Although the price of houses is cheap now, even the price of a whole house is not as high as a better car, but housing has been pursued by people since ancient times, and it is more in line with people's values.

"Boss, this year's selection of outstanding employees is not friendly to us managers, will it continue to be like this in the future?" Hou Shuyan, who had been silent all this time, asked at this time.

"In the future, the selection of outstanding employees will still be based on grassroots employees. This is a means to strengthen the cohesion of the company. As for the management, they can buy houses by themselves!" Zhang Xiao said very seriously, which is also his own true thought.

"It seems that I have to buy a house by myself, alas, life is hard." Hou Shuyan complained helplessly.

"Secretary Hou, you can let your boyfriend buy a house. What are you doing buying a house as a girl?" Yuan Min joked with a smile.

"I want you to take care of it." Hou Shuyan's complexion suddenly changed, and after annoyed Yuan Min, she stepped on her high heels and left.

"Boss, did I say something wrong?" Yuan Min looked at Hou Shuyan's leaving figure and asked Zhang Xiao in a low voice.

"Go away, who are you molesting?" Zhang Xiao looked at Yuan Min's pretendingly innocent face, pointed at the office door and cursed with a smile.

Yuan Min chuckled, turned around and walked out.

Zhang Xiao also felt a little helpless at the moment, he didn't know what Hou Shuyan was thinking, but he felt that he had already carried enough debts, and he didn't want to let Hou Shuyan fall into it.

Since Zhang Xiao needed to attend a party that his master Mo Wenxin asked him to attend tonight, he left the office at around four o'clock in the afternoon to meet Mo Wenxin.

Zhang Xiao also knows that this is the master Mo Wenxin who gradually introduced his circle of contacts to himself, so Zhang Xiao is also looking forward to meeting these people. After all, this is the first time Zhang Xiao has participated in Mo Wenxin's circle of friends .

The meeting place with Mo Wenxin was in a private club located on the second ring road of the capital. There was no obvious sign, and there was nothing special outside, but there were security guards blocking the entrance of the compound.

After checking the invitation card in Zhang Xiao's hand, the vehicle was allowed to pass and parked in the compound.

Entering the compound, there were only a few dim street lights on, and there was no sound, which made Zhang Xiao curious, because after all, this place seemed a bit mysterious.

But Zhang Xiao didn't care, and walked inside along the street lights.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng came to the bottom of a small three-story building, and saw bright lights shining on the entrance of the hall at this moment.

"I remember it was an office before, but I didn't expect it to be a private club now." Guo Feng said in surprise.

"Maybe the people behind it are not simple, otherwise how would it be possible to open it." Zhang Xiao also replied with a smile. In fact, this is also obvious. Without a certain network, how can it be possible to open a private club here.

After entering the hall, a young waiter immediately greeted him, and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, "It's Boss Zhang, Mr. Mo and the others are all in Ziyun Hall, I'll take you there."

The waiter obviously got the notice from the door, so he easily revealed Zhang Xiao's identity.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Zhang Xiao said without putting on airs and nodded.

Guided by the waiter, Zhang Xiao came to the so-called Ziyun Hall. If the decoration of the hall is luxurious enough, then the inside of the Ziyun Hall is even more opulent.

The decoration in the Ziyun Hall is exquisite. With Zhang Xiao's eyesight, it can be seen at a glance that many of the decorations in the Ziyun Hall are antiques, and they are all placed in very conspicuous places. It is not clear that this is intentional by the boss. There are still other purposes.

At this moment Mo Wenxin has arrived, sitting on the sofa and chatting with several people in their 60s and [-]s, when he saw Zhang Xiao coming in, he immediately smiled and said: "This is my little apprentice Zhang Xiao, didn't you want to know him before?" Well, I brought it to you today."

"Xiaoxiao, come and sit here." After Mo Wenxin told everyone, he patted the seat next to him and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was not polite either, walked over and sat down next to Mo Wenxin, smiled and said politely to the others: "Hi, seniors."

