Early the next morning, all local newspapers across the country carried advertisements for Minmin Supermarket.

Everyone is welcome to find fault. The huge title has attracted the attention of countless readers, and all readers can't help but finish reading the content of the advertisement.

Not only in the newspapers, but also in the streets of various places, there are people handing out leaflets with the same content, which also attracts people's attention.

Not only that, but there are huge posters posted at the entrances of all common people's supermarkets across the country, detailing the operation mode of the everyone to find fault mode.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, the extraordinary actions of Minmin Supermarket have attracted countless new and old customers. Everyone unconsciously chooses Minmin Supermarket as their shopping destination. The compensation mechanism of ten for one makes people naturally think that the goods in Minmin Supermarket are genuine.

After all, no merchant dares to sell fake and shoddy products under such a guise, and there will be no leftovers left in the loss.

And Zhang Xiao and Li Mingxuan both came to the Commerce Department of the headquarters of the People's Supermarket, where they will count the sales of the People's Supermarkets across the country today, and will make a summary every two hours, so as to have a clearer understanding of the advertisements. sales.

"Boss, do you think the People's Supermarket will make a big breakthrough after this publicity?" Li Mingxuan couldn't help asking, completely looking for something to say.

Li Mingxuan was actually very anxious in his heart. He was joyful and worried about the future of Minmin Supermarket, making him joyful and worried at the same time.

"As long as we can control the quality of the products, Minmin Supermarket will win the battle and become the best shopping place in people's mind." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

Because Zhang Xiao is very aware of the power of a fake one and lose ten, it will push the Minmin Supermarket to the top of the retail industry like a Dinghai magic needle, and no one can surpass it.

Afterwards, even if there are supermarkets to imitate, it is still a hd toddler, which only increases the laughter.

Of course, during this period, Minmin Supermarket cannot make mistakes, otherwise, even the best advantages will disappear.

"Boss, you are so confident. I'm still uneasy." Li Mingxuan couldn't help but said with a smile.

"All confidence is based on everyone's efforts. I see the efforts of all employees of Minmin Supermarket. After this crisis is over, all employees of Minmin Supermarket will receive a reward that surprises them. .” Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't say what kind of reward it was, Li Mingxuan knew very well that the reward this time was not trivial, and it was by no means as simple as a salary increase.

And for now, the wages of the employees of Minmin Supermarket are the highest among their peers, far exceeding the average income of local people.

"Then I'll wait for the reward to come." Li Mingxuan couldn't help laughing, he was full of confidence in Hongyuan Group to survive this crisis.

At this moment, Sun Liandeng, the person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, came over and said, "Boss, Mr. Li, according to the current statistics, all the shopping malls in Minmin Supermarket are full of people today, even some relatively remote stores are overcrowded, and There are still a lot of people waiting in line.”

"Okay, I see, continue to pay attention." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

After Sun Liandeng left, Zhang Xiao frowned slightly and said, "There are too many people, I'm afraid of accidents, please ask the staff in the office to contact the store managers of each store, and ask them to pay attention to the safety of consumers."

Li Mingxuan couldn't help but nodded and said, "Boss, to be honest, apart from safety issues, I'm also worried that the products may not be able to keep up with the speed of sales."

Although the Spring Festival is approaching now, People's Supermarket has tripled its goods, but according to the current situation, it is difficult to support the goods until the next time the goods arrive.

"If you don't have enough goods, just transport them. If you really can't do it, let the express company help. There will definitely be a lot of suitable goods in the storage center. You can contact them." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation, and in Zhang Xiao's opinion, Li Mingxuan Obviously, it is cheap and good-looking.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Li Mingxuan left with a smile.

And Zhang Xiao still stayed in the Commerce Department of Minmin Supermarket, waiting for the data to be collected two hours after opening.

At the same time, Zhang Xiao is also thinking about the Minmin Supermarket. Following the Wang family's targeting of the various subsidiaries of the Hongyuan Group, the Minmin Supermarket has been completely comparable to those multinational retail groups after self-examination and self-correction. Supermarkets already have the possibility of globalization, and they can go abroad only when the time is right.

