The Wang family began to attack Zhang Xiao personally, which means that the relationship between the two parties is already endless, and they will never stop until one party perishes.

Zhang Xiao didn't doubt Guo Feng's guess, because he also saw a lot of abnormalities in this incident, but all this depends on the follow-up investigation.

However, Zhang Xiao knew very well that since he was attacked, his family members would also be within the attack range of the Wang family. As for whether the family members would be targeted, Zhang Xiao was really worried about their safety.

"Tell the security personnel in my hometown that they must be responsible for the safety of my family." Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng. After all, this is what Zhang Xiao is most worried about. Once he loses his hand, there is no guarantee that he will not look for The family's troubles caused him to lose sight of one and lose his sense of proportion.

"I've already talked to them on the phone on the way here, and everything is fine now." Guo Feng said seriously, he didn't dare to slack off in this regard, and he usually urges the security personnel from time to time, after all, it's safe It is always easy to slack off after a long time, even if these people are his comrades in arms.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but didn't speak, he wanted to see how far the Wang family was going.

With the repayment from Yuandian Capital and the transfer from the master Mo Wenxin, it is not a problem for Hongyuan Group to insist on a quarter. By then, Minmin Supermarket can return profits to supplement Hongyuan Group's funds.

"Rest early, there may be more things tomorrow." Seeing that Guo Feng was still in the living room, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said.

Guo Feng nodded, instead of staying in the living room, he went straight back to his residence in the backyard.

But Zhang Xiao took a shower and went to bed, but after lying on the bed, Zhang Xiao became more preoccupied, and had to pick up a brief history of Ming Dynasty to read, which was the book left by Shen Biyu.

Looking at it, I don't know when Zhang Xiao fell asleep, leaving only the light on.

Having nothing to say all night, when Zhang Xiao woke up the next morning, Zhang Xiao discovered that the snow in the yard was thicker. Although the path had been cleaned once, as the snowflakes fell, it soon became a thick layer again.

Although auspicious snow heralds a good year, such heavy snow may not be a good thing for crops, Zhang Xiao was thinking wildly.

After breakfast, when Zhang Xiao came to the company, Hou Shuyan was already busy in the office.

"Didn't I tell you to go home early for the New Year?" Zhang Xiao saw Hou Shuyan's busy year, so she asked her to go home early for the New Year.

"What are you doing at home, listening to your parents urging you to get married?" Hou Shuyan looked at Zhang Xiao sadly.

In other companies, the boss always has something to do as a secretary, and nothing to do as a secretary.

But in Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao abides by the rules and doesn't give anyone a glimmer of hope. Even Hou Shuyan can only feel sad secretly.

"You're not too young, you've reached the age to get married." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, her words were full of gloating.

Hou Shuyan glared at Zhang Xiao immediately. She felt that Zhang Xiao was challenging her bottom line, but she had no choice but to express her dissatisfaction with her eyes.

Zhang Xiao laughed, and ignored Hou Shuyan's self-pity, but looked at the latest documents from the finance department.

At present, Hongyuan Group's account has less than three billion yuan in funds, and this is not enough for Zhang Xiao to sit back and relax.

Zhang Xiao knew very well that after the beginning of the new year, with the start of various projects, the funds allocated by Hongyuan Group will be greatly increased.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Xiao to stop the projects that have been developed like the Greentown Electronics Industry Base. After all, this not only involves the reputation of Hongyuan Group, but also involves the cooperation with Yu Province. Once the work is stopped, it will definitely cause more troubles.

And Zhang Xiao knows very well that with the participation of the Wang family, there must be many forces behind it watching the development of Hongyuan Group. The purpose of hitting one punch to avoid a hundred punches.

On the contrary, once the development of Hongyuan Group is unsatisfactory and suffers setbacks, it will be a situation where a pack of wolves will hunt.

This is not impossible. There have been many such things in history, ranging from large countries to small families.

While looking at the document, Zhang Xiao was thinking about countermeasures. Regarding the current situation of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao was also thinking about countermeasures.