"Zhang Dong, I have long admired your name. I am Fan Renbao of Huating Group." Fan Renbao said to Zhang Xiao with a smile. He did not put on any airs. On the one hand, it is also because he knows that Zhang Xiao's wealth and background are not comparable to him.

"Boss Fan is polite, you can just call me Xiaoxiao." Zhang Xiao also said with a smile, he also knew about Fan Renbao and Zhang Xiao, and knew that Huating Group, as a domestic manufacturer of visible panels, had grown into a high status.

The rest of the people saw that Fan Renbao introduced themselves first, so of course they introduced themselves. They didn't have any reservations just because Zhang Xiao was Mo Wenxin's apprentice. As successful people, they knew one thing very well. It is not given by others, but determined by one's own strength.

For now, Zhang Xiao's strength has surpassed any of them here. Although the current influence has not developed much, it is enough for them to pay attention, because they know that with the further development of Hongyuan Group Zhang Xiao's influence will increase day by day, and now being able to know Zhang Xiao will have a positive impact on business owners or company owners like them.

Don't think that business owners like them are easy to get along with Zhang Xiao because of their lack of strength. On the contrary, none of the people who can be invited by Mo Wenxin have a net worth of less than one billion, and they are all famous people outside.

This also shows Zhang Xiao's current status. Although he doesn't have much background because of his youth and rapid growth, in the eyes of these bosses, Zhang Xiao has become a banner.

Mo Wenxin looked at this scene with a smile. Zhang Xiao's achievements are enough to make him proud. This is also a sign that he is willing to give up the real estate company in his hand and run Xinglin Zhai in his hand. For him, returning to his old business is also a signal , a signal of gradually retiring, and he pushed Zhang Xiao to the foreground at this moment in order to let his own influence continue to play a role.

Afterwards, several people came one after another. They were polite to Mo Wenxin and Zhang Xiao. They are much older than Zhang Xiao, but they are not reserved. On the contrary, they respect Zhang Xiao very much.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling admiration for the actions of these people, which also showed that no one's success was random, and they all had their own persistence and characteristics, otherwise they would not have reached this point.

They were able to let go of their airs and communicate with their juniors on an equal footing, and even lowered their bodies to discuss cooperation. Isn't it a performance of a hero who understands current affairs, which made Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think of the sentence he saw in his previous life.

When you put down your face to make money, it means that you are already sensible.When you use money to earn face back, it means you have succeeded.When you can make money with your face, it means that you are already a character.When you still stay there drinking, bragging, pretending to understand when you don’t know anything, and only love the so-called face, it means that you will be like this in your life.

After living a new life, Zhang Xiao has a deeper understanding of this sentence. Everyone is playing a different role. Whether you succeed depends on your attitude. Sometimes ability is put second. This is the essence of this society. Reality.

Zhang Xiao didn't put on any airs, because he knew that what he lacked now was a partner, and those people who could be called by Mo Wenxin to the party must have merits, otherwise Mo Wenxin wouldn't Introduce them.

As the delicacies were brought to the table, Mo Wenxin greeted everyone with a smile and said, "Let's eat first. As for how you cooperate in private, I won't participate. I'm just building bridges, paving the way for Xiaoxiao, and letting young people have fun." More opportunities."

"Master Xin, you are too polite. Zhang is always the one we all long to cooperate with. After all, the Hongyuan Group has become a giant in the domestic technology field. Those of us that make specific products need Hongyuan Group to lead us. Let's move on." Fan Renbao said to Mo Wenxin with a smile.

Others also nodded in agreement, but Zhang Xiao could understand that the reason why they wanted to cooperate with Hongyuan Group was the benefits. After all, Hongyuan Group also needed suppliers to provide corresponding supporting products. Possibility to incorporate all components into its own group.

