Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 450 The Alliance of Interests

With the arrival of Xu Zhiyuan, the scene became more and more heated. Xu Zhiyuan and Liu Kuohai were also old acquaintances, and because of Zhang Xiao, the relationship between them became closer.

However, none of them entered the living room, but accompanied Zhang Xiao to welcome other people who had not yet arrived.

As time went by, more and more people rushed over. After all, it involved the liquidation of investment. Although it was only half a year, they were full of expectations.

Although He Hong did not come to this banquet, He Xiaoxian came on behalf of He Hong. With He Xiaoxian's arrival, everyone was present.

After everyone arrived, Zhang Xiao led them to the banquet hall of the villa.

After everyone sat down, Zhang Xiao asked Hou Shuyan to distribute the settlement list to everyone, and said with a smile: "I originally planned to settle the settlement once a year, but everyone may have felt that this time the bank draws more serious loans. In order not to affect everyone's business, I have decided to complete this year's settlement at this time."

As soon as Zhang Xiao's voice fell, Liu Kuohai smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, you are still thoughtful. To be honest, I was a little caught off guard by the bank's loan draw this time. Now the settlement is at the right time, and I think the profit is still good. Very rich."

Zhang Xiao smiled, and began to ask Long Zhiyun to report the profit this time. Although it was shown in the settlement list, Zhang Xiao also planned to take this opportunity to push Long Zhiyun to the front. In Zhang Xiao's plan, Long Zhiyun Yun will be the head of Yuandian Capital in the future.

"In the past six months, Yuandian Capital has grown from an initial capital of 400 million to 2000 million at present, with a profit of 600 million U.S. dollars and a profit rate of 30.00%. Eight, this is It shows that Yuandian Capital has achieved remarkable results in the past six months." Long Zhiyun cherished this opportunity to make an appearance, and he knew that it was a reward from Zhang Xiao.

All the people present were happy. Looking at the numbers on the list and listening to Long Zhiyun's report were two different feelings. What Long Zhiyun said gave them a deeper shock.

"The cost of Yuandian Capital in the past six months is about 400 million. Since the profit has not reached 50.00%, only 5.00% of the basic management fee is deducted, and the amount allocated to everyone is the amount on the list. You can calculate it yourself and see Is there any difference?" Long Zhiyun continued with a smile.

Capital management is like this. As long as there is profit, no matter how much, investors will always be satisfied. What's more, Yuandian Capital has increased by 30.00% in half a year. Even after deducting management fees and other expenses, it has reached 30.00%. , which is a very generous return.

Take Liu Kuohai's investment of 3000 million U.S. dollars as an example. This time he can get 910 million U.S. dollars. If converted into national currency, it will be 500 million U.S. dollars. I couldn't help being a little anxious, and my mood was full of excitement.

Even He Xiaoxian was no exception. The half-year profit of 30.00% was beyond her expectation, which greatly increased her interest in Zhang Xiao, because she knew very well how difficult it is to obtain income in the capital market. Only five out of a hundred people are profitable, especially the larger the size of the funds, the more difficult it is to manage.

Zhang Xiao waited for everyone to digest what Long Zhiyun said, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow morning, I will arrange for people from the company to transfer your funds into your designated account, so that everyone can spend the Spring Festival with peace of mind. "

After Liu Kuohai and Xu Zhiyuan looked at each other, Liu Kuohai smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, we are very satisfied with the income of this year's half year, but I want to know if it will continue next year?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, Boss Liu is right. This is not a one-shot deal." Song Xiaotong also said with a smile. She is in the business of trading, and this investment is also a coincidence.

The rest of the people were also full of expectations. They hoped that after the settlement, Zhang Xiao would start a new round of investment. After all, the income in the past six months made them full of confidence in Zhang Xiao.