Moreover, with Huang Minhui's team joining Hongyuan Group, the internationalization process of Hongyuan Group has never stopped. A series of attempts have been made before, and the effect is very obvious. Originally, Zhang Xiao wanted to vigorously promote Hongyuan in the next year. The Group's internationalization process.

However, with the targeting of the Wang family, Zhang Xiao had to spend more energy to deal with it, but it slowed down the progress of Hongyuan Group's internationalization process, and all of this was due to insufficient funds.

While Zhang Xiao was thinking, the sales data of the first two hours of supermarkets all over the country finally came out, and Sun Liandeng quickly showed it to Zhang Xiao for review.

The main reason why the data are collected directly on the hour, instead of being reported and aggregated from various places, is that Minmin Supermarket has already used a nationwide networked retail system to transmit data to the maximum extent. Although there is a certain delay, this It's amazing enough.

Zhang Xiao opened the folder and looked at the sales data above, and suddenly felt ecstasy, because the sales data in the first two hours was extremely astonishing, and had already surpassed the previous day's sales, which was simply unbelievable.

You should know that those who come to shop in the morning are those who don’t have to go to work or are already on vacation. Relatively speaking, what they buy in the morning is mostly for one day’s use. Even if the Spring Festival is approaching, shopping is very convenient now, and there is no need to hoard a large amount of goods.

"Okay, just right!" Zhang Xiao couldn't help making friends repeatedly, and swept away the haze that had been suppressed in her heart during this period, and her spirits were extremely uplifting.

"Boss, there is another piece of good news. So far, no one has filed a claim, which shows that our self-examination and self-correction some time ago have played a very important role." Sun Liandeng smiled and expressed his credit, although his contribution It's not big, but who made him the first person to report to Zhang Xiao.

"Okay, it shows that self-examination and self-correction are still useful, Minister Sun, next you need to carefully count the sales data, not only the amount of sales, but also the types of goods sold. Prepare the goods accurately to cope with the current hot sales situation." Zhang Xiao couldn't help exhorting Sun Liandeng.

After all, if you know the types and quantities of goods sold now, you will be more targeted when stocking up, and the efficiency will definitely double. This is of great significance to the people's supermarkets who are currently in short supply.

"I understand, I will do my best." Although Sun Liandeng was under a lot of pressure, he readily agreed. After all, this is a rare opportunity to perform.

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to your performance." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, Zhang Xiao was very clear about Sun Liandeng's inner thoughts.

But if you don't tell the truth, giving employees the opportunity to perform can promote the company's faster development. After all, people's potential is infinite.

Immediately, Sun Liandeng felt the sincerity in Zhang Xiao's words, and assured him loudly, "Boss, please rest assured, I will definitely prepare everything before leaving get off work today."

Zhang Xiao nodded immediately, and was very satisfied with Sun Liandeng's performance. After all, what Hongyuan Group lacks the most is not funds, but talents. If there are enough talents, all problems will be solved.

Sun Liandeng hurried back to work, while Zhang Xiao also left the Commerce Department of Minmin Supermarket with the sales data of the previous two hours and returned to his office.

After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao began to carefully look at the specific data of each of the sales stores. Among them, the stores with the highest sales volume are those in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. After all, people's purchasing power determines sales.

The second is the stores opened in major provincial capital cities. Although the sales volume varies, the difference is not too big.

The sales of the stores opened in small cities are also very good, but compared to before, they are still very different from the sales in big cities.

And through this sales data, Zhang Xiao knows very well that it is imperative to open more stores in big cities.

In addition to the sales, Zhang Xiao also noticed the difference between the product sales. As the Spring Festival approached, the New Year’s goods still took the first place, and the daily necessities were not much different from the previous day’s data, but Zhang Xiao was surprised the most. The most important thing is the sales of electronic products.

Both Shenhua computers and music players have increased in volume, which made Zhang Xiao think of one thing, that is, people have lost their desire for TV, but products such as personal computers and music players have ushered in people. pursuit.

