , Hongyuan Group will continue to develop according to this development outline.

Zhang Xiao stood up, stretched his waist, and his stiff body made a crisp sound. The continuous practice of martial arts allowed Zhang Xiao's body to maintain its peak state for a long time.

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