Investing has no secrets, and even more so in the investing world.

After all, if there is no quick source of information, it is a delusional thing to gain a foothold in the investment world, especially now that the information is not very developed, unlike later generations where information is flying all over the sky, the source of information is extremely important.

Although Yuandian Capital's 30.00% rate of return within half a year is not too dazzling, but if it is added to its fund management scale, it is enough to make everyone pay attention to it.

And Zhang Xiao still doesn't know that Yuandian Capital has become the object of discussion tonight, and he is still thinking about the reason why He Hong is willing to provide him with free funds.

But after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out, so Zhang Xiao gave up. After all, we will meet tomorrow, and maybe he will get the answer he wants.

The next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao came to Yuandian Capital's company location. Although there were a lot more staff here, most of the leaders were born from the previous investment department of Hongyuan Group. It's just a change of place of work.

Not many left. After all, Hong Kong Island has higher wages and better treatment. In addition, they know that the investment atmosphere in Hong Kong Island is much stronger than that in the Mainland. This is the main reason why they are willing to come here.

Zhang Xiao first held a short meeting with all the management, affirming their hard work in the past six months, and even set a base for their year-end awards this year, which made everyone happy.

Then Zhang Xiaocai and Long Zhiyun came to the Finance Department together to complete the documents for the transfer of account funds, and all of these required Zhang Xiao's signature to take effect. After all, it involved a large amount of funds transfer, Zhang Xiao never used money To test humanity.

After completing these, Zhang Xiao didn't stay at the company, but took a car directly to the pier and headed to the opposite bank of Ao Island, preparing to attend He Hong's family banquet.

Zhang Xiao is no stranger to He Hong's home. After all, he has been here once before, but every time he comes here, Zhang Xiao has different feelings. Whether it is in terms of its layout or its location, it gives Zhang Xiao a brand new experience. feel.

"Xiaoxiao, we met again." He Hong said to Zhang Xiao with a smile. He Hong also has his own feelings for Zhang Xiao. Even he is not as evil as Zhang Xiao. The layout, even he was surprised.

"Hello, Uncle." Zhang Xiao said to He Hong very respectfully. Hong has always been respectful.

"You don't have to be restrained, just sit wherever you want." He Hong seemed more approachable at the moment. If the relationship with Zhang Xiao was because of Mo Wenxin's relationship before, then this time it was purely because of Zhang Xiao himself.

Zhang Xiao didn't seem restrained at all. After sitting down on the side of the sofa, he said straight to the point: "Uncle, I heard that you can provide me with a certain amount of capital loans, and it's interest-free. I want to know the reason for that." .”

"In fact, it's not just my own, but also a few friends'. They are all optimistic about the development of Hongyuan Group, so they want to make a good relationship in advance." He Hong did not hide Zhang Xiao, they were originally planning to get some Hongyuan Group's shares, but after learning about the conflict between Hongyuan Group and the Wang family, they temporarily gave up this idea.

It's not that they are afraid of the Wang family, but that there is no need to get into trouble, but providing financial support to Zhang Xiao through the bank to establish a friendship with Zhang Xiao is what they are willing to do now. After all, giving charcoal in a timely manner is always more precious than icing on the cake.

Zhang Xiao was a little surprised. He didn't expect this to be the reason, so he couldn't help asking: "Uncle, can I know the details?"

He Hong nodded, and said with a smile: "Whether it is Shenhua Computer, Shenhua Computer Operating System, or the chip factory, they all give us hope. After all, domestic chips have been controlled by foreign countries for a long time, and Hongyuan Group can do it." Now that's enough to make us happy, and you can think of us old guys as early investors."

"Money is already a number in the banking system for those of us, but how to use it and make it meaningful is what we have been doing."

"Whether it's charity or business, in the final analysis, we want to make our country stronger. If we can't do it, we hope to give support to those who have hope."

He Hong's eyes were a little deep, and his tone was very steady, but his words revealed a strong sense of family and country.

