Zhang Xiao waved to Yang Lei and said, "Sit down for a while, and I'll call the other group executives over to tell you the reason."

For Yang Lei and the management of the group, Zhang Xiao didn't want to hide anything. After all, this incident had a great impact. Only by letting the management understand the reasons first can the unity of thinking of the management of Hongyuan Group be ensured, so as to maximize the impact of the incident. The strength of Hongyuan Group can survive this crisis.

Yang Lei nodded and sat down on the sofa.

Zhang Xiao picked up the phone on the table, called Ye Shijiang, Academician Ni and others, and asked them to come to his office.

Not long after, Ye Shijiang, Academician Ni and others came to Zhang Xiao's office. After Zhang Xiao asked Hou Shuyan to make tea for everyone, he said: "I believe that everyone has some guesses about the current problems encountered by the group. Let me tell you Let’s take a look at the reasons, and I hope everyone will be mentally prepared.”

After Ye Shijiang and the others looked at each other, they focused on Zhang Xiao and waited for Zhang Xiao to explain the reason.

Zhang Xiao didn't hide anything either, and put the information about the Wang family and Wang Xiangyu, the eldest son of the Wang family, on the table for everyone to start circulating.

After everyone had finished watching, Zhang Xiao continued to speak: "The problems encountered by the group this time are at least directly related to the Wang family and the Wang family. They want to occupy more than 20.00% of the group's shares out of thin air. I don't hesitate." Refused, so the current problems encountered by the group are caused by the Wang family."

After Zhang Xiao roughly explained what happened, everyone couldn't help falling into silence. After all, they had heard of such things before, but they didn't expect it to really exist.

"Things have already happened, we must face them positively, and solve the problems we have encountered as soon as possible, and respond in time if we cannot solve them." Zhang Xiao said solemnly.

"The People's Supermarket has indeed encountered certain problems at present, but I will urge the responsible persons of each region to complete the rectification before the new year, and take advantage of the situation to vigorously rectify the problems that have already occurred, so as to prevent it from happening again in the future." Li Mingxuan promised road.

"As the Spring Festival is approaching, People's Supermarket must pay attention to food safety, especially the ready-to-eat food, and do a good job of safety inspection. Now we are being put under a magnifying glass to find faults, and we must not give them a chance." Zhang Xiao Ask Li Mingxuan, because Zhang Xiao is very aware of the importance of food safety, so many companies have fallen on food safety.

And once the Minmin Supermarket has a major problem in food safety, it will be an unimaginable blow to the Minmin Supermarket, and Zhang Xiao naturally attaches great importance to it,

"I understand that I will send an inspection team as soon as possible to conduct centralized inspections of all supermarkets across the country, and try to deal with the problems that have been discovered as soon as possible." Li Mingxuan said without hesitation. problem, that will have a huge impact on Hongyuan Group.

After talking about the Minmin Supermarket, Zhang Xiao talked about the bank's current loan draw: "Facing the review of the head office, all branches in various places will inevitably conduct loan draws. Under such circumstances, we try our best to treat all loans Pay according to the contract, and if it is really unacceptable, it can be submitted to the finance department in time to raise and pay the payable funds.”

Zhang Xiao knows very well that the loan draws carried out by various branches will inevitably affect various industries, and for Hongyuan Group, it will be a huge test. After all, both suppliers and distributors will face great financial pressure, and Hongyuan Group The source group must ensure the rational use of funds between the two.

"Based on the current situation and the fact that the group's funds are not sufficient, we must be prepared to deal with various unexpected situations, especially in the use of funds, we must make the most reasonable use of them." Zhang Xiao said solemnly said.

"In terms of the use of funds, we must guarantee three points."

"First of all, we must ensure that all employees' salaries are paid on time, including year-end bonuses, which cannot be affected."

"Secondly, the accounts payable must be paid on time, so as not to affect the reputation of the group, so that the group can gain the trust of upstream and downstream enterprises in the future development."

"The third and most important point is that the projects that have already been carried out must be carried out in an orderly manner, and the progress should not be advanced, but the progress must not be affected. This is what we must ensure."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded, satisfied with Zhang Xiao's arrangement.

