Wang Xiangyu watched Deng Yi leaving with guilt on his face, but he didn't stop him. After all, Deng Yi was not a member of his circle. The reason why he was asked to contact Zhang Xiao this time was to tie Deng Yi to his chariot, so as to improve his strength. own influence.

Now that Deng Yi was about to leave, the reason why Wang Xiangyu didn't stop him was also because he knew that Deng Yi had lost face just now, and it was reasonable to leave at this time, not to mention that he felt that the people in his circle did not deal with Deng Yi, so he left Deng Yi behind. Not necessarily a good thing.

"Brother Yu, this little Deng Zi is also ignorant of good and bad. We kindly let him participate, but he still looks reluctant. He really doesn't know good and bad." Liu Zhenning, a young man in a suit, still didn't forget to put eye drops on Deng Yi at this moment. Obviously he and Deng Yi didn't deal with each other very much. www.cascoo.

"Xiao Liu, everyone has his own ambition, so don't force it." Wang Xiangyu said to Liu Zhenning indifferently. In his opinion, absorbing Hongyuan Group is not a big deal, after all, he has succeeded several times before.

As for whether Deng Yi will participate or not, it doesn't matter. He asked Deng Yi to come here this time because he wanted to test Deng Yi's thoughts. After all, the current power of the Deng family should not be underestimated, controlling many important departments.

Liu Zhenning nodded, but didn't say anything else. He knew that Wang Xiangyu was the boss here, and he couldn't be more showy.

"Brother Yu, Xiao Dengzi is gone, who is going to contact Zhang Xiao?" A beautiful woman sitting next to Wang Xiangyu said with a smile, with infinite charm in her gestures, which made many people envious.

"I'll call him personally, and I want to see how confident he is in refusing." Wang Xiangyu said confidently, but at the moment he also has his own ideas, he wants to talk to Zhang Xiao first, if Zhang Xiao Xiao agrees to his conditions, then there is no need to go to war in this matter.

After all, in Wang Xiangyu's view, Hongyuan Group is in his pocket, and dealing with Hongyuan Group now will inevitably cause damage to Hongyuan Group. Isn't this cutting his own flesh, so he plans to talk to Zhang Xiao first.

Naturally, other people would not object. As people in the same circle, they were naturally happy to see what happened. Wang Xiangyu ate meat and they drank soup. This has always been the principle of distribution.

Without hesitation, Wang Xiangyu took out his cell phone and dialed Zhang Xiao's cell phone number, which they had found out a long time ago.

At this time, Zhang Xiao, who had already taken a shower and was about to go to bed, looked at the strange incoming call on his mobile phone, and hung up without hesitation. Trouble upper body.

Wang Xiangyu looked at the hung up phone at this moment, his face was a little ugly, he didn't expect that Zhang Xiao would directly refuse to talk to him, which made him unable to bear the resentment in his heart.

However, Wang Xiangyu still took a breath, suppressed his irritability, and dialed Zhang Xiao's cell phone number again.

But he never thought that the phone was still hung up, which made Wang Xiangyu even more angry, but he still called Zhang Xiao's mobile phone number for the last time. In his mind, it was only three things. If Zhang Xiao didn't answer this time , even if his face fell to the ground.

The other people naturally saw the change in Wang Xiangyu's face, but no one spoke. After all, they were afraid that Wang Xiangyu would vent his anger on them.

These people all stared intently, as if the food and wine on the dinner table could be seen as flowers.

At this moment, Wang Xiangyu even had a little expectation in his heart, hoping that Zhang Xiao could answer the phone.

"The phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

The originally moving mechanical sound seemed so harsh in the box at the moment, which made Wang Xiangyu's face turn ugly. He was really angry this time.

"Brother Yu, don't be angry, maybe the phone is out of battery." The considerate and beautiful woman poured Wang Xiangyu a glass of wine and comforted him.

What Wang Xiangyu needs most at the moment is the steps. The words of the beautiful woman made his face look better. He shook his head and said, "It seems that his mobile phone is out of battery. Let's call again tomorrow. Today we finally got together. Let's eat and drink well." It's fun."

As soon as Wang Xiangyu said this, everyone came back to life and began to eat and drink, but the atmosphere was not as lively as before.

After half of the banquet, Wang Xiangyu answered the phone and left with the beautiful woman first.

As soon as Wang Xiangyu left, Liu Zhenning, as the number two person in the circle, naturally took the initiative, and greeted everyone with a smile to eat and drink. At the same time, he also had some expectations in his heart.

