Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 439 The Love You Can't Give

Hou Shuyan was actually very tired these days, after all, she had to deal with many things in a busy way, so not long after Zhang Xiao fell asleep, she fell asleep beside Zhang Xiao.

In Zhang Xiao's sleep, he felt a warm body in a daze, and hugged him involuntarily, and his hands became irregular.

And Hou Shuyan, who was awakened by Zhang Xiao's movements, looked at Zhang Xiao's big hands wandering randomly on her body, and a numb feeling came to her heart, making her pretty face turn red all of a sudden. It was something she had always longed for, but she also knew that this was Zhang Xiao's unconscious behavior in her sleep, and it was meaningless at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiao didn't do anything else, so Hou Shuyan pretended not to be clear, lying in Zhang Xiao's arms and looking at Zhang Xiao's face, felt an inexplicable joy in her heart.

After an unknown amount of time, the commercial vehicle that was driving slammed on the brakes, waking Zhang Xiao and Hou Shuyan out of their sleep.

Zhang Xiao stood up and sat up abruptly, rubbed his painful head, and asked forward, "Old Guo, what's going on?"

"Boss, there was a car accident ahead." Guo Feng said in a deep voice.

"Is it our team's car?" Zhang Xiao suddenly had an ominous premonition and couldn't help asking.

"It's a car from our convoy, and the security personnel have already gone to check it." Guo Feng's voice was a bit cold, especially cold in the dark night.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao saw Hou Shuyan lying beside him with some disheveled clothes through the dim roof lights, which made him a little helpless, he didn't know when the two of them were lying together.

And Hou Shuyan had already woken up at this moment, but she didn't open her eyes. She was mainly ashamed. She didn't expect Zhang Xiao to wake up suddenly. At this moment, she was extremely nervous, and she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would get angry. She was even more embarrassed to wake up.

Zhang Xiao also didn't mean to expose Hou Shuyan, after all, he was also a little embarrassed at this time, most of the clothes on Hou Shuyan were messed up by him, and he was ashamed to face Hou Shuyan in this situation.

Just when Zhang Xiao was embarrassed, Guo Feng's voice came over.

"Boss, it was your car that had an accident. It collided with a car and turned over. The driver, Xiao Sun, is fine, but he hurt his head."

"Where's the other party?" Zhang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, as long as the person is fine, everything is not a big deal.

"The other party is fine."

"Leave one person to help Xiao Sun deal with the accident together, and we continue to set off." Zhang Xiao made a decision after a little thought, after all, he couldn't delay the trip because of one person.

Compared with people, Zhang Xiao doesn't care about the loss of vehicles, and everything is insured, which can minimize the loss.


After Guo Feng agreed, he immediately gave instructions on the intercom, and it didn't take long for the arrangements to be made, and the convoy continued on the road.

After the convoy continued on the road, Zhang Xiao leaned on the back of the chair, patted Hou Shuyan's body and said, "Don't pretend to be asleep, I want to talk to you."

Hou Shuyan's body froze, and she opened her eyes helplessly, her eyes were full of resentment towards Zhang Xiao, she didn't know why Zhang Xiao woke her up at this time, which made her a little embarrassed but also full of embarrassment.

"You've been with me for a while, you should know who I am, I can't give you what you need." Zhang Xiao said in a leisurely tone.

Hou Shuyan nodded, her mouth was full of bitterness, she didn't know what Zhang Xiao meant, but since she became Zhang Xiao's secretary, her eyes opened unconsciously, and she felt bored with those who pursued her On the contrary, it was Zhang Xiao who gave her a different feeling. This feeling made her miss Zhang Xiao a little bit.

"I know, I don't expect anything extravagantly, I just hope to be by your side all the time." Hou Shuyan braved up and said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed, he always felt that he was not a sentimental person, but often he didn't know how to refuse, just like at this time, he couldn't be cruel enough to refuse Hou Shuyan, but he still laughed at himself He said: "Think about it carefully, you may not be able to get the happiness and happiness you want by following me, and I can't guarantee anything. Many times I feel that I am a guy who is not worthy of being loved."

Although Zhang Xiao's words did not explicitly reject her, it made Hou Shuyan's face a little pale. There is no woman who does not want her lover to love her, but the reality is like this.

