Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 438 Follow-up Arrangements

Looking at the gradually formed tombs, Zhang Xiao felt unspeakable melancholy and sadness. The words "Eternal separation between heaven and man" seem simple to people, but the chill deep in them makes people never understand. look straight at.

"May you be safe in heaven!" Zhang Xiao thought silently in his heart, and now there is very little he can do, he can only fulfill Huang Jinglei's last wish as much as possible.

There is a lot of people and strength, and as the tomb pile took shape, everyone couldn't help being a little silent. As Huang Jinglei's clan, they also had deep sympathy for the girl who grew up eating hundreds of meals.

The distance between life and death can never be seen directly. Those who have not experienced it will never know how much the loss of a close relative has on people themselves. It is not only the loss of a relative, but also the impact on life after losing a relative. emotion.

After the tomb was completely formed, everyone put various items made of paper in front of the tomb, and a huge mountain of paper appeared in front of Zhang Xiao.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that all of this is false and comes from people's imagination, hoping that the other party can receive the blessings and thoughts here in heaven.

Zhang Xiao squatted on the ground and lit the heaven ticket below. Legend has it that this can guide all the burning ghost coins to the body of the deceased. Although some people say this is superstition, Zhang Xiao knows that Souls do exist.

Burn the bow of the paper boat to worship the god of water, and the lights on the cups and plates are shining brightly at night.

All these are means for people to express their grief, and burning paper has become the main means of offering sacrifices.

With the igniting of the paper tie, Zhang Xiao vaguely saw Huang Jinglei's appearance in the firelight, and seemed to be talking to him, but he couldn't hear anything clearly.

When everything was burned to ashes, Zhang Xiao still stood there.

"Go back, the dead are gone, we have to continue!" Huang Bingrui patted Zhang Xiao's shoulder and said comfortingly.

Zhang Xiao nodded, wiped away the tears on his face, and followed the crowd towards Huangjia Village.

After returning to the village, Zhang Xiao inevitably entertained the villagers who came to help. After all, this is also a custom. No matter how tired Zhang Xiao is, he still has to thank them for their help.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the afternoon that everyone who had eaten and drank left one after another, leaving only the village head, Huang Bingrui, following Zhang Xiao into Liu Lianzi's house.

Liu Lianzi was leaning on the head of the bed, her eyes were a little silent, and her rosy face had turned yellow, which made Zhang Xiao a little worried. He was afraid that Liu Lianzi would not be able to withstand this blow and die. I'm sorry for Huang Jinglei's request.

"Grandma Liu, you still have to take care of your health." Zhang Xiao opened her mouth, but found that her words seemed so dry at the moment, as if saying anything was superfluous.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, but you look tired now, you still need to rest more." Seeing Zhang Xiao's tired face, Liu Lianzi couldn't help but sat up and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and asked after a long time, "Grandma Liu, what are your plans next?"

"What plans can I have? I plan to stay here. After all, this is at home. Even if I die, I will return to my roots." Liu Lianzi said indifferently, she was very indifferent to life and death at this moment.

"Why don't you go to the capital with me, so I can take care of you conveniently." Zhang Xiao persuaded, and Zhang Xiao was really worried about keeping Liu Lianzi here.

"No need, I can take care of myself. Besides, there are so many things about your company, you should go back early." Liu Lianzi ordered Zhang Xiao to leave. After all, she knew Zhang Xiao's mood and wanted to stay here. It's not easy to recover. She can be indifferent to herself, but she feels that Zhang Xiao has done enough for Zhang Xiao.

"Grandma Liu, you are the only one staying here, I don't worry about it." Zhang Xiao said helplessly. He felt helpless for Liu Lianzi's stubbornness, but he couldn't take Huang Jinglei's last wish seriously. superior.

"You're worrying too much. In Huangjia Village, how could there be fewer people to take care of you?" Liu Lianzi said firmly, looking at Huang Bingrui while speaking.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, the old sister-in-law belongs to our Huang family, so she will naturally be taken care of by our Huang family, so you don't have to worry." Huang Bingrui got a hint from Liu Lianzi, and said without hesitation at this moment.

