At this moment, Zhang Xiao didn't pay attention to the change of Wang Xiangyu's face, but thought about the trace of aura revealed when Wang Xiangyu shook hands with him just now, which shows that Wang Xiangyu is also a person who has cultivated aura.

Although Zhang Xiao has cultivated aura now, which is a level higher than aura, she dare not be careless. After all, the so-called aura and aura are just a thin line, and Wang Xiangyu, as a cultivator, also learns from another aspect. It explains the background of the Wang family.

Although Wang Xiangyu's right hand was swollen and painful, he still held the teapot with his right hand with a smile, poured Zhang Xiao a cup of tea steadily, and then said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Mr. It’s admirable to progress by leaps and bounds.”

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and was not surprised that Wang Xiangyu pointed out Hongyuan Group as soon as he came up, but he wanted to see how Wang Xiangyu would speak.

"Young Master Wang is absurd, but it's just a mess." Zhang Xiao waved his hand indifferently and said.

Wang Xiangyu was speechless about Zhang Xiao's self-effacement. If Hongyuan Group was just making a living, what about other companies?

"Mr. Zhang is really good at joking. Hongyuan Group earns tens of billions of dollars every year. If this is a mess, then how can we deal with ourselves?" Wang Xiangyu said with a smile, revealing his understanding of Hongyuan Group's current operating conditions. understanding.

Zhang Xiao shuddered a little in his heart. Although Wang Xiangyu didn't say it clearly, what he revealed was obvious, that is, Hongyuan Group's operations were all under his watch, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little silent.

Because Zhang Xiao knew very well that as a private enterprise group, Hongyuan Group's financial statements did not need to be disclosed, so Wang Xiangyu's information source had no second channel other than Hongyuan Group's internal source, which made Zhang Xiao a little helpless.

Of course, this matter is not a big secret, and the senior management of Hongyuan Group and the heads of various subsidiaries are well aware of it, but Wang Xiangyu's ability to speak out still made Zhang Xiao feel the crisis.

"Young Master Wang is very concerned about the development of my Hongyuan Group." Zhang Xiao said with a pun.

"Of course we should be concerned. As the largest private enterprise group in China, anyone in this industry will pay attention to Hongyuan Group. After all, the development of Hongyuan Group is astonishing enough." Wang Xiangyu said with a chuckle, not hiding his purpose.

However, Zhang Xiao is very clear that being able to understand the operating conditions of Hongyuan Group is no longer as simple as paying attention, and a special investigation must have been carried out. At this moment, Wang Xiangyu's words are just foreshadowing his own motives.

"Young Master Wang, you invited me out for dinner, you are not here to compliment me, are you? Just tell me if you have anything to say." Zhang Xiao decided to take the initiative to ask, so that he can take the initiative in the next confrontation right.

Facing Zhang Xiao's initiative to ask, Wang Xiangyu smiled slightly and said: "The better the development of Hongyuan Group, the more people outside will covet Hongyuan Group, so Mr. Zhang didn't want to find a partner?"

"I've found a lot of partners, whether it's in the corporate world or government departments everywhere, and so far, the cooperation is pretty good." Zhang Xiao said pretending not to understand, He knew what Wang Xiangyu meant, but he was just waiting for Wang Xiangyu to speak out on his own initiative.

Although Wang Xiangyu felt helpless about Zhang Xiao's pretending to be deaf and dumb and pretending not to understand, Wang Xiangyu also had his own opinion: "Mr. Zhang can't understand, right? Don't you think there is a lot of danger?"

But Zhang Xiao laughed, waved his hand indifferently and said: "A shopping mall is like a battlefield, and that company is not waiting in a dangerous battlefield. If you have to worry about this all the time, it's better to cash it all out and go back to your hometown." Delay the miser rich man."

Zhang Xiao interpreted Wang Xiangyu's dangers from another angle, and his words were filled with the momentum of scolding Fang Qiu, which surprised Wang Xiangyu. He had only seen this kind of momentum in a few people.

However, what Zhang Xiao said still didn't meet Wang Xiangyu's expectations. After all, what Wang Xiangyu meant was that Zhang Xiao, as a phoenix man from the countryside, should find a big tree to rely on.