Liu Zhenning hopes that Wang Xiangyu and Zhang Xiao of Hongyuan Group will have a big drama where sparks hit the earth. After all, Wang Xiangyu has occupied 70.00% of the resources in this circle these years, which has already made Liu Zhenning dissatisfied.

Moreover, Liu Zhenning, as the Liu family, knows very well that the Hongyuan Group is by no means as harmless to humans and animals as it has shown. After all, Liu Zhenning still remembers what happened three years ago. The huge Li family was raped by Zhang Xiao who just rose. A family was ruined, and it has been wiped out by everyone so far.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao had already embraced Shen Biyu and fell asleep after the phone was turned off. Although Zhang Xiao attached great importance to the current public opinion turmoil encountered by Hongyuan Group, she was not so nervous that she couldn't sleep.

After all, in Zhang Xiao's view, the Hongyuan Group is no longer something that ordinary people can deal with. Not to mention other things, the cooperation between Zhang Xiao and Yu Province alone has made Zhang Xiao a fragrant bun for the leaders of Yu Province. They will not even look at it. The Hongyuan Group suffered an accident.

Not only that, but in Zhang Xiao's eyes, the Wang family is certainly powerful, but the young and old Wang family is not enough to hurt the Hongyuan Group. The reason why he values ​​public opinion is that Zhang Xiao wants to maintain a positive image of the Hongyuan Group , after all, this plays a very important role in the development of Hongyuan Group.

However, Zhang Xiao also prepared for the worst. The image of Hongyuan Group is important, but if Hongyuan Group's interests are to be exchanged for calming public opinion, Zhang Xiao will never agree.

Because Zhang Xiao is very clear that on the issue of interests, there must be no compromise. As for the current public opinion, Zhang Xiao still has many ways to deal with it, and in Zhang Xiao's view, as long as a large number of advertisements are put out, these Newspapers and periodicals are becoming Zhang Xiao's weapon to fight back, but there is no need to use it yet.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about this strange call. After all, there would be calls from strange numbers every day. Zhang Xiao answered it at the beginning, but what made Zhang Xiao feel depressed was that those calls were all troublesome. There were some people who borrowed money, and some people pleaded for mercy, which annoyed Zhang Xiao so much that Zhang Xiao would hang up directly afterwards.

The next morning, when Zhang Xiao came to the office, he called Ye Shijiang over and said, "You can contact the person in charge of each subsidiary to see how this year's advertisements are going to be placed. At the same time, it also reduces the pressure of our current public opinion."

Zhang Xiao's words made Ye Shijiang's eyes light up, which made him look at Zhang Xiao with admiration. Ye Shijiang, who was still annoyed by the pressure of public opinion, seemed to see a way at the moment, which was to use interests to clear the way and make all the media change their direction. For Hongyuan Group, this kills two birds with one stone.

"I understand, I'll get in touch right away, and I'll ask the finance department to conduct a public bidding for this year's advertisements, so as to complete a new round of advertisements and at the same time counteract the current public opinion." Ye Shijiang said happily.

"It's good that you can understand. I'll leave this matter to you. I hope I can get a satisfactory result." Zhang Xiao nodded with satisfaction and said, after all, Ye Shijiang can see through the connection at a glance. It's vulgar, after all, he thought about it for a long time before he thought of it.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Ye Shijiang said with certainty. In the face of interests, even these newspapers can't help but bow their heads. After all, Hongyuan Group puts a lot of advertisements every year, and the advertising fee has reached one billion. As many as these newspapers have always been the object of fawning on.

Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile and said, "I believe you can do it. After this matter is settled, you can focus on the annual meeting. After all, there are only a few days left."

Ye Shijiang also nodded. Although there is no holiday yet, but the Spring Festival is approaching, the work atmosphere is already very light. Almost all employees are thinking about their bonuses and employee evaluations this year.

As for the annual meeting, which was the only key task years ago, Ye Shijiang had been promoting it before, but he didn't pay attention to it for the time being these two days.

After Ye Shijiang left, Zhang Xiao saw a strange call from his mobile phone again, and frowned slightly, because this number appeared last night, thinking of this, Zhang Xiao still connected the call.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao said straight to the point. This is also his habit. Before making a call, self-reporting his family name is a respect for others and a proper etiquette.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang. I'm Wang Xiangyu from the Wang family. Do you have time tonight? Let's have a meal together." Wang Xiangyu is very polite at the moment, without the arrogance of last night. Of course, this is also related to the difference in the people he faces. .