"Of course it won't be a one-off deal. After all, Yuandian Capital needs to continue to operate. Naturally, the more funds, the better. So after this settlement, I plan to start a new round of fundraising in March after the Spring Festival this year. At that time, I will send a copy of the plan to everyone." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, he was very satisfied with everyone's enthusiasm.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao's thinking has also changed a lot. He plans to build Yuandian Capital into a distribution center for Hongyuan Group's interests, because after experiencing so many things, Zhang Xiao knows very well that the best way is to establish an alliance of interests above interests. Stable, this can also escort Hongyuan Group from the capital level.

Zhang Xiao is very aware of his weakness, that is, his shallow foundation. If he wants to grow into a towering tree, he will inevitably compete for more nutrients, and this is inseparable from the support of people from all walks of life. The profits of the company are bound to become the focus in the eyes of domestic investors, and this will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yuandian Capital and Zhang Xiao.

In Zhang Xiao's vision, Yuandian capital will be used to create more benefits for partners, so that all partners will become a solid alliance, thereby promoting the development of Hongyuan Group, and this will be a process that complements each other.

Zhang Xiao's words also made everyone here full of enthusiasm. After all, the benefits are real. They didn't expect that such a careless move would bring them such a generous return.

At the dinner that followed, the atmosphere became even more heated, and everyone was talking about the information they knew, and Hongyuan Group became the object of everyone's talking.

After the banquet, Xu Zhiyuan took Liu Kuohai, who was already drunk, and left, and several other small investors like Song Xiaotong also left very wisely, because they could all see that He Xiaoxian was looking for Zhang Xiao for something.

"Sister He, I drank too much, can I do it another day?" Zhang Xiao drank a lot of wine today, but she was far from drunk, but facing He Xiaoxian, Zhang Xiao would rather pretend to be drunk.

He Xiaoxian put her right arm on Zhang Xiao's shoulder, and she didn't mind Zhang Xiao's body. She shook the red wine glass with her left hand and said, "Xiaoxiao, am I not beautiful?"

"Beautiful, Sister He is the most beautiful." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, the reason why he respected He Xiaoxian at a distance was because Zhang Xiao knew very well that He Xiaoxian was decisive in killing, and consciously kept a distance from her.

"Guy who is not sincere, I found that you have consciously kept your distance from me since you met me. Could it be that I am a scourge?" He Xiaoxian drank the wine in his glass with some dissatisfaction, and his eyes were full of scrutiny for Zhang Xiao.

"Sister He, we're not suitable." Zhang Xiao smiled helplessly. He didn't dare to relax in the face of He Xiaoxian who had drunk too much. Who knew if she was really drunk or fake.

"Forget it, it's really boring. Let me tell you something serious. You need a lot of money. Do you need me to find a way for you to get funds?" Drunk look.

"Of course I need money. After all, the bank's loan draw caught me by surprise. Otherwise, I wouldn't have liquidated this investment at this time." Zhang Xiao said honestly, this is a clear matter, and there is nothing wrong with it People speak.

He Xiaoxian chuckled, and then changed the subject: "I heard that this loan draw was specially made by the Wang family in order to obtain the shares of Hongyuan Group?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and said disapprovingly: "I would rather believe that it was a coincidence. If the Wang family can really achieve this, then I really have to seriously consider the relationship with the Wang family."

"Well, the Wang family is a giant. It's not surprising that they can do anything, but what I can't figure out is why the Wang family is interested in your Hongyuan Group. Their main business is in energy and minerals, which is different from your group. Make a boundary." He Xiaoxian said a little puzzled.

"I don't know either." Zhang Xiao shook his head. Of course, he couldn't tell the reason. After all, there was a Wang family that had already caused him a lot of headaches, so he couldn't tell the reason.

After He Xiaoxian took a deep look at Zhang Xiao, she changed the subject and said, "How much does Hongyuan Group need?"

"60 billion should be about the same. It depends on how much your channel can provide, but let me declare that the money this time can only be a loan. I will pay interest, but it must not be used to replace shares." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression, If the money is exchanged for shares, he would rather withdraw the funds from Yuandian Capital.

