Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 452 Come on, hurt each other

Through the rearview mirror in the middle of the business car, Yuan Min couldn't really see Zhang Xiao's expression under the dim light, as if a cloud of confusion lay between the two of them, but Yuan Min was full of excitement at this time.

After all, the Hongyuan Group seems to be restrained in every way in the face of the wanton attacks of the Wang family, and they must be cautious in everything they do. Zhang Xiao has never expressed the idea of ​​​​fighting back.

But after the trip to Hong Kong Island, Zhang Xiao's whole person changed, especially when Zhang Xiao was walking alone on the street, he was like a brave man. At this moment, Yuan Min was even more impressed.

For a long time, Zhang Xiao did not show too much aggressiveness. In handling many things, Zhang Xiao seemed more neutral and peaceful. Although there was nothing wrong with this, it always lacked some vigor and excitement. thing.

But now Yuan Min feels the sharpness of Zhang Xiao, or Zhang Xiao hid it too well before, always hiding his sharpness, but now Zhang Xiao doesn't hide his sharpness at all. mean.

"Okay boss, I know how to do it. Don't worry, I will make it seamless and try to make people not think of Hongyuan Group." Yuan Min immediately agreed, and with Zhang Xiao's consent, Yuan Min has plenty to deal with Wang Family idea.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but didn't say much. After all, once the reported things are put on the desk of the relevant department, anyone who is not stupid can guess that it was made by Hongyuan Group.

But so what, Zhang Xiao just wants to let everyone know that all forces targeting Hongyuan Group will face the stormy attack of Hongyuan Group, even if they kill one thousand enemies and injure themselves eight hundred, Zhang Xiao will not not give a damn about.

Come on, hurt each other!

Zhang Xiao has never been afraid of challenges, nor is he afraid of targeting. Law-abiding management is the idea that Hongyuan Group has always implemented. He requires all operations to be legal and compliant. That's why Zhang Xiao can be so calm and calm in the face of the Wang family's targeting. journey. cascoo.

At this time, although Zhang Xiao looked normal, the little monster inside was baring its teeth and claws, facing all the enemies who dared to invade with a ferocious expression.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao naturally fell asleep with Shen Biyu in his arms after eating.

However, Yuan Min and Guo Feng began to operate. After all, in order to send the Wang family's violations of law and discipline over the years to the relevant departments in a timely manner, detailed planning is required, and different departments need to be sent to different departments at different times. needs time.

Not only Yuan Min and Guo Feng were busy, but the information department affiliated to Hongyuan Security began to work all night, and how to deliver them in a targeted manner became their top priority.

Not only that, the rest of the Hongyuan Security Department is also hurrying to collect information. Regarding all the properties of the Wang family and all family members of the Wang family who work in government departments, the intelligence collection department of Hongyuan Security is hurrying up and working hard. After all, this is Yuan The rewards for the mission assigned by Min himself were extremely generous.

Yuan Min's efficiency was very high. On the next morning, when the Hongyuan Group's annual meeting began, the incident about the Wang family's violation of law and discipline was already on the desk of the person in charge of the relevant department. It's not a swarm of random delivery.

This makes the heads of all departments have to be cautious. After all, the existence of the Wang family is not a secret, and the strength of the Wang family makes them feel lingering fears. However, when faced with reports based on real evidence, they can only start investigation and confirmation according to the procedures.

As the subject of the investigation, Wang Qingfeng, the current head of the Wang family, got the news immediately. After confirming the news, Wang Qingfeng knew that the Wang family was in serious trouble this time. Incidents, but all the violations of regulations and disciplines over the years gathered together and broke out.

If this matter has nothing to do with Hongyuan Group, Wang Qingfeng would not believe it even if he was beaten to death. It was only at this moment that Wang Qingfeng felt the horror of Hongyuan Group. Hongyuan Group is no longer a small business group, but has many Subsidiaries and a large group with assets of nearly [-] billion yuan, the explosion of energy behind it shocked the behemoth Wang family.

Wang Qingfeng immediately held a high-level meeting of the Wang family. After all, many incidents broke out, and if they were not handled properly, the Wang family would definitely experience the most serious blow in the past few years, no less than the war-torn era back then.