"It turns out to be the eldest son of the Wang family. He's been famous for a long time." Zhang Xiao greeted with a smile, and then continued, "I have time in the evening, so let me treat you."

"Then I'll choose the location, what do you think?" Wang Xiangyu said with a smile. Although he was laughing, he knew that Zhang Xiao was not so easy to deal with. After all, Zhang Xiao had to take the initiative as soon as he came up. Zhang Xiao's self-confidence.

The confrontation really started from the moment of the call, every word and deed represents the attitude of the two of them, the young master of the Wang family naturally knows it well, and Zhang Xiao is not too shy, they are very clear and have the initiative the benefits of.

"Okay, I'll pay the bill at that time, and neither of us will take advantage of it, but if the food in the place you choose is not good, I won't agree." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, Zhang Xiao is not against this kind of psychological tricks. I don't understand, I'm too lazy to use it for ordinary things.

"Don't worry, the time-honored brand in Beijing is absolutely delicious." Wang Xiangyu said after laughing.

"Then I don't worry, we'll see you then." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Looking at the hung up phone, Wang Xiangyu couldn't help taking a deep breath. From this call, Wang Xiangyu knew that Zhang Xiao was not an easy person to deal with, and he didn't take advantage of anything.

Zhang Xiao hung up the phone with a serious expression on his face. Judging from Wang Xiangyu's unyielding attitude, Wang Xiangyu is a strong person. In fact, Zhang Xiao knows that this is normal. Without a strong wrist, how can he control everything in the Wang family.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao received a notification from Wang Xiangyu that the meeting place was in Cai's alley, where Cai's private kitchen was located.

Zhang Xiao has also heard about the Cai family's private kitchen dishes for a long time. It is a banquet dish for the palace in the capital, and it is also second to none in the country.

With the expansion of Cai's private kitchen business, the originally crowded Cai's alley has completely become the exclusive channel for Cai's private kitchen after renovation, and the corresponding residents have left Cai's alley after receiving sufficient compensation.

The current Caijia alley belongs exclusively to Caijia private dishes. Since it is a reservation system, the price of each table of Caijia private dishes is more than [-]. Even so, many people still flock to it, and it is hard to find one.

When Zhang Xiao came to Cai's Hutong in the car driven by Guo Feng, Wang Xiangyu had already arrived. He was waiting at the door of Cai's private kitchen. When he saw Zhang Xiao get off the car, he greeted him with a smile.

Zhang Xiao also looked at the eldest son of the Wang family. I have to say that Wang Xiangyu, who is in his 30s, is personable. His decent clothes make his already slender body look more attractive, and his decent movements are even more impeccable. .

Zhang Xiao also had to admit that most of the children of these big families who have been passed down for a long time have their own real talents and learning, and many of them have worked very hard, which has allowed the big families to pass on for a long time.

As an aristocratic family that has been passed down for thousands of years, the Wang family naturally has its own methods of cultivating talents. As the successor of the next head of the family, Wang Xiangyu, the eldest son of the Wang family, is absolutely outstanding in terms of ability and image.

"Mr. Zhang, please come inside." Wang Xiangyu and Zhang Xiao shook hands vigorously, which made Wang Xiangyu, who had always been proud of his own strength, couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart, because Zhang Xiao's hand was like a rock, no matter how much strength he used, he couldn't shake it .

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and let go of Wang Xiangyu's hand. Although he only clenched it slightly, it was enough to make Wang Xiangyu's right hand difficult to use today.

"Please!" After making a gesture of invitation, Zhang Xiao and Wang Xiangyu walked towards Cai's private kitchen side by side.

Although Wang Xiangyu's right hand was in unbearable pain at the moment, he still had a smile on his face without any change in his expression, which also showed Wang Xiangyu's ability to nourish Qi and calm down. As for his previous performance at the party in the circle, he just did it on purpose.

When they came to the box, Wang Xiangyu and Zhang Xiao sat in the guest seat respectively. To Wang Xiangyu's helplessness, he sat in the guest seat. Zhang Xiao's attitude of not giving in made Wang Xiangyu's heart sink. He knew that what happened this time It's a little difficult.

But now Wang Xiangyu is also riding a tiger. After all, whether it is in the circle or within the family, there are countless eyes watching his actions, and it is not secret that he wants to obtain shares in Hongyuan Group.

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