Zhang Xiao was also a little helpless at this time. Faced with Liu Lianzi and Huang Bingrui's oboe singing, Zhang Xiao really didn't have much to do, and it was impossible for him to stay and take care of Liu Lianzi. After all, what happened to Hongyuan Group Many, he has received too many calls these days.

"Boss, why don't you find a nurse for Grandma Liu locally, so that Grandma Liu can accept it." Hou Shuyan suggested to Zhang Xiao in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and then said to Liu Lianzi: "Grandma Liu, what do you think? I will help you find a nurse locally. After all, you are old and you must be taken care of. Although the villagers can usually treat you Take care, but sometimes they can't help much." m.cascoo.

Seeing Zhang Xiao's seriousness, Liu Lianzi knew that if she didn't agree, it would be difficult for others, so she nodded and said, "That's fine, but if you do this, you'll have to worry about it again."

Seeing that Liu Lianzi finally agreed to this compromise plan, Zhang Xiao was relieved.

Then Zhang Xiao and Huang Bingrui came to the living room outside.

At this moment, the living room has been cleaned up, but there is a black portrait of Huang Jinglei at the side, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but tremble when he saw it.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, the old sister-in-law's matter is the matter of our whole Huangjia Village, we will take good care of her." Looking at Zhang Xiao's gloomy face, Huang Bingrui couldn't help but comfort him.

"Then you need to worry more. In addition, you also need to worry about who to take care of Grandma Liu. After all, you know the local people well, and you need to supervise more in the future to prevent good intentions from doing bad things." Zhang Xiao said asked.

"I have a candidate here, and that is Huang Jinglei's cousin. Although she is not very old, she is quick to do things, especially because she has taken care of her old sister-in-law before. I think she is quite reliable." Huang Bingrui pondered for a while Just opened his mouth and said.

There is also Huang Bingrui's selfishness in it. He said that the candidate is his grandson and daughter-in-law, because he knows that Zhang Xiao's salary is not low, and the monthly care fee of [-] is a lot of money for the people of Huangjia Village. income.

Zhang Xiao didn't care too much about this. If Huang Bingrui recognized him, he would be the right candidate. After all, he could not come here a few times, and he didn't want to waste his energy here.

"Okay, you call someone here, I'll let Grandma Liu take a look, and if it's suitable, I'll make a decision as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao quickly made a decision. He didn't have much time to stay in Yancheng, and he needed to settle these matters as soon as possible. well arranged.

"Wait a minute, I'll call her right away." Huang Bingrui immediately got up and walked out the door.

After Huang Bingrui left, Hou Shuyan said to Zhang Xiao in surprise: "Boss, I don't think Village Chief Huang's thoughts are pure. Why did you agree so easily?"

"What else can I do? This is Huangjia Village. Huang Bingrui is in charge of all affairs in the village. It is impossible for us to pay attention to this place all the time. We can only trust his character as much as possible. In my opinion, he is not It will be too bad to make the villagers laugh." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, this is the decision he made after considering all aspects.

Hou Shuyan couldn't help frowning, but she couldn't find a reason to object, after all, she couldn't find a more suitable way.

Not long after, Huang Bingrui walked in with a young woman who looked around 27, and said to Zhang Xiao, "Xiaoxiao, this is He Fang, and also my grandson-in-law."

After Zhang Xiao took a look at He Fang, seeing her timid look, she agreed in her heart, but she nodded and said, "I'll ask Grandma Liu for her opinion. If she agrees, I have no objection."

Liu Lianzi got up at some point, and when she was slowly walking towards the living room while leaning on the wall, He Fang ran over immediately, helped Liu Lianzi sit down on the sofa, and asked in a low voice, "Grandma Liu, what are you doing?" Are you hungry, let me make you some soup."

"Xiao Fang, don't be so busy. I'm just a little tired. I'll be fine after sitting for a while." Liu Lianzi seemed to be very used to He Fang's care, and patted her hand and said.

Zhang Xiao felt relieved at this moment, after all, from He Fang's natural actions, Zhang Xiao knew that He Fang was more used to taking care of Liu Lianzi.

"Mr. Huang, let's settle this matter. This is 4 yuan, of which [-] is my annual salary in advance, and the rest of the money is used to improve Grandma Liu's life." Zhang Xiao took it from Hou Shuyan. After receiving the brand new four stacks of banknotes, put them on the table and pushed them to He Fang and said.