"We must be self-reliant and not rely on external forces." Zhang Xiao thought secretly.

With the scale of Hongyuan Group, if you really want to borrow money, you can still borrow funds, but this is not a long-term solution. After all, you will be charged high interest on loans now. After all, money is tight now, and only high profits will It's tempting.

This is not sufficient, but will increase the burden on Hongyuan Group, and self-reliance is the foundation of Hongyuan Group's prosperity.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao began to take stock of the current methods that Hongyuan Group can make a quick profit.

At present, there are many subsidiaries of Hongyuan Group that can generate profits. Whether it is the Xingsheng Glass Factory or the Microelectronics Technology Company, even the chip factory is also making profits.

After all, under the current situation, Minmin Supermarket, which focuses on retailing, is most likely to form a large-scale effect. Although many disputes have been caused by quality problems, and even under the help of the Wang family, Minmin Supermarket is facing a reputation crisis. But the profit model that Zhang Xiao could think of finally fell on Minmin Supermarket.

After Zhang Xiao sorted out his thoughts, he called Li Mingxuan. He wanted to discuss with Li Mingxuan how to trigger the frenzy of people's pre-holiday consumption.

Not long after, Li Mingxuan came to Zhang Xiao's office. From the exhaustion on his face, it could be seen that Li Mingxuan was also full of worries about the development of Minmin Supermarket.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Li Mingxuan said to Zhang Xiao wearily. In the past two days, he had slept for less than two hours in order to deal with the affairs of the People's Supermarket, and he was physically and mentally exhausted.

"How is the counterfeit matter handled?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile after making a cup of tea for Li Mingxuan himself.

"It's almost done. After this self-inspection and self-correction, we found many problems, but we have already dealt with them. What we need to do now is to restore the reputation of Minmin Supermarket and make Minmin Supermarket the first choice for people to shop." Li Mingxuan He said with a smile.

"However, there will definitely be quality problems with the products, which cannot be completely eliminated."

Li Mingxuan is also very troubled by the quality of the products. This is a matter of probability, and it is difficult to completely eliminate it.

Moreover, deep in Li Mingxuan's heart, he knew clearly that this matter was not as simple as he imagined, and the Minmin Supermarket was still facing a lot of external competition.

Among them are not only the presence of large foreign supermarket chains, but also the competition from local supermarkets. In addition, small supermarkets that have sprung up like mushrooms are also grabbing the market.

"Now that our products have been questioned, especially after being maliciously reported by some newspapers, which has had a great impact on people's consumption, we have to do the opposite." Zhang Xiao said after a little thought.

"Since the quality problem of the product cannot be completely solved, then we will use the quality problem to promote the people's supermarket."

"Start the mode of letting everyone find fault. All counterfeit and shoddy products can get ten times the compensation after purchase, so as to establish the reputation of our people's supermarket in people's hearts. This will be our sharp weapon to defeat more competitors. "

Li Mingxuan's eyes also brightened. This matter is definitely profitable. After all, if you rely on self-examination and self-correction, it will undoubtedly consume more time and energy. Once the mode of finding faults is activated, it will definitely cause a frenzy. Push the People's Supermarket to the front of the stage and face the review of consumers.

Although at the beginning, many counterfeit and shoddy products will definitely be found out, but when the model of everyone comes to find fault is opened, Minmin Supermarket is bound to undergo earth-shaking changes and promote the development of Minmin Supermarket.

And for Minmin Supermarket, there won’t be too many risks involved. After all, the compensation must be borne by the supplier or manufacturer. It is impossible for Minmin Supermarket to bear the compensation. This is a good way to lay eggs. .

"Boss, you are really amazing. You can think of such a method." Li Mingxuan praised him sincerely.

But Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing at himself. In later generations, there is already a legal basis for whether it is a fake one to pay three or a fake one to pay ten, but now, all of this has not yet appeared in the world, but it gave Zhang Xiao the opportunity to take advantage of it.