"Don't worry, I will provide you with funds through the bank this time, which is also what my father meant." He Xiaoxian nodded seriously and said, "I really don't know what my father likes about you. It's interest-free."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being shocked, because he knew very well that even He Hong would take a big risk in providing him with such a large amount of funds, not to mention not asking for interest, which made Zhang Xiao feel unbelievable.

"No interest? Is there such a good thing?" Zhang Xiao asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I don't know the specific situation. You should discuss these matters with my father when the time comes. My father will be waiting for you at home at noon tomorrow." He Xiaoxian obviously came to pass on the message today, and after speaking these words to Zhang Xiao , she didn't stay in Zhang Xiao's villa for long, and left with her people.

But Zhang Xiao couldn't help but fell into deep thought. What He Xiaoxian said today gave him a lot of stimulation. Whether it is the Wang family or the He family, they are all incomparable existences, but Zhang Xiao also knows that he wants to achieve A position like the He family's is impossible without long-term hard work.

What Zhang Xiao has to do now is to take every step well and gradually extend his influence to all walks of life, so as to stabilize the position of Hongyuan Group and get rid of being coveted by others, and all this depends on the relationship between him and the Wang family. This fight.

"Boss, how do we raise funds next year, and where do we start?" Long Zhiyun felt a little headache at the moment. After all, after paying the funds from these investors, the funds on the books will only be his own funds, which is not in line with the source. Capital operating requirements.

"You don't have to worry about the source of funds. With the publication of the semi-annual rate of return, more and more funds will come to you. What we need to do now is to determine the size of the funds." Zhang Xiao is full of confidence, After all, the profit-seeking nature of capital has never changed, and the high rate of return of 30.00% is also an outstanding achievement in the investment world, not to mention that it is based on a base of 400 million US dollars.

From a certain point of view, Yuandian Capital became an instant hit this time, and I believe it will become a hot topic in the investment circle of Hong Kong Island the next day, and as time goes by, it is bound to become a new star in the investment circle.

Long Zhiyun also nodded. As an old man in the investment industry, he knew very well that the proudness of this achievement was not in the rate of return, but in the size of the funds. As we all know, the larger the funds, the more difficult it is to manage. It is convincing that Yuandian Capital can obtain such a profit within half a year.

"I will determine the capital scale according to the current situation of the company, but this also requires the recruitment of more staff." Long Zhiyun asked tentatively. With Ye Shijiang returning to Hongyuan Group, the current Yuandian Capital is basically his He is in charge, but he has not been formally appointed after all, and some of his names are not justified.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and said with certainty: "You can make up your mind on this point. The official appointment document will be issued soon. I will see all your efforts."

"Okay, then I'll go first, and you should go to bed earlier." After receiving Zhang Xiao's affirmation, Long Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief, got up and left.

Zhang Xiao sent Long Zhiyun to the door of the living room, and watched Long Zhiyun drive away, and couldn't help but feel moved.

Long Zhiyun has the ability, but he is still a little lacking in decision-making, but with Zhang Xiao's suggestion, I believe he can grow up soon, which is something worth celebrating for Zhang Xiao.

After all, the importance of Yuandian Capital is unquestionable. In some respects, its importance even surpasses any subsidiary of Hongyuan Group. After all, this is the common interest of Zhang Xiao and other partners.

As long as Yuandian Capital keeps making profits, under the premise of common interests, Zhang Xiao's own foundation will gradually deepen, which is of great significance to Zhang Xiao.

After returning to the living room, Zhang Xiao began to think about the management scale of the next fund, and at the same time, he had to do a corresponding review on the source of funds. After all, Zhang Xiao did not want Yuandian Capital to become a gathering place for illegal funds.

In addition, Zhang Xiao also considered the reason why He Hong provided him with funds. After all, interest-free loans may look attractive, but in many cases, free loans are the most expensive. Zhang Xiao also has to consider the pros and cons of it.

And while Zhang Xiao was staying in the villa and thinking about the future operation of Yuandian Capital, the news about Yuandian Capital's 30.00% rate of return in half a year also began to spread, which made many people understand the situation Everyone is full of interest in source capital.

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