If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will help the world.

This is the words of Mencius, which still deeply affects the people of the country after more than 2000 years. It is regarded as the motto by countless passionate young people and people with lofty ideals. The breadth of its popular space is no less than any catchphrase in today's society; Its popular time is so long that any buzzword in today's society can't match it.

In this era of materialistic desires, Zhang Xiao can't help but admire such family and country feelings.

"Uncle, I've been taught." Zhang Xiao said solemnly.

He Hong smiled slightly, and persuaded Zhang Xiao: "Don't care about those fly-by-dog dogs, maybe the world is full of all kinds of plunder, but we still have to stick to our own point of view and do something for the country and the people. History will eventually prove that We were right."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded approvingly. The reason why he took root in the semiconductor industry was because of his family and country feelings. If it was just for making money and enjoying himself, he would be able to retire and enjoy life now.

"Uncle, I will persevere. Maybe many people will not understand, and I will be attacked by many people who are corrupted by money. I still will not give up my dream." Zhang Xiao solemnly promised.

"That's good, that's why we people are willing to give you support. There is still a big gap between the domestic semiconductor industry and foreign developed countries, but if we don't do it, no one will do it, the gap will only get bigger and bigger. Bigger."

"Since the Hongyuan Group has such courage, we old fellows will not just watch it disappear in the struggle."

"This time we will give you a quota of 200 billion through the bank. Within this quota, all interest-free, but the money can only be used for the production and research and development of the semiconductor industry, not for other industries."

He Hong smiled and said, it is also a constraint on Zhang Xiao, after all, 200 billion funds is not a small amount, and funds without constraints are terrible.

"I will make good use of every penny and spend it wisely." Zhang Xiao promised with a nod. He has no other ideas. After all, the current semiconductor industry is the development focus of Hongyuan Group, and he does not need to spend Funds misappropriated for other purposes.

"That's good. I look forward to your results." He Hong was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's performance and expressed his expectations for Zhang Xiao.Fun Court

After having a light meal at He Hong's house, Zhang Xiao didn't stay long, but returned directly to Hong Kong Island and took the plane back to the capital. After all, tomorrow is the Hongyuan Group's annual meeting, and Zhang Xiao's attendance is inevitable.

However, Zhang Xiao has gained a lot from this trip to Hong Kong Island. He never thought that he would have such a big gain. The 200 billion interest-free loan is enough for Hongyuan Group to tide over this difficulty, and even support it to the next level. The birth of a new generation of products is of great significance to Hongyuan Group.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, Zhang Xiao felt like a dream when thinking about all kinds of things today.

Perhaps, this world is like this.

So many and varied, all kinds of people contribute to this complex world.

Society is simple, but people are the ones who are complicated.

Some people are greedy for power, some people love money, some people love sex, and some people love fame, but no matter what kind of mentality they are, they all live in this world of sentient beings and build up this complex world.

Zhang Xiao herself is an ordinary person, living in this complicated world, it is inevitable that she will be affected, and even more shocking.

If old trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they are piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent;

However, people with lofty ideals in the past dynasties "did not regret it". Although Zhang Xiao did not dare to call himself a nobleman with lofty ideals, she also felt that she was worthy of others and worthy of this society.

Zhang Xiao opened a window and felt the cold wind raging, but his heart became more determined. With a like-minded person like He Hong, why should he care about those fly-by-night dogs.

Snowflakes were falling, Zhang Xiao was walking back to the courtyard, feeling extremely refreshed.

This is a society carrying responsibilities, morality, and dreams, and it is full of entanglements of various rights, pornography, and intrigues, and it is also mixed with constant human feelings and temptations that exist all the time.

Some people linger and lose themselves in power and wealth.

Some people never forget their original aspirations, and stick to their own nature amid all kinds of temptations.

Some people are reluctant to leave in their dreams of power and power, and end up in jail.

