Wang Xiangyu nodded and said: "I will let the various industries of the family pay attention to their respective situations in case they are targeted, but uncles and those who work in the government need you to say hello in person to prevent them from being targeted. against."

It's not that Wang Xiangyu is worrying unnecessarily, but that facing the intelligence system established by Yuan Min, he has to be extremely energetic. He doesn't want his family's business to be targeted when he targets Hongyuan Group.

"I'll greet them, and where the family's family law is, I don't think they will commit any crime knowingly." Wang Qingfeng said confidently.

In the next few days, actions against Hongyuan Group's various industries emerged one after another, and various administrative measures such as safety inspections and tax inspections also came out of nowhere, which made Hongyuan Group's people's hearts fluctuate.

But Zhang Xiao didn't make too many changes. Apart from cooperating with the inspections of various departments and checking for omissions and filling vacancies, the rest of the business is going on normally. Even the preparations for the annual meeting are in full swing. It seems that everything is not too big Impact.

Zhang Xiao's calm behavior also gave confidence to all the management, but what they didn't know was that with the bank's loan draw, the upstream and downstream suppliers and distributors of the group began to demand the previous accounts, which made the group The sharp decrease in cash flow has put a lot of pressure on the finance department.

"Boss, we can't go on like this. At present, the group has less than [-] million funds in its books. If there is another emergency, it will be difficult to support it." Sun Ting, the director of the financial department, said to Zhang Xiao anxiously.

These days, with the settlement of bank loans and the settlement of suppliers' payments, Sun Ting has been under a lot of pressure. Every day, she needs a huge amount of funds to pay. .

"How many accounts are still unsettled?" Zhang Xiao asked. According to his statistics, the group's funds are completely sufficient. There is no problem.

"There are about [-] million accounts to be paid, and the funds have been prepared, but these suppliers have not come to ask for it." Sun Ting glanced at the list in her hand and said.

"What about the staff salary and year-end bonus, have they been paid?" Zhang Xiao asked item by item.

"All the funds have been paid out, only the funds needed for the annual meeting are still in the company's account." Sun Ting nodded and said.

"That is to say, except for some projects under construction that have not yet been allocated, other debts and loans have basically been settled, right?" Zhang Xiao said with a sigh of relief, smiling.

"Yes, it's almost like this." Sun Ting nodded and replied, but she didn't know the significance of Zhang Xiao's doing so.

"That's good. Before the Spring Festival, we just need to do the work step by step. After the Spring Festival, I will find a way to solve the project funds. You don't have to worry." Zhang Xiao said to Sun Ting with a smile. Xiao played tricks, but Zhang Xiao had such confidence, but he didn't want to explain it to Sun Ting.

Yuandian Capital in Hong Kong Island is not affiliated to Hongyuan Group, so Sun Ting does not know the current situation of Yuandian Capital. Zhang Xiao plans to inject Yuandian Capital's funds into Hongyuan in the form of a shareholding when the group's funds are insufficient. Source Group, thus ensuring sufficient funds for Hongyuan Group.

What Zhang Xiao has to do now is to stabilize Hongyuan Group's various businesses under the pressure of the Wang family. This is victory. Zhang Xiao also wants to see Hongyuan Group under the pressure of the Wang family. To what extent can it be done.

Sun Ting saw that Zhang Xiao had a countermeasure, so she didn't say much. All she could do was to report the group's financial situation to Zhang Xiao in detail and give a solution, so that Zhang Xiao could make a decision.

Zhang Xiao felt a little helpless about Sun Ting's nervousness, and comforted her with a smile: "Don't worry too much, everything will be fine, as long as we are strong, there will be no opportunity for those charming monsters outside to take advantage of."

Sun Ting couldn't help but nodded with a smile. Although the group's funds are now low, the fact that the foreign debt has almost disappeared makes her feel at ease, and it also proves how correct she was to pay the funds for each project in batches.

After Sun Ting left, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing at himself. Although he was the so-called Dinghai Shentie in the eyes of many people in the group, only he knew that in the capital market, every slight disturbance would attract people's attention. cascoo.

