In fact, shortly after Minmin Supermarket started the activity of welcome everyone to find faults, all the large supermarkets realized that trouble was coming.

They have contacted the company's senior management or bosses to discuss countermeasures together. After all, these supermarkets were established following the trend, and they did not have an advantage when facing the common people's supermarket. Customers also went to Minmin Supermarket one after another, which made their teeth itchy with hatred but helpless.

After all, customers are alive, no matter where they go to buy items, they should be taken for granted, and no one can stop them.

Moreover, it is difficult for most supermarkets to imitate such a situation. After all, they do not have the retail system of the common people's supermarket, not to mention the digital operation of the national network. Some of their cash registers are still using old-fashioned cash registers.

This kind of old-fashioned cash register can only collect cash, and can't even count the products. It can only count the sales of the day.

Even after shutting down and restarting, all data will disappear. This is the current situation of most supermarkets, and there are too many supermarkets lagging behind.

Moreover, at this moment of rapid development, in order to maximize profits, many supermarkets have endless counterfeit and shoddy products, and they dare not launch activities such as finding faults like the common people's supermarkets, let alone make a fake one ten.

After all, without any preparation, once the fake one get ten compensation policy is withdrawn, it will inevitably cause bigger problems, and may even go bankrupt directly.

And Zhang Xiao had already taken all of this into consideration when launching the "Everyone Come to Find Faults" event, which was a complete conspiracy.

As time goes by, supermarkets or other retail stores that do not introduce a fake one-for-ten policy will definitely reduce passenger flow significantly and eventually close down.

However, all the shops that have launched a policy of [-] per cent for fake products have to establish a purchase, sales and storage system, and even need to use servers and other technological products to reduce costs, which is bound to allow Hongyuan Group to make another sum of money.

As a foreign global retail giant Wal-Mart Supermarket, for this reason, it held a meeting at the level of the president of the China region to discuss the current policy of paying ten for every fake in Mining Supermarket.

"I have already reported to the headquarters about the ten-for-one fake, but before the headquarters makes a reply, we must discuss a countermeasure. We cannot allow the rapid expansion of the people's supermarket to seize our market share. After all, many times, once lost, If you want to get it again, you will have to spend more manpower and material resources." Ye Hehui, the president of the China region, said directly after the meeting started.

"The president is right. We must buy a lot. After all, according to statistics, a person's habit will be formed within seven days. Once customers get used to shopping in Minmin Supermarket, it will be the best for us at Wal-Mart. A serious blow." As the director of the marketing department, Liao Zhimou said with a serious expression.

As soon as Liao Zhimou's words were uttered, everyone couldn't help but change their colors. After all, they all knew that once a habit was formed, it would be extremely difficult to change it. This is the most important thing.

This is related to the operation of Wal-Mart in China, and it is even more related to the future of these people. Once Wal-Mart fails in China, everyone here will be thrown out as a scapegoat.

"Director Liao, is there any basis for your words?" Ye Hehui couldn't sit still at this moment, couldn't help but stood up and asked.

After all, the theory of forming a habit in seven days is unheard of, let alone the statistics that have been counted. reap huge benefits.

"I just happened to know about the new research from the Lake Research Institute." Liao Zhimou shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Liao Zhimou really happened to know that one of his classmates told him while drinking, but Liao Zhimou himself didn't know if it was true or not.

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is a fact that customers go to Minmin Supermarket to consume on a large scale. We must come up with corresponding countermeasures, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the headquarters." Liu Zhixin, as the director of the key customer department, has already received a call from a big customer today. Changing their purchasing location to Minmin Supermarket made Liu Zhixin feel a strong sense of murderous intent.

"This is a conspiracy, not a conspiracy, so we need to use upright soldiers to crack it." Lee Sang-hyuk, the director of the personnel department, said leisurely.

The so-called overt scheme is based on the existing conditions, without affecting or relying on others, to make good use of the situation and to change the allocation of resources openly and aboveboard to achieve better results or higher hopes.