After all, the emphasis now is on win-win cooperation rather than working behind closed doors, so Zhang Xiao also said politely: "I feel ashamed to say this, seniors. In fact, I should have visited earlier. I also hope that we will We can carry out more in-depth cooperation and achieve win-win cooperation.”

"Mr. Zhang's words are open, so we'll just wait for the good news." Lu Changhe said with a smile. As the boss of Xindi Group, he hopes more for the popular supermarket that is currently developing in the retail field. Xiao's approval.

As a company with a certain status in the chemical field, Xindi Group still relies on the promotion of retail companies such as Minmin Supermarket for sales. Today, it is a great achievement to get to know Zhang Xiao, the owner behind Minmin Supermarket.

Everyone greeted and sat at the dining table, and started a new round of flattery and temptation.

Wine table culture has existed since ancient times. Early Chinese wine table culture was a part of political culture, closely integrated with rituals such as sacrifices and celebrations, and belonged to the upper-class culture of the royal family and those in power.

In ancient times, the scarcity and mystery of wine embellished various ceremonies and interpreted the legitimacy of political rule with solemn and magnificent scenes.Under the centralized monarchy at that time, power was highly concentrated, and the party who gained power was extremely afraid of losing power, so he compiled various ceremonies and held various activities in order to maintain the orthodoxy and sanctity of his position.

In ancient times, the wine table culture was used as the main means of daily communication between the superiors, mainly for the distribution of benefits, and it was relatively easier to negotiate and cooperate at the wine table.

Zhang Xiao is not opposed to the wine table culture. In his opinion, tobacco and alcohol as a lubricant in the communication process are actually very suitable for the more reserved Chinese culture. After all, although they put down their face on the surface, deep down they regard it extremely important.

And tobacco and alcohol can act as a lubricant for people to communicate with each other in a timely manner, to adjust their own state, and to cover up their embarrassment. cascoo.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere at the dinner table became more heated, and they were not reserved, expressing their own wishes to Zhang Xiao, and putting the advantages of their own company on the table.

Zhang Xiao also secretly remembered this in his heart. The future development of Hongyuan Group will inevitably face cooperation in various aspects, and this will definitely be the focus of Zhang Xiao's work for a long time in the future. Naturally, Zhang Xiao also hopes that he can understand some more.

But Zhang Xiao didn't make too many promises. He knew very well that making a promise to cooperate is a serious matter. Sometimes it's better not to promise if you can't do it after you promise. That's just offending people.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't agree, exchanging business cards and contact information is also what it should be.

Mo Wenxin was very happy watching this scene. From Zhang Xiao's way of dealing with people, he saw Zhang Xiao's growth in the past two years. Become more acquainted in the communication between people.

The banquet ended in a lively atmosphere, Zhang Xiao declined their invitation to go to Wenrou Township to play, but went to Mo Wenxin's house by car with Mo Wenxin.

"Xiaoxiao, don't be fooled by their flattery. The reason why they are willing to do this is because they want something." Mo Wenxin said to Zhang Xiao in a deep tone in the car.

"Master, I understand, I will maintain my mentality." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, he did not get carried away because of the flattery of those business owners.

Getting carried away is a terrible thing. How many people have quickly declined from the peak because of getting carried away. This is because they have been touted too high, thus forgetting their true status.

"The reason why I asked you to come to this kind of party is because your identity needs to be further changed. Now you are rich enough, but not expensive enough. This will easily make you coveted by others." Mo Wenxin said in a tone He said solemnly.

Mo Wenxin is very clear that in China, if you are only rich, then you are just a piece of fat in people's mouths. Only by completing the transition from rich to noble can you become a truly successful person, and the operations in this are indeed enough Disaster.

The reason why many people mix circles is not because they themselves like it, but to complete the transformation from bottom to top, and all of this is for a leap in level.

From rich to rich is the process that all rich people are pursuing. Some people succeed, but more people fail. Those who fail can only fall into sinking in the end.

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