Even Yuandian Capital, some people began to withdraw investment funds, which made Zhang Xiao further realize the cruelty of the capital market.

No matter how brilliant your achievements in the past are, once there is a sign of crisis, capital flight will become an inevitable trend. However, Zhang Xiao did not explain anything about this. He plans to go to Hong Kong Island today to carry out a reform of Yuandian Capital. Those capitals with unsteady positions will be wiped out, leaving only those capitals who believe in him. Only in this way can the unity of thinking of Yuandian Capital be guaranteed.

Fortunately, the Hongyuan Group has really grown up now, and it is very familiar with the inspections of relevant departments. Sometimes these staff do not need to order, and all kinds of materials are placed on their desks. Those who want to find out the fault are a little surprised.

"Mr. Zhang, I need your cooperation this time. Everything is for the sake of work." Huo Wenqing was in charge of the joint review team. He worked as a deputy director of the Supervision Bureau in Beijing and had a relationship with Zhang Xiao once.

"Director Huo, you are too polite. Cooperating with you is what our group should do. I will ask people to cooperate as much as possible. But after all, it is the end of the year, and the group's annual meeting will be held the day after tomorrow, so the reception is not good. I need you to take care of me more." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Huo Wenqing was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's politeness. After all, facing the review team, many business bosses would not cooperate, and there were not a few who even cursed in person. However, Zhang Xiao's Hongyuan Group is well-known. He led the team this time He had doubts at first, but now he is completely convinced. The degree of cooperation of Hongyuan Group has exceeded their imagination.

"Mr. Zhang, I still want to thank your group for your cooperation. We will conduct a fair and open investigation. Please rest assured about this." Huo Wenqing said with a promise. Before coming to Hongyuan Group, he had received hints from relevant leaders. It means that this time we must be open and fair, and there must be no slack in the slightest.

Huo Wenqing knew very well that with the rise of Hongyuan Group, the national level of the electronics industry in Beijing has also risen. The relevant leaders are also unwilling to see Hongyuan Group change course, so it is normal to make some explanations.

But secretly, Huo Wenqing also received several calls demanding strict censorship, including calls from the leaders of the superior department and some friends, but after Huo Wenqing joined the Hongyuan Group, he knew that all the conspiracies were here is not going to work.

Because the staff of Hongyuan Group who provided them with information were even more professional and careful than them, this made Huo Wenqing feel like he had come to study and attend a class.

"Then I would like to thank Director Huo. The day after tomorrow is our group's annual meeting, and Director Huo will be honored to attend." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Huo Wenqing said with a helpless wry smile: "Forget it, it's good for us all to keep a certain distance."

Zhang Xiao smiled noncommittally, but she also knew that what Huo Wenqing said was right. After all, once the two of them had a close relationship, people would inevitably be guessed that there was something dirty in it, which neither Zhang Xiao nor Huo Wenqing wanted to see.

Huo Wenqing left Zhang Xiao's office soon, and continued to lead the review team to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Hongyuan Group.

But Zhang Xiao is thinking about what Hongyuan Group should do next. After all, the Spring Festival is approaching, and it is difficult to do anything before the Spring Festival. He is still thinking about the situation after the new year.

This year's annual meeting will be held the day after tomorrow. After the annual meeting is over, various departments will be on holiday one after another. From this, it can be seen that Wang Xiangyu chose to carry out various actions before the Spring Festival. The timing is very clever.

If it weren't for Hongyuan Group's strong capital this year, and the measure of appropriating funds according to the schedule, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no big troubles due to funds. So far, Hongyuan Group has not fallen into a disadvantage.

But Zhang Xiao also knew that this was just the prelude before the storm, and what emerged from the water was only the tip of the iceberg, and Hongyuan Group would face a deeper test.

As for how Wang Xiangyu will make moves, Zhang Xiao still doesn't know, but Zhang Xiao has already made all preparations.

Not only that, Zhang Xiao also asked Yuan Min to investigate the Wang family's property. Passive beating has never been Zhang Xiao's style. He must find a way to counter Wang Xiangyu, otherwise the situation will only be unfavorable to Hongyuan Group.