As the saying goes, I love you but you love her!

False love is the most speechless thing in this world, but it has always existed. Many beautiful but miserable love stories are different interpretations of the same thing.

Regarding Hou Shuyan's silence, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't want Hou Shuyan to waste time on him. He was destined not to give Hou Shuyan the love she wanted. After all, his heart was already in chaos. Although he respected love, he was never enthusiastic about it. .

Hou Shuyan was thinking about Zhang Xiao's words, and the carriage fell into silence for a while, only the sound of tire noise kept ringing out.

Zhang Xiao didn't know when he fell asleep again. When he woke up, it was already daylight, and Hou Shuyan was still lying beside her sleeping, but the tears in the corners of her eyes made Zhang Xiao feel helpless.

"Old Guo, how far is it from the capital?" Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng in front of him.

"Boss, the boss just fell asleep, and there is still more than 100 kilometers away from the capital, and it will take more than an hour to get there." Yuan Min said in front of him.

"Then stop at the next service area." Zhang Xiao said after a lazy waist. Zhang Xiao, who had slept all the way, felt a little numb all over his body, and he wanted to move his body.

"Okay." Yuan Min has no objection to this. Although he rested in the service area for two hours last night, the most tiring part of a long journey is always driving at night.

With a limited field of vision, you need to pay attention to more things. As a driver, Yuan Min wished to take two more breaks along the way.

After the convoy stopped at the next service area, Zhang Xiao got out of the car after opening the door, stretched her body, and headed for the next toilet.

And just after Zhang Xiao got off the car, Hou Shuyan immediately opened her eyes and looked at the closed car door. Hou Shuyan couldn't help but feel helpless in her heart. She also knew that the distance between her and Zhang Xiao did not change with this incident. Pulling closer, on the contrary, alienating a lot.

But Hou Shuyan doesn't regret her emotional dedication. In her opinion, instead of finding another ordinary person to live, it's better to be one of the many women around Zhang Xiao. Maybe it won't be too happy, but it won't be too miserable, and this It was also the decision Hou Shuyan made after thinking about it all night.

Hou Shuyan also made a decision after careful consideration.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao didn't know what Hou Shuyan was thinking. After coming out of the bathroom, Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min when she was moving her body in the open space: "How is the accident handled?"

"The accident has basically been dealt with, and the other party is responsible for 70.00%. However, the damage to the vehicle is serious, and we have to wait for the insurance company to make a compensation plan before we can decide how to deal with it." Yuan Min obviously knew the news, but he didn't because These little things are going to bother Zhang Xiao.

"Did Xiaosun go to the hospital for an examination?" Zhang Xiao was more concerned about the safety of the driver, Xiaosun, than the loss of the vehicle.

"It's been checked. Apart from a few bruises, there is nothing serious about the body." Yuan Min also felt lucky for this. After all, the car accident occurred while driving at high speed, and it is God's blessing that no one is seriously injured.

Zhang Xiao nodded, remembering the car that had been with her for a long time, and said helplessly: "It seems that my car should be replaced."

"Change to another one. I think it's better to be bulletproof. I'll discuss it with the boss and order a safe and reliable car." After this incident, Yuan Min still felt a little scared. In that car, the consequences were disastrous.

"You and Guo Feng can arrange this matter." Zhang Xiao nodded and said, leaving professional matters to professional people is the principle Zhang Xiao pursues most.

At this time, Hou Shuyan got out of the car and greeted Zhang Xiao calmly, "Good morning, boss."

"Morning." Zhang Xiao responded with a smile, he always felt that Hou Shuyan had changed a lot.

Hou Shuyan smiled slightly and headed for the bathroom.

"Boss, Secretary Hou is nice, why don't you accept her feelings?" Yuan Min joked with a smile.

"I can't give her the love she deserves." Zhang Xiao shook her head and said.

"Boss, this is your fault. You can only know whether the shoes are suitable or not. If you have not experienced emotional matters, no one knows whether they are suitable." Yuan Min, a prodigal son, has his own feelings at this moment. shared and said.

Looking at the rising sun, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook her head and said, "I don't know where my feelings will go. Instead of hurting others, it's better to stay away and let her make her own choice."

