Zhang Xiao frowned slightly, and said to Tang Zhenhao's wife Hong Xiuen: "Sister-in-law, the child is here, shall we sit down and talk?"

The reason why Zhang Xiao said this was because when Hong Xiuen accused Zhang Xiao, the child almost cried due to the harsh tone, which made Zhang Xiao feel even worse about Hong Xiuen.

Hong Xiuen looked at his son, sighed and said, "Zhang Xiao, do you think I'm willing to do this? Do you think I'm willing to act like a shrew? You didn't force me to do all this!"

Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan: "Secretary Hou, take the child outside to play for a while."

Hou Shuyan nodded, squatted down and said with a smile to the little boy, "Do you want to play with airplanes? How about going outside to play with airplanes?"

The little boy was a little moved, but he still looked at his mother Hong Xiuen, obviously wanting to get Hong Xiuen's approval.

"Go." Hong Xiuen rubbed the little boy's head and said softly.

The little boy followed Hou Shuyan out of the small living room, and headed towards the lounge on the side, where there were all kinds of toys, which were originally used by Zhang Xiao for entertainment, but they were not used much at ordinary times. After all, everyone came to the company After that, working hours took up a lot of time.

After the little boy and Hou Shuyan left, Zhang Xiao said to Hong Xiuen: "Sister-in-law, what would you like to drink? Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee." Hong Xiuen's mood stabilized at the moment, glanced at the coffee machine next to him, and said.

Zhang Xiao nodded, walked to the coffee machine and started making coffee.

Although Zhang Xiao doesn't drink coffee much, she is quite familiar with the making of coffee.

The reason why Zhang Xiao made the coffee by himself was also to distance himself from Hong Xiuen. During the process of making the coffee, Zhang Xiao said to Hong Xiuen: "I believe you must know the whole process of the old Tang. I don't know how you think about it." This question, but what I want to say is that the group has the system and rules of the group, and when these systems and rules are established, the order belonging to the group will also be formed, and under such circumstances, even I cannot violate the order."

"Even if Old Tang made a mistake, you don't have to kill him like this. You just want Old Tang to go to jail. This will not only ruin Old Tang's life, but also affect the future development of the child." Hong Xiuen said at this moment Although his mood was relatively stable, he couldn't help but raise his voice when he spoke, and his words were full of resentment towards Hongyuan Group and Zhang Xiao.

"Sister-in-law, we are all adults. We should know that we have to pay for our own actions. No one can bear the consequences for you. For Old Tang, I think I have done my best. When he was first When someone reported it, I talked to him about this issue. At that time, I chose to forgive him once, just asking him to donate the benefits obtained from the project, but I still haven’t seen it until now.”

"In order to keep him away from the entanglement of those interests, I promoted him to the vice president of the group, in charge of personnel work with lesser interests, but the subsequent developments made me unbelievable."

"Collecting all kinds of benefits, giving green light to some people's promotion or becoming a full-time regular, and later on it became more rampant, and even started to clearly mark the prices of various positions. This crazy money-raising behavior not only made me feel incredible, but also gave Hongyuan a lot of money. The syndicate has had a bad influence, and even now I haven't dealt with it."

"Sister-in-law, I don't know if you know the details of what happened, but you must bear the consequences for what you do, so it's normal for Old Tang to be controlled by relevant departments. I just hope you can understand why Old Tang did this? What was his reason for doing this?"

Zhang Xiao also asked Tang Zhenhao about this question, but unfortunately Tang Zhenhao didn't come back, and Zhang Xiao couldn't get to the bottom of it. In the end, until Tang Zhenhao was controlled by the relevant department, Zhang Xiao still couldn't understand it.

After all, Tang Zhenhao's income is the highest in Hongyuan Group except for Academician Ni. He not only holds the top salary, but also the highest level of bonuses. Not only that, the dividends of the microelectronics technology company are even bigger. , with an annual income of at least tens of millions, which is the annual profit of many listed companies at this stage.

Hearing Zhang Xiao's words at this moment, Hong Xiuen couldn't help crying silently. Of course he knew the reason why Tang Zhenhao was so crazily accumulating money, but how could she say it out loud, after all, this is not something glorious.