"According to the current situation of the People's Supermarket, formulate a corresponding system. It must be rolled out before tomorrow morning's opening, and be known to people." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression, because Zhang Xiao knew very well that what he can do now is Hit a time difference.

Once the fact that the fake one pays ten is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the foundation of the People's Supermarket will be completely stable. As for the imitator Zhang Xiao, he is not worried. There is no thought of rolling out this suggestion.

"I understand that I will come up with a plan immediately and fully implement it tomorrow morning." As the person in charge of the People's Supermarket, Li Mingxuan is well aware of the power of this policy after it is launched. This will be a huge improvement for the People's Supermarket.

After finishing speaking, Li Mingxuan left in a hurry, and Zhang Xiao knew that with the implementation of the model of finding faults, the People's Supermarket will become more popular, which will play a vital role in promoting the people's supermarket to complete product upgrades.

Zhang Xiao doesn't know whether Li Mingxuan understands the deep meaning of it, but this is Zhang Xiao's decision after thinking for a long time. After all, with the development of the economy, people's living standards will be improved day by day, and the improvement of consumption level will inevitably require supermarkets like this. of retail enterprises upgrade their products.

Only when Minmin Supermarket reaches the forefront of the industry can it become the first choice for shopping in people's minds.Fun Court

And this is the basis for the existence of Minmin Supermarket, and Zhang Xiao has his own plan, that is, when the Internet develops to a certain level, he can take advantage of the trend to establish an online mall for Minmin Supermarket. Promote the development of online shopping malls.

However, the timing is not yet ripe. After all, there are not enough Internet users in the country. People still cannot fully accept the concept of online shopping, and it is not yet time to launch it.

However, Zhang Xiao is very clear that the rise of online shopping malls is not too far away. After all, this is the essence of Internet applications. Completing the interconnection between products and consumers will greatly promote the change of people's lifestyles. This is also the reason for the sustainable development of the Internet. Foundation.

Whether it is the current dial-up Internet access, the subsequent development of broadband, or the future wireless network, the foundation of all these is still driven by interests. Only strong interests will make technology develop faster.

And Hongyuan Group, as a hardware-based technology enterprise of the Internet, how to control the balance in it will be another opportunity for Hongyuan Group.

Zhang Xiao thought a lot, but then Zhang Xiao fell into the current reality. Only by doing a good job of himself can he overcome this difficulty and embrace the glory of the future.

As for the Wang family, although Zhang Xiao has no good solution at present, he can only bring some troubles to the Wang family by reporting and other methods.

However, Hongyuan Group is not at the mercy of others. After all, the current Hongyuan Group has gathered forces from all walks of life. Whether it is a supplier or a channel provider, it will be a firm supporter of Hongyuan Group, because both parties have common interests. Interests.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao believed that with Yuan Min's in-depth investigation, he would be able to find information that could be used to deal a fatal blow to the Wang family.

Just when Zhang Xiao was thinking about it, Li Mingxuan returned to the floor where the headquarters of the People's Supermarket was located, and informed everyone to hold a meeting to formulate an adaptive system for everyone to find faults.

This is also the embodiment of Hongyuan Group's current institutionalized management. All affairs must be based on a system. Rely on, although it will take a lot of time and energy, but it must be implemented.

The development of small enterprises may need to rely on humanized management. The precepts and deeds of bosses and managers are very important, and even determine the future of enterprise development.

However, large enterprise groups must rely on institutionalized management. Otherwise, relying on the words and deeds of the managers will only lead to lower efficiency and make it difficult to form combat effectiveness.

The current institutionalized management implemented by Hongyuan Group not only improves the efficiency of the group's operation, but also allows all things to have a system to rely on. Although it is inevitable that there will be some excessive systems, such side effects are not obvious at present. Zhang Xiao also had no reason to change.

However, Zhang Xiao is also very clear that with the development of Hongyuan Group, continuous fine-tuning of institutionalized management will be the basis for Hongyuan Group's continuous progress, and all of this will inevitably place higher demands on Zhang Xiao and the management.

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