And Wang Xiangyu was immediately pulled out of the bed by Wang Qingfeng, even though the daughter-in-law, who was as white as jade in the bed, exposed most of her body, Wang Qingfeng didn't care about it.

Because Wang Qingfeng knew very well that this matter was caused by Wang Xiangyu in the final analysis. If it is not handled well, Wang Xiangyu's position as the heir is bound to be lost. Even whether he, the head of the family, can continue to sit in the position of the head of the family is also uncertain. between.

Zhang Xiao doesn't know all this. He is currently entertaining colleagues from the business circles who came to attend the annual meeting of Hongyuan Group in the living room next to the auditorium. Most of these people are partners of Hongyuan Group, and the rest are invested by Hongyuan Group. Some of the business leaders in the company have received invitations from Hongyuan Group to attend the annual meeting of Hongyuan Group.

Zhang Xiao wears a dark blue suit, which makes it more mature and attractive. He behaves properly and greets everyone one by one. Thanks to his powerful memory, Zhang Xiao can remember everyone's life experience and hobbies and interests .

This made Zhang Xiao popular with everyone. After all, being praised in public by such a big boss as Zhang Xiao is something worth showing off.

"Everyone, our Hongyuan Group's annual meeting is about to begin, and I welcome you all here again." After greeting everyone, Zhang Xiao went to the center of the living room and clapped her hands, focusing everyone's attention After reaching himself, he smiled and said.

"I hope that you can feel the corporate culture of our Hongyuan Group in the annual meeting, feel the prospects and business opportunities of our Hongyuan Group's future development, and lay the foundation for future cooperation."

"At the same time, I also hope that everyone will overcome the difficulties of monetary tightening together, and achieve win-win cooperation in the next development, so that our development can go hand in hand, and we can witness the prosperous future of our motherland together."

Zhang Xiao's words made everyone empathize, and at the same time, they were excited about Hongyuan Group's care and support for them.

After all, monetary tightening is a major strategy at the national level, and they all feel the chill of it, and Hongyuan Group's ability to settle their payments on time gave them a deeper understanding of the strength of Hongyuan Group, and all of this is the basis for cooperation .

As a supplier and channel provider of Hongyuan Group, you are undoubtedly lucky. Don’t you see that many companies are still running around to raise funds because they can’t get the payment for goods? Don’t you see that many companies are still helpless because they can’t get back the deposit lie flat.

In the environment of tightening money, Hongyuan Group's approach is indeed unique. Both the payment for goods and the deposit will be transferred to the accounts of all enterprises in the first time after the year, laying the foundation for them to overcome the difficulty of tight money.

Of course, Zhang Xiao doesn't know the inner thoughts of these business owners or persons in charge. After all, for him, all this is the result of the normal operation of Hongyuan Group.

Whether it is the supplier's payment or the employee's salary, Hongyuan Group has prepared sufficient funds in the group since its establishment. Even in the face of the bank's loan drawdown and tightening conditions this time, Zhang Xiao did not violate the Hongyuan Group's business principles. in principle.

After all, people are like this, no matter how many good things you do, one bad thing is enough to make you notorious.

The same is true for the relationship with partners. One breach of contract is enough to put you on the blacklist, so Hongyuan Group's compliance with the contract made all partners make up their minds, and cooperating with Hongyuan Group is the most correct choice.

"Mr. Zhang said it well. As long as we unite as one and surround Hongyuan Group, we will surely overcome this difficulty." As Gong Jinshi, the boss of Tianyuan Electronics, who has been providing electronic components for many companies, Hongyuan Group This payment made him very satisfied, and he took the lead in liking Hongyuan Group at this time, which also showed his deliberation.

"Boss Gong is polite. We are all in business. Win-win cooperation has always been the vision of Hongyuan Group." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, and the praise of Gong Jinshi was also very useful.

"Mr. Zhang, we must put Hongyuan Group's orders first, and everyone can see your generosity." Sun Liqing, the boss of Liqing Electronics, also said happily.

Following Gong Jinshi and Sun Liqing's congratulations, everyone else reacted and began to praise Zhang Xiao as much as they could.