However, Zhang Xiao's words also let Wang Xiangyu understand Zhang Xiao's domineering. Faced with Zhang Xiao's domineering statement, Wang Xiangyu actually felt helpless, which made Wang Xiangyu a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door of the box at this time, and the waiter came in with food and wine, alleviating Wang Xiangyu's embarrassment.

While cooking in Cai's private room, Wang Xiangyu was also thinking about how to have a showdown with Zhang Xiao. After all, Wang Xiangyu felt tricky because of the constant confrontation.

After the waiter set up all the food and drinks and left, Wang Xiangyu poured a glass of wine for himself and Zhang Xiao respectively, and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, I offer you a toast."

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, but did not refuse. After clinking glasses with Wang Xiangyu, he drank it down and said with a smile, "Young Master Wang, if you have anything to say, just speak up. After all, time is the most precious thing for us."

"Okay, then I'll say it straight." Wang Xiangyu was also going to talk about his own thoughts straight to the point.

"Among all domestic enterprises, the future development of Hongyuan Group is undoubtedly the most promising, so I want to become a shareholder of Hongyuan Group. I don't know what Mr. Zhang thinks." At this moment, Wang Xiangyu looked closely at Zhang Xiao, He wanted to see how Zhang Xiao would answer.

In Wang Xiangyu's heart, obtaining 20.00% of Hongyuan Group's shares is his goal. He thinks it is not difficult to achieve this goal. After all, the current Hongyuan Group does not have much to rely on, which is why Wang Xiangyu dared to make a move.

In fact, this is quite normal. The current development of Hongyuan Group is gratifying, and Zhang Xiao does not have a strong background. There are not many people who want to get a share of it. Wang Xiangyu is just the first one, but he will never be the first one. the last one.

After listening to Wang Xiangyu's words, Zhang Xiao also understood that this was just a trick, and Wang Xiangyu finally revealed his purpose, which was in line with Zhang Xiao's guess.

"I will warmly welcome all those who are planning to invest in Hongyuan Group. After all, for Hongyuan Group, the demand for funds is increasing. The introduction of strategic investors is also the general trend of Hongyuan Group's future development."

"Young Master Wang, you want to take a stake in Hongyuan Group. This is a good thing. I am very happy about this. It shows that the development of Hongyuan Group has finally entered the attention of investors."

There was no trace of dissatisfaction on Zhang Xiao's face, on the contrary, it was full of excitement.

This made Wang Xiangyu couldn't help being shocked. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to agree to his investment in Hongyuan Group so easily, which made Wang Xiangyu a little happy.

Of course, Zhang Xiao saw the change in Wang Xiangyu's expression, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and continued to say: "The development prospect of Hongyuan Group is visible to everyone, so I think the valuation of Hongyuan Group should be ten percent of the current valuation." Only in this way can we be worthy of the future development prospects of Hongyuan Group.”

"The current valuation of Hongyuan Group should be around 500 billion, so I think 5000 trillion is a more reasonable valuation in terms of investing in Hongyuan Group. That is to say, as long as someone is willing to use this valuation I will warmly welcome any investment in the company.”

Zhang Xiao's words made Wang Xiangyu's heart sink to the bottom of the valley. His eyes fixed on Zhang Xiao. If eyes could kill, Zhang Xiao would already be a dead person.

Hongyuan Group is valued at 5000 billion. You can say it. Wang Xiangyu wants to curse Zhang Xiao, but he can’t say it. After all, this is the investment market. I have to face such a sky-high asking price.

But what Zhang Xiao said is simply giving Wang Xiangyu a road that looks bright but is actually an abyss. Moreover, Wang Xiangyu didn't even think of a penny. After all, if it is a normal investment, why would he spend so much effort on it To hype up the topic of Tang Zhenhao. www.cascoo.

But now it seems that he was completely played by Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao didn't want to sell Hongyuan Group's shares at all, otherwise he would never say 5000 trillion.

150 billion to get [-]% of the shares, only a fool would invest money in it, Wang Xiangyu thought a little angrily.

"Mr. Zhang, you are being unkind. How can you calculate the valuation like this? This is just a joke!" Wang Xiangyu said angrily.

"Just kidding, how could I be joking." Zhang Xiao said seriously, "Could it be that Young Master Wang is not optimistic about the future development of Hongyuan Group, and doesn't believe that Hongyuan Group will grow to 5000 trillion in the future."