Seeing Hong Xiuen crying, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head, and pushed the tissue box over.

After a long time, Hong Xiuen stopped crying, wiped away his tears with a tissue, and said, "Chairman Zhang, I hope you can let Old Tang go for the sake of his past contributions. After all, even if Old Tang is an asshole, Don't let him leave a criminal record, which will affect the children!" cascoo.

Hong Xiuen's words really touched Zhang Xiao's heart. He knew very well that leaving a criminal record would definitely have a great impact on Tang Zhenhao's life, and even affect his children's future school work, etc., but Zhang Xiao knew very well that once he Opening this opening will inevitably lead to more and more people coming to the company to make troubles. They will think that the company will compromise on these matters, thus causing more troubles.

"Sister-in-law, the development of the matter is no longer within my control. Everything depends on the handling of the relevant departments. Therefore, it is the right way to let Lao Tang actively return the stolen goods and then plead guilty." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, but he still insisted. One's own principles will not destroy the order that has been established with great difficulty just because of a certain person.

Hong Xiuen's face darkened. She didn't expect that after she said so much, Zhang Xiao still wouldn't get involved. Instead, she hoped that Tang Zhenhao would plead guilty and accept punishment as soon as possible. This was the result she absolutely didn't want to see.

"Zhang Xiao, are you sure you want to kill them all?" Hong Xiuen stood up and asked Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao's heart tightened slightly, but she still said: "Everyone should be responsible for what they have done, no one is an exception, I hope my sister-in-law will try to persuade Old Tang more, sometimes even if he doesn't speak up, Things will eventually come to light, and it's not a good thing for Old Tang to continue to resist."

After Tang Zhenhao was taken away by the relevant department, Tang Zhenhao never took the initiative to explain any problems, which made many things not go smoothly. This is also the main reason why Zhang Xiao didn't go to see Tang Zhenhao.

Compared with Tang Zhenhao's death, Li Xuejiao, the former director of personnel department, is much smarter. After explaining all the stolen money and facts, she has been released on bail at home. Much better to stay inside.

Hong Xiuen's face darkened, she knew what Zhang Xiao said, but at the moment she only hoped that Zhang Xiao could let the group withdraw the accusation against Tang Zhenhao, after all, this would be the most profitable.

And Hong Xiuen also knew at this moment that even if she wanted to return the spoils, she still needed money, but Tang Zhenhao didn't tell him where the money went, which made her anxious now.

"Sister-in-law, you'd better talk to Old Tang about it. Blindly resisting is destined to be punished harder, and it's justified to cooperate with the investigation." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone.

Hong Xiuen couldn't help but nodded helplessly at this moment, and came to Hongyuan Group. Although she saw Zhang Xiao, she could tell from Zhang Xiao's words that Zhang Xiao would not let Hongyuan Group withdraw accused, but now she has nothing to do.

Not long after, Hong Xiuen bid farewell and left with the little boy.

Standing in front of the French window of the office, Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing as he looked at the figure of Hong Xiuen driving away with the little boy. He knew very well that Tang Zhenhao was paying the price for what he had done.

However, Zhang Xiao obeyed the order he set, which is the biggest gain this time. After all, it will be a brand new beginning for Zhang Xiao.

For Hongyuan Group, the establishment of order is a long-term and difficult process, which requires the continuous maintenance of all employees to establish it.

But the destruction of order often only needs one thing to make it collapse, so Zhang Xiao knows very well that once a compromise is made on Tang Zhenhao's matter, the order that Hongyuan Group has finally established will be destroyed. Things that are never allowed to happen.

"Boss, it's not a problem that Mr. Tang's matter has been procrastinating. There must always be an explanation for this matter." Hou Shuyan reminded cautiously. She knew that Zhang Xiao was in a bad mood, but some things always had to be resolved. .

"You take the time to meet with Old Tang and let him understand that he should stop having unrealistic fantasies, and that taking the initiative to confess is his only way out." Zhang Xiao said, he also didn't want Tang Zhenhao's matter to drag on forever, After all, if this matter is not resolved, Hongyuan Group will always be in the limelight.