Facing everyone's compliments, Zhang Xiao wanted to be calm and reserved, but the smile on his face betrayed his inner joy and excitement.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing in her heart, no wonder so many people get carried away after success, praise is the most beautiful poison in the world.

While making people feel refreshed, it can also make people excited and make wrong decisions. Although Zhang Xiao is still sober at the moment, she can only smile and say: "Hongyuan Group has developed to the point where it is today. Everyone's support and thanks to me will only make me work harder for the benefit of Hongyuan Group and everyone."

"Okay, the annual meeting is about to begin, everyone is invited to attend."

Zhang Xiao finally said with a smile.

With the entry of these partners, the annual meeting of Hongyuan Group officially began. As the boss of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao will make a concluding speech at the first item of the annual meeting as usual. Outlook for future development.

Zhang Xiao glanced at the prepared speech and shook his head, because he felt that the speech prepared by Hou Shuyan was too conservative, well-regulated and lacked eye-catching views.

Although Zhang Xiao had already prepared to preach according to the script, after seeing the enthusiasm of all partners, Zhang Xiao decided to add his own vision for the future of Hongyuan Group on the basis of the speech, and even Zhang Xiao's vision for the future of the semiconductor industry. outlook.

This is not only Zhang Xiao making excuses for his own struggle, but also to wake up more people. After all, Zhang Xiao knows very well that the semiconductor industry in the future will usher in a blowout development, but the country has fallen behind due to various reasons. Even the low-end market is lost, losing the opportunity to carve up the biggest pie.

As we all know, in many traditional industries, the middle and low-end market will always have the largest demand and the most lucrative profits, while the high-end market can only be used as a brand, and the R&D and revenue are not proportional at all.

But in the semiconductor industry, this is not the case. Although the low-end market has a large demand, the profit is pitifully low, and the high-end market is the largest source of profit. This is also the future status quo of the semiconductor industry.

Every time a chip is launched, it is a revolution. No matter how amazing the semiconductor company was in the past, once it loses its leading position, it can only be reduced to grabbing cannibals in the secondary market. It is already considered a leader, but it is still cannon fodder in the international market.

Zhang Xiao's speech today, in addition to summarizing the past achievements, is more about the future semiconductor industry. He wants to attract more capital to invest in the semiconductor industry, so as to promote the domestic semiconductor industry to catch up.

"Next, Mr. Zhang Xiao, chairman of the group, is invited to speak. Please welcome." At this time, the host of the annual meeting said.

With the thunderous applause, Zhang Xiao stepped onto the stage of the annual meeting and came to the speech stage.

Zhang Xiao pressed down with both hands, and after the applause stopped, he said with a smile: "Thank you for your applause. Judging from the loudness of the applause, I am very popular. I also hope that I can always be so popular instead of Disliked by everyone."

Before speaking, Zhang Xiao said something naughty, which successfully aroused everyone's laughter.

However, Zhang Xiao also knew that the employees were not very interested in what the leader said, so Zhang Xiao decided to make a long story short.

"Let's first talk about the achievements of Hongyuan Group in the past year. I won't repeat the specific achievements. After all, everyone has heard it many times. I will mainly talk about the outstanding achievements of various departments and subsidiaries of Hongyuan Group. .”

"Last year, Minmin Supermarket under Hongyuan Group successfully increased the number of stores to 980, becoming the retailer with the most stores in the country and even the world. Here, on behalf of everyone, I would like to thank Mr. Li Mingxuan. The result of the joint efforts of all employees." Zhang Xiao first talked about the achievements of Minmin Supermarket, after all, Minmin Supermarket is currently the most successful subsidiary of Hongyuan Group, contributing most of the group's profits.

Zhang Xiao took the lead in applauding, and with the applause, Li Mingxuan also stood up and bowed to thank everyone for their support. At this moment, he really felt honored, especially Zhang Xiao's affirmation, which made his eyes slightly red, and his heart was full of move.

For this day, Li Mingxuan has been working hard and never dared to slack off. Facing Zhang Xiao's praise at the annual meeting, Li Mingxuan felt passionate.

Li Mingxuan now has the idea that a scholar should die for his confidant.

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