After the beginning of the new year, funds must be in place for each project to start construction, and this will be a major test for Hongyuan Group, so preparing funds before the coming year has become the focus of Zhang Xiao's current work.

At this moment, Hou Shuyan walked in and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, the plane to Hong Kong Island will take off in an hour, and we should set off."

Zhang Xiao nodded. The reason for going to Hong Kong Island at this time is that Zhang Xiao is also preparing to liquidate Yuandian Capital this year, which can be regarded as an explanation to all investors. In addition, Zhang Xiao is also planning ahead. Hongyuan Group may face a crisis in financing.

Zhang Xiao didn't bring anything, Hou Shuyan was in charge of some of the belongings, Zhang Xiao quickly took Guo Feng and other security personnel to the airport, and Hou Shuyan accompanied him this time.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao had already arrived on Hong Kong Island, and Long Zhiyun rushed over to pick up the opportunity in person, and Long Zhiyun did not dare to neglect Zhang Xiao.

On the way to Yuandian Capital, after Long Zhiyun reported the situation of Yuandian Capital to Zhang Xiao, he continued: "Currently, the funds on Yuandian Capital's book have reached 2000 million U.S. dollars, but I don't think it is currently When it comes to liquidation, after all, the current international market has a good continuity, as long as we continue to operate, the harvest will definitely be more substantial."

Zhang Xiao nodded noncommittally and said: "I think you have heard about the current situation of the group, so it is imperative for Yuandian Capital to liquidate at the end of the year, but you can rest assured that after the liquidation, the funds of Yuandian Capital will not If you withdraw too much, if you add the funds of new investors, the funds will be even more.”

Long Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief. As the person in charge of Yuandian Capital, he was most afraid that Zhang Xiao would abolish Yuandian Capital after liquidating Yuandian Capital. Now it seems that Zhang Xiao is only doing a phased liquidation. It has little impact on source capital.

Arriving at Yuandian Capital's company residence, Zhang Xiao went directly to his exclusive office and began to check the current status of funds in various accounts of the company. After all, in the capital market, funds are constantly changing.

After looking at all the account balances, Zhang Xiao said to Long Zhiyun: "Close all futures accounts except gold futures, and then we will choose the time to enter the market. In addition, the positions in the stock market will be reduced by two." To prepare for the next liquidation."

Long Zhiyun nodded, and he also knew Zhang Xiao's prudent words this time. After all, the futures market is relatively turbulent, so after closing these turbulent positions, the funds can basically be calculated, which is beneficial to Accuracy of liquidation.

While Long Zhiyun was dealing with these matters, Zhang Xiao called several investors separately and confirmed with them the time of the evening family dinner.

This banquet has been notified long ago, and now it is just to confirm the specific time.

The family banquet was held in Zhang Xiao's villa in the middle of the mountain, and Lu Huaping led a few people to prepare the dishes for the dinner.

That night, Zhang Xiao personally greeted several investors at the gate of the villa, but Liu Kuohai, who was farthest away, was the first to arrive.

"Mr. Zhang, long time no see. Thank you for taking care of Linglong Jewelry during this time." Liu Kuohai smiled and said after shaking hands with Zhang Xiao.

Since Liu Kuohai invested in Yuandian Capital, Liu Kuohai has become Zhang Xiao's cooperation partner. In the past six months, some jadeites Zhang Xiao has sold have given Liu Kuohai a lot of profit margins. Liu Kuohai has seen Zhang Xiao's ability.

"It's all about what you need, you go in first, and I'll wait for the others." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, he had a good impression of Liu Kuohai. .

"They are all partners, I will wait with you." Liu Kuohai said with a smile. He also wanted to see who the current investors of Yuandian Capital are.

While waiting, Liu Kuohai also expressed his gratitude to Long Zhiyun. After all, he also knew that although the boss of Yuandian Capital was Zhang Xiao, Long Zhiyun was actually a trader.

Zhang Xiao is happy to see the success of this, and Zhang Xiao is very clear that with the continuous operation of Yuandian Capital, it is inevitable to push Long Zhiyun to the front, and he only needs to give some guidance behind him.

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