And no matter it is the activity where everyone comes to find fault, or the policy of paying ten for one fake, it is an upright plan, which firmly grasps people's psychology and makes people unconsciously believe that the goods sold by the people's supermarket are genuine. There are counterfeit and shoddy products, and corresponding compensation can also be obtained.

All the senior executives of Wal-Mart China couldn't help but fell silent at the moment. Their identities as foreign businessmen before were not a kind of conspiracy.

But now that Minmin Supermarket has launched the activity of finding faults, people naturally know how to choose, after all, interests are the core.

As a consumer, the genuineness of the goods at a price is a real benefit, and the ten-for-one-for-the-fake is an important guarantee of interests. Under such circumstances, everyone knows how to choose. cascoo.

But when Wal-Mart was having a headache over this matter, Zhang Xiao was all smiles.

After all, Zhang Xiao was extremely pleasantly surprised by the sales of the People's Supermarket on the first day.

During this day, the sales of Minmin Supermarket reached 20 billion, and the profit reached an astonishing [-] million, which greatly exceeded Zhang Xiao's expectations.

You must know that this is only one day, and it has already exceeded the half-month sales of the People's Supermarket last year.

Of course, this is due to the eve of the Spring Festival, but the more important reason is that Minmin Supermarket has snatched most of the customers from other supermarkets, which makes the sales of Minmin Supermarket soar.

And Zhang Xiao believes that with the passage of time and the further expansion of publicity, the sales of Minmin Supermarket will become higher and higher.

And as the siphon effect of Minmin Supermarket continues to increase, the impact on other retail supermarkets will also increase. By then, Minmin Supermarket will become stronger and stronger, while other competitors will only become weaker.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao is even more pleased that with the explosive performance of Minmin Supermarket, Hongyuan Group's financial pressure will be easily resolved, which completely defeats the Wang family's attempt to acquire Hongyuan Group's shares by relying on financial strength.

As time passed day by day, the sales of the People's Supermarket continued to rise, and according to the statistics of the sales data, the types of goods were divided in detail. With the help of the express company and the storage center, there was no shortage of goods Things, on the contrary, are in sufficient supply and the variety is very complete.

All kinds of things show the strong resilience and adaptability of Minmin Supermarket, and under the leadership of Li Mingxuan, Minmin Supermarket has formed its own unique style.

It can be said that Minmin Supermarket is no longer lagging behind any chain supermarkets in later generations. Whether it is the use of retail systems or the application of big data, it is at the forefront of the times.

Although the performance of the current computer cannot be compared with that of later generations, all files are now much smaller than those of later generations, which undoubtedly releases more performance.

Zhang Xiao was sitting in the office, although the sound of firecrackers outside had already sounded, but Zhang Xiao still had no intention of going back, even though today was New Year's Eve.

After all, even if he went back to the courtyard, he was just spending the holidays alone, which would only make him more melancholy.

Sitting on the sofa in the office, watching the sky full of fireworks rising from the window from time to time, Zhang Xiao's heart drifted far away.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang.

"Dad, happy new year." Zhang Xiao said immediately after answering the phone.

"Happy New Year, are you okay in the capital?" Zhang Hongjun's voice came from the phone, along with the voice of the Spring Festival Gala.

"I'm fine. I'm upstairs watching the fireworks in Beijing." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

During festive seasons, Zhang Xiao misses his relatives a lot, and Zhang Xiao is no exception, but at the moment he can only keep this kind of missing in his heart, after all, he doesn't want his family members to worry about him.

"That's good. Xiaoxiao, the greater the ability of a person, the greater the responsibility. Hongyuan Group has become the largest technology company in China, so it is inevitable to assume corresponding responsibilities." Zhang Hongjun's voice was very calm, as if Everything was in his expectation.