Some people marched forward with heavy burdens on various fronts, maintaining the safety of their homeland.

Perhaps overnight, the whole earth will become a piece of snow-white, and all the sins will be buried, and what will be presented will eventually be a white and beautiful world.

Zhang Xiao hopes that she can always stick to her nature, stay true to her original aspiration, and contribute to the construction of the country.

Guo Feng silently followed behind Zhang Xiao, looking at Zhang Xiao who was speeding in the cold wind, he couldn't help but think of that figure who had no hesitation back then. Although the environment was different, they all protected the people behind him.

"Boss, get in the car, the snow is getting heavier and heavier." Finally, Guo Feng couldn't help but walk a few steps quickly, and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and together with Guo Feng got into the commercial vehicle that had been following him.

Yuan Min was driving the car. Seeing Zhang Xiao getting into the car, he lightly stepped on the accelerator, and the car merged smoothly into the traffic flow.

Zhang Xiao rubbed his hands, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and dialed Tian Xiaodan's cell phone number.

Not long after, the call was connected.

"Boss, please tell me something." Tian Xiaodan's voice sounded, concise and powerful.

"Call the subsidiaries and let them pay attention to production safety, especially the express company, which must put safety as the first priority. It is cold and snowy, and it is necessary to avoid safety accidents." Zhang Xiao said worriedly, At the end of the year, whether it is the employees or the leaders, it is inevitable that their thinking will be slack, but this is the peak period of safety accidents, Zhang Xiao had to ask Tian Xiaodan to issue a notice overnight.

Everyone else can slack off, but only Zhang Xiao can't slack off in the slightest. He has to take care of the last pass and take everything into consideration.

"I understand. I will notify all departments and subsidiaries immediately." Tian Xiaodan immediately agreed. As the chief housekeeper of Hongyuan Group, her mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day. Listen to reports from various departments and subsidiaries.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao said to Yuan Min who was driving: "As for the violations of the Wang family's rules and disciplines that have been investigated, all those with real evidence should be reported directly to them, and those without evidence should be investigated as soon as possible. Since the Wang family is going to stand out , we swear to the death to fight back, so that those coveted forces will feel jealous."

"Boss, think about it. If you really want to report it, we will have a deadly feud with the Wang family." Yuan Min said hesitantly. Facing the behemoth of the Wang family, even Yuan Min himself had ulterior motives. Be afraid and dare not act rashly.

"What are you afraid of? Since they want to put Hongyuan Group to death, of course we can't just sit and wait for death. Even if we die, we will bite a piece of his flesh and smash all his teeth." Zhang Xiao said with a firm expression.

After the trip to Hong Kong Island, Zhang Xiao wants to understand a truth, everything in this world is mutual, if you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong.

If Hongyuan Group wants to develop firmly in the semiconductor field, it must continue to be tough. Once compromised, many things will eventually deviate from the original direction and eventually become a plaything in the hands of others.

Zhang Xiao knew very well that her origin was from the most ordinary people.

People often say that the poor are noble, but the poor are also powerful, but they are not so prominent compared to the rich and powerful.

The common people have been the bottom of the society since ancient times, and if they want to succeed, they need to pay more.

Although the view of family status seems to have faded out of people's sight on the surface, only those who have achieved some achievements know the difference. Not only has the view of family status not disappeared, but it has become more deeply rooted.

Zhang Xiao is no exception. He is well aware of the influence of family status. Sometimes even he can't help but want to compromise. After all, as long as he beckons, there will be an olive branch from the family.

But Zhang Xiao insisted on himself all the time, because he knew very well that once he compromised, he would face more compromises. This is the reason why he insisted on going on alone. He wanted to see the result of going on, after all, no matter how bad the result was He has the possibility of a comeback.

So Zhang Xiao became fearless at this moment, he decided to fight to the end, even if he had nothing in the end, he would go on without hesitation, he didn't believe that the world was really unfair.

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