"Boss, you're so good at taking advantage of it, you're a typical scumbag! A man who doesn't take the initiative, refuses, and is irresponsible." Yuan Min said meanly.

"Get lost, do you know what emotion is?" Zhang Xiao scolded Yuan Min angrily.

Yuan Min chuckled, and said with a melancholy face: "It's not my wish to wander the world, so I quietly wait for the person in my dream."

Zhang Xiao could do nothing about Yuan Min's laziness, but he also knew that he was not qualified to talk about others, so he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

After Hou Shuyan came out of the bathroom, the light makeup on her face made her look even more beautiful, but Zhang Xiao was already used to it. After getting in the car first, she restored the seat to its original state, leaned on the back of the seat and closed her eyes to rest.

Hou Shuyan felt bitter in her heart, but she still sat on the seat next to Zhang Xiao as if nothing had happened, and ordered Yuan Min to drive.

After more than an hour, Zhang Xiao finally arrived at the company. As soon as he returned to the office, Tian Xiaodan took two staff members and piled thick documents on his desk.

"Boss, this is the work accumulated in three days. You have to sign it early, and there are many things that cannot be delayed." Tian Xiaodan said.

"I see." After wiping his face with a hot towel, Zhang Xiao cheered up and began to process the accumulated documents.

And Hou Shuyan is also helping Zhang Xiao to sort it out. It has to be said that near the end of the year, the accumulated work is not only a lot, but also very important. Zhang Xiao needs to check each item carefully before deciding whether to execute it.

And it took a long time. It was not until noon that Zhang Xiao finished processing all the documents, and quickly asked Hou Shuyan to distribute them for people from various departments to execute.

At noon, Zhang Xiao took a short rest and began to think about how to carry out the next work. Although the Spring Festival is coming soon, Zhang Xiao knows very well that many tasks have to be decided early, especially the work summary at the annual meeting , Zhang Xiao must look forward to this year's work this year, and Zhang Xiao must prepare for this now.

And although Zhang Xiao can hand over these tasks to Hou Shuyan and other members of the secretary team to prepare, Zhang Xiao is still used to doing it by himself. After all, it is his own speech, and Zhang Xiao always feels that he can't tell the truth in his heart if he gives it to others. idea.

And when Zhang Xiao was preparing the speech draft for the year-end summary in the office, downstairs in Hongyuan Building, a beautiful woman in her 30s pulled a six or seven-year-old boy in and told the front desk that she wanted to see Zhang Xiao. Xiao.

"Ma'am, I don't know what you want to do with our chairman?" The receptionist at the front desk asked.

"I'm Tang Zhenhao's wife, can't I see Zhang Xiao?" the woman said bluntly.

"Please wait a moment, I'll call for instructions." The receptionist at the front desk changed his expression and said hastily.

Tang Zhenhao used to be the vice president of Hongyuan Group, but now it is a taboo topic in the group. After all, Tang Zhenhao's mistakes have been reported within the group and handed over to the relevant departments.

After receiving the call from the front desk, Hou Shuyan came to Zhang Xiao's office to ask for instructions.

After hearing Hou Shuyan's report, Zhang Xiao stopped what she was doing, and said helplessly, "Since she is here, let's meet her, and we will listen to her request."

Tang Zhenhao and Zhang Xiao were conflicted. On the one hand, Tang Zhenhao had indeed made great contributions to the development of Hongyuan Group. On the other hand, Tang Zhenhao had an incalculable bad influence on Hongyuan Group.

Zhang Xiao also made up his mind to hand it over to the relevant department. Now that Tang Zhenhao's wife came looking for her, although Zhang Xiao could avoid it, it was obviously not the way to deal with the problem.

Hou Shuyan nodded, and then informed the receptionist to take Tang Zhenhao's wife upstairs to the small living room.

When Zhang Xiao came to the living room of the small meeting room, Tang Zhenhao's wife suddenly became emotional, pointing at Zhang Xiao's nose and cursing: "Zhang Xiao, my old Tang has made so many sacrifices for the development of Hongyuan Group, how can you do this?" How about treating him, do you still have a conscience, I think you think my old Tang is an eyesore, so kill him!"

Zhang Xiao regretted it for a while at this moment, he felt that it was a mistake for him to see Tang Zhenhao's wife, but at this moment he couldn't help but flinch.

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