"I understand, I will see him as soon as possible." Hou Shuyan nodded and said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed. In this era, the confusion of people's thinking is the source of all risks. Failure to establish correct thinking is a very troublesome thing.

But the social environment is like this, regardless of human will, Zhang Xiao can only guide the employees of the group to establish positive thoughts as much as possible, so as not to be affected by the chaotic thoughts in the society.

When Zhang Xiao was thinking about these things, Yuan Min walked in and said to Zhang Xiao, "Boss, we found out."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Tell me in detail, what's going on with Old Tang?"

"Judging from Mr. Tang's past travel records, he should have fallen into the problem of gambling in Australia and Islands, but the specific situation is still unclear." Yuan Min said, it is a pity that such a thing happened to Tang Zhenhao, after all There is nothing to say about Tang Zhenhao's ability to work.

Among the current management of Hongyuan Group, Tang Zhenhao's management ability, especially his execution ability, is well-known, but now Tang Zhenhao is imprisoned for taking bribes and other things, which makes people feel helpless.

Zhang Xiao was also a little silent at the moment. After all, what happened to Tang Zhenhao was a blow to Hongyuan Group. After all, there were many people who followed Tang Zhenhao, and many of these people are now middle-level leaders of Hongyuan Group.

"Let's keep it secret for the time being. I just hope he doesn't fall into it too deeply." Zhang Xiao was also very helpless, so he could only arrange it like this.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao also somewhat understood why Tang Zhenhao amassed money so crazily. Tang Zhenhao, who was caught in gambling, was a reckless gambler. He could bet everything in order to make money, and he completely lost the ability to think.

This is also the reason why Zhang Xiao never goes to the gambling table, because he knows very well how crazy gamblers are when they fall into gambling, and he will never let himself fall into it.

"I understand, but have you thought about how to deal with Tang Zhenhao?" Yuan Min couldn't help asking. Originally, his relationship with Tang Zhenhao was still very close.

"Everything is done in accordance with the rules and regulations. If we do something wrong, we must bear the corresponding consequences. If we forgive him today, what about other people in the future? As managers, the most taboo thing is to act emotionally, which will only cause more serious problems. consequences." Zhang Xiao said firmly.

Gong Shengming, Lian Sheng Wei.This is not empty talk.It's something that actually exists.

The establishment of the system is not difficult, but the difficult part is the implementation. After all, the establishment of the system is to restrain people's behavior, and if people want to obey the constraints, the reward and punishment system must be clearly defined. This is beyond doubt.

Especially now, with the implementation of institutionalized management, more and more problems have emerged. If you can't uphold the public spirit and implement everything seriously, the so-called institutionalized management will become empty talk. would like to see.

Seeing Zhang Xiao's resolute attitude, Yuan Min didn't say anything more. After all, it was Tang Zhenhao who made the mistake first. No matter what purpose Zhang Xiao had, the others had nothing to say.

What's more, Zhang Xiao didn't have any reason to target Tang Zhenhao at all. All of this was done by Tang Zhenhao himself, and he couldn't blame others.

"You have to pay more attention to the selection of outstanding employees. After all, the rewards for outstanding employees are generous. It is hard to guarantee that no one will do something inappropriate. Although I have arranged for the Supervision Department to focus on this matter, it is inevitable that there will be negligence place." Zhang Xiao recalled the selection of outstanding employees at this moment, and asked Yuan Min again.

"I understand what you mean, and I will pay attention to it secretly. But this year's outstanding employee rewards are really generous, and even I am tempted." Yuan Min said with a smile. Of course he was joking, but it also explained that this year's outstanding employee rewards Rich indeed.

This year's award for outstanding employees is housing. In this era when housing allocation has just been cancelled, the commercialization of housing has become the focus of attention, and the reward housing is also the result of Zhang Xiao's careful consideration. Compared with other incentives, housing has a long-term value-added effect. Other items are even more exciting. Zhang Xiao is also a way to buy horse bones with a lot of money to attract talents to join the group.

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