"It's so embarrassing, just pay monthly." Huang Bingrui rubbed his hands and said with some embarrassment.

"Captain Huang, I don't have much time to come here, so I need to trouble you more." Zhang Xiao shook her head and said helplessly.

"Xiaofang, just accept it." Liu Lianzi also said at the moment, she has no way to pay back the money Zhang Xiao spent, after all, her monthly retirement salary is only a few hundred yuan.

He Fang smiled honestly, and after glancing at Huang Bingrui, she carefully put away the money.

Later, He Fang went to the kitchen to help Liu Lianzi make soup, and Liu Lianzi was talking to Zhang Xiao on the sofa. She didn't want to see Zhang Xiao wasting time on herself.

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaolei's matter is over, you should go back as soon as possible, I have He Fang to take care of me here, so you can rest assured." After talking for a while, Liu Lianzi urged Zhang Xiao.

After deciding on the person to take care of Liu Lianzi, Zhang Xiao was about to set off to go back. As the end of the year approached, Hongyuan Group had more and more affairs. It was impossible for him not to care.

"Well, I'm going back too. This is my business card. It has my cell phone number and office number on it. If you can't reach me on your cell phone, you can also call my office number." After Zhang Xiao decided to go back, he didn't procrastinate. , After all, what can he do if he stays here.

"Okay, I'll call you if I have something to do." After Liu Lianzi glanced at the business card, she didn't care. She didn't think she would be useful that day.

But He Fang, who had just prepared the soup, put the rice bowl in front of Liu Lianzi, but carefully put away the business card, because she knew that Liu Lianzi could not use it, but she had to keep it, in case Liu Lianzi If there is any situation, she still has to report to Zhang Xiao, which is not a relationship.

Zhang Xiao saw what He Fang did, and he was very clear in his heart. He knew that He Fang was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, but the more so, Zhang Xiao felt more at ease. Do something about your emotions.

After Liu Lianzi had eaten the noodle soup, Zhang Xiao took advantage of the opportunity to say goodbye.

Liu Lianzi sent Zhang Xiao to the door of the living room, but was stopped by Zhang Xiao: "Grandma Liu, please wait, it's cold outside, I'll come and see you when I have time."

Liu Lianzi nodded. Seeing what Zhang Xiao had done in the past few days, Liu Lianzi couldn't help feeling sorry for Huang Jinglei, but it was meaningless to think about it now.

When Zhang Xiao walked out of the door, he paused slightly, and then stepped out without hesitation. After all, he couldn't stay here, so he could only cover up the hurt in his heart and heal himself silently.

"Boss, the vehicle is ready, we can leave at any time, but there is no direct flight to the capital today, so we can only drive back." Yuan Min said while pulling Zhang Xiao's suitcase.

"I don't care, but you and Guo Feng have to work hard again. After all, it's a journey of more than ten hours." Zhang Xiao didn't care about it. After all, he could lie down and sleep in the car, but the driver was To travel long distances.

"If you take turns, there is no problem." Guo Feng said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and didn't say much.

When they came here, Zhang Xiao took her own Mercedes-Benz car, but when she went back, Zhang Xiao got into the extended business car. It was originally intended to let Liu Lianzi take a rest, but now Zhang Xiao used it by herself. up.

Guo Feng went to the driver's seat, Yuan Min went to the co-pilot, and Hou Shuyan followed Zhang Xiao to the rear seat.

Hou Shuyan handled Zhang Xiao's seat down very skillfully, and suddenly the entire back row of the business car became a two-meter-long bed. Hou Shuyan took out the bedding and pillows from the trunk. They were all brand new, obviously Be prepared.

Zhang Xiao was indeed tired. Not long after the vehicle drove, he fell asleep on the bed as soon as he got on the expressway.

Hou Shuyan looked at Zhang Xiao's haggard face, but couldn't help feeling distressed, and at the same time felt a little jealous of Huang Jinglei.

In Hou Shuyan's view, Huang Jinglei is not much better than her in any aspect, but she has received such affection from Zhang Xiao, and although she gets along with Zhang Xiao day and night, Zhang Xiao only treats her as a subordinate. Very unconvinced.

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