However, Ye Shijiang still said: "Currently, the group has only 80 billion funds in its account. If we pay all the bank's loan draws, then our book funds will only be 20 billion. In this way, our financial pressure will be Unprecedented, so I think we need to plan ahead for that."

In fact, Zhang Xiao has already calculated it before. After removing the funds drawn by the bank, the remaining funds of Hongyuan Group will not be enough to support the subsequent capital needs of Hongyuan Group. After all, all suppliers will carry out last year's year-end The settlement, coupled with the needs of various projects, the financial pressure is obvious, and it will appear before the Spring Festival.

"As for the group's shortage of funds, I will find a way to solve it, and everyone should not be too nervous." Zhang Xiao said, facing financial pressure, especially in the case of bank loans, he can only find solutions from other channels , but at this moment he can only grit his teeth and hold on, because he knows very well that as long as he can hold on, things can always get through.

With Zhang Xiao's guarantee, Ye Shijiang and others had no doubts, and they all left one after another, preparing to deal with the next thing.

But Zhang Xiao needs to consider raising funds to deal with the current financial pressure of the group.

But before that, Zhang Xiao needs to ask the finance department and various subsidiaries to make statistics on the current accounts that need to be paid, so as to have a rough estimate.

While Zhang Xiao was dealing with Hongyuan Group affairs, Wang Xiangyu was in the Wang family's old house, communicating with his father Wang Qingfeng, and the main content of his discussion was on Hongyuan Group.

"Xiangyu, I read your acquisition plan for Hongyuan Group, and I think there are some imperfections in it." Wang Qingfeng patted the plan at hand and said to Wang Xiangyu.

"Dad, just tell me what's missing, and I'll fix it as soon as possible." Wang Xiangyu is also very clear that although this plan lists a series of plans for Hongyuan Group, there must be some omissions .

"Hongyuan Group currently owns the most advanced chip manufacturing plant in China. This is what the leaders of the capital and even the country are paying attention to. At this time, bank loans can certainly suppress Hongyuan Group's funds, but it will make it morally difficult. Your second uncle has been subject to controversy, and even if you change hands a few times in the middle, anyone with a discerning eye can see the problem." Wang Qingfeng said in a deep tone, and from the bottom of his heart, Wang Qingfeng is not willing to be with Hongyuan who is now in the limelight. Confronting the group, after all, it is difficult for the Wang family to completely swallow the Hongyuan Group, which has grown into a behemoth, and they need to cooperate with other forces.

However, once the Hongyuan Group is annexed, the Wang family will benefit greatly from it. This is why the Wang family is willing to invest a lot of manpower and material resources for the Hongyuan Group. Especially at this stage, the Wang family must not back down. This is also the main reason why Wang Qingfeng is willing to talk to Wang Xiangyu in detail.

"Dad, if we don't draw loans, with Hongyuan Group's current huge capital, everything we do will get twice the result with half the effort, so it is necessary to let the bank draw loans and destroy the capital advantage of Hongyuan Group." Wang Xiangyu was very excited. Knowing Hongyuan Group's revenue last year was the main reason why he urged his second uncle Wang Yishan to conduct an early review, and this was the least costly operation he thought.

After all, the bank's review work is carried out every year, and this year is just ahead of schedule. Although Wang Yishan has made great efforts to promote the smooth progress of this matter, this is also Wang Yishan's job, and it is difficult for others to tell One is not coming.

"I hope so, let's not talk about its subsequent impact. What I want to talk to you about today is about Hongyuan's security." Wang Qingfeng said with some headache and helplessness.

"Hongyuan Security? That's just a small company under the Hongyuan Group. What's there to talk about?" Wang Xiangyu asked a little puzzled.

"This is the information about the two bosses of Hongyuan Security, please read it first." Wang Qingfeng said after handing a piece of information to Wang Xiangyu, without explaining why he should pay attention to Hongyuan Security.

Wang Xiangyu took a look at the materials, and his expression suddenly became serious, because he felt a chill rising from his spine.