Zhang Xiao's serious face looked so hateful in Wang Xiangyu's eyes, he found that he was speechless at the moment, but this also meant that Wang Xiangyu's plan was completely shattered, which made Wang Xiangyu's face darken all of a sudden.

"Mr. Zhang, you often have to consider the consequences when doing things. Have you really considered it?" Wang Xiangyu said to Zhang Xiao with a sneer.

"Of course I've thought about it. The valuation of 5000 trillion will never change. No matter who wants to take a stake in Hongyuan Group, they have to face this valuation." Zhang Xiao answered the question, he did not follow Wang Xiangyu's thinking Go, but have your own persistence.

Zhang Xiao knew very well that although it was straightforward to refuse with righteous words, it would make things impossible to turn around. Although he still made people dissatisfied when he said this, it also gave Wang Xiangyu a step that was not a step.

Wang Xiangyu shook his head and smiled, the cigar in his hand was not fragrant at the moment, but he said in his mouth: "Mr. Zhang, sometimes people always have to look forward, and sometimes a decision will affect your life. I think you should think about it." good."

Faced with Wang Xiangyu's threat, Zhang Xiao laughed at herself and said, "Before I was 16 years old, I always thought that the world was fair and that as long as I worked hard, I could get everything I wanted, but then I gradually understood that the world is fair. There is never absolute fairness."

"But I always believe that there is always a silver lining for everyone in this world. If you want to get something, you must pay the same price. There is no such thing as something for nothing."

"Everything you get for nothing comes at a greater price."

After listening to Zhang Xiao's words, Wang Xiangyu also had a deeper understanding of Zhang Xiao. This is a person who will never compromise in the face of core interests, and this is a person full of fighting spirit.

And Zhang Xiao's words are not a warning to Wang Xiangyu, he is declaring his sovereignty over the Hongyuan Group, and he will never allow anyone to get something for nothing.

"I hope you can always stick to this idea." At the moment, Wang Xiangyu felt naive about Zhang Xiao's actions. As the heir of the Wang family, this was the first time he hit a wall, and it was a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Zhang Xiao took a deep look at Wang Xiangyu, drank the wine in the glass, and said: "Young Master Wang, sometimes people always have unrealistic fantasies, but it's just thinking about it. If you really want to do it, You have to think about the consequences."

Zhang Xiao doesn't doubt the strength of the Wang family at all, but Zhang Xiao doesn't love anyone at the moment, and as Zhang Xiao who has lived a new life and has infinite possibilities, he is by no means as harmless as it appears on the surface.

"Then we'll wait and see." Wang Xiangyu chuckled, drank all the wine in his glass, got up and left.

Zhang Xiao looked at the back of Wang Xiangyu leaving, and smiled coldly. Zhang Xiao didn't care about Wang Xiangyu's threat. After all, the world is still a society ruled by law. Xiao was not prepared.

The development of Hongyuan Group to the present is not based on other things, nor Zhang Xiao's own advanced vision, but Zhang Xiao's caution. At the beginning of Hongyuan Group's development, he has considered all the threats that Hongyuan Group may face. After entering it, it can even be said that there are not many weaknesses in Hongyuan Group.

But Zhang Xiao also knew that Wang Xiangyu would definitely have a means against Hongyuan Group. As for what kind of means, although Zhang Xiao didn't know what kind of means, he was not worried, because he had already prepared for the worst.

After Wang Xiangyu left, Zhang Xiao called Guo Feng and asked him to have dinner with him.

After Guo Feng came to the private room, he looked at the delicious food on the table, but he didn't move his chopsticks immediately, but asked, "Boss, the conversation has collapsed?"

"How do you know?" Zhang Xiao asked vaguely while eating.

"I can tell from the way Wang Xiangyu left, but boss, you still have to be more careful. These aristocratic families have different thinking from ordinary people, and they will always make some unexpected moves." Guo Feng said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but said in his mouth: "Eat first, this table costs tens of thousands of yuan, so don't waste it."

"That's true. No matter how serious the matter is, there is always food to eat." Guo Feng is satisfied with Zhang Xiao's calmness. He watched Zhang Xiao grow up step by step. From Zhang Xiao's current behavior, it can be seen that the current Zhang Xiaohe had undergone earth-shaking changes two years ago.

Maybe Zhang Xiao didn't realize it, but Guo Feng saw it.

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