In the previous life, Zhang Xiao also bought his first computer through a work-study program when he was in college. Although it was only a Pentium 8000 processor, it still cost Zhang Xiao more than [-] yuan, and Zhang Xiao still remembers it in his heart.

While Zhang Xiao was studying the sales situation of the common people's supermarket, Wang Qingfeng, the family member of the Wang family, was frowning, and the same was true for Wang Xiangyu, who was sitting next to him.

After all, they had already realized something was wrong when they read the newspaper in the morning, but the popularity of the Minmin Supermarket still left them dumbfounded.

I thought that Zhang Xiao’s sources of funds would be extremely limited through bank loans, and the Wang family notified all the families of the situation, but I didn’t expect that the People’s Supermarket broke out, and even adopted a slogan that made them feel embarrassed .

Everyone is welcome to find fault!

This is a blatant contempt for the Wang family. After all, the Wang family ordered people to report a large number of counterfeit and shoddy products in the newspapers in the newspapers, aiming to suppress the people's supermarket, thereby blocking the largest cash flow of the Hongyuan Group.

And now with the opening of the activity of finding faults, what the Wang family has done can be regarded as publicity for Hongyuan Group. After all, there are many people among them who want to make a small fortune and have a fulfilling Spring Festival.

The event held by Minmin Supermarket made these people see the opportunity to make money legally, and they all entered Minmin Supermarket one after another, thinking that they could profit from it.

This also made the People's Supermarket more brilliant, but it also made the Wang family and his son feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.

"Father, what should we do now?" Wang Xiangyu was a little helpless at the moment. After all, he never thought that Zhang Xiao could stand up against the Wang family, but now it seems that he underestimated Zhang Xiao and Hongyuan Group.

"Don't be impatient, even if Hongyuan Group has a blood transfusion from the Mining Supermarket, it will not solve the fundamental problem. After all, as far as I know, after all the projects are launched, more and more funds will be needed, and the profit of the Mining Supermarket will It's not enough to support the development of the entire Hongyuan Group." Wang Qingfeng patted the armrest on the sofa, and said in a serious tone, "Although the current sales are hot, they are not long enough. After all, people's consumption levels cannot last forever during the Spring Festival. The level of the eve."

Wang Xiangyu nodded, but he also heard what his father said, and couldn't help but said: "Father, I'm afraid we don't have that long time. We must know that Hongyuan Group's current project will be suspended for vacation. It won't reopen until spring next year, and we don't have much time."

Wang Qingfeng nodded his head, as he agreed with Wang Xiangyu's statement. He also knew very well that the time was actually on Hongyuan Group's side. The difficulty of shortage.

However, although Wang Qingfeng recognized Wang Xiangyu's words, his words were even more domineering.

"Stopping work is not what he wants to stop. People spread rumors that Hongyuan Group's capital chain is about to break, forcing Hongyuan Group to continue to start construction. Not only that, but also to greet the leaders of the project location and ask them to urge Hongyuan Group The progress of the project has made Hongyuan Group's funds more tense."

Wang Qingfeng's words made Wang Xiangyu's eyes light up. This is a way, but it will take a long time to achieve results, but this is in Wang Xiangyu's expectation.

After that, Wang Qingfeng and Wang Xiangyu continued to deliberate and formulate a detailed implementation plan, hoping to create more trouble for Hongyuan Group.

And in the afternoon of that day, the first case of compensation finally appeared, and Hongyuan Group also paid ten times the full amount of compensation in accordance with the requirements of the event.

Of course, in the end, the company to which the product belongs should be responsible for the money, and Zhang Xiao's Hongyuan Group just paid in advance.

Moreover, this matter of compensation came in a timely manner, and there was an excuse for publicity afterwards. After all, the matter of paying ten for one fake is a heavy weapon. If there is no example, it will not always have much convincing power.

With the appearance of the first case of compensation, it means that the fake one compensates ten is completely real, which further illustrates the guarantee of the quality of the goods by the people's supermarket, which will arouse people's attention to a greater extent.

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