The information of Yuan Min and Guo Feng is undoubtedly revealed in this document. From their family background to their experience of joining the army, and their current employment in Hongyuan Group, they are all listed in detail.

"Why did people from that department join Hongyuan Group? Especially Yuan Min, the youngest of the Yuan family, how could he be willing to be the general manager of a small company." Wang Xiangyu asked a little puzzled.

"In fact, we all know that people who have experienced life and death always think differently from ordinary people. In my opinion, the reason why Yuan Min is willing to enter Hongyuan Group to be the general manager of a small company should be related to Guo Feng and their comrades-in-arms. Relationship. When they retired from the army, they didn't get much attention, so they worked as low-level construction workers in the construction industry, as shown in these materials." Wang Qingfeng said with a serious expression.

Wang Xiangyu looked through the information again, nodded and said: "So, Yuan Min joined Hongyuan Group because of Guo Feng, so can we recruit Guo Feng?"

Wang Qingfeng glanced helplessly at Wang Xiangyu. Over the years, relying on the name of the Wang family and his own strength, Wang Xiangyu has indeed performed very well in business operations, but he still has too little understanding of human nature. What does Yuan Group mean to people like Guo Feng and Yuan Min?

"It's basically impossible, that's why I'll let you pay attention to Hongyuan Security's movements. According to gossip, although there were reasons for the collapse of the Li family in Greentown back then, there was also Yuan Min's shadow behind it. Min has a unique advantage in intelligence investigation, and I even think that Yuan Min submitted those reports to the relevant departments.” Wang Qingfeng slightly released the information with his fingers, which was a sign of his being too hard.

Wang Xiangyu also felt a little tricky at the moment. After all, although the Yuan family was not as old as their Wang family, the Yuan family had a unique advantage in intelligence collection since ancient times, which was also the main reason why the Yuan family could last for a long time.

Although the current Yuan family is not showing off its mountains and dews, many old-fashioned families are still very afraid of the Yuan family and dare not make enemies with it.

As a direct descendant of the Yuan family, although Yuan Min has no possibility of inheriting the position of Patriarch, his weight is enough to attract Wang Xiangyu's attention.

"Dad, do you think Yuan Min will still work in relevant departments?" Wang Xiangyu couldn't help guessing.

Wang Qingfeng rubbed his brows with some headaches, shook his head and said, "Who knows, after all their files are secret, and until the end, no one knows whether they are human or ghosts."

Wang Xiangyu felt a bit stuck at the moment. He had coveted Hongyuan Group for a long time, and this opportunity was also the last time for him to deal with Hongyuan Group and take it for his own use.

Once Hongyuan Group completes the construction of the Greentown Electronics Industry Base Project and the mobile communication industry project, the fundamentals of Hongyuan Group will be completely stabilized, and Hongyuan Group will become even stronger by then. The development of Hongyuan Group is bound to be more stable in the future.

"Dad, I think we still have to continue. No matter whether Yuan Min is a human or a ghost, it won't have much impact. As long as we win the Hongyuan Group, our family's business will be updated and iterated, so as to pave the way for the development of the family. Contribute more power." Wang Xiangyu said with certainty.

In fact, what Wang Xiangyu said is also true. Although there were many industries in the Wang family before, they were all concentrated in traditional industries such as energy and steel. Today, with the rapid development of the electronics industry, the advantages of these traditional industries are gradually losing. This is why Wang Xiangyu The main reason why the plan to annex Hongyuan Group can get family support.

"You're right, we have come to this point and we can't afford to lose. This is not only related to the future development of the family, but also to the honor of the family. I remind you that it is also to prepare you so that you will not be targeted by Yuan Min. I don’t know it.” Wang Qingfeng nodded, and said to Wang Xiangyu, now, the Wang family is in a difficult situation, and they can only bite the bullet and go on.

If it succeeds, Hongyuan Group will definitely become the property of the Wang family, and even if it fails in the end, it will only lose some profits, and the Wang family can fully afford such a loss.

It can be said that, from a certain aspect, the Wang family is invincible.

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