"I understand that I will try my best to do everything I should do, hoping to contribute my Weibo power to the construction of the country." Zhang Xiao agrees with Zhang Hongjun's statement.

Zhang Xiao knows very well that a person's ability is determined by his comprehensive ability. With the continuous development of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao's ability has gradually increased. In many cases, Zhang Xiao also needs to learn to maintain his own strength. Advantage.

And Zhang Xiao is very clear that the more capable people are, the easier it is to stand out, gain the recognition and approval of others, and gain more development opportunities and benefits.

In today's ever-changing era, with the development of science and technology and the continuous updating and iteration of science and technology, enterprises, like society, have an increasingly urgent need for talents.

With the continuous broadening of Zhang Xiao's vision, Zhang Xiao is also doing his best to find new opportunities, in order to be able to take advantage of future development, win the first opportunity, and continuously widen the gap with competitors in the same industry, and finally gain a decisive advantage.

Moreover, in this era, competition is everywhere. Whether it is the battle with the family or the competition with the same industry, it will become more and more cruel. Zhang Xiao also needs to constantly improve the Hongyuan Group's system and absorb more talents. Only in this way can we continuously promote the rapid development of Hongyuan Group.

And Zhang Xiao is very clear that with the continuous improvement of the domestic education system, there will be a large number of talents emerging, how to recruit these talents for his own use is also the direction of Zhang Xiao's efforts.

After all, everyone has the right to pursue a better life, but if you want to live a better life, you must have enough wealth to support it.

The current Hongyuan Group needs to open up new conditions to attract talents. As long as employees can get higher remuneration, Hongyuan Group can stand out from the increasingly fierce competition in the future because of its huge advantages.

The ability of an individual and the responsibilities that he needs to bear are interrelated, and the level of ability determines the amount of responsibility he needs to bear.

"If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government" is a famous saying that has been passed down since ancient times. Zhang Xiao thinks it is very reasonable.

When a person's ability is insufficient, the work he is doing will be relatively simple, and the substitutability of the work he is doing will increase accordingly. Although these employees, Zhang Xiao's salary is not low, it is only relatively speaking.

Zhang Xiao gave more remuneration to those technicians, scientific researchers, and managers with outstanding abilities. This is the measure of personal value.

Although it is relatively vulgar, Zhang Xiao has to cater to people's values ​​in a society above this interest.

But Zhang Xiao is also very clear that no matter when the risk and benefit are always directly proportional.

The benefits are determined by the employee's own ability. The stronger the ability, the more opportunities he can get, the more resources he can use, and the more income he can get.Risks are determined by the responsibilities they undertake. People with stronger abilities will consume more resources and cause more damage due to their own mistakes, so they need to bear more responsibilities .

Therefore, the relationship between ability and responsibility is directly proportional. The more capable an employee is, the greater the responsibility he needs to bear.

The responsibilities that a person needs to bear gradually expand with the continuous improvement of his ability.If you are too impatient and do not move forward in a down-to-earth manner, resulting in the result of uncoordinated virtue, then the consequences for yourself can be imagined.

The current Hongyuan Group is already unique in the country, but Zhang Xiao also knows that this is only temporary. If he wants to continue to lead the industry, he must continue to invest in research and development. Only in this way can the status of Hongyuan Group be guaranteed.

"It's getting late, if you don't want to watch the Spring Festival Gala, go to bed early, and remember to give your master a New Year's greeting early tomorrow." Zhang Hongjun said with a smile.

"Okay, you and my mother should also take a good rest. Chinese New Year is actually a tiring thing." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll hang up first." Zhang Hongjun hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile slightly. At this point in time, perhaps the only ones who miss him are his parents.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xia stood up from the sofa, walked to the window, watched the fireworks all over the sky at this moment, and couldn't help but drift away from her thoughts.

For the Wang family's targeting, he didn't feel much during this period of time, but Zhang Xiao was more cautious, after all, he was careful when sailing for thousands of years.

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